998 resultados para User manual
The central goal of food safety policy in the European Union (EU) is to protect consumer health by guaranteeing a high level of food safety throughout the food chain. This goal can in part be achieved by testing foodstuffs for the presence of various chemical and biological hazards. The aim of this study was to facilitate food safety testing by providing rapid and user-friendly methods for the detection of particular food-related hazards. Heterogeneous competitive time-resolved fluoroimmunoassays were developed for the detection of selected veterinary residues, that is coccidiostat residues, in eggs and chicken liver. After a simplified sample preparation procedure, the immunoassays were performed either in manual format with dissociation-enhanced measurement or in automated format with pre-dried assay reagents and surface measurement. Although the assays were primarily designed for screening purposes providing only qualitative results, they could also be used in a quantitative mode. All the developed assays had good performance characteristics enabling reliable screening of samples at concentration levels required by the authorities. A novel polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assay system was developed for the detection of Salmonella spp. in food. The sample preparation included a short non-selective pre-enrichment step, after which the target cells were collected with immunomagnetic beads and applied to PCR reaction vessels containing all the reagents required for the assay in dry form. The homogeneous PCR assay was performed with a novel instrument platform, GenomEra™, and the qualitative assay results were automatically interpreted based on end-point time-resolved fluorescence measurements and cut-off values. The assay was validated using various food matrices spiked with sub-lethally injured Salmonella cells at levels of 1-10 colony forming units (CFU)/25 g of food. The main advantage of the system was the exceptionally short time to result; the entire process starting from the pre-enrichment and ending with the PCR result could be completed in eight hours. In conclusion, molecular methods using state-of-the-art assay techniques were developed for food safety testing. The combination of time-resolved fluorescence detection and ready-to-use reagents enabled sensitive assays easily amenable to automation. Consequently, together with the simplified sample preparation, these methods could prove to be applicable in routine testing.
Estudi sobre la implantació d’un manual de gestió en una indústria dellescats, realitzat a l’empresa Serra&Mota de la Cellera de Ter (consta d’un sistema APPCC i un manual de qualitat)
Manual de prácticas de la asignatura optativa
The notion that human beings face internal conflicts is very old in the field of psychotherapy. Also, it is common the idea that symptoms could be derived from those conflicts. However, attempts for developing ways of appraising those conflicts so that they can be measured and tested empirically are almost inexistent. Precisely, the Multi- Centre Dilemma Project is aimed at investigating the role of those conflicts, termed implicative dilemmas or dilemmatic constructs, in health using the Repertory Grid Technique as a method to identify them. So far, a higher presence of those conflicts has been found in a variety of clinical problems (depression, social phobia, somatic problems, etc.) in comparison to non-clinical samples. Therefore, it seems convenient to develop a form of intervention aimed to dealing and resolving these conflicts. In this paper a therapy manual focused on implicative dilemmas resolution is presented. It consists of a structured intervention for 15 sessions, designed mainly for research and training in psychotherapy, and based on Personal Construct Psychotherapy.
L’augment de la utilització de les noves tecnologies a la nostra societat permet a les empreses arribar al client d’una forma més rapida i facilitant la informació de manera àgil i ordenada. Amb aquest objectiu s’ha creat una botiga virtual que serà la part visible als usuaris i clients de l’empresa PRINTONER S.L , dedicada al sector dels consumibles, especialment els reciclats. Per l’empresa un dels objectius principals és oferir al client la possibilitat de comprar els seus productes de manera còmode a través d’Internet, ja que accedint amb un nom d’usuari i una contrasenya podrà obtenir totes les referències de les que es disposa, podrà tramitar les comandes i controlar-ne l’estat fins el moment de l’entrega. A part de les seccions destinades a usuaris i clients s’ha creat una zona d’administració, on els responsables de l’empresa podran gestionar tots els productes, modificar i visualitzar les comandes. A més aprofitant que aquestes quedaran guardades a una base de dades juntament amb els productes venuts, s’integrarà el sistema de facturació de l’empresa, cosa que fins el moment es feia de manera manual i maldestre. També es programarà una part on els responsables podran insertar reparacions i vendes informàtiques que s’hagin de facturar o per fer-ne un us estadístic en un futur. Tot això ens portarà a implementar un sistema d’usuaris registrats amb diferents permisos i diferents nivells d’accés a l’aplicació, fins a un total de 5. S’ha intentat fer de l’aplicació, un sistema a mida i que compleixi tots els requisits que l’empresa ens ha demanat, amb la previsió que més endavant s’hi pugui implementar un sistema de gestió d’estocs i altres millores per oferir als seus clients un servei inigualable. Per tal de portar a terme tot aquest treball s’ha utilitzat una tecnologia de lliure distribució com és el llenguatge PHP i la base de dades MySQL, aquesta opció a part d’una filosofia es produeix per intentar minimitzar els costos de l’aplicatiu. La finalitat de l’empresa amb aquest projecte és oferir millor imatge i servei, efectivitat i rapidesa en tot el procés de vendes, així com reduir costos de facturació i també de publicitat, ja que es podrà potenciar molt més la pàgina web via internet.
