981 resultados para Transcriptional regulator


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The τ and γ subunits of DNA polymerase III are both encoded by a single gene in Escherichia coli and Thermus thermophilus. γ is two-thirds the size of τ and shares virtually all its amino acid sequence with τ. E. coli and T. thermophilus have evolved very different mechanisms for setting the approximate 1:1 ratio between τ and γ. Both mechanisms put ribosomes into alternate reading frames so that stop codons in the new frame serve to make the smaller γ protein. In E. coli, ≈50% of initiating ribosomes translate the dnaX mRNA conventionally to give τ, but the other 50% shift into the −1 reading frame at a specific site (A AAA AAG) in the mRNA to produce γ. In T. thermophilus ribosomal frameshifting is not required: the dnaX mRNA is a heterogeneous population of molecules with different numbers of A residues arising from transcriptional slippage on a run of nine T residues in the DNA template. Translation of the subpopulation containing nine As (or +/− multiples of three As) yields τ. The rest of the population of mRNAs (containing nine +/− nonmultiples of three As) puts ribosomes into the alternate reading frames to produce the γ protein(s). It is surprising that two rather similar dnaX sequences in E. coli and T. thermophilus lead to very different mechanisms of expression.


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The degradation of the RpoS (σS) subunit of RNA polymerase in Escherichia coli is a prime example of regulated proteolysis in prokaryotes. RpoS turnover depends on ClpXP protease, the response regulator RssB, and a hitherto uncharacterized “turnover element” within RpoS itself. Here we localize the turnover element to a small element (around the crucial amino acid lysine-173) directly downstream of the promoter-recognizing region 2.4 in RpoS. Its sequence as well as its location identify the turnover element as a unique proteolysis-promoting motif. This element is shown to be a site of interaction with RssB. Thus, RssB is functionally unique among response regulators as a direct recognition factor in ClpXP-dependent RpoS proteolysis. Binding of RssB to RpoS is stimulated by phosphorylation of the RssB receiver domain, suggesting that environmental stress affects RpoS proteolysis by modulating RssB affinity for RpoS. Initial evidence indicates that lysine-173 in RpoS, besides being essential of RpoS proteolysis, may play a role in promoter recognition. Thus the same region in RpoS is crucial for proteolysis as well as for activity as a transcription factor.


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Transcriptional termination of the GAL10 gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae depends on the efficiency of polyadenylation. Either cis mutations in the poly(A) signal or trans mutations of mRNA 3′ end cleavage factors result in GAL10 read-through transcripts into the adjacent GAL7 gene and inactivation (occlusion) of the GAL7 promoter. Herein, we present a molecular explanation of this transcriptional interference phenomenon. In vivo footprinting data reveal that GAL7 promoter occlusion is associated with the displacement of Gal4p transcription factors from the promoter. Interestingly, overexpression of Gal4p restores promoter occupancy, activates GAL7 expression, and rescues growth on the otherwise toxic galactose substrate. Our data therefore demonstrate a precise balance between transcriptional interference and initiation.


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In addition to their well-known functions in cellular energy transduction, mitochondria play an important role in modulating the amplitude and time course of intracellular Ca2+ signals. In many cells, mitochondria act as Ca2+ buffers by taking up and releasing Ca2+, but this simple buffering action by itself often cannot explain the organelle's effects on Ca2+ signaling dynamics. Here we describe the functional interaction of mitochondria with store-operated Ca2+ channels in T lymphocytes as a mechanism of mitochondrial Ca2+ signaling. In Jurkat T cells with functional mitochondria, prolonged depletion of Ca2+ stores causes sustained activation of the store-operated Ca2+ current, ICRAC (CRAC, Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+). Inhibition of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake by compounds that dissipate the intramitochondrial potential unmasks Ca2+-dependent inactivation of ICRAC. Thus, functional mitochondria are required to maintain CRAC-channel activity, most likely by preventing local Ca2+ accumulation near sites that govern channel inactivation. In cells stimulated through the T-cell antigen receptor, acute blockade of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake inhibits the nuclear translocation of the transcription factor NFAT in parallel with CRAC channel activity and [Ca2+]i elevation, indicating a functional link between mitochondrial regulation of ICRAC and T-cell activation. These results demonstrate a role for mitochondria in controlling Ca2+ channel activity and signal transmission from the plasma membrane to the nucleus.


