946 resultados para VOCABULARY
In this paper we investigated differences in language use of speakers yielding different verbal intelligence when they describe the same event. The work is based on a corpus containing descriptions of a short film and verbal intelligence scores of the speakers. For analyzing the monologues and the film transcript, the number of reused words, lemmas, n-grams, cosine similarity and other features were calculated and compared to each other for different verbal intelligence groups. The results showed that the similarity of monologues of higher verbal intelligence speakers was greater than of lower and average verbal intelligence participants. A possible explanation of this phenomenon is that candidates yielding higher verbal intelligence have a better short-term memory. In this paper we also checked a hypothesis that differences in vocabulary of speakers yielding different verbal intelligence are sufficient enough for good classification results. For proving this hypothesis, the Nearest Neighbor classifier was trained using TF-IDF vocabulary measures. The maximum achieved accuracy was 92.86%.
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo facilitar el aprendizaje multimedia en inglés de los conceptos básicos relacionados con el análisis de circuitos para los alumnos de grado de la nuestra escuela, en especial para los de nuevo ingreso. El aprendizaje será realizado directamente en inglés, cumpliendo así el doble objetivo: por un lado el de abordar unos conceptos nuevos para el alumno de ingeniería y, además, el poder hacerlo en inglés, lo que le servirá para llegar a mejorar su nivel de competencia en la lengua extranjera, o al menos mantenerlo. El proyecto realizado tiene varios apartados. En primer lugar, un apartado didáctico en el que se exponen los conceptos básicos sobre el análisis de circuitos que se quieren explicar, siempre orientados al aprendizaje de inglés. Para abordar estos nuevos temas de un modo didáctico y que incite al autoaprendizaje, se recurrirá a la tecnología y por medio de vídeos e imágenes y actividades didácticas multimedia se podrá afrontar la asignatura con facilidad e interés para captar los conceptos en una lengua extranjera. Se han diseñado actividades para la práctica de: la audición, con dictado y asociación de sonidos con palabras; de la comprensión lectora y adquisición de vocabulario, con ejercicios de rellenar huecos y emparejar definiciones. Las actividades se han adaptado a la plataforma Moodle para obtener la retroalimentación de los alumnos, si se desea. El apartado de aprendizaje se complementará con un glosario específico y alfabéticamente ordenado donde también dispondremos de la transcripción fonética de cada una de las palabras incluidas en el mismo. Para llegar a conseguir el objetivo didáctico se ha diseñado un sitio web capaz de albergar todo el contenido anterior. Abstract The main objective of this Project has been to facilitate a multimedia resource for learning in English the basic concepts related to circuit analysis. The final product is directly addressed to the undergraduate students at a Telecommunications School, the EUITT from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Learning technical notions directly in English serves the students to reach the double purpose of not only acquiring a number of new concepts but also improving their proficiency in the foreign language or keeping up with their level of English through their studies. The project has several sections. There is a didactic section which explains the basic concepts using videos and images in order to approach the subject with ease and interest. This part is supplemented with a glossary in alphabetic order provided with the phonetics of the English words and some multimedia exercises for practicing different skills mainly listening, reading, and using technical vocabulary in English. All these activities have been adapted to the platform Moodle so that the students results can be assessed, if convenient. On the other hand, the practical implementation of the Project has consisted of designing a website capable of including all of the points mentioned above.
