915 resultados para Vacuum-tubes.
RECENT work on the lower oxide of sulphur1,2 has established that disulphur monoxide (S2O) or its polymeric form is produced when sulphur is burnt in oxygen under reduced pressure. It has now been shown that it is possible to make use of an oxide of a heavy metal as a source of limited supply of oxygen to prepare the disulphur monoxide. For example, when a mixture of finely powdered cupric oxide and sulphur (1 : 5 by weight) is heated under vacuum in a glass tube gaseous products are evolved. which, on cooling in a trap surrounded by liquid air, will give an orange-red condensate (S2O)x. This condensate also gives off sulphur dioxide in stages as the temperature is raised, finally leaving a residue of elemental sulphur. Copper sulphide and excess of sulphur are left behind in the reaction tube.
ORANGE red and amorphous peroxy-titanium complexes of oxalic, malonic and maleic acids1-3, when vacuum-dried, have co-ordinated water molecules firmly bonded to the central titanium atom as shown in formula (I). The peroxy-oxygen from these compounds is slowly lost even at room temperature because of the strained peroxy-group3,4. The compounds, when kept at 95°-100°C. for about three days, give deperoxygenated compounds of the type (II). However, a sample of peroxy-titanium oxalate sealed in a glass tube lost all its peroxy-oxygen in about four years and gave a white crystalline basic oxalate (II). The amorphous nature of the compounds may be due to random hydrogen bonding in the complexes. The crystallinity observed in one of the deperoxygenated titanyl oxalates may be due to the rearrangement of the molecules during ageing for more than four years. The infra-red absorption of these compounds was studied to find out the effect of co-ordination and hydrogen bonding on the infra-red bands of the free water.
Details of the design and operation of a Weissenberg camera suitable for x-ray investigations between -180°c and 200°c are presented. The camera employs a novel arrangement of spur and bevel gears to couple the goniometer spindle to the worm rod which controls the range of oscillation. The entire drive system and the goniometer assembly are mounted on a support which permits the insertion or removal of a cylindrical cassette from the gear-box side without disturbing the cooling assembly and the layer-line screen. The cassette can also be inserted from the opposite side. The specimen can be cooled either directly by a stream of liquid air or by the cold gas from its evaporation. Condensation of moisture at low temperatures is prevented by heating the layer-line tubes internally.
A study of the gap breakdown voltage characteristic at a low pressure of 7×10-5 Torr with a standard (1/50)-μsec impulse-voltage wave reveals an agreement with the criterion Vb=Cd0.5 suggested by Cranberg. Voltage-time-to-breakdown characteristics has also been determined. From these studies, it is concluded that impulse breakdown in vacuum is initiated by an electron current heating an anode spot and thereby liberating a clump which causes breakdown.
A two-stage pulse tube cryocooler (PTC) which produces a no-load temperature of similar to 2.5 K in its second stage at an operating frequency of 1.6 Hz has been designed and fabricated. The second stage of the system provides a refrigeration power of similar to 250 mW at 5.0 K. The system uses stainless steel meshes (mesh size 200) along with lead (Pb) granules and combinations of Pb, Er3Ni, and HoCu2 as the first and second stage regenerator materials, respectively. Experimental studies have been carried out on different pulse tube configurations by varying the dimensions of the pulse tubes and regenerators to arrive at the best one, which leads to the lowest no-load second stage cold head temperature. Using this configuration, detailed experimental studies have been conducted by varying the volume percentage ratios of the second stage regenerator materials such as HoCu2, Er3Ni, and Pb (with an average grain size of similar to 250 mu m). This article presents the results of our experimental studies on cryocoolers with the regenerator material arranged in layered structures. Comparative studies have also been presented for specific cases where the regenerator materials are arranged as a homogeneous mixture in the second stage. The experimental results clearly indicate that the design of PTCs should use only layered structures of regenerator materials and not homogenous mixtures.
We derive the heat kernel for arbitrary tensor fields on S-3 and (Euclidean) AdS(3) using a group theoretic approach. We use these results to also obtain the heat kernel on certain quotients of these spaces. In particular, we give a simple, explicit expression for the one loop determinant for a field of arbitrary spin s in thermal AdS(3). We apply this to the calculation of the one loop partition function of N = 1 supergravity on AdS(3). We find that the answer factorizes into left- and right-moving super Virasoro characters built on the SL(2, C) invariant vacuum, as argued by Maloney and Witten on general grounds.
Results of photoelastic investigations conducted on cylindrical tubes (made of Araldite material) containing cracks oriented at 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° to the axis of the tube and subjected to axial and torsional loads are reported. The stress-intensity factors (SIFs) were determined by analysing the crack-tip stress fields. Smith and Smith's method [Engng Fracture Mech.4, 357–366 (1972)] and a new method developed by the authors by modifying Rakesh et al.'s method [Proc. 26th Congress of ISTAM, India (1981)] were employed to evaluate the mixed-mode SIFs.
