921 resultados para URBANIZATION
Background Cardiovascular diseases and their nutritional risk factors-including overweight and obesity, elevated blood pressure, and cholesterol-are among the leading causes of global mortality and morbidity, and have been predicted to rise with economic development. Methods and Findings We examined age-standardized mean population levels of body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure, and total cholesterol in relation to national income, food share of household expenditure, and urbanization in a cross-country analysis. Data were from a total of over 100 countries and were obtained from systematic reviews of published literature, and from national and international health agencies. BMI and cholesterol increased rapidly in relation to national income, then flattened, and eventually declined. BMI increased most rapidly until an income of about I$5,000 (international dollars) and peaked at about I$12,500 for females and I$17,000 for males. Cholesterol's point of inflection and peak were at higher income levels than those of BMI (about I$8,000 and I$18,000, respectively). There was an inverse relationship between BMI/cholesterol and the food share of household expenditure, and a positive relationship with proportion of population in urban areas. Mean population blood pressure was not correlated or only weakly correlated with the economic factors considered, or with cholesterol and BMI. Conclusions When considered together with evidence on shifts in income-risk relationships within developed countries, the results indicate that cardiovascular disease risks are expected to systematically shift to low-income and middle-income countries and, together with the persistent burden of infectious diseases, further increase global health inequalities. Preventing obesity should be a priority from early stages of economic development, accompanied by population-level and personal interventions for blood pressure and cholesterol.
We examined factors affecting roost tree selection by the white-striped freetail bat Tadarida australis (Chiroptera: Molossidae), a large insectivorous bat in suburban Brisbane, Australia. We compared biophysical characteristics associated with 34 roost trees and 170 control trees of similar diameter, height and tree senescence characters. Roost trees used by the white-striped freetail bat had significantly higher numbers of hollows in the trunk and branches (P < 0.003) and were more likely to contain a large trunk cavity with an internal diameter of > 30 cm (P < 0.001) than control trees. These trees also accommodated more species of hollow-using fauna (P = 0.005). When comparing roost trees with control trees of similar diameters and heights, roost trees were on average at a later stage of tree senescence (P < 0.001). None of the roost trees were found in the large forest reserves fringing the Brisbane metropolitan area despite these areas being used for foraging by the white-striped freetail bat. Although all tree locations in this study were in modified landscapes, roost trees tended to be surrounded by groups of trees and undergrowth. Roost trees provide important habitat requirements for hollow-using fauna in suburban, rural and forested environments.
Wilbur Zelinsky formulated a Hypothesis of Mobility Transition in 1971,in which he tried to relate all aspects of mobility to the Demographic Transition and modernisation. This dissertation applies the theoretical framework, proposed by Zelinsky and extended to encompass a family of transitions, to understand migration patterns of city regions. The two city regions, Brisbane and Stockholm, are selected as case studies, representing important city regions of similar size, but drawn from contrasting historical settings. A comparison of the case studies with the theoretical framework aims to determine how the relative contributions of net migration, the source areas of migrants, and the migration intensity change with modernisation. In addition, the research also aims to identify aspects of modernisation affecting migration. These aspects of migration are analysed with a "historical approach" and a "multivariate approach". An extensive investigation into the city regions' historical background provides the source, from which evidence for a relationship between migration and modernisation is extracted. With this historical approach, similarities and differences in migration patterns are identified. The other research approach analyse multivariate data, from the last two decades, on migration flows and modernisation. Correlations between migration and key aspects of modernisation are tested with multivariate regression, based on an alternative version of a spatial interaction model. The project demonstrates that the changing functions of cities and the structural modernisation are influential on migration. Similar patterns are found, regarding the relative contributions of net migration and natural increase to population growth. The research finds links between these changes in the relative contribution of net migration and demographic modernisation. The findings on variations in urban and rural source areas of migrants to city regions do not contradict the expected pattern, but data limitations prevent definite conclusion to be drawn. The assessment of variations in migration intensity resulted in the expected pattern not being supported. Based on Swedish data, the hypothesised increase in migration intensity is rejected. Interactional migration data also show patterns different from those derived from the theoretical framework. The findings, from both research approaches, suggested that structural modernisation affected migration flows more than demographic modernisation. The findings lead to a formulation of hypothesised patterns for migration to city regions. The study provides an important research contribution by applying the two research approaches to city regions. It also combines the study of internal and international migration to address the research objectives within a framework of transitional change.
