952 resultados para Vertebrate Genomes


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Large viruses infecting algae or amoebae belong to the NucleoCytoplasmic Large DNA Viruses (NCLDV) and present genotypic and phenotypic characteristics that have raised major interest among microbiologists. Here, we describe a new large virus discovered in Acanthamoeba castellanii co-culture of an environmental sample. The virus, referred to as Lausannevirus, has a very limited host range, infecting Acanthamoeba spp. but being unable to infect other amoebae and mammalian cell lines tested. Within A. castellanii, this icosahedral virus of about 200 nm exhibits a development cycle similar to Mimivirus, with an eclipse phase 2 h post infection and a logarithmic growth leading to amoebal lysis in less than 24 h. The 346 kb Lausannevirus genome presents similarities with the recently described Marseillevirus, sharing 89% of genes, and thus belongs to the same family as confirmed by core gene phylogeny. Interestingly, Lausannevirus and Marseillevirus genomes both encode three proteins with predicted histone folds, including two histone doublets, that present similarities to eukaryotic and archaeal histones. The discovery of Lausannevirus and the analysis of its genome provide some insight in the evolution of these large amoebae-infecting viruses.


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The olfactory system is an attractive model to study the genetic mechanisms underlying evolution of the nervous system. This sensory system mediates the detection and behavioural responses to an enormous diversity of volatile chemicals in the environment and displays rapid evolution, as species acquire, modify and discard olfactory receptors and circuits to adapt to new olfactory stimuli. Drosophilids provide an attractive model to study these processes. The availability of 12 sequenced genomes of Drosophila species occupying diverse ecological niches provides a rich resource for genomic analyses. Moreover, one of these species, Drosophila melanogaster, is amenable to a powerful combination of genetic and electrophysiological analyses. D. melanogaster has two distinct families of olfactory receptors to detect odours, the well-characterised Odorant Receptors (ORs) and the recently identified lonotropic Receptors (IRs). In my thesis, I have provided new insights into the genetic mechanisms underlying olfactory system evolution through three distinct, but interrelated projects. First, I performed a comparative genomic analysis of the IR repertoire in 12 sequenced Drosophila species, which has revealed that the olfactory IRs are highly conserved across species. By contrast, a large fraction of IRs that are not expressed in the olfactory system - and which may be gustatory receptors - are much more variable in sequence and gene copy number. Second, to identify ligands for IR expressing olfactory sensory neurons, I have performed an electrophysiological screen in D. melanogaster using a panel of over 160 odours. I found that the IRs respond to a number of amines, aldehydes and acids, contrasting with the chemical specificity of the OR repertoire, which is mainly tuned to esters, alcohols and ketones. Finally, the identification of ligands for IRs in this species allowed me to investigate in detail the molecular and functional evolution of a tandem array of IRs, IR75a/IR75b/IR75c, in D. sechellia. This species is endemic to the Seychelles archipelago and highly specialised to breed on the fruits of Morinda citrifolia, which is repulsive and toxic for other Drosophila species. These studies led me to discover that receptor loss, changes in receptor specificity and changes in receptor expression have likely played an important role during the evolution of these IRs in D. sechellia. These changes may explain, in part, the unique chemical ecology of this species. - Le système olfactif est un excellent modèle pour étudier les mécanismes génétiques impliqués dans l'étude de l'évolution du système nerveux. Ce système sensoriel permet la détection de nombreux composés volatils présents dans l'environnement et est à la base des réponses comportementales. Il est propre à chaque espèce et évolue rapidement en modifiant ou en éliminant des récepteurs et leurs circuits olfactifs correspondants pour s'adapter à de nouvelles odeurs. Pour étudier le système olfactif et son évolution, nous avons décidé d'utiliser la drosophile comme modèle. Le séquençage complet de 12 souches de drosophiles habitant différentes niches écologiques permet une analyse génomique conséquente. De plus, l'une de ces espèces Drosophila melanogaster permet la combinaison d'analyses génétiques et électrophysiologiques. En effet, D. melanogaster possède 2 familles distinctes de récepteurs olfactifs qui permettent la détection d'odeurs: les récepteurs olfactifs (ORs) étant les mieux caractérisés et les récepteurs ionotropiques (IRs), plus récemment identifiés. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai apporté des nouvelles connaissances qui m'ont permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes génétiques à la base de l'évolution du système olfactif au travers de trois projets différents, mais interdépendants. Premièrement, j'ai réalisé une analyse génomique comparative de l'ensemble des IRs dans les 12 souches de drosophiles séquencées jusqu'à présent. Ceci a montré que les récepteurs olfactifs IRs sont hautement conservés parmi l'ensemble de ces espèces. Au contraire, une grande partie des IRs qui ne sont pas exprimés dans le système olfactif, et qui semblent être des récepteurs gustatifs, sont beaucoup plus variables dans leur séquence et dans le nombre de copie de gènes. Deuxièmement, pour identifier les ligands des récepteurs IRs exprimés par les neurones sensoriels olfactifs, j'ai réalisé une étude électrophysiologique chez D. melanogaster e η testant l'effet de plus de 160 composés chimiques sur les IRs. J'ai trouvé que les IRs répondent à un nombre d'amines, d'aldéhydes et d'acides, contrairement aux récepteurs olfactifs ORs qui eux répondent principalement aux esthers, alcools et cétones. Finalement, l'identification de ligands pour les IRs dans ces espèces m'a permis d'étudier en détail l'évolution fonctionnelle et moléculaire des IR75a/IR75b/IR75c dans D. sechellia. Cette espèce est endémique de l'archipel des Seychelles et se nourrit spécifiquement du fruit Morinda citrifolia qui est répulsif et toxique pour d'autres souches de drosophiles. Ces études m'ont poussé à découvrir que, la perte de IR75a, le changement dans la spécificité de IR75b ainsi que le changement dans l'expression de IR75c ont probablement joué un rôle important dans l'évolution des IRs chez D. sechellia. Ces changements peuvent expliquer, en partie, l'écologie chimique propre à cette espèce. Résumé français large public Le système olfactif permet aux animaux de détecter des milliers de molécules odorantes, les aidant ainsi à trouver de la nourriture, à distinguer si elle est fraîche ou avariée, à trouver des partenaires sexuels, ainsi qu'à éviter les prédateurs. Selon l'environnement et le mode de vie des espèces, le système olfactif doit détecter des odeurs très diverses ; en effet, un moustique qui recherche du sang humain pour se nourrir doit détecter des odeurs bien différentes d'une abeille qui recherche des fleurs. Dans ma thèse, j'ai essayé de comprendre comment les systèmes olfactifs d'une espèce évoluent pour s'adapter aux exigences induites par son environnement. Un très bon modèle pour étudier cela est la drosophile dont les différentes espèces se nichent dans des habitats très divers. Pour ce faire, j'ai étudié les récepteurs olfactifs de différentes espèces de la drosophile. Ces récepteurs sont des protéines qui se lient à des odeurs spécifiques. Lorsqu'ils se lient, ils activent un neurone qui envoie un signal électrique au cerveau. Ce signal est ensuite traité par ce dernier qui indique à la mouche si l'odeur est attractive ou répulsive. J'ai identifié les récepteurs olfactifs de plusieurs espèces de drosophile et étudié s'il y avait des différences entre elles. La plupart des récepteurs sont similaires entre les espèces, cependant dans l'une d'entre elles, certains récepteurs sont différents. Ce fait est particulièrement intéressant car cette espèce de drosophile se nourrit de fruits que les autres espèces n'apprécient pas. Comme nous ne savons pas quels récepteurs se lient à quelles odeurs, j'ai testé un grand nombre de composants odorants. Ceci m'a permis de constater que, effectivement, certains changements produits dans ces récepteurs expliquent pourquoi cette espèce aime particulièrement ces fruits. En outre, mes résultats contribuent à mieux comprendre les changements génétiques qui sont impliqués dans l'évolution du système olfactif.