Germanium nanowires were grown on Au coated Si substrates at 380 degrees C in a high vacuum (5 x 10(-5) Torr) by e-beam evaporation of Germanium (Ge). The morphology observation by a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) shows that the grown nanowires are randomly oriented with an average length and diameter of 600 nm and 120 nm respectively for a deposition time of 60 min. The nanowire growth ratewas measured to be similar to 10 nm/min. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) studies revealed that the Ge nanowires were single crystalline in nature and further energy dispersive X-ray analysis(EDAX) has shown that the tip of the grown nanowires was capped with Au nanoparticles, this shows that the growth of the Ge nanowires occurs by the vapour liquid solid (VLS) mechanism. HRTEM studies on the grown Ge nanowire show that they are single crystalline in nature and the growth direction was identified to be along [110]. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Si and Ge were cleaved on the (111) plane under ultra high vacuum and exposed to O and subsequent heat treatment. LEED and spot photometric measurements were taken. Cleaved surfaces for both Si and Ge gave the expected (2 x 1) structure. Results for O exposure were qualitatively for Si and Ge. The 1/2 orders disappeared after exposure to approx = 10 exp - exp 7. Integral orders started to weaken at 10 exp -6 to 10 exp - exp 2 torr min., disappearing at 10 exp -1 torr min. Heat treatment of Si at 900 deg C for several seconds restored the integral orders and further heating gave a new pattern with 1/3 orders. Exposure to 2 x 10 exp -6 torr min O without further heating weakened the fractional orders and at 10 exp -5 torr min they disappeared. Integral orders remained after further heating in O. For Ge integral orders were not restored after 0 exposure until heat treatment had continued at 550 deg C for several min. The (1 x 1) structure disappeared after heating at 590 deg C in 7 x 10 exp -1 torr O and further heating at 590 deg C without O restored the integral order Variations of intensity with voltage were measured for the (00) and (20) spots. The results supported a model proposed by Haneman (Phys. Rev., 1968, 170, 705) involving two kinds of atom sites on the cleaved surface. 20 ref.--E.J.S.
Tutkimus käsittelee kääpien sukulaisuussuhteita. Käävät ovat kantasienten (Basidiomycota) muotoryhmä, joiden itiöemien alapinta muodostuu yhteensulautuneista pilleistä. Muotoryhmänä kääpiä voi verrata vaikka puihin siinä mielessä, että käävät kuten puutkaan eivät ole samankaltaisuudestaan huolimatta kaikki sukua toisilleen. DNA:n käyttö sukulaisuussuhteiden selvittämisessä on aloittanut mullistuksen kääpien luokittelussa. Aiemmin käytetty, itiöemien ominaisuuksiin perustunut luokittelu on osoittautunut keinotekoiseksi sukulaisuussuhteiden kannalta. Tutkimuksessani syvennyttiin useamman kääpäsuvun polveutumishistoriaan hyödyntäen DNA:ta ja perinteisiä menetelmiä. Tutkimuksen keskeisimmät tulokset liittyvät sitkokääpien sukuun (Antrodiella). Tämä noin 70 lajia sisältävä suku osoittautui rikkonaiseksi - sitkokääpiin luetut lajit kuuluvat kahteen sienilahkoon ja oikesti vähintään 13 sukuun. Tutkimuksessa löytyi kaksi Suomelle uutta sitkokääpää, leppikääpä (A. ichnusana) ja nipukkakääpä (A. leucoxantha). Uudet suvut kuvattiin Suomessa esiintyville sirppikääville (Sidera) ja talikääville (Obba). Uusi kääpäsuku ja -laji kuvattiin myös Indonesiasta (Sebipora aquosa). Valtaosa sitkokääpiin luetuista lajeista kuuluu orakarakoiden heimoon (Steccherinaceae), joka rajattiin tässä tutkimuksessa uudelleen. Heimoon kuuluvat mm. karakäävät (Junghuhnia) ja orakasmaiset orakarakat (Steccherinum). Sen sisällä selvitettiin kääpien ja orakkaiden sukulaisuussuhteita. Perinteisesti käävät ja orakkaat on viety eri sukuihin riippumatta niiden mikroskooppisesta samankaltaisuudesta. Tulosten valossa orakarakoiden heimossa käävät ja orakkaat pysyvät pääosin erillisissä suvuissa, mutta tästä on myös poikkeuksia (Antrodiella, Metuloidea ja Steccherinum). Lähes kaikki DNA:n perusteella määriteltävissä olevat suvut ovat tunnistettavissa itiöemien ominaisuuksiensa perusteella. Tulokset antavat eväitä kääpien luokitteluun laajemminkin osoittamalla, mitkä ominaisuudet ovat luokittelun kannalta merkityksellisiä. Tarkentunut tieto lajimäärästä ja lajien sukulaisuussuhteista hyödyttää ekologista tutkimusta sekä arvioita lajien uhanalaisuudesta. Tutkimuksen aikana luotua DNA-kirjastoa käytetään lajien tunnistamiseen. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää myös etsittäessä bioteknologisia sovelluksia käävistä, sillä sovellusten kannalta kiinnostavat ominaisuudet seuraavat usein sienten sukupuuta.
