945 resultados para Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole Combination
Patients with metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer have a progressive disease with a median survival of similar to 11 months, and currently no treatment offers a survival advantage. The standard drug treatment is a corticosteroid and chemotherapy with mitoxantrone. In a comparison of docetaxel every 3 weeks and prednisone, versus mitoxantrone and prednisone, with a follow-up of similar to 21 months, there were less deaths in the docetaxel group than in the mitoxantrone group (166 of 335 patients and 201 of 337 patients, respectively). Docetaxel also prolonged the duration of survival compared with mitoxantrone (18.9 and 16.5 months, respectively). When given with prednisone, docetaxel was also shown to reduce pain and serum prostate specific antigen levels and improve quality of life compared with mitoxantrone/prednisone. In another trial in hormone-resistant prostate cancer patients, which compared docetaxel and estramustine with mitoxantrone and prednisone during a median follow-up of 32 months, there were fewer deaths with docetaxel/estramustine than with mitoxantrone/prednisone, which were 217 of 338 and 235 of 336 patients, respectively. Median survival was also longer in the docetaxel and estramustine group than in the mitoxantrone/prednisone group (17.5 and 15.6 months, respectively). In conclusion, two combinations (docetaxel/prednisone and docetaxel/estramustine) have been shown to be superior to mitoxantrone/prednisone in hormone-refractory prostate cancer and both should be considered for use. With the present information, there is little to distinguish between these combinations.
Seven captive male African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) weighing 25-32 kg each, were anesthetized by i.m. injection via hand syringe with a combination of 1.5 mg/kg ketamine, 40 mu g/kg medetomidine, and 0.05 mg/kg atropine. Following endotracheal intubation, each animal was connected to a bain closed-circuit system that delivered 1.5% isoflurane and 2 L/min oxygen. Atipamezole (0.1 mg/kg i.v.; 0.1 mg/kg i.m.) was given at the end of each procedure (60 min following injection of medetomidine/ketamine/atropine). Time to sternal recumbency was 5-8 min. Times to standing after atipamezole administration were 8-20 min. This anesthetic regimen was repeated on three separate occasions (September 2000, February 2002, and October 2002) on all males to perform electroejaculation procedures. Each procedure was < 80 min from injection to standing. Dogs showed excellent muscle relaxation during the procedures. Arterial blood samples were collected at 10-min intervals for blood gases in one procedure (September 2000). Separate venous samples were taken from each dog during each procedure for hematology and biochemistry. These values were within the normal range for this species. Arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SpO2) and heart rate (HR) were monitored continuously in addition to other anesthesia monitoring procedures (body temperature, respiratory rate [RR], capillary refill time, blink response, pupil position, deep pain perception reflex). All dogs maintained relatively stable SpO2 profiles during monitoring, with a mean (+/- SD) SpO2 of 92% +/- 5.4%. All other physiological variables (HR, RR, body temperature, blood pressure) were within normal limits. Following each procedure, normal behavior was noted in all dogs. All the dogs were reunited into the pack at completion of their anesthetic procedures. An injectable medetomidine-ketamine-atropine combination with maintenance by gaseous isoflurane and oxygen provides an inexpensive, reliable anesthetic for captive African wild dogs.
Most people presenting with rheumatoid arthritis today can expect to achieve disease suppression, can avoid or substantially delay joint damage and deformities, and can maintain a good quality of life. Optimal management requires early diagnosis and treatment, usually with combinations of conventional disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). If these do not effect remission, biological DMARDs may be beneficial. Lack of recognition of the early signs of rheumatoid arthritis, ignorance of the benefits of early application of modern treatment regimens, and avoidable delays in securing specialist appointments may hinder achievement of best outcomes for many patients. Triage for recognising possible early rheumatoid arthritis must begin in primary care settings with the following pattern of presentation as a guide: involvement of three or more joints; early-morning joint stiffness of greater than 30 minutes; or bilateral squeeze tenderness at metacarpophalangeal or metatarsophalangeal joints.