El objetivo del presente proyecto es proporcionar una actividad de la pronunciación y repaso de vocabulario en lengua inglesa para la plataforma Moodle alojada en la página web de Integrated Language Learning Lab (ILLLab). La página web ILLLab tiene el objetivo de que los alumnos de la EUIT de Telecomunicación de la UPM con un nivel de inglés A2 según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL), puedan trabajar de manera autónoma para avanzar hacia el nivel B2 en inglés. La UPM exige estos conocimientos de nivel de inglés para cursar la asignatura English for Professional and Academic Communication (EPAC) de carácter obligatorio e impartida en el séptimo semestre del Grado en Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones. Asimismo, se persigue abordar el problema de las escasas actividades de expresión oral de las plataformas de autoaprendizaje se dedican a la formación en idiomas y, más concretamente, al inglés. Con ese fin, se proporciona una herramienta basada en sistemas de reconocimiento de voz para que el usuario practique la pronunciación de las palabras inglesas. En el primer capítulo del trabajo se introduce la aplicación Traffic Lights, explicando sus orígenes y en qué consiste. En el segundo capítulo se abordan aspectos teóricos relacionados con el reconocimiento de voz y se comenta sus funciones principales y las aplicaciones actuales para las que se usa. El tercer capítulo ofrece una explicación detallada de los diferentes lenguajes utilizados para la realización del proyecto, así como de su código desarrollado. En el cuarto capítulo se plantea un manual de usuario de la aplicación, exponiendo al usuario cómo funciona la aplicación y un ejemplo de uso. Además, se añade varias secciones para el administrador de la aplicación, en las que se especifica cómo agregar nuevas palabras en la base de datos y hacer cambios en el tiempo estimado que el usuario tiene para acabar una partida del juego. ABSTRACT: The objective of the present project is to provide an activity of pronunciation and vocabulary review in English language within the platform Moodle hosted at the Integrated Language Learning Lab (ILLLab) website. The ILLLab website has the aim to provide students at the EUIT of Telecommunication in the UPM with activities to develop their A2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). In the platform, students can work independently to advance towards a B2 level in English. The UPM requires this level of English proficiency for enrolling in the compulsory subject English for Professional and Academic Communication (EPAC) taught in the seventh semester of the Degree in Telecommunications Engineering. Likewise, this project tries to provide alternatives to solve the problem of scarce speaking activities included in the learning platforms that offer language courses, and specifically, English language courses. For this purpose, it provides a tool based on speech recognition systems so that the user can practice the pronunciation of English words. The first chapter of the project introduces the application Traffic Lights, explaining its origins and what it is. The second chapter deals with theoretical aspects related with speech recognition and comments their main features and current applications for which it is generally used. The third chapter provides a detailed explanation of the different programming languages used for the implementation of the project and reviews its code development. The fourth chapter presents an application user manual, exposing to the user how the application works and an example of use. Also, several sections are added addressed to the application administrator, which specify how to add new words to the database and how to make changes in the original stings as could be the estimated time that the user has to finish the game.
The project arises from the need to develop improved teaching methodologies in field of the mechanics of continuous media. The objective is to offer the student a learning process to acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge, cognitive skills and the responsibility and autonomy to professional development in this area. Traditionally the teaching of the concepts of these subjects was performed through lectures and laboratory practice. During these lessons the students attitude was usually passive, and therefore their effectiveness was poor. The proposed methodology has already been successfully employed in universities like University Bochum, Germany, University the South Australia and aims to improve the effectiveness of knowledge acquisition through use by the student of a virtual laboratory. This laboratory allows to adapt the curricula and learning techniques to the European Higher Education and improve current learning processes in the University School of Public Works Engineers -EUITOP- of the Technical University of Madrid -UPM-, due there are not laboratories in this specialization. The virtual space is created using a software platform built on OpenSim, manages 3D virtual worlds, and, language LSL -Linden Scripting Language-, which imprints specific powers to objects. The student or user can access this virtual world through their avatar -your character in the virtual world- and can perform practices within the space created for the purpose, at any time, just with computer with internet access and viewfinder. The virtual laboratory has three partitions. The virtual meeting rooms, where the avatar can interact with peers, solve problems and exchange existing documentation in the virtual library. The interactive game room, where the avatar is has to resolve a number of issues in time. And the video room where students can watch instructional videos and receive group lessons. Each audiovisual interactive element is accompanied by explanations framing it within the area of knowledge and enables students to begin to acquire a vocabulary and practice of the profession for which they are being formed. Plane elasticity concepts are introduced from the tension and compression testing of test pieces of steel and concrete. The behavior of reticulated and articulated structures is reinforced by some interactive games and concepts of tension, compression, local and global buckling will by tests to break articulated structures. Pure bending concepts, simple and composite torsion will be studied by observing a flexible specimen. Earthquake resistant design of buildings will be checked by a laboratory test video.
