995 resultados para Tomás Pinto Brandão


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Neonatal screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is useful in diagnosing salt wasting form (SW). However, there are difficulties in interpreting positive results in asymptomatic newborns. The main objective is to analyze genotyping as a confirmatory test in children with neonatal positive results. Patients comprised 23 CAH children and 19 asymptomatic infants with persistently elevated 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) levels. CYP21A2 gene was sequenced and genotypes were grouped according to the enzymatic activity of the less severe allele: A1 null, A2 < 2%, B 3-7%, C > 20%. Twenty-one children with neonatal symptoms and/or 17OHP levels > 80 ng/ml carried A genotypes, except two virilized girls (17OHP < 50 ng/ml) without CAH genotypes. Patients carrying SW genotypes (A1, A2) and low serum sodium levels presented with neonatal 17OHP > 200 ng/ml. Three asymptomatic boys carried simple virilizing genotypes (A2 and B): in two, the symptoms began at 18 months; another two asymptomatic boys had nonclassical genotypes (C). The remaining 14 patients did not present CAH genotypes, and their 17OHP levels were normalized by 14 months of age. Molecular analysis is useful as a confirmatory test of CAH, mainly in boys. It can predict clinical course, identify false-positives and help distinguish between clinical forms of CAH.


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The use of cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) in addition to antipsychotic regimen to treat persistent psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia is growing. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of CBT to a befriending (BF) control group in patients with schizophrenia who are refractory to clozapine. Twenty-one patients completed the 21-week trial. In comparison with the control group, the CBT group showed a significant improvement in the General Psychopathology and total score of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, as well as an improvement Of Quality of Life scale. The improvement in psychopathology persisted at 6-month follow-up assessment.


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Anorectal transplantation is a valid procedure for the treatment of anorectal dysfunction; however, the lack of a suitable animal model has hampered the development of this method. We describe a simple technique for anorectal transplantation in the rat and compare this procedure with colostomy. The anorectal segment including the skin surrounding the anus were freed by abdominal and perineal dissection. In a heterotopically transplanted group the segment was exteriorized by the formation of an anus through an abdominal incision. In an orthotopically transplanted group the segment was replaced in its original position and reimplanted by suturing. In another group a distal colostomy was performed. A sham-treated control group (simulated surgical procedure) was also included. Changes in behavior, characteristics of the stool, body weight and survival rate were assessed by daily clinical examination. Moribund animals, those with a weight loss of more than 30%, and those surviving at 1 month were killed by an overdose of anesthetic. The results were analyzed using the Mann Whitney, Student`s t and chi-squared tests, and p < 0.05 was considered significant. Within 4 days after the operation, animals submitted to orthotopic or heterotopic transplantation had achieved normal defecation, body weight gain and clinical evolution similar to the sham-treated group. The overall mortality in these groups was 4.16%. In contrast, colostomized animals showed a high incidence of diarrhea, intestinal obstruction, stress posture and violent behavior (pa parts per thousand currency sign0.05), and a mortality rate of 58.33%. Autotransplantation in the rat is a simple technique, achieves a high rate of success and better clinical evolution than colostomy. This model may ultimately lead to research into anorectal transplantation.


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Contrast echocardiography has been demonstrated useful for left ventricular opacification and improvement of endocardial border delineation. Another important clinical application of this technique refers to the better characterization of cardiac tumors and masses. We here described an asymptomatic patient with cystic mass attached to submitral valve apparatus in which contrast echocardiography was performed after intravenous injection of lipid-encapsulated microbubbles. It resulted in enhancement of the cystic borders and allowed for better definition of its diagnosis. Multislice computed tomography confirmed the echocardiographic findings. This case illustrates the potential of contrast echocardiography to improve the anatomic evaluation of cardiac masses.


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Background Women with 21-hydroxylase deficiency present much variability in external genitalia virilization, even among those with similar impairments of 21-hydroxylase (21OH) activity. Objective To evaluate if the number of CAG (nCAG) repeats of the androgen receptor gene influences the degree of external genitalia virilization in women with CYP21A2 mutations, grouped according to impairment of 21OH activity. Patients The nCAG was determined in 106 congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) patients and in 302 controls. The patients were divided, according to their CYP21A2 genotypes, into Groups A and B, which confer total and severe impairment of 21OH activity, respectively. Methods The inactivation pattern of the X-chromosome was studied through genomic DNA digestion with Hpa II. The CAG repeat region was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and analysed by GeneScan. Results The nCAG and the frequency of severe skewed X-inactivation did not differ between normal women and patients. The nCAG median in genotype A was 20.7 (IQR 2.3) for Prader I + II, 22.5 (3.6) for Prader III and 21 (2.9) for Prader IV + V (P < 0.05 for Prader III and Prader IV + V). The nCAG median in genotype B was 21.3 (1.1) for Prader I + II, 20.5 (2.9) for Prader III and 22 (2.8) for Prader IV + V (P > 0.05). A significant difference was found regarding the nCAG median in patients presenting Prader III from genotypes A and B. Conclusions We observed great variability in the degree of external genitalia virilization in both CYP21A2 genotypes, and we showed that the CAG repeats of the androgen receptor gene influences this phenotypic variability.