Potassium carbonate, or potash, was the most important industrial chemical of the 18th century. It was essential for producing glass, soap, saltpeter, dyes, several drugs, and also used for bleaching linens, paper, and sugar. We examine here a book in which Brazilian author José Mariano da Conceição Veloso gathered his translations into Portuguese of English and French articles, letters, patents, and pamphlets with instructions on how to prepare potash. We discuss especially his version of Richard Watson's essay entitled 'Of saline substances', and Veloso's own 'Flora Alographica', a description of the Brazilian plants that could be used to prepare potash.
Today’s business world demands more and more internal and external integration and transparency among companies at all fields. Integrated ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems offer a possibility to improve business practices and procedures by providing a unified view on the business including all functions and departments. Due to the obvious benefits, the popularity of integrated ERP systems keeps growing. The implementation of ERP systems has however proven risky. The implementation projects tend to be long, extensive, and costly – and often they end up in a failure. Due to the significant task and role changes ERP implementation brings to almost everybody in the company, training has been identified as one of the most critical success factors of an ERP implementation. To ensure that the training is conducted in the most effective and successful manner, the training outcomes should be evaluated. So far, training evaluation has however gained only limited attention at most companies investing in different training programs. Uponor corporation has initiated a large ERP implementation and process harmonization program in 2004. Thousands of end-users have been trained during this project so far, and the work still continues until the project is completed in 2010. In this thesis, the evaluation of end-user training in Uponor’s ERP program is brought further from the current state of performing the basic participant satisfaction survey in the end of each class. The results show that in order to reach reliable training effectiveness evaluation results, not only the reaction towards training but also transfer of skills and attitudes and the final results of the training program should be evaluated.
This diploma thesis has been done to international organization which takes care from the accounting actions of two major companies. In this organization are used three different purchasing tools which are used when new asset master data is wanted to input to SAP R/3- system. The aim of this thesis is to find out how much changing the user interface of one of these three e-procurement programs will affect to overall efficiency in asset accounting. As an addition will be introduced project framework which can be used in future projects and which help to avoid certain steps in the development process. At the moment data needs to be inputted manually with many useless mouse clicks and data needs to be searched from many various resources which slow down the process. Other organization has better tools at the moment than the myOrders system which is under investigation Research was started by exploring the main improvement areas. After this possible defects were traced. Suggested improvements were thought by exploring literature which has been written from usability design and research. Meanwhile also directional calculations from the benefits of the project were done alongside with the analysis of the possible risks and threats. After this NSN IT approved the changes which they thought was acceptable. The next step was to program them into tool and test them before releasing to production environment. The calculations were made also from implemented improvements and compared them to planned ones From whole project was made a framework which can be utilized also to other similar projects. The complete calculation was not possible because of time schedule of the project. Important observation in the project was that efficiency is not improved not only by changing the GUI but also improving processes without any programming. Feedback from end user should be also listened more in development process. End-user is after all the one who knows the best how the program should look like.
Analysis of firewall and antivirus log files without any kind of log analysis tool could be very difficult for normal computer user. In log files every event is organized according to time, but reading those with understanding without any kind of log analysis tool requires expert knowledge. In this Bachelor’s Thesis I put together a software packet for normal private computer user and this software packet allows user to analyze log files in Windows environment without any additional effort. Most of the private computer users don’t have much of experience about computers and data security so this Bachelor’s Thesis can be also used as a manual for analysis tool used in this work.
