963 resultados para Vegetative Incompatibility


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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De acordo com a necessidade de aumentar a produção de mudas de azaléia por meio da propagação vegetativa, em menor intervalo de tempo, foi proposto estudar os efeitos de diferentes substratos e concentrações de ANA (ácido naftalenoacético). O experimento foi conduzido em esquema fatorial 3X4 com três substratos (areia grossa lavada, casca de arroz carbonizada e húmus) e quatro concentrações de ANA na forma de pó (0; 2,5; 5,0 e 7,5%). Utilizaram-se estacas de 100 mm de comprimento retiradas da porção apical do ramo, sem gema apical e com corte em bisel na parte superior, deixando um par de folhas cortadas ao meio. Essas foram colocadas para enraizar em bandejas de isopor de 128 células, por um período de 90 dias, nas quais avaliaram-se: comprimento, superficie, volume e diâmetro radicular e a porcentagem de estacas enraizadas, sobreviventes, mortas e número de brotos. Pode-se concluir que a maior porcentagem de enraizamento foi obtida no substrato de casca de arroz carbonizada e com ANA na concentração de 5%.


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Assim como outras culturas de origem tropical, o milho exige durante o seu ciclo vegetativo, calor e umidade para se desenvolver, e as condições de instalação da cultura podem definir uma boa ou má produção. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de cargas verticais sobre rodas compactadoras no ciclo da cultura do milho. Este trabalho foi conduzido nas Faculdades Associadas de Uberaba - FAZU, no município de Uberaba (MG), e instalado no delineamento em blocos ao acaso com três modelos de rodas compactadoras e três cargas verticais com duas repetições, na Pista de Ensaios de Semeadura, constituída de canais de solo. Observou-se que o número de dias para emergência, altura de plantas, número de folhas e a produção não foram afetados significativamente para os tratamentos estudados.


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Avaliaram-se as características morfogênicas e estruturais do dossel de Brachiaria brizantha, cv. Marandu, sob pastejo intermitente no período chuvoso, em diferentes ofertas de forragem e ciclos de pastejo. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com três repetições. Nas parcelas, avaliou-se o efeito das ofertas de forragem (4, 7, 10 e 13% do PV/dia) e, nas subparcelas, o efeito dos ciclos de pastejo. Todas as variáveis diferiram entre os ciclos de pastejo, comprovando grande influência das condições ambientais sobre as características avaliadas. A taxa de alongamento do colmo e a altura do dossel responderam linear e positivamente ao aumento da oferta de forragem. O número de perfilhos vegetativos nos piquetes com a menor oferta permaneceu constante ao longo de todo o período experimental, no entanto, nos piquetes com as demais ofertas, atingiu valores mais elevados nos ciclos intermediários. A densidade de perfilhos reprodutivos e totais ajustou-se ao modelo quadrático de acordo com a oferta de forragem. Pastos manejados com ofertas de forragem próximas a 4% PV/dia têm menor alongamento de colmos e tendem a reduzir as perdas por senescência. As variáveis ambientais exercem maior influência sobre as características morfogênicas e estruturais em comparação a ações de manejo como a oferta de forragem.


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The family Myrtaceae is one of the most important related to fruit species. In Brazil it encloses more than 100 species of native fruit from North to South of the country (Giacometti, 1992; Donadio, 1992; Mattos, 1992). The genus Eugenia, Campomanesia, Psidium and Myrciaria are the most important, grouping most of the species of some importance. The germplasm bank of the Universidade Estadual Paulista includes some of the major species. Some characteristics are typical for most of the Myrtaceae fruit species. The most relevant are the long juvenile period presented by the trees, taking long time to produce, when propagated by seed; the slow growing tree behavior; difficult to propagated by vegetative means; large variability in trees obtained by seed propagation. The cited characteristics are commented for some species as well as the fruit quality, from data obtained in trees at the same ecological conditions.The species evaluated are: 1) Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh; 2) Eugenia tomentosa Cambes; 3) Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.; 4) Eugenia uniflora L.; 5) Eugenia luchsnathiana Berg.; 6) Eugenia uvalha Cambess; 7) Camponesia spp; 8) Plinia edulis (Veil. Sobral); 9) Eugenia involucrata D.C.; 10) Psidium acutangulum Mart.; 11) Myrciaria dubia Mc Vaugh; 12) Engenia guabiju Berg. The main conclusions based on the data analysed are: the fruits of some species present good general characteristics, mainly for fresh consumption, as high Vitamin C, sugars, pulp and other characteristics; 'Araca-boi' presents some good fruit characteristics, but is more adapted for processing, by its high acidity; Some species present low % of edible portion and need to be improved to gain commercial acceptance. mainly the 'cabeludinha' and 'cambuca'.