O presente trabalho pretende mapear a região do ABC dando ênfase ao processo de desenvolvimento industrial e ao aumento da densidade demográfica decorrente. Isto se dá a partir do estudo quantitativo da mão de obra necessária. que reflete diretamente no emprego. O enfoque será mais acurado nesse aspecto. Num primeiro momento, aborda-se o contexto histórico, análise do processo de urbanização do século passado, que culmina com a instalação das indústrias na região. A abertura econômica do início dos anos 90, a aplicação de novas tecnologias e novas ferramentas de administração também fazem parte desse contexto. Nesse período o processo de industrialização sofre uma reestruturação comprometendo a aptidão regional, a chamada desindustrialização . O foco principal será a indústria automobilista, sem dúvida a de maior importância para e na região. No segundo momento, descreve-se quantitativamente o processo de mudança do comportamento da região e, analisa-se em paralelo, o desemprego e emprego nos setores industrial e de serviços. no período que compreende a última década do século XX , início do XXI. Por fim, mas não de menor importância, busca-se descrever e entender o surgimento das novas aptidões, geradas principalmente pela mudança de alocação das indústrias. Analisando questões como transformação da aptidão regional emprego e desemprego com base nos dados disponibilizados pelas instituições de pesquisa, buscando correlações entre variáveis para enfim, determinar como de fato se encontra hoje o emprego, o trabalhador e principalmente o processo industrial da região.(AU)
A diversidade religiosa brasileira na segunda metade do século XX tornou-se progressiva e tomou enorme velocidade. Com isso, o processo de diversificação e pluralização do campo religioso brasileiro começava a ganhar o contorno atual, abrindo espaço para novas formas de crer e de expressar a fé religiosa. Nessa mesma época, entre os batistas de Belo Horizonte, no bairro da Lagoinha, surgia uma nova organização religiosa, a Igreja Batista da Lagoinha (IBL). Já em seus primeiros dias essa nova igreja assumiu um dinamismo próprio de igrejas conhecidas como avivadas ou carismáticas , cuja mensagem e prática religiosa reforçavam, por meio de dons espirituais e de experiências extáticas , a evidência do batismo no Espírito Santo . Houve reações por parte dos batistas tradicionais, pois a IBL manifestava-se, por um lado, mais próxima de uma religiosidade em processo de pentecostalização e, por outro, mais distante daquela adotada pelos batistas mineiros, identificados como históricos. Esta nova igreja, devido ao seu engajamento no avivalismo e nas práticas carismáticas, alcançou independência teológica, organizacional e administrativa, pois foi excluída do rol das igrejas batistas cooperadoras da Convenção Batista Mineira e Brasileira. É essa igreja que assumiu uma forma religiosa avivada e que desenvolveu o processo de pentecostalização entre os batistas que escolhemos analisar neste trabalho. Entretanto, a análise que realizamos e que se embasou nos estudos da sociologia da religião, nas teorizações da cultura e na simbologia sociocultural, mostrou que as modificações ocorridas na trajetória e na identidade IBL, são correlatas aos processos de urbanização e modernização da sociedade e ao surgimento de formas religiosas, mais flexíveis, adaptáveis e em constante reconfiguração. Portanto, a partir dessa correlação é que podemos afirmar que a IBL é uma organização religiosa híbrida, mutacional, midiática e com uma identidade que se faz e refaz, já que ela está se ajustando a um tipo de cultura que é, ao mesmo tempo, urbana, gospel, tecnológica, mercadológica e comunicacional.