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Background/Purpose: Central venous catheterization is among the most common procedures performed by pediatric surgeons. Significant morbidity and even mortality can ensue from the widespread approach to the deep veins of the neck and femoral region. The external jugular vein (EJV) is a low-morbidity alternative for percutaneous catheterization in children, but it has yielded a low success rate in previous reports The authors show an improved success rate with this option. Methods: We performed an analysis of 33 patients` charts in which central venous catheterization using Seldinger technique through the EJV was attempted in 2005. Age, diagnosis, maneuvers used for success, fluoroscopy usefulness, and types of inserted catheters were evaluated. Results: The procedure was successful in 26 (78.8%) patients without complications. Diagnosis was neoplasia in almost half of the patients (42%). In half of the successful cases, body maneuvers were used, namely, twisting the head of the patient to the side of the vein and stretching the ipsilateral arm and shoulder. All but one procedure were completed under fluoroscopic guidance. In 6 (23%) patients, a long-term catheter was inserted. Conclusions: The EJV is an excellent option for central venous catheterization in children. The execution of simple maneuvers along with fluoroscopic assistance might allow for an improved success rate not only for short-term but also for long-term catheter insertion. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: During the past 15 years, polymethylmethacrylate has been used as a synthetic permanent filler for soft-tissue augmentation. Methods: This. article reports 32 cases of complications seen at Hospital das Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo, for procedures performed elsewhere. Results: The average age of the patients was 43.6 years (range, 22 to 70 years). Twenty-five patients were women. Sixteen injection procedures were performed by certified plastic surgeons, nine by dermatologists, two by urologists, and one by a nonphysician. Complications were classified into five groups according to main presentation as follows: tissue necrosis (five cases), an acute complication that can be related to technical mistakes but that can also be dependent on patient factors or caused by local infection; granuloma (10 cases), which usually presents as a subacute complication 6 to 12 months after the procedure; chronic inflammatory reactions (10 cases), which usually occur years later and can be related to a triggering event, Such as another operation or infection in the area that was injected (these reactions are immunogenic in origin and may have cyclic periods of activation and remission); chronic inflammatory reaction in the lips (six cases), which may be present with severe symptoms, especially with lymphedema, because of mobility of the lip; and infections (one case), which are rare but possible complications after filling procedures. Conclusions: Polymethylmethacrylate filler complications, despite being rare, are often permanent and difficult or even impossible to treat. Safety guidelines should be observed when considering use of polymethylmethacrylate for augmentation.