This paper describes the adaptation approach of reusable knowledge representation components used in the KSM environment for the formulation and operationalisation of structured knowledge models. Reusable knowledge representation components in KSM are called primitives of representation. A primitive of representation provides: (1) a knowledge representation formalism (2) a set of tasks that use this knowledge together with several problem-solving methods to carry out these tasks (3) a knowledge acquisition module that provides different services to acquire and validate this knowledge (4) an abstract terminology about the linguistic categories included in the representation language associated to the primitive. Primitives of representation usually are domain independent. A primitive of representation can be adapted to support knowledge in a given domain by importing concepts from this domain. The paper describes how this activity can be carried out by mean of a terminological importation. Informally, a terminological importation partially populates an abstract terminology with concepts taken from a given domain. The information provided by the importation can be used by the acquisition and validation facilities to constraint the classes of knowledge that can be described using the representation formalism according to the domain knowledge. KSM provides the LINK-S language to specify terminological importation from a domain terminology to an abstract one. These terminologies are described in KSM by mean of the CONCEL language. Terminological importation is used to adapt reusable primitives of representation in order to increase the usability degree of such components in these domains. In addition, two primitives of representation can share a common vocabulary by importing common domain CONCEL terminologies (conceptual vocabularies). It is a necessary condition to make possible the interoperability between different, heterogeneous knowledge representation components in the framework of complex knowledge - based architectures.
This paper is a preliminary version of Chapter 3 of a State-of-the-Art Report by the IASS Working Group 5: Concrete Shell Roofs. The intention of this chapter is to set forth for those who intend to design concrete shell roofs information and advice about the selection, verification and utilization of commercial computer tools for analysis and design tasks.The computer analysis and design steps for a concrete shell roof are described. Advice follows on the aspects to be considered in the application of commercial finite element (FE)computer programs to concrete shell analysis, starting with recommendations on how novices can gain confidence and competence in the use of software. To establish vocabulary and provide background references, brief surveys are presented of, first,element types and formulations for shells and, second, challenges presented by advanced analyses of shells. The final section of the chapter indicates what capabilities to seek in selecting commercial FE software for the analysis and design of concrete shell roofs. Brief concluding remarks summarize advice regarding judicious use of computer analysis in design practice.
La idea de dotar a un grupo de robots o agentes artificiales de un lenguaje ha sido objeto de intenso estudio en las ultimas décadas. Como no podía ser de otra forma los primeros intentos se enfocaron hacia el estudio de la emergencia de vocabularios compartidos convencionalmente por el grupo de robots. Las ventajas que puede ofrecer un léxico común son evidentes, como también lo es que un lenguaje con una estructura más compleja, en la que se pudieran combinar palabras, sería todavía más beneficioso. Surgen así algunas propuestas enfocadas hacia la emergencia de un lenguaje consensuado que muestre una estructura sintáctica similar al lenguaje humano, entre las que se encuentra este trabajo. Tomar el lenguaje humano como modelo supone adoptar algunas de las hipótesis y teorías que disciplinas como la filosofía, la psicología o la lingüística entre otras se han encargado de proponer. Según estas aproximaciones teóricas el lenguaje presenta una doble dimension formal y funcional. En base a su dimensión formal parece claro que el lenguaje sigue unas reglas, por lo que el uso de una gramática se ha considerado esencial para su representación, pero también porque las gramáticas son un dispositivo muy sencillo y potente que permite generar fácilmente estructuras simbólicas. En cuanto a la dimension funcional se ha tenido en cuenta la teoría quizá más influyente de los últimos tiempos, que no es otra que la Teoría de los Actos del Habla. Esta teoría se basa en la idea de Wittgenstein por la que el significado reside en el uso del lenguaje, hasta el punto de que éste se entiende como una manera de actuar y de comportarse, en definitiva como una forma de vida. Teniendo presentes estas premisas en esta tesis se pretende experimentar con modelos computacionales que permitan a un grupo de robots alcanzar un lenguaje común de manera autónoma, simplemente mediante interacciones individuales