A presente tese propõe uma interpretação exegética da profecia de Jr 30-31 na perspectiva social. Jr 30-31 forma uma unidade literária no livro de Jeremias, composta por subunidades que podem ser designadas de perícopes. Grande parte das expectativas salvíficas deste trecho literário devem ser atribuídas à literatura originária do livro, e provém das articulações sociais engendradas por Jeremias no fim do século 7 e início do século 6 a.C. em prol dos empobrecidos da antiga sociedade palestina Israel/Norte e de Judá/Sul. Os primeiros ditos salvíficos de Jr 30-31 surgiram na época de Josias (Jr 30,10-11.18-21; 31,2-5). Nessa época, originaram-se as expectativas de salvação dirigidas para as populações israelitas do Norte. Outro intenso surgimento das expectativas salvíficas aconteceu nos anos imediatamente posteriores à queda de Judá, em 587 a.C., quando Jeremias novamente direcionou uma palavra de esperança aos pobres do Israel/Norte, e incluiu também em sua mensagem aqueles que permaneceram na terra de Judá/Sul depois do saque babilônico. Nesse cenário podem ser localizadas as seguintes perícopes: 30,3.5-7.12-17; 31,15.16-20.21-22.27-28.31-34. A presente tese supõe que, de modo geral, Jr 30-31 seja uma reconfirmação da desmilitarização e da desurbanização de Jerusalém ocorridas naquele período, já que esse novo cenário político e econômico favoreceu os desprestigiados da Palestina. O tribalismo é o moto das expectativas salvíficas da literatura jeremiana original. No engendramento de uma nova sociedade, retribalizada, livre do jugo monárquico e dos imperialismos, Jr 30-31 defendem a posse da terra aos camponeses que sofreram espoliações do império assírio e dos reis judaítas. Com a queda do Estado de Judá, os empobrecidos poderiam retomar suas vidas e possuir a terra como meio de produção e subsistência. A relação entre as palavras de salvação e o tribalismo também pode ser notado em outros trechos do livro de Jeremias. A estruturação verbal proponente de destruição e reconstrução de 31,28 pode ser encontrada em Jr 1,10; 18,7.9; 24,6; 42,10 e 45,4. As promessas de salvação contidas em Jr 1,10, 31,27-28 e 42,10 anunciam a continuidade da vida na terra de Judá depois da catástrofe de 587 a.C. Essa ideia também pode ser percebida em Jr 23,5-6, 30,8-9. Em Jr 24,6, por sua vez, lê-se uma promessa para os exilados de Judá, que viviam na Babilônia sob o sistema tribal. Em Jr 3,6-13.19-25; 4,1-2, as expectativas salvíficas de Jeremias apresentam o caminho para a reorganização social através da conversão para Javé.
Esta dissertação estuda as dinâmicas entre religião, urbanização, migração e periferia urbana na Igreja Mundial do Poder de Deus em Vila Alpina. O processo de urbanização brasileiro inicia na década de 1930 e transforma profundamente a sociedade brasileira, especialmente a região sudeste do país. A urbanização incentivou importantes fenômenos sociais como: os fluxos migratórios, alta densidade demográfica e especulação imobiliária que ao colidiram nas grandes metrópoles criaram polos de segregação, exclusão e anomia social. O estudo análise em quais aspectos a Igreja Mundial do Poder de Deus em Vila Alpina exerce papel de emancipadora da população migrante, reconstruindo identidades fragmentas pelos constantes fluxos migratórios e a adaptação a inadequação das novas culturas. São estudados os indicadores sociais da Igreja Mundial do Poder de Deus, a partir do campo estatístico, vinculando e comparando os dados obtidos com as estatísticas realizadas pelo Censo 2010 da cidade, do distrito e do bairro. A partir de uma observação densa é levantado aspectos etnográficos dos cultos da igreja a fim de estabelecer uma análise das práticas da igreja, mensagem e identidade religiosa de seus participantes. Por fim é elaborada, a partir de aplicação de questionários, realização de entrevistas e densa observação de campo aspectos etnográficos dos adeptos da igreja, e verificação da existência de redes sociais abarcadas na igreja, associativismo religiosos e o acumulo do capital simbólico, visando a emancipação e reestruturação do sujeito migrante.