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Purpose: Achalasia of the esophagus is characterized by aperistalsis and incomplete relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter in response to swallowing. The objective of the present study is to present the experience of a modified Heller myotomy via a laparoscopic approach for the treatment of children who had this condition. Methods: A retrospective review of medical records of all patients who underwent this procedure from 2000 to 2009 was performed. The procedure consisted of an extended esophagomyotomy beginning on the lower part of the lower esophageal sphincter and continuing 5 to 6 cm above on the lower third of the esophagus, and then extended 3 to 4 cm below to the stomach, associated with an anterior 180-degree hemi-fundoplication according to Dor`s technique. Results: Fifteen patients were included in the study. There were 8 female and 7 male patients. Mean operating time was 190 minutes with no intraoperative complications and 1 conversion to open surgery because of difficulty in dissecting an inflamed distal esophagus. In a mean follow-up period of 32.3 months, 2 patients had recurrence of mild dysphagia that disappeared spontaneously, and 1 required a single botulinum toxin injection with complete resolution of symptoms. Conclusion: We conclude that the laparoscopic extended Heller myotomy with Dor fundoplication is a safe and effective method for the treatment for achalasia in the pediatric population even in advanced cases. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: Hepatectomy remains a complex operation even in experienced hands. The objective of the present study was to describe our experience in liver resections, in the light of liver transplantation, emphasizing the indications for surgery, surgical techniques, complications, and results. Methods: The medical records of 53 children who underwent liver resection for primary or metastatic hepatic tumors were reviewed. Ultrasonography, computed tomographic (CT) scan, and needle biopsy were the initial methods used to diagnose malignant tumors. After neoadjuvant chemotherapy, tumor resectability was evaluated by another CT scan. Surgery was performed by surgeons competent in liver transplantation. As in liver living donor operation, vascular anomalies were investigated. The main arterial anomalies found were the right hepatic artery emerging from the superior mesenteric artery and left hepatic artery from left gastric artery. Hilar structures were dissected very close to liver parenchyma. The hepatic artery and portal vein were dissected and ligated near their entrance to the liver parenchyma to avoid damaging the hilar vessels of the other lobe. During dissection of the suprahepatic veins, the venous infusion was decreased to reduce central venous pressure and potential bleeding from hepatic veins and the vena cava. Results: Fifty-three children with hepatic tumors underwent surgical treatment, 47 patients underwent liver resections, and in 6 cases, liver transplantation was performed because the tumor was considered unresectable. There were 31 cases of hepatoblastoma, with a 9.6% mortality rate. Ten children presented with other malignant tumors-3 undifferentiated sarcomas, 2 hepatocellular carcinomas, 2 fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinomas, a rhabdomyosarcoma, an immature ovarian teratoma, and a single neuroblastoma. These cases had a 50% mortality rate. Six children had benign tumors-4 mesenchymal hamartoma, 1 focal nodular hyperplasia, and a mucinous cystadenoma. All of these children had a favorable outcome. Hepatic resections included 22 right lobectomies, 9 right trisegmentectomies, 8 left lobectomies, 5 left trisegmentectomies, 2 left segmentectomies, and 1 case of monosegment (segment IV) resection. The overall mortality rate was 14.9%, and all deaths were related to recurrence of malignant disease. The mortality rate of hepatoblastoma patients was less than other malignant tumors (P = .04). Conclusion: The resection of hepatic tumors in children requires expertise in pediatric surgical practice, and many lessons learned from liver transplantation can be applied to hepatectomies. The present series showed no mortality directly related to the surgery and a low complication rate. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: Transanal endorectal pull-through (TEPT) has drastically changed the treatment of Hirschsprung`s disease (HD). A short follow-up of children Submitted to TEPT reveals results that are similar to the classic transabdominal pull-through procedures. However, few reports compare the late results of TEPT with transabdominal pull-through procedures with respect to complication rates and the fecal continence. The aims of the present work are to describe some technical refinements that we introduced in the procedure and to compare the short and long-term outcome of TEPT with the outcomes of a group of patients with HD who previously underwent the Duhamel procedure. Methods: Thirty-five patients who underwent TEPT were prospectively studied and compared to a group of 29 patients who were treated with colostomy followed by a classical Duhamel pull-through. The main modifications introduced in the TEPT group were no preoperative colon preparation, operation conducted under general anesthesia in addition to regional sacral anesthesia, use of only one purse-string Suture in the rectal mucosa before transanal submucosal dissection, and no use of retractors and electrocautery during file submucosal dissection. Results: The most frequent early complications of TEPT group were perineal dermatitis (22.8%) and anastomotic strictures (8.6%). The comparison with patients who underwent Duhamel procedure revealed no difference in the incidence of preoperative enterocolitis, the patients of the TEPT group were younger at the time of diagnosis and of surgery, they had shorter operating times, and they began oral feeding more quickly after the operation. The incidence of wound infection was lower in the TEPT group. Moreover, the TEPT and Duhamel groups showed no difference in the incidences of mortality, postoperative partial continence, and total incontinence. Although the incidences of complete continence and postoperative enterocolitis were not different, a tendency to the increased incidence in the TEPT group was observed. Conclusions: This study further supports the technical advantages, the simplicity, and the decreased incidence of complications of a primary TEPT procedure when compared to a classical form of pull-through. Sonic technical refinements are described, and no preoperative colon preparation was necessary for the patients studied here. The results show that the long-term outcomes of the modified TEPT procedure are generally better than those obtained with classical approaches. Published by Elsevier Inc.


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Background: The use of springs in cranial expansion has demonstrated to be effective for craniosynostosis treatment. The spring-exerted expansile action has been observed when springs are placed both in the sagittal and parasagittal regions, mainly in scaphocephaly. In this study, a variation in cephalometric measurements under expansible spring action on the skull base was analyzed. Methods: Thirteen 4-week-old New Zealand white rabbits were divided into 4 groups: group 1, in which only amalgam markers were used (control); group 2, in which amalgam markers were used, and a sagittal suturectomy was performed; group 3, in which amalgam markers were used, and a sagittal suturectomy was performed with placement of expansible springs in the interparietal region; and group 4, in which markers were used, and a linear parasagittal craniectomy was performed with spring placement. All animals were killed at weeks 2, 4, 8, and 12. Radiologic control with cephalometric study was performed. Results: Distraction of amalgam markers in the groups with springs was greater than in those without springs. A proportional change in the angles measured through craniometry was observed in these groups. Conclusions: The experimental rabbit model was shown to be adequate to the analysis proposed by the study. Under the action of springs, the groups with sagittal and parasagittal osteotomy were found to present a similar distraction of amalgam markers. A concomitant change in cephalometric measurements occurred, suggesting a change in the skull base mediated by expansible springs placed both in the sutural and nonsutural sites.