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The essential oils of leaves of the Pothomorphe peltata (L.) Miq., collected in vegetative and reproductive periods, showed yields of 0.10-0.20%. Analysis of the oil by GC/MS revealed that the predominant components were those of the sesquiterpene class. The major constituents were beta-caryophyllene (39.5-68.0%), germacrene D (6.2-13.3%), (E)-nerolidol (4.8-11.1%) and alpha-humulene (2.1-6.5%).


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An experiment was conducted to study nitrogen absorption and translocation in grain sorghum plants during their reproductive growth. Sorghum was grown in four row spacings: 50 and 70 cm in single rows, 80 and 120 cm in double rows 20 cm apart. Plant populations were 71000, 142000 and 213000 plants/ha. After flowering, samples were taken at 12 day intervals, and the plants were divided into grains and stover, where N was analyzed. There was an increase in N concentration in lower plant populations and in wider row spacings. However, total nitrogen accumulation (in kg/ha) increased as the number of plants was increased. In the vegetative parts of the plants there were higher N concentrations in lower populations showing that there was a higher N absorption and a lower translocation to the grains. When grain sorghum was grown in 50 cm rows, there was a high N accumulation, a high N translocation to the grains and the highest yield. This row spacing led to the highest N use efficiency.


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Multivariate morphometrics and image analysis were used to determine the number of well-distinguished infrageneric taxa of reddish freshwater Audouinella in North America. Three distinct groupings were differentiated from 83 populations collected from Alaska and Labrador in the north to central Mexico and Jamaica in the south. These groupings were statistically related to seven type specimens. The following species were recognized: A. eugenea (SKUJA) JAO, A. hermannii (ROTH) DUBY [syn.: A. violacea (KUTZ.) HAMEL and its varieties, alpina (KUTZ.) RAB., dalmatica (KUTZ.) RAB., expansa (WOOD) SMITH, and hercynica (KUTZ.) KUTZ.] and A. tenella (SKUJA) PAPENFUSS. These species are separated based on dimensions of vegetative cells and monosporangia. A. tenella is found only in California, A. eugenea in warm, alkaline and high-ion waters of the tropical rainforest and desert-chaparral, while A. hermannii occurs widely from the boreal to south temperate and in waters with relatively low temperatures and ion content.


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The morphological characteristics of seedlings and the anatomical characteristics of vegetative organs and floral scape of P. hilairei (Eriocaulaceae) were analyzed to investigate the ecological and taxonomic implications for the species. P. hilairei is a perennial plant with an aerial stem and it grows in recently decomposed stony, sandy soils of the Serra do Cipo, in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is found both on wet and dry soils, exposed to constant winds, high light intensities and extreme daily fluctuations of temperature. The results show that the seeds have operculum and the initial seedling development stages are the same for other Eriocaulaceae. During the germination period, the undifferentiated axis of the embryo becomes apparent. The observation of the development of this axis, shows first, the growth of the leaves and later that of the adventitious root. Attention is focused on the apical stem region which presents sterelis lateral branching with adventitious roots in its base which will develop into paraclades (system of florescences). Both of them rise out of the pericycle and characterize its vegetative growth. The occurrence of a special leaf substomatal chamber may be related to an efficient protection for the gaseous exchange and may be considered an important characteristic of the Eriocaulaceae.


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We analyzed the ITS-1 spacer region of the rDNA in Drosophila mulleri and D. arizonae, two sibling species belonging to the mulleri complex (repleta group) and in hybrids obtained in both cross directions. In spite of several previous studies showing the incompatibility of crosses involving D. arizonae females and D. mulleri males, we were able to obtain hybrids in this direction. Complete ITS-1 region was amplified using primers with homology at the 3'-end of the 18S rDNA and the 5'-end of the 5.8S rDNA genes. Our data demonstrated that D. mulleri and D. arizonae can be differentiated as they present a difference in length for the ITS-1 region. The amplified fragment for this region in D. mulleri has a length of 600 bp, whereas in D. arizonae this fragment is about 500 bp. It was also observed that male and female hybrids obtained in both cross directions present two amplified fragments, confirming the location of the ribosomal cistrons in the X chromosomes and microchromosomes of both parental species.


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The reproductive biology of shrubs and trees of a preserved savanna (''cerrado'') area in the municipality of Corumbatai São Paulo State, Brazil was studied. The floral sexuality of 135 species were characterized, with 85.2 % hermaphroditic, 9.4 % dioecious, 4.5 % monoecious, and one determine the breeding systems. Nine apomictic species were found, all belonging Melastomataceae. Among the twelve sexual reproducing species, seven (58.3 %) proved to be self-compatible, and five (41.7 %) self-incompatible. Anemophily was found in five species, although pollinations systems were not investigated in other species.