INTRODUÇÃO: O Ministério da Saúde publicou o manual técnico Violência intrafamiliar: orientações para a prática em serviço como uma estratégia para identificar e intervir de forma adequada nas situações de violência intrafamiliar e preveni-las. OBJETIVOS: Identificar percepções, críticas e sugestões de docentes da saúde sobre esse manual. METODOLOGIA: Fez-se um estudo exploratório pautado na triangulação de métodos. Aplicou-se um questionário a uma amostra de conveniência de docentes de faculdades de Medicina e de Enfermagem das cidades do Rio de Janeiro e Cuiabá, com questões abertas e fechadas sobre as características e aplicabilidade do manual. RESULTADOS: O manual foi bem avaliado quanto às características e aplicabilidade. Contudo, a grande maioria dos docentes não o usa em suas aulas e considera seu conteúdo insuficiente para a formação do profissional em relação ao tema. Conclusão: Sugere-se usar este material em disciplinas oferecidas no início dos cursos da área da saúde, objetivando chamar a atenção dos graduandos para alguns aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e de prevenção da violência intrafamiliar, sem a pretensão de capacitá-los para o atendimento das vítimas.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi diagnosticar as condições de saúde de trabalhadores florestais envolvidos na atividade de extração manual de madeira. O estudo foi desenvolvido em uma empresa prestadora de serviços na área florestal, com 12 trabalhadores que realizavam extração manual de madeira no mês de maio de 2006, correspondendo a 100% dos trabalhadores. Um questionário foi utilizado para o diagnóstico das condições de saúde dos indivíduos. Os dados foram analisados por meio do programa Epi Info, versão 3.3.2. Dos participantes do estudo, 100% eram do gênero masculino, 56% eram solteiros, 100% possuíam primeiro grau incompleto e casa própria - com relação à autoavaliação do estado de saúde - e 67% afirmaram ter boa saúde. Ao término do trabalho foi possível concluir que os trabalhadores florestais estão expostos a precárias condições de saúde e vida
The value and benefits of user experience (UX) are widely recognized in the modern world and UX is seen as an integral part of many fields. This dissertation integrates UX and understanding end users with the early phases of software development. The concept of UX is still unclear, as witnessed by more than twenty-five definitions and ongoing argument about its different aspects and attributes. This missing consensus forms a problem in creating a link between UX and software development: How to take the UX of end users into account when it is unclear for software developers what UX stands for the end users. Furthermore, currently known methods to estimate, evaluate and analyse UX during software development are biased in favor of the phases where something concrete and tangible already exists. It would be beneficial to further elaborate on UX in the beginning phases of software development. Theoretical knowledge from the fields of UX and software development is presented and linked with surveyed and analysed UX attribute information from end users and UX professionals. Composing the surveys around the identified 21 UX attributes is described and the results are analysed in conjunction with end user demographics. Finally the utilization of the gained results is explained with a proof of concept utility, the Wizard of UX, which demonstrates how UX can be integrated into early phases of software development. The process of designing, prototyping and testing this utility is an integral part of this dissertation. The analyses show statistically significant dependencies between appreciation towards UX attributes and surveyed end user demographics. In addition, tests conducted by software developers and industrial UX designer both indicate the benefits and necessity of the prototyped Wizard of UX utility. According to the conducted tests, this utility meets the requirements set for it: It provides a way for software developers to raise their know-how of UX and a possibility to consider the UX of end users with statistical user profiles during the early phases of software development. This dissertation produces new and relevant information for the UX and software development communities by demonstrating that it is possible to integrate UX as a part of the early phases of software development.
The use of precision farming tools in pesticide application technology can improve the techniques effectiveness during the spraying. Thus, this study aimed to compare automatic and manual systems to interrupt the syrup flow in the spray bar sections when applied in overlapped areas. The sprayings were carried out in eight places in completely randomized design. It was compared the spray consumption and the sprayed area in relation to the total area. The results indicated that in sprays performed with the automatic system there was an average savings of 17.2% of the sprayed volume. The sprayed area using the bar section's automatic control was an average 6.1% lower than the sprayed area with manual control.
