951 resultados para Vagal Tone
Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of sub-clinical alterations on the amplitudes and slopes of the DPOAE input-output responses from subjects with previous history of middle ear dysfunction. Material/Methods: The study included 15 subjects with and 15 subjects without a history of otitis media in the last 10 years. All participants were assessed with acoustic immittance, pure-tone audiometry, and DPOAEs. For the later, I/O functions and I/O slopes were estimated at 1501, 2002, 3174, 4004 and 6384Hz. Results: No statistically significant differences were found between the 2 groups in terms of behavioral thresholds. The group with a previous history of middle ear dysfunction presented significantly lower mean DPOAE amplitudes at 2002, 3174 and 4004 Hz. In terms of DPOAE slopes, no statistically significant differences were observed at the tested frequencies, except at 3174 Hz. Conclusions: Middle ear pathologies can produce subclinical alterations that are undetectable with traditional pure-tone audiometry. The data from the present study show that reduced amplitude DPOAEs are associated with a previous history of middle ear complications. The corresponding DPOAE slopes were affected at only 1 tested frequency, suggesting that the cochlear non-linearity is preserved. Considering these results, it remains to be elucidated to what degree the DPOAE amplitude attenuation interferes with higher-order auditory tasks.
Moraes DJ, Zoccal DB, Machado BH. Sympathoexcitation during chemoreflex active expiration is mediated by L-glutamate in the RVLM/Botzinger complex of rats. J Neurophysiol 108: 610-623, 2012. First published April 25, 2012; doi:10.1152/jn.00057.2012.-The involvement of glutamatergic neurotransmission in the rostral ventrolateral medulla/Botzinger/pre-Botzinger complexes (RVLM/BotC/pre-BotC) on the respiratory modulation of sympathoexcitatory response to peripheral chemoreflex activation (chemoreflex) was evaluated in the working heart-brain stem preparation of juvenile rats. We identified different types of baro- and chemosensitive presympathetic and respiratory neurons intermingled within the RVLM/BotC/pre-BotC. Bilateral microinjections of kynurenic acid (KYN) into the rostral aspect of RVLM (RVLM/BotC) produced an additional increase in frequency of the phrenic nerve (PN: 0.38 +/- 0.02 vs. 1 +/- 0.08 Hz; P < 0.05; n = 18) and hypoglossal (HN) inspiratory response (41 +/- 2 vs. 82 +/- 2%; P < 0.05; n = 8), but decreased postinspiratory (35 +/- 3 vs. 12 +/- 2%; P < 0.05) and late-expiratory (24 +/- 4 vs. 2 +/- 1%; P < 0.05; n = 5) abdominal (AbN) responses to chemoreflex. Likewise, expiratory vagal (cVN; 67 +/- 6 vs. 40 +/- 2%; P < 0.05; n = 5) and expiratory component of sympathoexcitatory (77 +/- 8 vs. 26 +/- 5%; P < 0.05; n = 18) responses to chemoreflex were reduced after KYN microinjections into RVLM/BotC. KYN microinjected into the caudal aspect of the RVLM (RVLM/pre-BotC; n = 16) abolished inspiratory responses [PN (n = 16) and HN (n = 6)], and no changes in magnitude of sympathoexcitatory (n = 16) and expiratory (AbN and cVN; n = 10) responses to chemoreflex, producing similar and phase-locked vagal, abdominal, and sympathetic responses. We conclude that in relation to chemoreflex activation 1) ionotropic glutamate receptors in RVLM/BotC and RVLM/pre-BtC are pivotal to expiratory and inspiratory responses, respectively; and 2) activation of ionotropic glutamate receptors in RVLM/BotC is essential to the coupling of active expiration and sympathoexcitatory response.
