976 resultados para VENTILATION


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Until recently, there has been little investigation concerning the poor indoor air quality (IAQ) in classrooms. Despite the evidence that the educational building systems in many of the UK institutions have significant defects that may degrade IAQ, systematic assessments of IAQ measurements has been rarely undertaken. When undertaking IAQ measurement, there is a difficult task of representing and characterizing the environment parameters. Although technologies exist to measure these parameters, direct measurements especially in a naturally ventilated spaces are often difficult. This paper presents a methodology for developing a method to characterize indoor environment flow parameters as well as the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) concentrations. Thus, CO2 concentration level can be influenced by the differences in the selection of sampling points and heights. However, because this research focuses on natural ventilation in classrooms, air exchange is provided mainly by air infiltration. It is hoped that the methodology developed and evaluated in this research can effectively simplify the process of estimating the parameters for a systematic assessment of IAQ measurements in a naturally ventilated classrooms.


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This article presents a prototype model based on a wireless sensor actuator network (WSAN) aimed at optimizing both energy consumption of environmental systems and well-being of occupants in buildings. The model is a system consisting of the following components: a wireless sensor network, `sense diaries', environmental systems such as heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, and a central computer. A multi-agent system (MAS) is used to derive and act on the preferences of the occupants. Each occupant is represented by a personal agent in the MAS. The sense diary is a new device designed to elicit feedback from occupants about their satisfaction with the environment. The roles of the components are: the WSAN collects data about physical parameters such as temperature and humidity from an indoor environment; the central computer processes the collected data; the sense diaries leverage trade-offs between energy consumption and well-being, in conjunction with the agent system; and the environmental systems control the indoor environment.


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In this work a method for building multiple-model structures is presented. A clustering algorithm that uses data from the system is employed to define the architecture of the multiple-model, including the size of the region covered by each model, and the number of models. A heating ventilation and air conditioning system is used as a testbed of the proposed method.


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In this work a method for building multiple-model structures is presented. A clustering algorithm that uses data from the system is employed to define the architecture of the multiple-model, including the size of the region covered by each model, and the number of models. A heating ventilation and air conditioning system is used as a testbed of the proposed method.


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In this work a hybrid technique that includes probabilistic and optimization based methods is presented. The method is applied, both in simulation and by means of real-time experiments, to the heating unit of a Heating, Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. It is shown that the addition of the probabilistic approach improves the fault diagnosis accuracy.


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In this work, a fault-tolerant control scheme is applied to a air handling unit of a heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system. Using the multiple-model approach it is possible to identify faults and to control the system under faulty and normal conditions in an effective way. Using well known techniques to model and control the process, this work focuses on the importance of the cost function in the fault detection and its influence on the reconfigurable controller. Experimental results show how the control of the terminal unit is affected in the presence a fault, and how the recuperation and reconfiguration of the control action is able to deal with the effects of faults.


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Tracer gas techniques have been the most appropriate experimental method of determining airflows and ventilation rates in houses. However, current trends to reduce greenhouse gas effects have prompted the need for alternative techniques, such as passive sampling. In this research passive sampling techniques have been used to demonstrate the potential to fulfil these requirements by using solutions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and solid phase microextraction (SPME) fibres. These passive sampling techniques have been calibrated against tracer gas decay techniques and measurements from a standard orifice plate. Two constant sources of volatile organic compounds were diffused into two sections of a humidity chamber and sampled using SPME fibres. From a total of four SPME fibres (two in each section), reproducible results were obtained. Emission rates and air movement from one section to the other were predicted using developed algorithms. Comparison of the SPME fibre technique with that of the tracer gas technique and measurements from an orifice plate showed similar results with good precision and accuracy. With these fibres, infiltration rates can be measured over grab samples in a time weighted averaged period lasting from 10 minutes up to several days. Key words: passive samplers, solid phase microextraction fibre, tracer gas techniques, airflow, air infiltration, houses.


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The spatial distribution of CO2 level in a classroom carried out in previous field work research has demonstrated that there is some evidence of variations in CO2 concentration in a classroom space. Significant fluctuations in CO2 concentration were found at different sampling points depending on the ventilation strategies and environmental conditions prevailing in individual classrooms. However, how these variations are affected by the emitting sources and the room air movement remains unknown. Hence, it was concluded that detailed investigation of the CO2 distribution need to be performed on a smaller scale. As a result, it was decided to use an environmental chamber with various methods and rates of ventilation, for the same internal temperature and heat loads, to study the effect of ventilation strategy and air movement on the distribution of CO2 concentration in a room. The role of human exhalation and its interaction with the plume induced by the body's convective flow and room air movement due to different ventilation strategies were studied in a chamber at the University of Reading. These phenomena are considered to be important in understanding and predicting the flow patterns in a space and how these impact on the distribution of contaminants. This paper attempts to study the CO2 dispersion and distribution at the exhalation zone of two people sitting in a chamber as well as throughout the occupied zone of the chamber. The horizontal and vertical distributions of CO2 were sampled at locations with a probability that CO2 variation is considered high. Although the room size, source location, ventilation rate and location of air supply and extract devices all can have influence on the CO2 distribution, this article gives general guidelines on the optimum positioning of CO2 sensor in a room.


