958 resultados para Tire Grading.


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The Tiete River (in São Paulo state) receives most of the efuents of the metropolitan region of São Paulo; and the Barra Bonita reservoir, 200 km distant downstream, receives and recycle most of that pollution load. This work studied the ecological features of the zooplankton (Rotifera, Cladocera and Copepoda) sampled in a point of Tiete River's mouth. Monthly samples were collected, from April, 2001 to February, 2008. The hypothesis currently tested was that the composition and availability of zooplankton were similar to the others reservoir regions (middle and lacustrine sensu Thornton) and to other reservoirs of the Upper Parana River basin, supporting the idea that these organisms manage to stand the strong pollution. The reservoir shows a typical variation of accumulation, with wide variation of seasonal altimetric grading and large fow in the rainy pe- riod, infuenced by the rainfall regime, with efects upon zooplankton assemblage. As a whole, 24 species were registered: 12 Rotifera, 8 Cladocera and 4 Copepoda. Data showed that the hypothesis formulated must be rejected, due the variation trends of zooplankton environmental attributes not being regular, with relatively high abundance values for a lotic environment in specifc months, and low organism abundance or absence in other months. Those facts can be attributed to pollution efects conducting to low dissolved oxygen concentration (> 4mg.l-1) in some months, which causes the zooplankton community to be very much afected. [K]


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Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder is a neoplasm with variability in its clinical behavior. Although there are several studies correlating stage and ABO isoantigen expression with invasiveness, there is no single predictor factor to assess the potential invasiveness, especially in the low grade, non-invasive TCC. In the present study we evaluated the correlation of histological grade plus stage and the expression of beta human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG), in 100 cases of TCC, with the clinical behavior. These features were correlated with tumor progression in patients with at least two years of follow up. We observed more aggressiveness in G4 group (high grade and invasive) (93% had tumor progression) when compared to G1 group (low grade and superficial) (11% had tumor progression). However in 25.5% of the TCC cases (groups G2: low grade and invasive and G3: high grade and superficial) the clinical behavior was intermediate, showing some limitation in using grading and staging only, as a predictive factor. There was an expression of beta-hCG in 21.4% of the cases in up to 25% of the tumor cells without any trophoblastic morphology. These beta-hCG producing TCC had a strong correlation with aggressiveness: 39.1% and 12.8% of the TCC expressed beta-hCG with and without tumor progression, respectively.


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PCNA is a 36-KD proliferating cell nuclear antigen associated with the cell cycle. The immunocytochemical detection of PCNA represents a useful tool for the study of tumor proliferation activity. This study documents the detection of PCNA, using antibody PC 10 in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue, and correlates the proliferative activity of the non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) with histological grading assessed by the International Working Formulation (WF) and Kiel classification. In 92 cases of NHLs we found a strong correlation between the PCNA index and lymphoma grading. Statistically significant differences were also found between the proliferative index (PI) in low and high grade lymphomas according to the Kiel classification (t = 9.519; p < 0.001) and between low, intermediate and high grade lymphomas according to the WF classification (F = 79.01; p < 0.001). In the Kiel classification the mean of low grade lymphomas was 39.5% and of high grade 75.7%. In the WF the average of low grade lymphomas was 29.7%, intermediate 53.1% and high 75.1%. Although the differences among the groups had been significant, we found variations inside each histological subgroup in both classifications. The intermediate lymphomas were the most heterogeneous group, with PI inside the same histologic subtypes coincident with low and high grade lymphomas. Since PCNA may be used as a marker of cell proliferation in clinical studies to estimate the biological aggressiveness of lymphomas, its determination in intermediate grade NHL could be very useful to evaluate individual cases in this group and determine prognosis and probably the appropriate therapy.