Studies investigating factors that influence tone recognition generally use recognition tests, whereas the majority of the studies on verbal material use self-generated responses in the form of serial recall tests. In the present study we intended to investigate whether tonal and verbal materials share the same cognitive mechanisms, by presenting an experimental instrument that evaluates short-term and working memories for tones, using self-generated sung responses that may be compared to verbal tests. This paradigm was designed according to the same structure of the forward and backward digit span tests, but using digits, pseudowords, and tones as stimuli. The profile of amateur singers and professional singers in these tests was compared in forward and backward digit, pseudoword, tone, and contour spans. In addition, an absolute pitch experimental group was included, in order to observe the possible use of verbal labels in tone memorization tasks. In general, we observed that musical schooling has a slight positive influence on the recall of tones, as opposed to verbal material, which is not influenced by musical schooling. Furthermore, the ability to reproduce melodic contours (up and down patterns) is generally higher than the ability to reproduce exact tone sequences. However, backward spans were lower than forward spans for all stimuli (digits, pseudowords, tones, contour). Curiously, backward spans were disproportionately lower for tones than for verbal material-that is, the requirement to recall sequences in backward rather than forward order seems to differentially affect tonal stimuli. This difference does not vary according to musical expertise.
Auditory brainstem implant outcomes and MAP parameters: Report of experiences in adults and children
The auditory brainstem implant (ABI) was first developed to help neurofibromatosis type 2 patients. Recently, its use has been recently extended to adults with non-tumor etiologies and children with profound hearing loss who were not candidates for a cochlear implant (Cl). Although the results has been extensively reported, the stimulation parameters involved behind the outcomes have received less attention. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the audiologic outcomes and the MAP parameters in ABI adults and children at our center. Methods: Retrospective chart review. Five adults and four children were implanted with the ABI24M from September 2005 to June 2009. In the adult patients, four had Neurofibromatosis type 2, and one had postmeningitic deafness with complete ossification of both cochleae. Three of the children had cochlear malformation or dysplasia, and one had complete ossified cochlea due to meningitis. Map parameters as well as the intraoperative electrical auditory brainstem responses were collected. Evaluation was performed with at least six months of device use and included free-field hearing thresholds, speech perception tests in the adult patients and for the children, the Infant-Toddler Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale (IT-MAIS) and (ESP) were used to evaluate the development of auditory skills, besides the MUSS to evaluate. Results: The number of active electrodes that did not cause any non-auditory sensation varied from three to nineteen. All of them were programmed with SPEAK strategy, and the pulse widths varied from 100 to 300 mu s. Free-field thresholds with warble tones varied from very soft auditory sensation of 70 dBHL at 250 Hz to a pure tone average of 45 dBHL. Speech perception varied from none to 60% open-set recognition of sentences in silence in the adult population and from no auditory sensation at all to a slight improvement in the IT-MAIS/MAIS scores. Conclusion: We observed that ABI may be a good option for offering some hearing attention to both adults and children. In children, the results might not be enough to ensure oral language development. Programming the speech processor in children demands higher care to the audiologist. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Abstract Objective To evaluate the functionality of the auditory system in patients who underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment with cisplatin to treat head and neck tumors. Study Design Case series with planned data collection. Setting From May 2007 to May 2008 by the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and the Department of Oncology/Radiotherapy at Faculdade de Medicina de Marília. Subjects and Methods Audiological evaluation (Pure Tone Audiometry (air and bone conduction), Speech Audiometry, Tympanometry, Acoustic Reflex testing and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions) was performed in 17 patients diagnosed with head and neck neoplasia and treated with chemotherapy, using cisplatin, and radiotherapy. Results 12 left ears (70.5%) and 11 right ears (64.7%) presented bilateral decreased hearing soon after the treatment for the frequency 1 kHz (mild auditory damage) and for the frequency 8 kHz (more significant auditory damage). Conclusion Patients with head and neck cancer submitted to the conventional radiotherapy treatment, combined with the chemotherapy with cisplatin, presented a high incidence of decreased hearing by the end of treatment. Strong evidence was observed linking auditory alteration to the amount of radiotherapy treatment.