O município de Rio Grande da Serra está situado em uma região Grande ABC paulista reconhecida nacionalmente por seu desenvolvimento econômico e industrial e pelas lutas políticas e sindicais. Paradoxalmente, se configura, social e territorialmente falando, por uma região de periferia urbana. Resultado da forma como a urbanização, na sociedade moderna, conforma o espaço em regiões centrais e periféricas. Localizado no caminho que ligava Santos à Mogi das Cruzes (século XIX) povoado de Geribatiba decorrente das transformações urbanas ocorridas em toda a região, conquistaria, nos anos 1960, sua autonomia político-administrativa. Nas décadas seguintes testemunhou intenso crescimento populacional, resultado do processo migratório, principalmente de mineiros e nordestinos que tinham as cidades, e indústrias, de São Paulo e Grande ABC como destino. Esse deslocamento de pessoas, e as redes formadas em seu em torno, contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de seu campo religioso. Atualmente, com uma população, em torno, de 46 mil habitantes, possui aproximadamente 180 locais de cerimônias religiosas. Nesse contexto, a tese analisa a inserção regional socioeconômica e religiosa de Rio Grande da Serra, a partir de dados comparativos com os demais municípios, e discute como o regionalismo tem contribuído para seu desenvolvimento econômico. Realiza a caracterização das periferias urbanas, discutindo aspectos que lhes são inerentes, como segregação e vulnerabilidade social. Nesse sentido, a investigação possibilitou a identificação do perfil socioeconômico (renda e escolaridade) dos participantes dos grupos religiosos (católicos, evangélicos, kardecistas e umbandistas), permitindo, também, identificar desigualdades sociais no interior de seu território, constatando que determinados bairros são mais vulneráveis do que outros. Considerando que esse estudo examina a capacidade das redes sociais e religiosas, de aumentar o capital social de seus participantes, foi realizado o mapeamento e etnografia das diversas práticas associativas, mais ou menos formais e estruturadas, de forma a analisar os elementos materiais e simbólicos por elas produzidos. Constatou-se, apoiado na aplicação de questionários, entrevistas e observação participativa, que, a partir do habitus religioso de cada grupo, as redes possibilitam no âmbito econômico questões como emprego e renda ou auxílio em necessidades básicas de sobrevivência, através de campanhas e trabalhos sociais. No âmbito simbólico, as redes propiciam questões importantes à existência humana, como a crença na salvação ou evolução da alma, socialização, autoestima, prestígio ou ainda a expectativa de cura ou tratamento de dependência química. Pôde-se aferir que, a despeito das diferentes formas como cada grupo, e seus participantes, se apropriam do capital social, as redes sociais e religiosas, no município, funcionam como redes de proteção, especialmente à população em situação alta de vulnerabilidade social.
Esta pesquisa propõe-se a analisar a liturgia no contexto urbano, e a forma como a práxis pode influir e se articular com a liturgia cristã construída na cidade, especialmente em áreas empobrecidas e que experimentam as contradições resultantes de um modelo econômico excludente e concentrador de renda. Assim, a pesquisa busca apontar para o desenvolvimento da práxis pastoral litúrgica, tendo como espaço de referência a área da Comunidade de Heliópolis, São Paulo, a segunda maior favela do Brasil. A práxis é a atividade reflexiva e material do ser humano, isto é, ação transformadora que deve insistir na opção preferencial pelos pobres e excluídos. A pastoral litúrgica que tenha o seu referencial na práxis irá, portanto, criar ações que animem as esperanças do povo que celebra, favorecendo a organização e a sensibilização para as lutas sociais necessárias para a superação da exclusão, devolvendo a dignidade aos seres humanos. A pesquisa se desenvolve em três etapas: primeiramente, buscam-se as conceituações teóricas de práxis e urbanizações; em segundo lugar, se analisa o caminho da ocupação da área de Heliópolis; e por último os apontamentos para a práxis pastoral litúrgica no contexto urbano. O resultado será um conjunto de referenciais gerais históricos e teóricos capazes de sustentar uma pastoral litúrgica que contribua para as esperanças humanas e a criação de um novo paradigma de sociedade fundamentado na justiça e na igualdade.(AU)
Rapid economic development has occurred during the past few decades in China with the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) area as one of the most progressive areas. The urbanization, industrialization, agricultural and aquaculture activities result in extensive production and application of chemicals. Organohalogen contaminants (OHCs) have been widely used as i.e. pesticides, flame retardants and plasticizers. They are persistent, bioaccumulative and pose a potential threat to ecosystem and human health. However, limited research has been conducted in the YRD with respect to chemicals environmental exposure. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the contamination level, distribution pattern and sources of OHCs in the YRD. Wildlife from different habitats are used to indicate the environmental pollution situation, and evaluate selected matrices for use in long term biomonitoring to determine the environmental stress the contamination may cause. In addition, a method is developed for dicofol analysis. Moreover, a specific effort is made to introduce statistic power analysis to assist in optimal sampling design. The thesis results show extensive contamination of OHCs in wildlife in the YRD. The occurrences of high concentrations of chlorinated paraffins (CPs) are reported in wildlife, in particular in terrestrial species, (i.e. short-tailed mamushi snake and peregrine falcon). Impurities and byproducts of pentachlorophenol products, i.e. polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDEs) and hydroxylated polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (OH-PCDEs) are identified and reported for the first time in eggs from black-crowned night heron and whiskered tern. High concentrations of octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) are determined in these samples. The toxic equivalents (TEQs) of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are at mean levels of 300 and 520 pg TEQ g-1lw (WHO2005 TEQ) in eggs from the two bird species, respectively. This is two orders of magnitude higher than European Union (EU) regulation limit in chicken eggs. Also, a novel pattern of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) with octa- to decaCBs, contributing to as much as 20% of total PCBs therein, are reported in birds. The legacy POPs shows a common characteristic with relatively high level of organochlorine pesticides (i.e. DDT, hexacyclohexanes (HCHs) and Mirex), indicating historic applications. In contrast, rather low concentrations are shown of industrial chemicals such as PCBs and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). A refined and improved analytical method is developed to separate dicofol from its major decomposition compound, 4,4’-dichlorobenzophenone. Hence dicofol is possible to assess as such. Statistic power analysis demonstrates that sampling of sedentary species should be consistently spread over a larger area to monitor temporal trends of contaminants in a robust manner. The results presented in this thesis show high CPs and OCDD concentrations in wildlife. The levels and patterns of OHCs in YRD differ from other well studied areas of the world. This is likely due to the extensive production and use of chemicals in the YRD. The results strongly signal the need of research biomonitoring programs that meet the current situation of the YRD. Such programs will contribute to the management of chemicals and environment in YRD, with the potential to grow into the human health sector, and to expand to China as a whole.