Thermal contact conductance (TCC) measurements are made on bare and gold plated (<= 0.5 mu m) oxygen free high conductivity (OFHC) Cu and brass contacts in vacuum, nitrogen, and argon environments. It is observed that the TCC in gaseous environment is significantly higher than that in vacuum due to the enhanced thermal gap conductance. It is found that for a given contact load and gas pressure, the thermal gap conductance for bare OFHC Cu contacts is higher than that for gold plated contacts. It is due to the difference in the molecular weights of copper and gold, which influences the exchange of kinetic energy between the gas molecules and contact surfaces. Furthermore, the gap conductance is found to increase with increasing thickness of gold plating. Topography measurements and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of contact surfaces revealed that surfaces become smoother with increasing gold plating thickness, thus resulting in smaller gaps and consequently higher gap conductance. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The ion energy distribution of inductively coupled plasma ion source for focused ion beam application is measured using a four grid retarding field energy analyzer. Without using any Faraday shield, ion energy spread is found to be 50 eV or more. Moreover, the ion energy distribution is found to have double peaks showing that the power coupling to the plasma is not purely inductive, but a strong parasitic capacitive coupling is also present. By optimizing the various source parameters and Faraday shield, ion energy distribution having a single peak, well separated from zero energy and with ion energy spread of 4 eV is achieved. A novel plasma chamber, with proper Faraday shield is designed to ignite the plasma at low RF powers which otherwise would require 300-400 W of RF power. Optimization of various parameters of the ion source to achieve ions with very low energy spread and the experimental results are presented in this article. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The integral diaphragm pressure transducers machined out of precipitation hardened martensite stainless steel (APX4) are widely used for propellant pressure measurements in space applications. These transducers are expected to exhibit dimensional stability and linearity for their entire useful life. These vital factors are very critical for the reliable performance and dependability of the pressure transducers. However, these transducers invariably develop internal stresses during various stages of machining. These stresses have an adverse effect on the performance of the transducers causing deviation from linearity. In order to eliminate these possibilities, it was planned to cryotreat the machined transducers to improve both the long-term linearity and dimensional stability. To study these effects, an experimental cryotreatment unit was designed and developed based on the concept of indirect cooling using the concept of cold nitrogen gas forced closed loop convection currents. The system has the capability of cryotreating large number of samples for varied rates of cooling, soaking and warm-up. After obtaining the initial levels of residual stress and retained austenite using X-ray diffraction techniques, the pressure transducers were cryotreated at 98 K for 36 h. Immediately after cryotreatment, the transducers were tempered at 510 degrees C for 3 h in vacuum furnace. Results after cryo treatment clearly indicated significant reduction in residual stress levels and conversion of retained austenite to martensite. These changes have brought in improvements in long term zero drift and dimensional stability. The cryotreated pressure transducers have been incorporated for actual space applications. (c) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
A triode ion plating system with a hot cathode has been described. The performance of the system is studied, by studying the discharge behaviour from the bias voltage and bias current point of view, at the substrate, for different anode currents, filament voltages and pressures. The observed substrate bias current for different operating parameters is not found to be normal. The behaviour is explained on the bias of ionisation at the respective electrodes. The studies have revealed the importance of inter-electrode spacing in the enhancement of ionisation, in ion plating systems, at lower pressures.
Three compounds have been found to be stable in the pseudobinary system Na2O---(α)Al2O3 between 825 and 1400 K; two nonstoichiometric phases, β-alumina and β″-alumina, and NaAlO2. The homogeneity of β-alumina ranges from 9.5 to 11 mol% Na2O, while that of β″-alumina from 13.3 to 15.9 mol% Na2O at 1173 K. The activity of Na2O in the two-phase fields has been determined by a solid-state potentiometric technique. Since both β- and β″-alumina are fast sodium ion conductors, biphasic solid electrolyte tubes were used in these electrochemical measurements. The open circuit emf of the following cells were measured from 790 to 980 K: [GRAPHICS] The partial molar Gibbs' energy of Na2O relative to gamma-Na2O in the two-phase regions can be represented as: DELTA-GBAR(Na2O)(alpha- + beta-alumina) = -270,900 + 24.03 T, DELTA-GBAR(Na2O)(beta- + beta"-alumina) = -232,700 + 56.19 T, and DELTA-GBAR(Na2O)(beta"-alumina + NaAlO2) = -13,100 - 4.51 T J mol-1. Similar galvanic cells using a Au-Na alloy and a mixture of Co + CoAl(2+2x)O4+3x + (alpha)Al2O3 as electrodes were used at 1400 K. Thermodynamic data obtained in these studies are used to evaluate phase relations and partial pressure of sodium in the Na2O-(alpha) Al2O3 system as a function of oxygen partial pressure, composition and temperature.