Introduction: The implementation of hearing screening programs can be facilitated by reducing operating costs, including the cost of equipment. The Telessaúde (TS) audiometer is a low-cost, software-based, and easy-to-use piece of equipment for conducting audiometric screening. Aim: To evaluate the TS audiometer for conducting audiometric screening. Methods: A prospective randomized study was performed. Sixty subjects, divided into those who did not have (group A, n = 30) and those who had otologic complaints (group B, n = 30), underwent audiometric screening with conventional and TS audiometers in a randomized order. Pure tones at 25 dB HL were presented at frequencies of 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz. A "fail" result was considered when the individual failed to respond to at least one of the stimuli. Pure-tone audiometry was also performed on all participants. The concordance of the results of screening with both audiometers was evaluated. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of screening with the TS audiometer were calculated. Results: For group A, 100% of the ears tested passed the screening. For group B, "pass" results were obtained in 34.2% (TS) and 38.3% (conventional) of the ears tested. The agreement between procedures (TS vs. conventional) ranged from 93% to 98%. For group B, screening with the TS audiometer showed 95.5% sensitivity, 90.4% sensitivity, and positive and negative predictive values equal to 94.9% and 91.5%, respectively. Conclusions: The results of the TS audiometer were similar to those obtained with the conventional audiometer, indicating that the TS audiometer can be used for audiometric screening.
INTRODUÇÃO: As modificações da frequência cardíaca (FC) durante a transição repouso-exercício podem ser caracterizadas por meio da aplicação de cálculos matemáticos simples, como: deltas 0-10 e 0-30s para inferir sobre o sistema nervoso parassimpático, e delta e regressão linear aplicados no intervalo 60-240s para inferir sobre o sistema nervoso simpático. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi testar a hipótese de que indivíduos jovens e de meia-idade apresentam diferentes respostas da FC em exercício de intensidade moderada e intensa, com diferentes cálculos matemáticos. MÉTODOS: Homens aparentemente saudáveis, sendo sete de meia-idade e 10 jovens, foram submetidos a testes de carga constante de intensidade moderada e intensa. Foram calculados os deltas da FC nos períodos de 0-10s, 0-30s e 60-240s e a regressão linear simples no período de 60 a 240s. Os parâmetros obtidos na análise de regressão linear simples foram: intercepto e inclinação angular. Utilizou-se o teste Shapiro-Wilk para verificar a distribuição dos dados e o teste t não pareado para comparação entre os grupos. O nível de significância estatística considerado foi 5%. RESULTADOS: O valor do intercepto e do delta 0-10s foi menor no grupo meia-idade nas duas cargas e a inclinação do ângular foi menor no grupo meia-idade no exercício moderado. CONCLUSÃO: Os indivíduos jovens apresentam retirada vagal de maior magnitude no estágio inicial da resposta da FC durante exercício dinâmico em carga constante nas intensidades analisadas e maior velocidade de ajuste da resposta simpática em exercícios moderados.
INTRODUÇÃO: A perda auditiva relacionada ao trabalho é uma das doenças ocupacionais mais frequentes, progride ao longo dos anos de exposição ao ruído associado ao ambiente de trabalho, podendo causar prejuízos que comprometem as atividades físicas, fisiológicas e mentais do indivíduo além de causar lesão auditiva irreversível interferindo na comunicação e na qualidade de vida. Com alto índice de prevalência masculina, avalia-se que seja a segunda maior causa de perda de audição. Uma vez que não existe tratamento clínico para esse tipo de perda auditiva, fica evidente a importância de ações preventivas e coletivas que visem à conservação da audição e da saúde como um todo. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de perdas auditivas nas audiometrias admissionais de motoristas. MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo. Participaram 76 prontuários de motoristas profissionais locados em empresas de transporte. Foram analisados os dados de entrevista específica e Audiometria Tonal Liminar. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de exames alterados foi de 22,36% com piores limiares para a média tritonal de 3.000, 4000 e 6.000Hz. Quanto maior a idade, maior os limiares auditivos. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo permitiu evidenciar a ocorrência de alterações auditivas na ausência de queixas. Considerando que a PAIR é passível de prevenção, justifica-se a importância de ações coordenadas e multidisciplinares envolvendo, não só as equipes de saúde e segurança do trabalho, mas também as instituições envolvidas em preservar a saúde dos trabalhadores, como a equipe do SESMET, sindicatos ou Ministério Público.