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Host Cell Factor-1 (HCF-1, C1) was first identified as a cellular target for the herpes simplex virus transcriptional activator VP16. Association between HCF and VP16 leads to the assembly of a multiprotein enhancer complex that stimulates viral immediate-early gene transcription. HCF-1 is expressed in all cells and is required for progression through G1 phase of the cell cycle. In addition to VP16, HCF-1 associates with a cellular bZIP protein known as LZIP (or Luman). Both LZIP and VP16 contain a four-amino acid HCF-binding motif, recognized by the N-terminal β-propeller domain of HCF-1. Herein, we show that the N-terminal 92 amino acids of LZIP contain a potent transcriptional activation domain composed of three elements: the HCF-binding motif and two LxxLL motifs. LxxLL motifs are found in a number of transcriptional coactivators and mediate protein–protein interactions, notably recognition of the nuclear hormone receptors. LZIP is an example of a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein that uses LxxLL motifs within its activation domain to stimulate transcription. The LxxLL motifs are not required for association with the HCF-1 β-propeller and instead interact with other regions in HCF-1 or recruit additional cofactors.


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In the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, actively transcribed tRNA genes can negatively regulate adjacent RNA polymerase II (pol II)-transcribed promoters. This tRNA gene-mediated silencing is independent of the orientation of the tRNA gene and does not require direct, steric interference with the binding of either upstream pol II factors or the pol II holoenzyme. A mutant was isolated in which this form of silencing is suppressed. The responsible point mutation affects expression of the Cbf5 protein, a small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein protein required for correct processing of rRNA. Because some early steps in the S. cerevisiae pre-tRNA biosynthetic pathway are nucleolar, we examined whether the CBF5 mutation might affect this localization. Nucleoli were slightly fragmented, and the pre-tRNAs went from their normal, mostly nucleolar location to being dispersed in the nucleoplasm. A possible mechanism for tRNA gene-mediated silencing is suggested in which subnuclear localization of tRNA genes antagonizes transcription of nearby genes by pol II.


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Transcriptional activators in prokaryotes have been shown to stimulate different steps in the initiation process including the initial binding of RNA polymerase (RNAP) to the promoter and a postbinding step known as the isomerization step. Evidence suggests that activators that affect initial binding can work by a cooperative binding mechanism by making energetically favorable contacts with RNAP, but the mechanism by which activators affect the isomerization step is unclear. A well-studied example of an activator that normally exerts its effect exclusively on the isomerization step is the bacteriophage λ cI protein (λcI), which has been shown genetically to interact with the C-terminal region of the σ70 subunit of RNAP. We show here that the interaction between λcI and σ can stimulate transcription even when the relevant portion of σ is transplanted to another subunit of RNAP. This activation depends on the ability of λcI to stabilize the binding of the transplanted σ moiety to an ectopic −35 element. Based on these and previous findings, we discuss a simple model that explains how an activator's ability to stabilize the binding of an RNAP subdomain to the DNA can account for its effect on either the initial binding of RNAP to a promoter or the isomerization step.


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Leptin is an adipocyte-derived cytokine that regulates food intake and body weight via interaction with its Ob receptor (ObR). Serum leptin levels are chronically elevated in obese humans, suggesting that obesity may be associated with leptin resistance and the inability to generate an adequate ObR response. Evidence suggests that transcriptional activation of target genes by STAT3 (signal transducer and activator of transcription) in the hypothalamus is a critical pathway that mediates leptin’s action. Herein we report that activation of ObR induces the tyrosine phosphorylation of the tyrosine phosphatase SH2-containing phosphatase 2 (SHP-2) and demonstrate that Tyr986 within the ObR cytoplasmic domain is essential to mediate phosphorylation of SHP-2 and binding of SHP-2 to ObR. Surprisingly, mutation of Tyr986 to Phe, which abrogates SHP-2 phosphorylation and binding to the receptor, dramatically increases gene induction mediated by STAT3. Our findings indicate that SHP-2 is a negative regulator of STAT3-mediated gene induction after activation of ObR and raise the possibility that blocking the interaction of SHP-2 with ObR could overcome leptin resistance by boosting leptin’s weight-reducing effects in obese individuals.


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During the interaction of a T cell with an antigen-presenting cell (APC), several receptor ligand pairs, including the T cell receptor (TCR)/major histocompatibility complex (MHC), accumulate at the T cell/APC interface in defined geometrical patterns. This accumulation depends on a movement of the T cell cortical actin cytoskeleton toward the interface. Here we study the involvement of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor vav in this process. We crossed 129 vav−/− mice with B10/BR 5C.C7 TCR transgenic mice and used peptide-loaded APCs to stimulate T cells from the offspring. We found that the accumulation of TCR/MHC at the T cell/APC interface and the T cell actin cytoskeleton rearrangement were clearly defective in these vav+/− mice. A comparable defect in superantigen-mediated T cell activation of T cells from non-TCR transgenic 129 mice was also observed, although in this case it was more apparent in vav−/− mice. These data indicate that vav is an essential regulator of cytoskeletal rearrangements during T cell activation.