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We investigate higher grading integrable generalizations of the affine Toda systems, where the flat connections defining the models take values in eigensubspaces of an integral gradation of an affine Kac-Moody algebra, with grades varying from l to -l (l > 1). The corresponding target space possesses nontrivial vacua and soliton configurations, which can be interpreted as particles of the theory, on the same footing as those associated to fundamental fields. The models can also be formulated by a hamiltonian reduction procedure from the so-called two-loop WZNW models. We construct the general solution and show the classes corresponding to the solitons. Some of the particles and solitons become massive when the conformal symmetry is spontaneously broken by a mechanism with an intriguing topological character and leading to a very simple mass formula. The massive fields associated to nonzero grade generators obey field equations of the Dirac type and may be regarded as matter fields. A special class of models is remarkable. These theories possess a U(1 ) Noether current, which, after a special gauge fixing of the conformal symmetry, is proportional to a topological current. This leads to the confinement of the matter field inside the solitons, which can be regarded as a one-dimensional bag model for QCD. These models are also relevant to the study of electron self-localization in (quasi-)one-dimensional electron-phonon systems.


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Analysis of the taphonomic signatures of a well preserved, silicifled coquina (Pinzonella neotropica assemblage) from the Camaquã outcrop, upper part of the Corumbataí Formation (Late Permian), in the Rio Claro region, state of Sáo Paulo, allowed interpretation of processes involved in its origin as related to high energy events (storms). The coquina occurs as a lenticular body, 2-11 cm thick and extending laterally for about 120 m. Basal contact of the coquina is sharp and erosive. Its upper contact is sharp. The concentration is dominated by pelecypods including the shallow burrowers (Pinzonella neotropica, Jacquesia brasiliensis), intermediate burrower (Pyramus anceps) and semi-infaunal forms (Naiadopsis lamellosus). All these species are suspension feeders. Besides sand-sized or even smaller shell fragments, there occur disarticulated, complete shells which are commonly abraded but do not show any signs of bioerosion or incrustation. In vertical side view, the shells are mainly convex-up, nested or stacked, while in plan-view they show random orientation. Multiple discontinuous grading is visible. These taphonomic signatures suggest that the origin of the skeletal accumulation is related to high energy events (possibly storm flows) in a proximal environment. The amalgamated nature of the Camaquã coquina records several episodes of erosion and deposition.


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The fuel consumption is an important factor in the vehicle development due the fact that it has a direct effect on its trade aims. Besides that, it is known that the petrol is a scarce fuel. In this paper it is presented a procedure of fuel consumption calculation for a vehicle traveling in driving schedule. In such calculation it has been taken into account the operational conditions (load, pavement, climbing road, among others) and the building characteristics (map engine, transmission, frontal area, tire, among others) of road vehicles. There has also been an application of the theoretical model developed in a sample Mercedes-Benz do Brasil vehicle which has been compared with the values of experimental tests. Copyright © 1997 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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Extensive field testes were conducted using the UCD single wheel tester employing three large radial ply tractor tires in two different soils, four different soil conditions, two axle load levels, and three levels of tire inflation pressures in order to quantify the benefits of using low/correct inflation pressures. During these tests slip, net traction, gross traction, and dynamic axle load were recorded. Furthermore, soil moisture content, cone index, and dry bulk density data were obtained at test locations. The results of the analysis showed a significant increase in net traction and traction efficiency when low/correct inflation was used. Benefits of using low/correct pressure was higher in tilled soil conditions.


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Background: Splanchnic artery occlusion shock is caused by increased capillary permeability and cellular injury precipitated by oxygen derived free radicals following ischemia and reperfusion of splanchnic organs. The purpose of this study was to assess the role of several well-known oxygen- derived free radical scavengers in ameliorating or preventing this syndrome. Study design: Anesthetized rats were subjected to periods of occlusion of the visceral arteries and reperfusion. Tocopherol, taurine, selenium or a 'cocktail' of these three agents was injected subcutaneously for 4 consecutive days prior to operation. Mean arterial blood pressure was measured throughout the experimental period. Fluorometry and technetium-99m pyrophosphate counting of the visceral organs were performed as well as a histologic grading system for intestinal viability. Results: Final mean arterial blood pressure associated with the 'cocktail' and selenium groups was 79.1 ± 27.4 mmHg and 83.6 ± 17.8 mmHg, respectively. These values were significantly higher than the control group, 40.8 ± 11.4 mmHg (P < 0.05). Similar patterns of the benefit of selenium in contrast with the other groups were obtained with fluorescein perfusion, radioisotopic activity and histologic analysis. Conclusion: Pretreatment with selenium of splanchnic ischemia and reperfusion in the rat improves mean arterial blood pressure and microcirculatory visceral perfusion. Further analysis of the precise protective mechanism of selenium for reperfusion injury will enable visceral organs to withstand the consequences of increased capillary leakage and oxidant injury.