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The function of most proteins is not determined experimentally, but is extrapolated from homologs. According to the "ortholog conjecture", or standard model of phylogenomics, protein function changes rapidly after duplication, leading to paralogs with different functions, while orthologs retain the ancestral function. We report here that a comparison of experimentally supported functional annotations among homologs from 13 genomes mostly supports this model. We show that to analyze GO annotation effectively, several confounding factors need to be controlled: authorship bias, variation of GO term frequency among species, variation of background similarity among species pairs, and propagated annotation bias. After controlling for these biases, we observe that orthologs have generally more similar functional annotations than paralogs. This is especially strong for sub-cellular localization. We observe only a weak decrease in functional similarity with increasing sequence divergence. These findings hold over a large diversity of species; notably orthologs from model organisms such as E. coli, yeast or mouse have conserved function with human proteins.


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Staphylococcus aureus, especially when it is methicillin resistant, has been recognised as a major cause of nosocomial and community-acquired infections. It has also been shown that certain strains were able to cause clonal epidemics whereas others showed a more incidental occurrence. On the basis of this behavioural distinction, a genetic feature underlying this difference in epidemicity can be assumed. Understanding the difference will not only contribute to the development of markers for the identification of epidemic strains but will also shed light on the evolution of clones. Genomes of strains from two independent collections (n=18 and n=10 strains) were analysed. Both collections were composed of carefully selected, genetically diverse strains with clinically well-defined epidemic and sporadic behaviour. Comparative genome hybridisation (CGH) was performed using an Agilent array for one collection (up to 11 probes per open reading frame - ORF), and an Affymetrix array for the other (up to 30 probes per ORF). Presence and absence information of probe homologues and ORFs was taken for analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) at the strain and behaviour levels. Not a single probe showed 100% concordant differences between epidemic and sporadic strains. Moreover, probe differences between groups were always smaller than those within groups. This was also true, when the analysis was focussed on presence versus absence of ORF's or when probe information was transformed into allelic profiles. These findings present strong evidence against the presence or absence of a single common specific genetic factor differentiating epidemic from sporadic S. aureus clones.


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The water-frog L-E system, widespread in Western Europe, comprises the pool frog Pelophylax lessonae and the hybridogenetic edible frog P. esculentus, which originated from hybridization between pool frogs and marsh frogs (P. ridibundus). In P. esculentus, the lessonae (L) genome is eliminated during meiosis and has to be gained anew each generation from a P. lessonae partner, while the ridibundus (R') genome is transmitted clonally. It therefore accumulates deleterious mutations, so that R'R' offspring from P. esculentus x P. esculentus crosses are normally unviable. This system is now threatened by invasive P. ridibundus (RR) imported from Eastern Europe and the Balkans. We investigated the genetic interactions between invasive marsh frogs and native water frogs in a Swiss wetland area, and used genetic data collected in the field to validate several components of a recently postulated mechanism of species replacement. We identified neo-ridibundus individuals derived from crosses between invasive ridibundus and native esculentus, as well as newly arisen hybridogenetic esculentus lineages stemming from crosses between invasive ridibundus (RR) and native lessonae (LL). As their ridibundus genomes are likely to carry less deleterious mutations, such lineages are expected to produce viable ridibundus offspring, contributing to species replacement. However, such crosses with invasive ridibundus only occurred at a limited scale; moreover, RR x LL crosses did not induce any introgression from the ridibundus to the lessonae genome. We did not find any ridibundus stemming from crosses between ancient esculentus lineages. Despite several decades of presence on the site, introduced ridibundus individuals only represent 15% of sampled frogs, and their spatial distribution seems shaped by specific ecological requirements rather than history of colonization. We therefore expect the three taxa to coexist stably in this area.


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In recent years, both homing endonucleases (HEases) and zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) have been engineered and selected for the targeting of desired human loci for gene therapy. However, enzyme engineering is lengthy and expensive and the off-target effect of the manufactured endonucleases is difficult to predict. Moreover, enzymes selected to cleave a human DNA locus may not cleave the homologous locus in the genome of animal models because of sequence divergence, thus hampering attempts to assess the in vivo efficacy and safety of any engineered enzyme prior to its application in human trials. Here, we show that naturally occurring HEases can be found, that cleave desirable human targets. Some of these enzymes are also shown to cleave the homologous sequence in the genome of animal models. In addition, the distribution of off-target effects may be more predictable for native HEases. Based on our experimental observations, we present the HomeBase algorithm, database and web server that allow a high-throughput computational search and assignment of HEases for the targeting of specific loci in the human and other genomes. We validate experimentally the predicted target specificity of candidate fungal, bacterial and archaeal HEases using cell free, yeast and archaeal assays.