Airway smooth muscle constriction induced by cholinergic agonists such as methacholine (MCh), which is typically increased in asthmatic patients, is regulated mainly by muscle muscarinic M3 receptors and negatively by vagal muscarinic M2 receptors. Here we evaluated basal (intrinsic) and allergen-induced (extrinsic) airway responses to MCh. We used two mouse lines selected to respond maximally (AIRmax) or minimally (AIRmin) to innate inflammatory stimuli. We found that in basal condition AIRmin mice responded more vigorously to MCh than AIRmax. Treatment with a specific M2 antagonist increased airway response of AIRmax but not of AIRmin mice. The expression of M2 receptors in the lung was significantly lower in AIRmin compared to AIRmax animals. AIRmax mice developed a more intense allergic inflammation than AIRmin, and both allergic mouse lines increased airway responses to MCh. However, gallamine treatment of allergic groups did not affect the responses to MCh. Our results confirm that low or dysfunctional M2 receptor activity is associated with increased airway responsiveness to MCh and that this trait was inherited during the selective breeding of AIRmin mice and was acquired by AIRmax mice during allergic lung inflammation
OBJECTIVE: To identify the prevalence of hearing loss for the population in the urban area. METHODS: A cross-sectional household survey based on the World Health Organization Ear and Hearing Disorders Survey Protocol was conducted in 298 households in the urban area of Monte Negro, Rondonia, Northern Brazil, from 2005 to 2007. Ear examinations, behavioral audiometry and pure tone audiometry were conducted on 577 individuals. RESULTS: The results showed that 3.8% (95%CI 2.17;5.45) of population were classifi ed in the disabling hearing impairment category. The prevalence of moderate hearing impairment was 3.4%; severe impairment was 0.4%; and profound hearing impairment was not found. CONCLUSIONS: The impairing hearing loss prevalence found in this study is within of the international prevalence for this level of hearing loss and smaller than observed in a previous study in the South region of Brazil.
AIMS: We evaluated the mechanisms involved in insulin-induced vasodilatation after acute resistance exercise in healthy rats. MAIN METHODS: Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: control (CT), electrically stimulated (ES) and resistance exercise (RE). Immediately after acute RE (15 sets with 10 repetitions at 70% of maximal intensity), the animals were sacrificed and rings of mesenteric artery were mounted in an isometric system. After this, concentration-response curves to insulin were performed in control condition and in the presence of LY294002 (PI3K inhibitor), L-NAME (NOS inhibitor), L-NAME+TEA (K(+) channels inhibitor), LY294002+BQ123 (ET-A antagonist) or ouabain (Na(+)/K(+) ATPase inhibitor). KEY FINDINGS: Acute RE increased insulin-induced vasorelaxation as compared to control (CT: Rmax=7.3 ± 0.4% and RE: Rmax=15.8 ± 0.8%; p<0.001). NOS inhibition reduced (p<0.001) this vasorelaxation from both groups (CT: Rmax=2.0 ± 0.3%, and RE: Rmax=-1.2 ± 0.1%), while PI3K inhibition abolished the vasorelaxation in CT (Rmax=-0.1±0.3%, p<0.001), and caused vasoconstriction in RE (Rmax=-6.5 ± 0.6%). That insulin-induced vasoconstriction on PI3K inhibition was abolished (p<0.001) by the ET-A antagonist (Rmax=2.9 ± 0.4%). Additionally, acute RE enhanced (p<0.001) the functional activity of the ouabain-sensitive Na(+)/K(+) ATPase activity (Rmax=10.7 ± 0.4%) and of the K(+) channels (Rmax=-6.1±0.5%; p<0.001) in the insulin-induced vasorelaxation as compared to CT. SIGNIFICANCE: Such results suggest that acute RE promotes enhanced insulin-induced vasodilatation, which could act as a fine tuning to vascular tone.