entre los robots, en forma de juegos de lenguaje. Para ello se proponen tres modelos distintos de lenguaje: • Un modelo basado en gramáticas probabilísticas y aprendizaje por refuerzo en el que las interacciones y el uso del lenguaje son claves para su emergencia y que emplea una gramática generativa estática y diseñada de antemano. Este modelo se aplica a dos grupos distintos: uno formado exclusivamente por robots y otro que combina robots y un humano, de manera que en este segundo caso se plantea un aprendizaje supervisado por humanos. • Un modelo basado en evolución gramatical que permite estudiar no solo el consenso sintáctico, sino también cuestiones relativas a la génesis del lenguaje y que emplea una gramática universal a partir de la cual los robots pueden evolucionar por sí mismos la gramática más apropiada según la situación lingüística que traten en cada momento. • Un modelo basado en evolución gramatical y aprendizaje por refuerzo que toma aspectos de los anteriores y amplia las posibilidades de los robots al permitir desarrollar un lenguaje que se adapta a situaciones lingüísticas dinámicas que pueden cambiar en el tiempo y también posibilita la imposición de restricciones de orden muy frecuentes en las estructuras sintácticas complejas. Todos los modelos implican un planteamiento descentralizado y auto-organizado, de manera que ninguno de los robots es el dueño del lenguaje y todos deben cooperar y colaborar de forma coordinada para lograr el consenso sintáctico. En cada caso se plantean experimentos que tienen como objetivo validar los modelos propuestos, tanto en lo relativo al éxito en la emergencia del lenguaje como en lo relacionado con cuestiones paralelas de importancia, como la interacción hombre-máquina o la propia génesis del lenguaje. ABSTRACT The idea of giving a language to a group of robots or artificial agents has been the subject of intense study in recent decades. The first attempts have focused on the development and emergence of a conventionally shared vocabulary. The advantages that can provide a common vocabulary are evident and therefore a more complex language that combines words would be even more beneficial. Thus some proposals are put forward towards the emergence of a consensual language with a sintactical structure in similar terms to the human language. This work follows this trend. Taking the human language as a model means taking some of the assumptions and theories that disciplines such as philosophy, psychology or linguistics among others have provided. According to these theoretical positions language has a double formal and functional dimension. Based on its formal dimension it seems clear that language follows rules, so that the use of a grammar has been considered essential for representation, but also because grammars are a very simple and powerful device that easily generates these symbolic structures. As for the functional dimension perhaps the most influential theory of recent times, the Theory of Speech Acts has been taken into account. This theory is based on the Wittgenstein’s idea about that the meaning lies in the use of language, to the extent that it is understood as a way of acting and behaving. Having into account these issues this work implements some computational models in order to test if they allow a group of robots to reach in an autonomous way a shared language by means of individual interaction among them, that is by means of language games. Specifically, three different models of language for robots are proposed: • A reinforcement learning based model in which interactions and language use are key to its emergence. This model uses a static probabilistic generative grammar which is designed beforehand. The model is applied to two different groups: one formed exclusively by robots and other combining robots and a human. Therefore, in the second case the learning process is supervised by the human. • A model based on grammatical evolution that allows us to study not only the syntactic consensus, but also the very genesis of language. This model uses a universal grammar that allows robots to evolve for themselves the most appropriate grammar according to the current linguistic situation they deal with. • A model based on grammatical evolution and reinforcement learning that takes aspects of the previous models and increases their possibilities. This model allows robots to develop a language in order to adapt to dynamic language situations that can change over time and also allows the imposition of syntactical order restrictions which are very common in complex syntactic structures. All models involve a decentralized and self-organized approach so that none of the robots is the language’s owner and everyone must cooperate and work together in a coordinated manner to achieve syntactic consensus. In each case experiments are presented in order to validate the proposed models, both in terms of success about the emergence of language and it relates to the study of important parallel issues, such as human-computer interaction or the very genesis of language.