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Parasites have to survive in their vertebrate host during a sufficiently prolonged period of time to achieve their life cycle through successful transmission via insect vectors. In their vertebrate hosts, parasites are often confronted by vigorous effector immune responses that they have to subvert somehow to be able to outlast and be successfully transmitted.


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Bacteria adapt and become quite rapidly selected to xenobiotic compounds introduced into the environment, mainly via the usage of the compound as carbon, energy or nitrogen source. Important examples include chlorobenzenes, the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, chloroalkanes, lindane, atrazine and nitroaromatic compounds. At the genomic level, such bacteria show evidence for genetic rearrangements mediated by transposable elements or general recombination, the result being most often an expansion of existing catabolic properties with additional gene modules from outside sources. DNA from outside sources appears to have been trapped and mobilized via conjugative plasmids and genomic islands. Genomic evidence further shows that most bacterial genomes contain considerable numbers of insertion elements, integrases, prophages and/or plasmids, which in general can contribute to their adaptation capacities.


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Many traits and/or strategies expressed by organisms are quantitative phenotypes. Because populations are of finite size and genomes are subject to mutations, these continuously varying phenotypes are under the joint pressure of mutation, natural selection and random genetic drift. This article derives the stationary distribution for such a phenotype under a mutation-selection-drift balance in a class-structured population allowing for demographically varying class sizes and/or changing environmental conditions. The salient feature of the stationary distribution is that it can be entirely characterized in terms of the average size of the gene pool and Hamilton's inclusive fitness effect. The exploration of the phenotypic space varies exponentially with the cumulative inclusive fitness effect over state space, which determines an adaptive landscape. The peaks of the landscapes are those phenotypes that are candidate evolutionary stable strategies and can be determined by standard phenotypic selection gradient methods (e.g. evolutionary game theory, kin selection theory, adaptive dynamics). The curvature of the stationary distribution provides a measure of the stability by convergence of candidate evolutionary stable strategies, and it is evaluated explicitly for two biological scenarios: first, a coordination game, which illustrates that, for a multipeaked adaptive landscape, stochastically stable strategies can be singled out by letting the size of the gene pool grow large; second, a sex-allocation game for diploids and haplo-diploids, which suggests that the equilibrium sex ratio follows a Beta distribution with parameters depending on the features of the genetic system.


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Gene copies that stem from the mRNAs of parental source genes have long been viewed as evolutionary dead-ends with little biological relevance. Here we review a range of recent studies that have unveiled a significant number of functional retroposed gene copies in both mammalian and some non-mammalian genomes. These studies have not only revealed previously unknown mechanisms for the emergence of new genes and their functions but have also provided fascinating general insights into molecular and evolutionary processes that have shaped genomes. For example, analyses of chromosomal gene movement patterns via RNA-based gene duplication have shed fresh light on the evolutionary origin and biology of our sex chromosomes.


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Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a major crop plant and a model system for fruit development. Solanum is one of the largest angiosperm genera1 and includes annual and perennial plants from diverse habitats. Here we present a high-quality genome sequence of domesticated tomato, a draft sequence of its closest wild relative, Solanum pimpinellifolium2, and compare them to each other and to the potato genome (Solanum tuberosum). The two tomato genomes show only 0.6% nucleotide divergence and signs of recent admixture, but show more than 8% divergence from potato, with nine large and several smaller inversions. In contrast to Arabidopsis, but similar to soybean, tomato and potato small RNAs map predominantly to gene-rich chromosomal regions, including gene promoters. The Solanum lineage has experienced two consecutive genome triplications: one that is ancient and shared with rosids, and a more recent one. These triplications set the stage for the neofunctionalization of genes controlling fruit characteristics, such as colour and fleshiness.