[EN] BACKGROUND: In chronic hypoxia, both heart rate (HR) and cardiac output (Q) are reduced during exercise. The role of parasympathetic neural activity in lowering HR is unresolved, and its influence on Q and oxygen transport at high altitude has never been studied. METHODS AND RESULTS: HR, Q, oxygen uptake, mean arterial pressure, and leg blood flow were determined at rest and during cycle exercise with and without vagal blockade with glycopyrrolate in 7 healthy lowlanders after 9 weeks' residence at >/=5260 m (ALT). At ALT, glycopyrrolate increased resting HR by 80 bpm (73+/-4 to 153+/-4 bpm) compared with 53 bpm (61+/-3 to 114+/-6 bpm) at sea level (SL). During exercise at ALT, glycopyrrolate increased HR by approximately 40 bpm both at submaximal (127+/-4 to 170+/-3 bpm; 118 W) and maximal (141+/-6 to 180+/-2 bpm) exercise, whereas at SL, the increase was only by 16 bpm (137+/-6 to 153+/-4 bpm) at 118 W, with no effect at maximal exercise (181+/-2 bpm). Despite restoration of maximal HR to SL values, glycopyrrolate had no influence on Q, which was reduced at ALT. Breathing FIO(2)=0.55 at peak exercise restored Q and power output to SL values. CONCLUSIONS: Enhanced parasympathetic neural activity accounts for the lowering of HR during exercise at ALT without influencing Q. The abrupt restoration of peak exercise Q in chronic hypoxia to maximal SL values when arterial PO(2) and SO(2) are similarly increased suggests hypoxia-mediated attenuation of Q.
The corpus luteum (CL) lifespan is characterized by a rapid growth, differentiation and controlled regression of the luteal tissue, accompanied by an intense angiogenesis and angioregression. Indeed, the CL is one of the most highly vascularised tissue in the body with a proliferation rate of the endothelial cells 4- to 20-fold more intense than in some of the most malignant human tumours. This angiogenic process should be rigorously controlled to allow the repeated opportunities of fertilization. After a first period of rapid growth, the tissue becomes stably organized and prepares itself to switch to the phenotype required for its next apoptotic regression. In pregnant swine, the lifespan of the CLs must be extended to support embryonic and foetal development and vascularisation is necessary for the maintenance of luteal function. Among the molecules involved in the angiogenesis, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is the main regulator, promoting endothelial cells proliferation, differentiation and survival as well as vascular permeability and vessel lumen formation. During vascular invasion and apoptosis process, the remodelling of the extracellular matrix is essential for the correct evolution of the CL, particularly by the action of specific class of proteolytic enzymes known as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Another important factor that plays a role in the processes of angiogenesis and angioregression during the CL formation and luteolysis is the isopeptide Endothelin-1 (ET-1), which is well-known to be a potent vasoconstrictor and mitogen for endothelial cells. The goal of the present thesis was to study the role and regulation of vascularisation in an adult vascular bed. For this purpose, using a precisely controlled in vivo model of swine CL development and regression, we determined the levels of expression of the members of VEGF system (VEGF total and specific isoforms; VEGF receptor-1, VEGFR-1; VEGF receptor-2, VEGFR-2) and ET- 1 system (ET-1; endothelin converting enzyme-1, ECE-1; endothelin receptor type A, ET-A) as well as the activity of the Ca++/Mg++-dependent endonucleases and gelatinases (MMP-2 and MMP-9). Three experiments were conducted to reach such objectives in CLs isolated from