La nanotecnología es un área de investigación de reciente creación que trata con la manipulación y el control de la materia con dimensiones comprendidas entre 1 y 100 nanómetros. A escala nanométrica, los materiales exhiben fenómenos físicos, químicos y biológicos singulares, muy distintos a los que manifiestan a escala convencional. En medicina, los compuestos miniaturizados a nanoescala y los materiales nanoestructurados ofrecen una mayor eficacia con respecto a las formulaciones químicas tradicionales, así como una mejora en la focalización del medicamento hacia la diana terapéutica, revelando así nuevas propiedades diagnósticas y terapéuticas. A su vez, la complejidad de la información a nivel nano es mucho mayor que en los niveles biológicos convencionales (desde el nivel de población hasta el nivel de célula) y, por tanto, cualquier flujo de trabajo en nanomedicina requiere, de forma inherente, estrategias de gestión de información avanzadas. Desafortunadamente, la informática biomédica todavía no ha proporcionado el marco de trabajo que permita lidiar con estos retos de la información a nivel nano, ni ha adaptado sus métodos y herramientas a este nuevo campo de investigación. En este contexto, la nueva área de la nanoinformática pretende detectar y establecer los vínculos existentes entre la medicina, la nanotecnología y la informática, fomentando así la aplicación de métodos computacionales para resolver las cuestiones y problemas que surgen con la información en la amplia intersección entre la biomedicina y la nanotecnología. Las observaciones expuestas previamente determinan el contexto de esta tesis doctoral, la cual se centra en analizar el dominio de la nanomedicina en profundidad, así como en el desarrollo de estrategias y herramientas para establecer correspondencias entre las distintas disciplinas, fuentes de datos, recursos computacionales y técnicas orientadas a la extracción de información y la minería de textos, con el objetivo final de hacer uso de los datos nanomédicos disponibles. El autor analiza, a través de casos reales, alguna de las tareas de investigación en nanomedicina que requieren o que pueden beneficiarse del uso de métodos y herramientas nanoinformáticas, ilustrando de esta forma los inconvenientes y limitaciones actuales de los enfoques de informática biomédica a la hora de tratar con datos pertenecientes al dominio nanomédico. Se discuten tres escenarios diferentes como ejemplos de actividades que los investigadores realizan mientras llevan a cabo su investigación, comparando los contextos biomédico y nanomédico: i) búsqueda en la Web de fuentes de datos y recursos computacionales que den soporte a su investigación; ii) búsqueda en la literatura científica de resultados experimentales y publicaciones relacionadas con su investigación; iii) búsqueda en registros de ensayos clínicos de resultados clínicos relacionados con su investigación. El desarrollo de estas actividades requiere el uso de herramientas y servicios informáticos, como exploradores Web, bases de datos de referencias bibliográficas indexando la literatura biomédica y registros online de ensayos clínicos, respectivamente. Para cada escenario, este documento proporciona un análisis detallado de los posibles obstáculos que pueden dificultar el desarrollo y el resultado de las diferentes tareas de investigación en cada uno de los dos campos citados (biomedicina y nanomedicina), poniendo especial énfasis en los retos existentes en la investigación nanomédica, campo en el que se han detectado las mayores dificultades. El autor ilustra cómo la aplicación de metodologías provenientes de la informática biomédica a estos escenarios resulta efectiva en el dominio biomédico, mientras que dichas metodologías presentan serias limitaciones cuando son aplicadas al contexto nanomédico. Para abordar dichas limitaciones, el autor propone un enfoque nanoinformático, original, diseñado específicamente para tratar con las características especiales que la información presenta a nivel nano. El enfoque consiste en un análisis en profundidad de la literatura científica y de los registros de ensayos clínicos disponibles para extraer información relevante sobre experimentos y resultados en nanomedicina —patrones textuales, vocabulario en común, descriptores de experimentos, parámetros de caracterización, etc.