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This paper presents results for thermal comfort assessment in non-uniform thermal environments. Three types of displacement ventilation (DV) units that created stratified condition in an environmental test chamber have been selected to carry out the thermal comfort assessment: a flat diffuser (DV1), semi-circular diffuser (DV2), and floor swirl diffuser (DV3). The CBE (Center for the Built Environment at Berkeley) comfort model was implemented in this study to assess the occupant’s thermal comfort for the three DV types. The CBE model predicted the occupant’s mean skin as well as local skin temperatures very well when compared with measurements found in the literature, while it underestimated the occupant’s core temperature. The predicted occupant’s thermal sensation and thermal comfort for the case of (DV2) were the best. Therefore, the semi-circular diffuser (DV2) provided better thermal comfort for the occupant in comparison with the other two DV types.


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Epidemiological studies have shown links between human exposure to indoor airborne particles and adverse health affects. Several recent studies have also reported that the classroom environment has an impact on students’ health and performance. In this study particle concentration in a university classroom is assessed experimentally for different occupancy periods. The mass concentrations of different particle size ranges (0.3 – 20 µm), and the three particulate matter fractions (PM10, PM2.5, and PM1) were measured simultaneously in a classroom with different occupancy periods including occupied and unoccupied periods in the University of Reading, UK, during the winter period of 2010. The results showed that students’ presence is a significant factor affecting particles concentration for the fractions above PM1 in the measured range of 0.3 to 20 µm. The resuspension of the three PM fractions was also determined in the study.


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We discuss how synoptic-scale variability controls the transport of atmospheric water vapour by mid-latitude cyclones. Idealised simulations are used to investigate quantitatively what factors determine the magnitude of cyclone moisture transport. It is demonstrated that large-scale ascent on the warmconveyor belt and shallow cumulus convection are equally important for ventilating moisture from the boundary layer into the free troposphere, and that ventilated moisture can be transported large distances eastwards and polewards by the cyclone, before being returned to the surface as precipitation. The initial relative humidity is shown to have little affect on the ability of the cyclone to transport moisture, whilst the absolute temperature and meridional temperature gradient provide much stronger controls. Scaling arguments are presented to quantify the dependence of moisture transport on large-scale and boundary-layer parameters. It is shown that ventilation by shallow convection and warm-conveyor belt advection vary in the same way with changes to large-scale parameters. However, shallow convective ventilation has a much stronger dependence on boundary-layer parameters than warm-conveyor belt ventilation.


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Systematic natural ventilation effects on measured temperatures within a standard large wooden thermometer screen are investigated under summer conditions, using well-calibrated platinum resistance thermometers. Under low ventilation (2mwind speed u2 < 1.1 m s−1), the screen slightly underestimates daytime air temperature but overestimates air temperature nocturnally by 0.2◦C. The screen’s lag time L lengthens with decreasing wind speed, following an inverse power law relationship between L and u2. For u2 > 2 m s−1, L ∼ 2.5 min, increasing, when calm, to at least 15 min. Spectral response properties of the screen to air temperature fluctuations vary with wind speed because of the lag changes. Ventilation effects are particularly apparent at the higher (>25◦C) temperatures, both through the lag effect and from solar heating. For sites where wind speed decreases with increasing daytime temperature, thermometer screen temperatures may consequently show larger uncertainties at the higher temperatures. Under strong direct beam solar radiation (>850W m−2) the radiation effect is likely to be <0.4◦C. Copyright c 2011 RoyalMeteorological Society


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This paper describes the development of an experimental distributed fuzzy control system for heating and ventilation (HVAC) systems within a building. Each local control loop is affected by a number of local variables, as well as information from neighboring controllers. By including this additional information it is hoped that a more equal allocation of resources can be achieved.


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The physical and empirical relationships used by microphysics schemes to control the rate at which vapor is transferred to ice crystals growing in supercooled clouds are compared with laboratory data to evaluate the realism of various model formulations. Ice crystal growth rates predicted from capacitance theory are compared with measurements from three independent laboratory studies. When the growth is diffusion- limited, the predicted growth rates are consistent with the measured values to within about 20% in 14 of the experiments analyzed, over the temperature range −2.5° to −22°C. Only two experiments showed significant disagreement with theory (growth rate overestimated by about 30%–40% at −3.7° and −10.6°C). Growth predictions using various ventilation factor parameterizations were also calculated and compared with supercooled wind tunnel data. It was found that neither of the standard parameterizations used for ventilation adequately described both needle and dendrite growth; however, by choosing habit-specific ventilation factors from previous numerical work it was possible to match the experimental data in both regimes. The relationships between crystal mass, capacitance, and fall velocity were investigated based on the laboratory data. It was found that for a given crystal size the capacitance was significantly overestimated by two of the microphysics schemes considered here, yet for a given crystal mass the growth rate was underestimated by those same schemes because of unrealistic mass/size assumptions. The fall speed for a given capacitance (controlling the residence time of a crystal in the supercooled layer relative to its effectiveness as a vapor sink, and the relative importance of ventilation effects) was found to be overpredicted by all the schemes in which fallout is permitted, implying that the modeled crystals reside for too short a time within the cloud layer and that the parameterized ventilation effect is too strong.