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A crystal structure for a member of the AraC prokaryotic transcriptional activator family, MarA, in complex with its cognate DNA-binding site is described. MarA consists of two similar subdomains, each containing a helix–turn–helix DNA-binding motif. The two recognition helices of the motifs are inserted into adjacent major groove segments on the same face of the DNA but are separated by only 27 Å thereby bending the DNA by ≈35°. Extensive interactions between the recognition helices and the DNA major groove provide the sequence specificity.


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Determinative events in vertebrate embryogenesis appear to require the continuous expression of spatial regulators such as the clustered homeobox genes. The mechanisms that govern long-term patterns of gene expression are not well understood. In Drosophila, active and silent states of developmentally regulated loci are maintained by trithorax and Polycomb group. We have examined the developmental role of a mammalian homolog of trx and putative oncogene, Mll. Knockout mice reveal that Mll is required for maintenance of gene expression early in embryogenesis. Downstream targets of Mll including Hoxa7 are activated appropriately in the absence of Mll but require Mll for sustaining their expression. The Mll−/− phenotype manifests later in development and is characterized by branchial arch dysplasia and aberrant segmental boundaries of spinal ganglia and somites. Thus, Mll represents an essential mechanism of transcriptional maintenance in mammalian development, which functions in multiple morphogenetic processes.


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With more than 10 fully sequenced, publicly available prokaryotic genomes, it is now becoming possible to gain useful insights into genome evolution. Before the genome era, many evolutionary processes were evaluated from limited data sets and evolutionary models were constructed on the basis of small amounts of evidence. In this paper, I show that genes on the Borrelia burgdorferi genome have two separate, distinct, and significantly different codon usages, depending on whether the gene is transcribed on the leading or lagging strand of replication. Asymmetrical replication is the major source of codon usage variation. Replicational selection is responsible for the higher number of genes on the leading strands, and transcriptional selection appears to be responsible for the enrichment of highly expressed genes on these strands. Replicational–transcriptional selection, therefore, has an influence on the codon usage of a gene. This is a new paradigm of codon selection in prokaryotes.


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Microorganisms must sense their environment and rapidly tune their metabolism to ambient conditions to efficiently use available resources. We have identified a gene encoding a response regulator, NblR, that complements a cyanobacterial mutant unable to degrade its light-harvesting complex (phycobilisome), in response to nutrient deprivation. Cells of the nblR mutant (i) have more phycobilisomes than wild-type cells during nutrient-replete growth, (ii) do not degrade phycobilisomes during sulfur, nitrogen, or phosphorus limitation, (iii) cannot properly modulate the phycobilisome level during exposure to high light, and (iv) die rapidly when starved for either sulfur or nitrogen, or when exposed to high light. Apart from regulation of phycobilisome degradation, NblR modulates additional functions critical for cell survival during nutrient-limited and high-light conditions. NblR does not appear to be involved in acclimation responses that occur only during a specific nutrient limitation. In contrast, it controls at least some of the general acclimation responses; those that occur during any of a number of different stress conditions. NblR plays a pivotal role in integrating different environmental signals that link the metabolism of the cell to light harvesting capabilities and the activities of the photosynthetic apparatus; this modulation is critical for cell survival.


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A mutation in RPB5 (rpb5–9), an essential RNA polymerase subunit assembled into RNA polymerases I, II, and III, revealed a role for this subunit in transcriptional activation. Activation by GAL4-VP16 was impaired upon in vitro transcription with mutant whole-cell extracts. In vivo experiments using inducible reporter plasmids and Northern analysis support the in vitro data and demonstrate that RPB5 influences activation at some, but not all, promoters. Remarkably, this mutation maps to a conserved region of human RPB5 implicated by others to play a role in activation. Chimeric human-yeast RPB5 containing this conserved region now can function in place of its yeast counterpart. The defects noted with rpb5–9 are similar to those seen in truncation mutants of the RPB1-carboxyl terminal domain (CTD). We demonstrate that RPB5 and the RPB1-CTD have overlapping roles in activation because the double mutant is synthetically lethal and has exacerbated activation defects at the GAL1/10 promoter. These studies demonstrate that there are multiple activation targets in RNA polymerase II and that RPB5 and the CTD have similar roles in activation.


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NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) is a family of transcription factors implicated in the control of cytokine and early immune response gene expression. Recent studies have pointed to a role for NFAT proteins in gene regulation outside of the immune system. Herein we demonstrate that NFAT proteins are present in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and, upon fat cell differentiation, bind to and transactivate the promoter of the adipocyte-specific gene aP2. Further, fat cell differentiation is inhibited by cyclosporin A, a drug shown to prevent NFAT nuclear localization and hence function. Thus, these data suggest a role for NFAT transcription factors in the regulation of the aP2 gene and in the process of adipocyte differentiation.