Paracetamol is regarded as a relatively safe drug in the gastro-duodenal region of humans but recent epidemiological investigations have suggested that at high doses there may be an increased risk of ulcers and bleeding. To investigate the possibility that inflammatory conditions and gastric acidity may play a role in potentiating development of gastric mucosal injury from paracetamol in rats (as noted previously with various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) we studied the gastric irritant effects of paracetamol and some phenolic and non-phenolic analgesics and antipyretics in rats with adjuvant or collagen II induced arthritis or zymosan-induced paw inflammation and given 1.0 ml hydrochloric acid (HCl) 0.1 M and/or an i. p. injection of the cholinomimetic, acetyl-β-methyl choline chloride 5.0 mg/kg. Gastric lesions were determined 2 h after oral administration of 100 or 250 mg/kg paracetamol or at therapeutically effective doses of the phenolic or non-phenolic analgesics/antipyretics. The results showed that gastric mucosal injury occurred with all these agents when given to animals that received all treatments so indicating there is an adverse synergy of these three factors, namely: (i) intrinsic disease; (ii) hyperacidity; and (iii) vagal stimulation for rapidly promoting gastric damage, both in the fundic as well as the antral mucosa, for producing gastric damage by paracetamol, as well as the other agents. Removing one of these three predisposing factors effectively blunts/abolishes expression of this paracetamol-induced gastrotoxity in rats. These three factors, without paracetamol, did not cause significant acute gastropathy.
Colour removal from industrial wastewater by using the combination of UV/H2O2 and Biological Process
Lo scopo di questa ricerca di dottorato è stato lo studio di una forma di dosaggio flessibile e personalizzabile, indirizzata alle necessità individuali di ogni paziente, per il trattamento dell’iperplasia prostatica benigna. La terapia proposta prevede l’utilizzo di due farmaci, un alfa bloccante (farmaco A) e un inibitore delle 5- fosfodiesterasi (farmaco B) e, somministrati in una singola forma di dosaggio contenenti differenti dosi e combinazioni dei due farmaci. Lo sviluppo di un sistema di rilascio per la somministrazione orale di farmaco A e farmaco B è stato realizzato grazie alla tecnologia Dome Matrix. La tecnologia si basa sull’assemblaggio di moduli utilizzati come elementi di controllo del rilascio. L’assemblaggio dei moduli può essere ottenuto attraverso diverse configurazioni. Sono stati quindi realizzati sistemi assemblati in grado di galleggiare sul contenuto gastrico; la prolungata permanenza della forma farmaceutica nello stomaco favorisce la solubilizzazione dei due principi attivi che quindi potrebbero raggiungere il sito di assorbimento nel primo tratto intestinale già in dispersione molecolare, condizione ideale per essere assorbiti. La prima parte della ricerca è stata focalizzata sulla realizzazione di un sistema assemblato a rilascio modificato di farmaco A. Moduli contenenti diversi dosaggi di farmaco sono stati assemblati in varie configurazioni e dosi differenti per ottenere una forma di dosaggio flessibile, adattabile alle esigenze terapeutiche del paziente. La seconda parte del lavoro di tesi ha riguardato la realizzazione di un sistema assemblato, contenente entrambi i farmaci in associazione. L’ultima parte della ricerca è stata svolta presso la “University of Texas at Austin” sotto la supervisione del Professor Nicholas Peppas. Il lavoro svolto è stato focalizzato sullo studio delle caratteristiche di rigonfiamento dei singoli moduli di farmaco e dei loro sistemi assemblati; il comportamento di tali sistemi è stato investigato anche grazie all’utilizzo della tecnica di tomografia computerizzata a raggi X.
We studied the rules by which visual responses to luminous targets are combined across the two eyes. Previous work has found very different forms of binocular combination for targets defined by increments and by decrements of luminance, with decrement data implying a severe nonlinearity before binocular combination. We ask whether this difference is due to the luminance of the target, the luminance of the background, or the sign of the luminance excursion. We estimated the pre-binocular nonlinearity (power exponent) by fitting a computational model to ocular equibrightness matches. The severity of the nonlinearity had a monotonic dependence on the signed difference between target and background luminance. For dual targets, in which there was both a luminance increment and a luminance decrement (e.g. contrast), perception was governed largely by the decrement. The asymmetry in the nonlinearities derived from the subjective matching data made a clear prediction for visual performance: there should be more binocular summation for detecting luminance increments than for detecting luminance decrements. This prediction was confirmed by the results of a subsequent experiment. We discuss the relation between these results and luminance nonlinearities such as a logarithmic transform, as well as the involvement of contemporary model architectures of binocular vision.