Mobile communication and networking infrastructures play an important role in the development of smart cities, to support real-time information exchange and management required in modern urbanization. Mobile WiFi devices that help offloading data traffic from the macro-cell base station and serve the end users within a closer range can significantly improve the connectivity of wireless communications between essential components including infrastructural and human devices in a city. However, this offloading function through interworking between LTE and WiFi systems will change the pattern of resource distributions operated by the base station. In this paper, a resource allocation scheme is proposed to ensure stable service coverage and end-user quality of experience (QoE) when offloading takes place in a macro-cell environment. In this scheme, a rate redistribution algorithm is derived to form a parametric scheduler to meet the required levels of efficiency and fairness, guided by a no-reference quality assessment metric. We show that the performance of resource allocation can be regulated by this scheduler without affecting the service coverage offered by the WLAN access point. The performances of different interworking scenarios and macro-cell scheduling policies are also compared.
The subject of this dissertation is the nature of the environmental transformations, both symbolic and physical, that took place in Colombia between 1850 and 1930. This period begins with the attempt by the Colombian elite to leave behind colonial ties, overcome economic disorganization, and link Colombia to the international market. These efforts were part of a general project to “civilize” this tropical country. The period closes with the transition toward an industrialization and urbanization process led by the Colombian state during the 1930s. ^ Frequently, environmental studies as an academic field are dominated by biological concerns. However, most environmental thinking accepts their interdisciplinary nature. Under this framework not only spatial but also symbolic concerns are key elements in understanding environmental transformations. ^ This study finds that despite several attempts to transform the Colombian landscape physically, most of the substantive changes were localized and circumscribed to the Andean region. Other changes were mainly symbolic. This dissertation thus uses the Amazon as one of several regions that did not experience significant changes in the forest canopy. While highlanders originally dreamed of the Amazon as an untapped El Dorado, their failed attempts to exploit the region caused them to imagine it as a nightmarish “green hell”. ^ This dissertation concentrates on three pairs of concepts: tropicality/civilization, landscape/territory, and symbolic/material changes. It presents both a general vision of Colombia and case studies of three regions: Cundinamarca, and Cauca Valley are used to compare with the Amazon region that is developed at length. Whereas mainstream Colombian histories have either fixated on the Andean highlands or, in a relegated second place, on the Caribbean region, this dissertation attempts to significantly contribute to the historiography of Colombia by focusing on the largely neglected Amazonian region. ^ To understand imageries about Colombia's landscape, the dissertation relies on travel writings, chorographic descriptions and maps. It also makes uses legal documents and other published primary sources, including literary pieces and memoirs. ^
Mastogloia smithii var. lacustris Grun. is the dominant diatom in periphyton mats of the calcareous, freshwater to brackish wetlands of Caribbean coasts. Despite oligotrophy, frequent desiccation, high irradiance and temperatures, and occasional fire, periphyton communities in these wetlands can produce over 2000 g m-2 of organic biomass, prompting studies that examine stress resistance and maintenance of algal mats under extreme conditions. The diatom flora inhabiting periphyton mats from over 500 sites in the Florida Everglades and similar wetlands in Belize, Jamaica and Mexico was examined, and M. smithii var. lacustris was a persistent component, present in 97% of samples and comprising up to 80% of a diverse diatom assemblage. Valves at various stages of division were observed encased in extracellular polysaccharide that exceeded the cell volume; SEM observations confirm issuance from mantle pores resulting in suspension of the cell in a matrix dominated by cyanobacterial filaments. Using corresponding biophysical data from the collection sites, we define the optima for M. smithii var. lacustris along salinity, pH, phosphorus, and water depth gradients. Experiments revealed a collapse of M. smithii var. lacustris populations in the presence of above-ambient phosphorus concentrations and a rapid resurgence upon reflooding of desiccated mats. This widespread diatom taxon appears to play a critical role similar to that of cyanobacteria in microbial mats, and its disappearance in the presence of enrichment threatens biodiversity and the natural function in these systems that are increasingly influenced by urbanization