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Glycogen synthase, an enzyme involved in glycogen biosynthesis, is regulated by phosphorylation and by the allosteric ligand glucose-6-phosphate (G6P). In addition, enzyme levels can be regulated by changes in gene expression. We recently cloned a cDNA for glycogen synthase (gsn) from Neurospora crassa, and showed that gsn transcription decreased when cells were exposed to heat shock (shifted from 30degreesC to 45degreesC). In order to understand the mechanisms that control gsn expression, we isolated the gene, including its 5' and 3' flanking regions, from the genome of N. crassa. An ORF of approximately 2.4 kb was identified, which is interrupted by four small introns (II-V). Intron I (482 bp) is located in the 5'UTR region. Three putative Transcription Initiation Sites (TISs) were mapped, one of which lies downstream of a canonical TATA-box sequence (5'-TGTATAAA-3'). Analysis of the 5'-flanking region revealed the presence of putative transcription factor-binding sites, including Heat Shock Elements (HSEs) and STress Responsive Elements (STREs). The possible involvement of these motifs in the negative regulation of gsn transcription was investigated using Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays (EMSA) with nuclear extracts of N. crassa mycelium obtained before and after heat shock, and DNA fragments encompassing HSE and STRE elements from the 5'-flanking region. While elements within the promoter region are involved in transcription under heat shock, elements in the 5'UTR intron may participate in transcription during vegetative growth. The results thus suggest that N. crassa possesses trans-acting elements that interact with the 5'-flanking region to regulate gsn transcription during heat shock and vegetative growth.


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S. elegans (Eriocaulaceae) is known in Brazil as star flower and is used economically for ornamental purposes. The fact that there is no control over its collection, brings about great damage to its population. Thus the importance of phenologic data for the conservation of the species. This paper reports the marking of 60 individuals in three different phases of development and the collection of monthly data about their phenology. S. elegans is a perennial plant with a rhizomatous stem that characterizes its vegetative growth. The pubescent leaves present in plants can prevent heat loss and their pigments can raise the ultra-violet radiation absorption. The young leaves present in plants during the begining of the dry season use rhizome reserves. Hydric scarcity may be the main reason for the mortality of the species. Vegetative growth and sexual reproduction are very important for the population's survival.,The blooming period in S. elegans occurs from om February to July and the dispersal of seeds occurs from August to December.


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In this study we present a survey on vegetative anatomy in species of Actinocephalus, Blastocaulon, Eriocaulon, Leiothrix, Paepalanthus, Philodice, Syngonanthus, and Tonina (Eriocaulaceae). Multivariate analyses were used to correlate anatomical characters to taxa and the habitats where the species occur. Root and stem anatomical characters seem to be more affected by environmental factors where these species occur, and seem of little value for delimiting major taxonomic groups within the family. Other characters in the leaves, such as epidermis with thickened wall cells, compartmented substomatal chambers, mesophyll with hypodermis, compact chlorenchyma, collenchymatous bundle sheath extensions, and numerous vascular bundles, were shown to be important for defining species clusters in Leiothrix, Syngonanthus, and Paepalanthus subg. Platycaulon. Similarly, loosely aggregated chlorenchyma caused Blastocaulon, Eriocaulon, Philodice, Syngonanthus sect. Carpocephalus, S. sect. Syngonanthus, and Tonina, genera from humid environments, to cluster. Scape characters appear to be more informative in discriminating groups. This situation probably reflects lower selection pressures determining anatomical characters of this organ.


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The initiation of glycogen synthesis requires the protein glycogenin, which incorporates glucose residues through a self-glucosylation reaction, and then acts as substrate for chain elongation by glycogen synthase and branching enzyme. Numerous sequences of glycogenin-like proteins are available in the databases but the enzymes from mammalian skeletal muscle and from Saccharomyces cerevisiae are the best characterized. We report the isolation of a cDNA from the fungus Neurospora crassa, which encodes a protein, GNN, which has properties characteristic of glycogenin. The protein is one of the largest glycogenins but shares several conserved domains common to other family members. Recombinant GNN produced in Escherichia coli was able to incorporate glucose in a self-glucosylation reaction, to trans-glucosylate exogenous substrates, and to act as substrate for chain elongation by glycogen synthase. Recombinant protein was sensitive to C-terminal proteolysis, leading to stable species of around 31 kDa, which maintained all functional properties. The role of GNN as an initiator of glycogen metabolism was confirmed by its ability to complement the glycogen deficiency of a S. cerevisiae strain (glg1 glg2) lacking glycogenin and unable to accumulate glycogen. Disruption of the gnn gene of N. crassa by repeat induced point mutation (RIP) resulted in a strain that was unable to synthesize glycogen, even though the glycogen synthase activity was unchanged. Northern blot analysis showed that the gnn gene was induced during vegetative growth and was repressed upon carbon starvation. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.