ovaries of cyclic, pregnant or fasted gilts. In the Experiment I, we evaluated the influence of acute fasting on VEGF production and VEGF, VEGFR-2, ET-1, ECE-1 and ET-A mRNA expressions in CLs collected on day 6 after ovulation (midluteal phase). The results indicated a down-regulation of VEGF, VEGFR-2, ET-1 and ECE-1 mRNA expression, although no change was observed for VEGF protein. Furthermore, we observed that fasting stimulated steroidogenesis by luteal cells. On the basis of the main effects of VEGF (stimulation of vessel growth and endothelial permeability) and ET-1 (stimulation of endothelial cell proliferation and vasoconstriction, as well as VEGF stimulation), we concluded that feed restriction possibly inhibited luteal vessel development. This could be, at least in part, compensated by a decrease of vasal tone due to a diminution of ET-1, thus ensuring an adequate blood flow and the production of steroids by the luteal cells. In the Experiment II, we investigated the relationship between VEGF, gelatinases and Ca++/Mg++-dependent endonucleases activities with the functional CL stage throughout the oestrous cycle and at pregnancy. The results demonstrated differential patterns of expression of those molecules in correspondence to the different phases of the oestrous cycle. Immediately after ovulation, VEGF mRNA/protein levels and MMP-9 activity are maximal. On days 5–14 after ovulation, VEGF expression and MMP-2 and -9 activities are at basal levels, while Ca++/Mg++-dependent endonuclease levels increased significantly in relation to day 1. Only at luteolysis (day 17), Ca++/Mg++-dependent endonuclease and MMP-2 spontaneous activity increased significantly. At pregnancy, high levels of MMP-9 and VEGF were observed. These results suggested that during the very early luteal phase, high MMPs activities coupled with high VEGF levels drive the tissue to an angiogenic phenotype, allowing CL growth under LH (Luteinising Hormone) stimulus, while during the late luteal phase, low VEGF and elevate MMPs levels may play a role in the apoptotic tissue and extracellular matrix remodelling during structural luteolysis. In the Experiment III, we described the expression patterns of all distinct VEGF isoforms throughout the oestrous cycle. Furthermore, the mRNA expression and protein levels of both VEGF receptors were also evaluated. Four novel VEGF isoforms (VEGF144, VEGF147, VEGF182, and VEGF164b) were found for the first time in swine and the seven identified isoforms presented four different patterns of expression. All isoforms showed their highest mRNA levels in newly formed CLs (day 1), followed by a decrease during mid-late luteal phase (days 10–17), except for VEGF182, VEGF188 and VEGF144 that showed a differential regulation during late luteal phase (day 14) or at luteolysis (day 17). VEGF protein levels paralleled the most expressed and secreted VEGF120 and VEGF164 isoforms. The VEGF receptors mRNAs showed a different pattern of expression in relation to their ligands, increasing between day 1 and 3 and gradually decreasing during the mid-late luteal phase. The differential regulation of some VEGF isoforms principally during the late luteal phase and luteolysis suggested a specific role of VEGF during tissue remodelling process that occurs either for CL maintenance in case of pregnancy or for noncapillary vessel development essential for tissue removal during structural luteolysis. In summary, our findings allow us to determine relationships among factors involved in the angiogenesis and angioregression mechanisms that take place during the formation and regression of the CL. Thus, CL provides a very interesting model for studying such factors in different fields of the basic research.