—, seguido del desarrollo de mecanismos para estructurar y analizar dicha información automáticamente. Este análisis concluye con la generación de un modelo de datos de referencia (gold standard) —un conjunto de datos de entrenamiento y de test anotados manualmente—, el cual ha sido aplicado a la clasificación de registros de ensayos clínicos, permitiendo distinguir automáticamente los estudios centrados en nanodrogas y nanodispositivos de aquellos enfocados a testear productos farmacéuticos tradicionales. El presente trabajo pretende proporcionar los métodos necesarios para organizar, depurar, filtrar y validar parte de los datos nanomédicos existentes en la actualidad a una escala adecuada para la toma de decisiones. Análisis similares para otras tareas de investigación en nanomedicina ayudarían a detectar qué recursos nanoinformáticos se requieren para cumplir los objetivos actuales en el área, así como a generar conjunto de datos de referencia, estructurados y densos en información, a partir de literatura y otros fuentes no estructuradas para poder aplicar nuevos algoritmos e inferir nueva información de valor para la investigación en nanomedicina. ABSTRACT Nanotechnology is a research area of recent development that deals with the manipulation and control of matter with dimensions ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers. At the nanoscale, materials exhibit singular physical, chemical and biological phenomena, very different from those manifested at the conventional scale. In medicine, nanosized compounds and nanostructured materials offer improved drug targeting and efficacy with respect to traditional formulations, and reveal novel diagnostic and therapeutic properties. Nevertheless, the complexity of information at the nano level is much higher than the complexity at the conventional biological levels (from populations to the cell). Thus, any nanomedical research workflow inherently demands advanced information management. Unfortunately, Biomedical Informatics (BMI) has not yet provided the necessary framework to deal with such information challenges, nor adapted its methods and tools to the new research field. In this context, the novel area of nanoinformatics aims to build new bridges between medicine, nanotechnology and informatics, allowing the application of computational methods to solve informational issues at the wide intersection between biomedicine and nanotechnology. The above observations determine the context of this doctoral dissertation, which is focused on analyzing the nanomedical domain in-depth, and developing nanoinformatics strategies and tools to map across disciplines, data sources, computational resources, and information extraction and text mining techniques, for leveraging available nanomedical data. The author analyzes, through real-life case studies, some research tasks in nanomedicine that would require or could benefit from the use of nanoinformatics methods and tools, illustrating present drawbacks and limitations of BMI approaches to deal with data belonging to the nanomedical domain. Three different scenarios, comparing both the biomedical and nanomedical contexts, are discussed as examples of activities that researchers would perform while conducting their research: i) searching over the Web for data sources and computational resources supporting their research; ii) searching the literature for experimental results and publications related to their research, and iii) searching clinical trial registries for clinical results related to their research. The development of these activities will depend on the use of informatics tools and services, such as web browsers, databases of citations and abstracts indexing the biomedical literature, and web-based clinical trial registries, respectively. For each scenario, this document provides a detailed analysis of the potential information barriers that could hamper the successful development of the different research tasks in both fields (biomedicine and nanomedicine), emphasizing the existing challenges for nanomedical research —where the major barriers have been found. The author illustrates how the application of BMI methodologies to these scenarios can be proven successful in the biomedical domain, whilst these methodologies present severe limitations when applied to the nanomedical context. To address such limitations, the author proposes an original nanoinformatics approach specifically designed to deal with the special characteristics of information at the nano level. This approach consists of an in-depth analysis of the scientific literature and available clinical trial registries to extract relevant information about experiments and results in nanomedicine —textual patterns, common vocabulary, experiment descriptors, characterization parameters, etc.—, followed by the development of mechanisms to automatically structure and analyze this information. This analysis resulted in the generation of a gold standard —a manually annotated training or reference set—, which was applied to the automatic classification of clinical trial summaries, distinguishing studies focused on nanodrugs and nanodevices from those aimed at testing traditional pharmaceuticals. The present work aims to provide the necessary methods for organizing, curating and validating existing nanomedical data on a scale suitable for decision-making. Similar analysis for different nanomedical research tasks would help to detect which nanoinformatics resources are required to meet current goals in the field, as well as to generate densely populated and machine-interpretable reference datasets from the literature and other unstructured sources for further testing novel algorithms and inferring new valuable information for nanomedicine.
