1000 resultados para Trazado urbano
This paper analyzes the accessibility of the elderly population in relation to urban transportation in the city of Rio Claro - SP. After a study of the physiology, infrastructure, history and legislation of the city, there were collected and analyzed data obtained through semi-structured interviews with the elderly population that makes use of public transport with the aim of identifying the user's profile as well as their impressions and criticism of the service. The Department of Transport and Urban Mobility of Rio Claro provided general information related to public transport in the city. After all the survey, it can be seen that, although a significant portion of the elderly population make use of public transport, there are problems related to the structure of the city, which hinders the movement of buses, and the accessibility of the elderly, caused by physical characteristics of the vehicles, attitude of the motorists and aspects of public administration of the town. These data support the conclusion that there is often a disregard for the rights of the elderly and that it not only should as it can be corrected
This work analyzes the importance of public policies in the process of urban-environmental preservation of the Alvares Machado city at state of Sao Paulo in Brazil, where priority was given to questions related to cultural heritage. Adopting the concept of territory as base to understand the complexities in the city, this work clarifies and contextualizes the historical heritage legislation through the Master Plan and the City Statute. The work also focuses on the contribution of the geographer toward studies related to urban-environmental planning.
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Este trabalho discute sobre como a habitação social vem sendo desenvolvida no Brasil e apresenta uma proposta de loteamento urbano para as classes sociais menos favorecidas economicamente na cidade de Presidente Prudente. A idéia do projeto é a de comparar um loteamento com vias ortogonais, lotes privados e espaços de lazer públicos bem separados, com uma proposta cujas unidades habitacionais estariam dispostas de forma a criar áreas verdes integradas ao convívio social. Para isso foram considerados aspectos sociais, econômicos, formais e funcionais. A elaboração do trabalho começou com estudos sobre o tema e com levantamento bibliográfico, quando nasce essa inquietação sobre habitação social no Brasil, verificou-se a carência de bons projetos arquitetônicos em uma relação quantitativa. A partir daí, foram analisadas diversas pesquisas e propostas que relacionam a urbanização brasileira e a forma como ela se apresenta com relação a unidades habitacionais, com interesse social, ou seja, para pessoas de baixa renda, com foco na cidade de Presidente Prudente (São Paulo). De acordo com esses estudos, foi feito um levantamento de possíveis áreas de implantação de um loteamento onde foi constatada a existência de um terreno não edificado, em uma área com infra-estrutura e dentro do perímetro urbano. Esta área de aproximadamente 100 mil metros quadrados foi escolhida para a realização do trabalho de comparação das diferentes formas de produção do espaço urbano
The process of urbanization that happened in Brazil during the twentieth century led to processes of structuring and re-organization of space, besides the emergence of many urban problems. Industrialization and urbanization are some of the main causes that could be cited as consequences of this process. As a result of the steep rise of cities, the transport systems became fundamental in boosting flows (immaterial) and the mobility of people and stuff (materials) in the territory. The urban model created for the city of São Paulo in the 1930s was repeated over the years in the medium-sized cities, being repeated the same problems that occurred in the metropolis. In this context our work fits in analyzing the changes occurring in the urban area of São José do Rio Preto - SP, from his relationship with the public transportation system in the face of intra-urban spatial configuration of the city. Transport, while it is recognized by authors as being really important for the analysis and intra-urban spatial configuration, has been little analyzed as the object of study by a geographer, and so, our work has more value
Due to the large economic development associated with the growing consumerist lifestyle of our capitalist society, the problem of uncontrolled solid waste generation worsens, which one is considered to be one of the main responsible factors for environmental degradation. As a case study and in order to solve the problem of large generation of municipal solid waste, this work aims to study the “plano diretor” of Rio Claro city, São Paulo. The “plano diretor” is a municipal law that provides guidelines for the administration of the city, which include guidelines for the management of solid waste generated in the city. The guidelines required in order to write the “plano diretor” are provided by the national law “estatuto da cidade”, providing information for the planning and development of the cities, as well as the management of the urban environment. However, only the “estatuto da cidade” does not provide enough instructions for creating management plans in order to solve the many problems from the urban environment. Thus, studies have been done about urban and environmental management, to understand how municipal management plans should be structured. As a form of seeking information that can complement the “plano diretor” to the creation of policies for managing solid waste of the city, the “Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos”(PNRS) emerges in 2010 as a document which provides principles, objectives and guidelines to create plans for Solid Waste Management at the national, state, regional and municipal levels. Therefore, it was possible to make a joint analysis of the “plano diretor” of Rio Claro with the PNRS to identify what is already done within the municipality about the solid waste management, and identify which aspects are most significant in the municipal solid waste management that the national policy provides. Yet studies have been done on the current municipal solid waste management...