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Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) are a heterogeneous group of diseases that share some symptoms such as muscular weakness and inflammation of skeletal muscle. Complete recovery of muscle function with pharmacological treatment does not always occur, suggesting that physical inability is a great concern for these patients. In this context, it has been speculated that physical exercise could result in functional benefits to patients with IIM, leading to an improvement in quality of life. In fact, recent studies of polymyositis (PM) and dermatomyositis (DM) support the notion that exercise training improves or at least stabilizes muscle strength and functional ability without inducing disease flares. Importantly, these benefits were observed not only during the chronic phase, but also in the course of active disease. This positive effect was found to be long term, as demonstrated by a six-month significant improvement in exercise capacity and strength. Together, these findings indicate that a well controlled exercise program can be recommended for patients with DM and PM. The optimal exercise modality training and the underlying mechanism for this encouraging response remain to be determined in future studies. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We analyzed the effect of a 6-week aerobic exercise training program on the in vivo macrophage reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) in human cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) transgenic (CETP-tg) mice. Male CETP-tg mice were randomly assigned to a sedentary group or a carefully supervised exercise training group (treadmill 15 m/min, 30 min sessions, five sessions per week). The levels of plasma lipids were determined by enzymatic methods, and the lipoprotein profile was determined by fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). CETP activity was determined by measuring the transfer rate of (14)C-cholesterol from HDL to apo-B containing lipoproteins, using plasma from CETP-tg mice as a source of CETP. The reverse cholesterol transport was determined in vivo by measuring the [(3)H]-cholesterol recovery in plasma and feces (24 and 48 h) and in the liver (48 h) following a peritoneal injection of [(3)H]-cholesterol labeled J774-macrophages into both sedentary and exercise trained mice. The protein levels of liver receptors were determined by immunoblot, and the mRNA levels for liver enzymes were measured using RT-PCR. Exercise training did not significantly affect the levels of plasma lipids or CETP activity. The HDL fraction assessed by FPLC was higher in exercise-trained compared to sedentary mice. In comparison to the sedentary group, a greater recovery of [(3)H]-cholesterol from the injected macrophages was found in the plasma, liver and feces of exercise-trained animals. The latter occurred even with a reduction in the liver CYP7A1 mRNA level in exercised trained animals. Exercise training increased the liver LDL receptor and ABCA-1 protein levels, although the SR-BI protein content was unchanged. The RCT benefit in CETP-tg mice elicited by exercise training helps to elucidate the role of exercise in the prevention of atherosclerosis in humans.


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Sm14 and paramyosin are two major Schistosoma mansoni vaccine candidate antigens. Recently, we have identified Sm14 and paramyosin epitopes that are recognized by T cells of resistant individuals living in endemic areas for schistosomiasis. Herein, mice were immunized with these peptides separately or in association in order to evaluate their vaccine potential. Immunization of mice with Sm14 peptides alone or mixed with paramyosin peptides was able to induce 26%-36.7% or 28%-29.2% of worm burden reduction, 67% or 46% of intestinal eggs reduction and also 54%-61% or 43%-52% of liver pathology reduction, respectively. Protection was associated with a Th1 type of immune response induced by Sm14 peptide immunization. In contrast, paramyosin peptide vaccination did not engender protective immunity or liver pathology reduction and immunization was associated with a Th2 type of immune response. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We aimed to investigate whether creatine supplementation affects the measured glomerular filtration rate in postmenopausal women (age, 58 +/- 3 years). Subjects were randomly assigned to receive either creatine (20 g(.)day(-1) for 1 week and 5 g(.)day(-1) thereafter) or a placebo. Kidney function was assessed at baseline and after 12 weeks. [(51)Cr] EDTA clearance remained unchanged (CR-PRE: 86.16 +/- 14.36 mL(.)min(-1) per 1.73 m(2), POST: 87.25 +/- 17.60 mL(.)min(-1) per 1.73 m(2); PL-PRE: 85.15 +/- 8.54 mL(.)min(-1) per 1.73 m(2), POST: 87.18 +/- 9.64 mL(.)min(-1) per 1.73 m(2); p = 0.81). Thus, we concluded that creatine supplementation does not affect glomerular filtration rate in postmenopausal women.