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Insect gustatory and odorant receptors (GRs and ORs) form a superfamily of novel transmembrane proteins, which are expressed in chemosensory neurons that detect environmental stimuli. Here we identify homologues of GRs (Gustatory receptor-like (Grl) genes) in genomes across Protostomia, Deuterostomia and non-Bilateria. Surprisingly, two Grls in the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis, NvecGrl1 and NvecGrl2, are expressed early in development, in the blastula and gastrula, but not at later stages when a putative chemosensory organ forms. NvecGrl1 transcripts are detected around the aboral pole, considered the equivalent to the head-forming region of Bilateria. Morpholino-mediated knockdown of NvecGrl1 causes developmental patterning defects of this region, leading to animals lacking the apical sensory organ. A deuterostome Grl from the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus displays similar patterns of developmental expression. These results reveal an early evolutionary origin of the insect chemosensory receptor family and raise the possibility that their ancestral role was in embryonic development.


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The current availability of five complete genomes of different primate species allows the analysis of genetic divergence over the last 40 million years of evolution. We hypothesized that the interspecies differences observed in susceptibility to HIV-1 would be influenced by the long-range selective pressures on host genes associated with HIV-1 pathogenesis. We established a list of human genes (n = 140) proposed to be involved in HIV-1 biology and pathogenesis and a control set of 100 random genes. We retrieved the orthologous genes from the genome of humans and of four nonhuman primates (Pan troglodytes, Pongo pygmaeus abeli, Macaca mulatta, and Callithrix jacchus) and analyzed the nucleotide substitution patterns of this data set using codon-based maximum likelihood procedures. In addition, we evaluated whether the candidate genes have been targets of recent positive selection in humans by analyzing HapMap Phase 2 single-nucleotide polymorphisms genotyped in a region centered on each candidate gene. A total of 1,064 sequences were used for the analyses. Similar median K(A)/K(S) values were estimated for the set of genes involved in HIV-1 pathogenesis and for control genes, 0.19 and 0.15, respectively. However, genes of the innate immunity had median values of 0.37 (P value = 0.0001, compared with control genes), and genes of intrinsic cellular defense had K(A)/K(S) values around or greater than 1.0 (P value = 0.0002). Detailed assessment allowed the identification of residues under positive selection in 13 proteins: AKT1, APOBEC3G, APOBEC3H, CD4, DEFB1, GML, IL4, IL8RA, L-SIGN/CLEC4M, PTPRC/CD45, Tetherin/BST2, TLR7, and TRIM5alpha. A number of those residues are relevant for HIV-1 biology. The set of 140 genes involved in HIV-1 pathogenesis did not show a significant enrichment in signals of recent positive selection in humans (intraspecies selection). However, we identified within or near these genes 24 polymorphisms showing strong signatures of recent positive selection. Interestingly, the DEFB1 gene presented signatures of both interspecies positive selection in primates and intraspecies recent positive selection in humans. The systematic assessment of long-acting selective pressures on primate genomes is a useful tool to extend our understanding of genetic variation influencing contemporary susceptibility to HIV-1.


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BACKGROUND: Complete mitochondrial genome sequences have become important tools for the study of genome architecture, phylogeny, and molecular evolution. Despite the rapid increase in available mitogenomes, the taxonomic sampling often poorly reflects phylogenetic diversity and is often also biased to represent deeper (family-level) evolutionary relationships. RESULTS: We present the first fully sequenced ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) mitochondrial genomes. We sampled four mitogenomes from three species of fire ants, genus Solenopsis, which represent various evolutionary depths. Overall, ant mitogenomes appear to be typical of hymenopteran mitogenomes, displaying a general A+T-bias. The Solenopsis mitogenomes are slightly more compact than other hymentoperan mitogenomes (~15.5 kb), retaining all protein coding genes, ribosomal, and transfer RNAs. We also present evidence of recombination between the mitogenomes of the two conspecific Solenopsis mitogenomes. Finally, we discuss potential ways to improve the estimation of phylogenies using complete mitochondrial genome sequences. CONCLUSIONS: The ant mitogenome presents an important addition to the continued efforts in studying hymenopteran mitogenome architecture, evolution, and phylogenetics. We provide further evidence that the sampling across many taxonomic levels (including conspecifics and congeners) is useful and important to gain detailed insights into mitogenome evolution. We also discuss ways that may help improve the use of mitogenomes in phylogenetic analyses by accounting for non-stationary and non-homogeneous evolution among branches.


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