This article explores one aspect of the processing perspective in L2 learning in an EST context: the processing of new content words, in English, of the type ‘cognates’ and ‘false friends’, by Spanish speaking engineering students. The paper does not try to offer a comprehensive overview of language acquisition mechanisms, but rather it is intended to review more narrowly how our conceptual systems, governed by intricately linked networks of neural connections in the brain, make language development possible, creating, at the same time, some L2 processing problems. The case of ‘cognates and false friends’ in specialised contexts is brought here to illustrate some of the processing problems that the L2 learner has to confront, and how mappings in the visual, phonological and semantic (conceptual) brain structures function in second language processing of new vocabulary. Resumen Este artículo pretende reflexionar sobre un aspecto de la perspectiva del procesamiento de segundas lenguas (L2) en el contexto del ICT: el procesamiento de palabras nuevas, en inglés, conocidas como “cognados” y “falsos amigos”, por parte de estudiantes de ingeniería españoles. No se pretende ofrecer una visión completa de los mecanismos de adquisición del lenguaje, más bien se intenta mostrar cómo nuestro sistema conceptual, gobernado por una complicada red de conexiones neuronales en el cerebro, hace posible el desarrollo del lenguaje, aunque ello conlleve ciertas dificultades en el procesamiento de segundas lenguas. El caso de los “cognados” y los “falsos amigos”, en los lenguajes de especialidad, se trae para ilustrar algunos de los problemas de procesamiento que el estudiante de una lengua extranjera tiene que afrontar y el funcionamiento de las correspondencias entre las estructuras visuales, fonológicas y semánticas (conceptuales) del cerebro en el procesamiento de nuevo vocabulario.
This research presents an innovative and formal educational initiative that is aimed at enhancing the development of engineering students’ specific competencies when studying Engineering Project Management subject. The framework of the experience combines theoretical concepts, the development of a real-case project carried out by multidisciplinary groups of three different universities, the use of software web 2.0 tools, and group and individual assignments of students that play different roles (project managers and team members). Under this scenario, this paper focuses on monitoring the communication competence in the ever growing Project Management virtual environment. Factors such as corporal language, technical means, stage, and management specific vocabulary among others have been considered in order to assess the students’ performance on this issue. As a main contribution, the paper introduces an ad-hoc rubric that, based on previous investigations, has been adapted and tested to this specific context. Additionally, the research conducted has provided some interesting findings that suggest further actions to improve and better define future rubrics, oriented to communication or even other competencies. As specific Project Management subject concerns, it has been detected that students playing the role of Project Managers strengthen their competencies more than those ones that play the role of Team Members. It has also been detected that students have more difficulty assimilating concepts related to risk and quality management. However those concepts related with areas of knowledge like scope, time or cost have been better assimilated by the students.