Vinte e oito porcos foram aleatoriamente separados em dois grupos de 14 animais (A e B). Operados, o diâmetro anatômico das respectivas cárdias foi moldado e medido por um balonete de látex distendido por injeção de alginato, seguida de seção esofagogástrica. As anastomoses do grupo "A" foram realizadas ponto a ponto com fio de poliglactina 910-"000" e as do "B"com grampeadores "ILS". Sete animais dos subgrupos "A1"e"B1" foram reoperados e estudados após sete dias e outros sete porcos, dos subgrupos "A 2" e "B 2", foram no 14º dia. As peças anatômicas foram macroscopicamente examinadas, submetidas à prova pressórica, histologicamente estudadas, e os moldes, identificados e aferidos. Realizou-se estudo comparativo, prospectivo e randomizado da diferença percentual média de estenose ("delta P"), obtida pela média dos diâmetros da cárdia antes e após sutura manual e mecânica. A análise estatística demonstrou insignificante variação na diferença de estenoses e dos tempos operatórios ("deltas Ps"). Na sutura manual, o "delta P" foi 25,44% no sétimo dia pós-operatório e 15,88% no 14º dia e na mecânica, os percentuais do grupo de sete e 14 dias, respectivamente, foram 22,80% e 23,04%. As estenoses não prejudicaram o trânsito alimentar esofagogástrico. Macroscopicamente não houve vazamentos em cavidade livre apesar da microscopia ter evidenciado deiscências parciais bloqueadas em três animais. As aderências foram mais incidentes no grupo de sutura manual e a má coaptação das bordas viscerais, em alguns grampeamentos, resultou em cicatrização fibrótica com estenose mais acentuada. A sutura manual causou maior reação flogística perianastomótica e o grampeamento comprometeu mais intensamente a mucosa e a neo-angiogenêse. O trabalho parece ter demonstrado que as suturas manual e mecânica, se não são ideais, são satisfatórias e de considerável qualidade quando realizadas com mínimo traumatismo, boa hemostasia, preservação do aporte sangüíneo, controle de infeção, escolha do fio ou do grampeador apropriado e a adequada coaptação das margens viscerais.
A anastomose com sutura é método consagrado, apresentando desvantagens teóricas representadas pelo trauma tecidual, edema e alteração da microcirculação. Além disso, o fio de sutura, sendo corpo estranho, determina reação inflamatória, propiciando a aderência e a proliferação de bactérias, assim como de células neoplásicas que seriam evitadas ao se usar método de anastomose sem sutura. A procura por método de anastomose em que não se utilizasse fio de sutura vem sendo realizada desde o início deste século. Com o advento das novas aquisições tecnológicas foi desenvolvido método de anastomose sem sutura através do anel biofragmentável. Esse anel sofre desintegração por hidrólise, sendo eliminado com a evacuação, não permanecendo corpo estranho na anastomose. Esse instrumento permite a realização de anastomose sem sutura, por meio da compressão das paredes intestinais justapostas. O objetivo desse estudo prospectivo e casualizado, foi o de comparar os resultados clínicos e endoscópicos de anastomoses colocólicas, eletivas e de baixo risco, realizadas com anel biofragmentável e com fio de sutura não absorvível. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: A casuística foi composta por 36 doentes, divididos em dois grupos de 18, que foram denominados Grupo I (anel biofragmentável ) e Grupo II (sutura com fio não absorvível ), constituídos de doentes comparáveis. RESULTADOS: Os parâmetros de avaliação do período intra-operatório, revelaram que a anastomose com anel biofragmentável despende menor tempo para sua realização. Não se detectou diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois grupos com relação à incidência de complicações pós-operatórias, mortalidade e avaliação clínica ambulatorial. A incidência de deiscência anastomótica só ocorreu no Grupo I. A análise endoscópica da anastomose no período pós-operatório não demonstrou diferença quanto à perviedade, contratilidade, elasticidade e grau de epitelização. O Grupo II apresentou maior incidência de fio de sutura na anastomose em relação ao Grupo I sendo esta diferença estatística significante. CONCLUSÕES: O anel biofragmentável permite a realização de anastomose de colo mais rápida do que aquela realizada com fio de sutura. Este método de anastomose determinou, na análise global da complicações clínicas, resultados semelhantes ao uso de fio de sutura. O método de anastomose sem sutura apresentou o inconveniente de determinar maior incidência de deiscência anastomótica e como vantagem estabeleceu presença de corpo estranho na anastomose em menor porcentagem.