The aim of this article is to present some considerations on the contemporary city figurativizations, from the reading of “O Arquiteto”, a Bernardo Carvalho’s short story, published in the anthology “Aberração” (2004). In this short story, the writer retakes the city theme following a modernity tradition, established, among others, by Poe and Baudelaire, making his voice embrace other Brazilian writers voices, that have represented the town, but, at the same time, recreating, in his scripture body, dense and intense, quick and, in some sense, agonic, the utopist projects of renascence ideal cities, questioning the utopias and the aesthetics traces which can be found on the nowadays texts. To enlarge the metalinguistic proposal that emerges from the analysis, some poems by João Cabral de Melo Neto are considered. This comparison allow us to establish parameters to think about influence in certain perspective of contemporary literature, which epicenter configures less the supremacy of the newty and more a aesthetic of deletions of the origins, tracks, traces, which are possible by the canon invention.
From its foundation until nowadays, the city of São Paulo has undergone major transformation processes, one of the responsibles for these changes is the presence of efficient transportation ; From construction of roads and routes for the animal traction transportation, railroads, expansion and improvements to the introduction of the automobiles, highways, subway system, among others, all these changes are related to greater flow of people and goods. However nowadays has been reflected issues such as quality of life and development of society in a sustainable way, once we have the construction and reconstruction of space in benefit of capital, and therefore the valuation of individual motorized transport. The overuse of individual motor vehicles are generating an urban chaos, making it increasingly difficult to transit in big cities, the use of bicycles is presented as a viable modal alternative, allowing the flow, and enhancing the health of society and quality of the air
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This paper discusses urban space focusing on the housing sector, the capitalist reproduction and some changes occurring in that space as a result of the dynamics of the real estate sector and interests of financial agents, developers and urban land owners/speculators. The changes imposed to cities value abstract spaces over concrete ones, showing the unbalance between the interests of agents, who have in view the market, and those of dwellers, who live daily in such areas. Based on these reflections, a case study was carried out in the Jardim Letícia neighborhood in Leme city (state of São Paulo) in order to understand the space production and reproduction in that area, analyze some of the main problems faced by local people, and identify some agents involved in the process.
This article focus on the urban space to analyze the second narratives that account for the short story “Mondo”, included in the book Mondo et autres histoires by Le Clézio. These narratives sometimes reflect the situation of the eponymous character and the other outsider characters in the city they live, sometimes refer to different cultures that live on the same site.
O texto é uma nova aproximação dos autores a um tema cujo núcleo é a questão da gestão meio ambiental com enfoque na sustentabilidade. A preocupação aqui apresentada refere-se à questão da participação popular e traz alguns exemplos quanto ao protagonismo do Estado em relação ao tópico. Mostra que a legislação brasileira é atualíssima em relação ao assunto e que ela estaria em condições de lidar com as “ruínas”, com as “regressões” resultantes de uma visão de progresso que marca o processo civilizatório ocidental. Sugere a necessidade de “alargar os espaços de participação da grande massa popular nas decisões”. Reconhece, nesse quadro, a importância da mudança da realidade através da mudança do próprio sujeito da transformação. E, justo por reconhecer isso, aponta a fundamentalidade da educação ambiental. Pede ajuda a exemplos tirados de Araraquara, cidade do interior paulista para mostrar os limites e as possibilidades de avançar em um paradigma de participação popular na construção de uma sociedade sustentável.