This study on risk and disaster management capacities of four Caribbean countries: Barbados, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, examines three main dimensions: 1) the impact of natural disasters from 1900 to 2010 (number of events, number of people killed, total number affected, and damage in US$); 2) institutional assessments of disaster risk management disparity; and 3) the 2010 Inter-American Bank for Development (IADB) Disaster Risk and Risk Management indicators for the countries under study. The results show high consistency among the different sources examined, pointing out the need to extend the IADB measurements to the rest of the Caribbean countries. Indexes and indicators constitute a comparison measure vis-à-vis existing benchmarks in order to anticipate a capacity to deal with adverse events and their consequences; however, the indexes and indicators could only be tested against the occurrence of a real event. Therefore, the need exists to establish a sustainable and comprehensive evaluation system after important disasters to assess a country‘s performance, verify the indicators, and gain feedback on measurement systems and methodologies. There is diversity in emergency and preparedness for disasters in the four countries under study. The nature of the event (hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and seismic activity), especially its frequency and the intensity of the damage experienced, is related to how each has designed its risk and disaster management policies and programs to face natural disasters. Vulnerabilities to disaster risks have been increasing, among other factors, because of uncontrolled urbanization, demographic density and poverty increase, social and economic marginalization, and lack of building code enforcement. The four countries under study have shown improvements in risk management capabilities, yet they are far from being completed prepared. Barbados‘ risk management performance is superior, in comparison, to the majority of the countries of the region. However, is still far in achieving high performance levels and sustainability in risk management, primarily when it has the highest gap between potential macroeconomic and financial losses and the ability to face them. The Dominican Republic has shown steady risk performance up to 2008, but two remaining areas for improvement are hazard monitoring and early warning systems. Jamaica has made uneven advances between 1990 and 2008, requiring significant improvements to achieve high performance levels and sustainability in risk management, as well as macroeconomic mitigation infrastructure. Trinidad and Tobago has the lowest risk management score of the 15 countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region as assessed by the IADB study in 2010, yet it has experienced an important vulnerability reduction. In sum, the results confirmed the high disaster risk management disparity in the Caribbean region.
Shallow marine ecosystems are experiencing significant environmental alterations as a result of changing climate and increasing human activities along coasts. Intensive urbanization of the southeast Florida coast and intensification of climate change over the last few centuries changed the character of coastal ecosystems in the semi-enclosed Biscayne Bay, Florida. In order to develop management policies for the Bay, it is vital to obtain reliable scientific evidence of past ecological conditions. The long-term records of subfossil diatoms obtained from No Name Bank and Featherbed Bank in the Central Biscayne Bay, and from the Card Sound Bank in the neighboring Card Sound, were used to study the magnitude of the environmental change caused by climate variability and water management over the last ~ 600 yr. Analyses of these records revealed that the major shifts in the diatom assemblage structures at No Name Bank occurred in 1956, at Featherbed Bank in 1966, and at Card Sound Bank in 1957. Smaller magnitude shifts were also recorded at Featherbed Bank in 1893, 1942, 1974 and 1983. Most of these changes coincided with severe drought periods that developed during the cold phases of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), or when AMO was in warm phase and PDO was in the cold phase. Only the 1983 change coincided with an unusually wet period that developed during the warm phases of ENSO and PDO. Quantitative reconstructions of salinity using the weighted averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) diatom-based salinity model revealed a gradual increase in salinity at the three coring locations over the last ~ 600 yr, which was primarily caused by continuously rising sea level and in the last several decades also by the reduction of the amount of freshwater inflow from the mainland. Concentration of sediment total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and total organic carbon (TOC) increased in the second half of the 20th century, which coincided with the construction of canals, landfills, marinas and water treatment plants along the western margin of Biscayne Bay. Increased magnitude and rate of the diatom assemblage restructuring in the mid- and late-1900s, suggest that large environmental changes are occurring more rapidly now than in the past.