An important part of human intelligence, both historically and operationally, is our ability to communicate. We learn how to communicate, and maintain our communicative skills, in a society of communicators – a highly effective way to reach and maintain proficiency in this complex skill. Principles that might allow artificial agents to learn language this way are in completely known at present – the multi-dimensional nature of socio-communicative skills are beyond every machine learning framework so far proposed. Our work begins to address the challenge of proposing a way for observation-based machine learning of natural language and communication. Our framework can learn complex communicative skills with minimal up-front knowledge. The system learns by incrementally producing predictive models of causal relationships in observed data, guided by goal-inference and reasoning using forward-inverse models. We present results from two experiments where our S1 agent learns human communication by observing two humans interacting in a realtime TV-style interview, using multimodal communicative gesture and situated language to talk about recycling of various materials and objects. S1 can learn multimodal complex language and multimodal communicative acts, a vocabulary of 100 words forming natural sentences with relatively complex sentence structure, including manual deictic reference and anaphora. S1 is seeded only with high-level information about goals of the interviewer and interviewee, and a small ontology; no grammar or other information is provided to S1 a priori. The agent learns the pragmatics, semantics, and syntax of complex utterances spoken and gestures from scratch, by observing the humans compare and contrast the cost and pollution related to recycling aluminum cans, glass bottles, newspaper, plastic, and wood. After 20 hours of observation S1 can perform an unscripted TV interview with a human, in the same style, without making mistakes.
Within the European Union, member states are setting up official data catalogues as entry points to access PSI (Public Sector Information). In this context, it is important to describe the metadata of these data portals, i.e., of data catalogs, and allow for interoperability among them. To tackle these issues, the Government Linked Data Working Group developed DCAT (Data Catalog Vocabulary), an RDF vocabulary for describing the metadata of data catalogs. This topic report analyzes the current use of the DCAT vocabulary in several European data catalogs and proposes some recommendations to deal with an inconsistent use of the metadata across countries. The enrichment of such metadata vocabularies with multilingual descriptions, as well as an account for cultural divergences, is seen as a necessary step to guarantee interoperability and ensure wider adoption.
rights and conditions present in licenses for software, data and general works are expressed with the Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) 2.0 vocabulary and extensions thereof. The dataset contains licenses identified by a dereferenceable URI, which are served with content negotiation providing a double representation for humans and machines alike. This feature enables a generalized machine-to-machine commerce if generally adopted.
An important part of human intelligence is the ability to use language. Humans learn how to use language in a society of language users, which is probably the most effective way to learn a language from the ground up. Principles that might allow an artificial agents to learn language this way are not known at present. Here we present a framework which begins to address this challenge. Our auto-catalytic, endogenous, reflective architecture (AERA) supports the creation of agents that can learn natural language by observation. We present results from two experiments where our S1 agent learns human communication by observing two humans interacting in a realtime mock television interview, using gesture and situated language. Results show that S1 can learn multimodal complex language and multimodal communicative acts, using a vocabulary of 100 words with numerous sentence formats, by observing unscripted interaction between the humans, with no grammar being provided to it a priori, and only high-level information about the format of the human interaction in the form of high-level goals of the interviewer and interviewee and a small ontology. The agent learns both the pragmatics, semantics, and syntax of complex sentences spoken by the human subjects on the topic of recycling of objects such as aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic, and wood, as well as use of manual deictic reference and anaphora.
Extracting opinions and emotions from text is becoming increasingly important, especially since the advent of micro-blogging and social networking. Opinion mining is particularly popular and now gathers many public services, datasets and lexical resources. Unfortunately, there are few available lexical and semantic resources for emotion recognition that could foster the development of new emotion aware services and applications. The diversity of theories of emotion and the absence of a common vocabulary are two of the main barriers to the development of such resources. This situation motivated the creation of Onyx, a semantic vocabulary of emotions with a focus on lexical resources and emotion analysis services. It follows a linguistic Linked Data approach, it is aligned with the Provenance Ontology, and it has been integrated with the Lexicon Model for Ontologies (lemon), a popular RDF model for representing lexical entries. This approach also means a new and interesting way to work with different theories of emotion. As part of this work, Onyx has been aligned with EmotionML and WordNet-Affect.