The aim of this research is to estimate the impact of violent film excerpts on university students (30 f, 30 m) in two different sequences, a “justified” violent scene followed by an “unjustified” one, or vice versa, as follows: 1) before-after sequences, using Aggressive behaviour I-R Questionnaire, Self Depression Scale and ASQ-IPAT Anxiety SCALE; 2) after every excerpt, using a self-report to evaluate the intensity and hedonic tone of emotions and the violence justification level. Emotion regulation processes (suppression, reappraisal, self-efficacy) were considered. In contrast with the “unjustified” violent scene, during the “justified” one, the justification level was higher; intensity and unpleasantness of negative emotions were lower. Anxiety (total and latent) and rumination diminished after both types of sequences. Rumination decreases less after the JV-UV sequence than after the UV-JV sequence. Self-efficacy in controlling negative emotions reduced rumination, whereas suppression reduced irritability. Reappraisal, self-efficacy in positive emotion expression and perceived emphatic selfefficacy did not have any effects.
The enteric nervous system regulates autonomously from the central nervous system all the reflex pathways that control blood flow, motility, water and electrolyte transport and acid secretion. The ability of the gut to function in isolation is one of the most intriguing phenomenons in neurogastroenterology. This requires coding of sensory stimuli by cells in the gut wall. Enteric neurons are prominent candidates to relay mechanosensitivity. Surprisingly, the identity of mechanosensitive neurons in the enteric nervous system as well as the appropriate stimulus modality is unknown despite the evidence that enteric neurons respond to sustained distension. Objectives: The aim of our study was to record from mechanosensitive neurons using physiological stimulus modalities. Identification of sensory neurons is of central importance to understand sensory transmission under normal conditions and in gut diseases associated with sensorimotor dysfunctions, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Only then it will be possible to identify novel targets that help to normalise sensory functions. Methods: We used guinea-pig ileum myenteric plexus preparations and recorded responses of all neurons in a given ganglion with a fast neuroimaging technique based on voltage sensitive dyes. To evoke a mechanical response we used two different kinds of stimuli: firstly we applied a local mechanical distortion of the ganglion surface with von Frey hair. Secondarily we mimic the ganglia deformation during physiological movements of myenteric ganglia in a freely contracting ileal preparation. We were able to reliably and reproducibly mimic this distortion by intraganglionic injections of small volumes of oxygenated and buffered Krebs solution using stimulus parameters that correspond to single contractions. We also performed in every ganglion tested, electrical stimulations to evoke fast excitatory postsynaptic potentials. Immunohistochemistry reactions were done with antibodies against Calbindin and NeuN, considered markers for sensory neurons. Results: Recordings were performed in 46 ganglia from 31 guinea pigs. In every ganglion tested we found from 1 to 21 (from 3% to 62%) responding cells with a median value of 7 (24% of the total number of neurons). The response consisted of an almost instantaneous spike discharge that showed adaptation. The median value of the action potential frequency in the responding neurons was 2.0 Hz, with a recording time of 1255 ms. The spike discharge lasted for 302 ± 231 ms and occurred only during the initial deformation phase. During sustained deformation no spike discharge was observed. The response was reproducible and was a direct activation of the enteric neurons since it remained after synaptic blockade with hexamethonium or ω-conotoxin and after long time perfusion with capsaicin. Muscle tone appears not to be required for activation of mechanosensory neurons. Mechanosensory neurons showed a response to mechanical stimulation related to the stimulus strength. All mechanosensory neurons received fast synaptic inputs. There was no correlation between mechanosensitivity and Calbindin-IR and NeuN-IR (44% of mechanosensitive neurones Calb-IR-/NeuN-IR-). Conclusions: We identified mechanosensitive neurons in the myenteric plexus of the guinea pig ileum which responded to brief deformation. These cells appear to be rapidly accommodating neurons which respond to dynamic change. All mechanosensitive neurons received fast synaptic input suggesting that their activity can be highly modulated by other neurons and hence there is a low stimulus fidelity which allows adjusting the gain in a sensory network. Mechanosensitivity appears to be a common feature of many enteric neurons belonging to different functional classes. This supports the existence of multifunctional enteric neurons which may fulfil sensory, integrative and motor functions.