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Two stratigraphic sequences characterize the basal units of the Paraná basin. The Ordovician-Silurian sequence overlie directly the Neoproterozoic basement and consists of a 55m-thick unit of coarse-grained sandstones, diamictites, fossiliferous shales and fine-grained micaceous sandstones. The Alto Garças Formation constitutes the base of the sequence and is made of coarse-grained, massive and reddish sandstones associated with conglomeratic lenses. Diamictites with pebbles of diverse composition in siltic and arenaceous matrix were deposited during the Ordovician-Silurian glaciation. Whenever the basal sandstones are absent, the diamictites directly overlie the basement. The diamictites were previously included in the Vila Maria Formation. However our study revealed that they are part of the Iapó Formation. A transgressive event following the glaciation is marked by the deposition of the Vila Maria Formation, which is characterized by fossiliferous (mollusks, brachiopods, cryptospores and microplankton) and laminated shales and siltstones, grading upward to fine-grained micaceous sandstones with hummocky cross stratification. Layers containing trace fossils (Anthrophycus) occur at the transition between the siltstones and the sandstones. The Devonian sequence is represented by 80-170 meters thick sandstones of the Furnas Formation (lower unit) and a sucession of sandstones, siltstones and shales of the Ponta Grossa Formation (upper unit). Unlike other areas of the Paraná Basin, the Ponta Grossa Formation is characterized by coarsening-upward succession beginning with fine sandstones and grading upward to coarse and very-coarse sandstone beds. Cretaceous modifying tectonics affected the Paleozoic sequences, which are cut by a series of faults, in some cases showing displacements greater than 500 meters.


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The expression of uroplakins, the tissue-specific and differentiation- dependent membrane proteins of the urothelium, was analyzed immunohistochemically in N butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN)-treated rats and mice during bladder carcinogenesis. Male Fischer 344 rats were treated with 0.05% BBN in the drinking water for 10 wk and were cuthanatized at week 20 of the experiment. BBN was administered to male B6D2F1 mice; it was either provided at a rate of 0.05% in the drinking water (for 26 wk) or 5 mg BBN was administered by intragastric gavage twice weekly for 10 wk, followed by 20 wk without treatment. In rats, BBN-induced, noninvasive, low grade, papillary, transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) showed decreased uroplakin-staining of cells lining the lumen but showed increased expression in some nonluminal cells. In mice, nonpapillary, high-grade dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, and invasive carcinoma were induced. There was a marked decrease in the number of uroplakin-positive cells lining the lumen and in nonluminal cells. This occurred in normal-appearing urothelium in BBN-treated mice and in dysplasic urothelium, in carcinoma in situ, and in invasive TCC. The percentage of uroplakin-positive nonluminal cells was higher in control mice than in rats, but it was lower in the mouse than in the rat after BBN treatment. Uroplakin expression was disorderly and focal in BBN-treated urothelium in both species. These results indicate that BBN treatment changed the expression of uroplakins during bladder carcinogenesis, with differences in rats and mice being related to degree of tumor differentiation.


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Renal clear cell carcinoma (RCCC) is a neoplasia resistant to radio and chemotherapy, with surgical treatment being the procedure that is recognized for its curative treatment. This case report demonstrates the success of an aggressive surgical treatment for consecutive and late metachronous metastases following radical nephrectomy. Case report: Asymptomatic 50-year old man. During a routine examination, an incidental mass was found by renal ultrasonography. He underwent right radical nephrectomy due to RCCC in June 1992. During the follow-up metastases were evidenced in cerebellum on the seventh year, and in left lung and pancreas on the eighth year following the radical nephrectomy, with all of them successfully treated by surgical excision. Comments: The surgical excision of consecutive and late metachronous metastases in different organs arising from RCCC is feasible, being a good therapeutic alternative in selected cases.


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Prostatic lesions in Brazilian patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH, 26 cases) or adenocarcinoma (AC, 25 cases) were compared by qualitative microscopy and morphometric analysis. In 12 cases of BPH, prostate regions with no histological alterations were considered as controls (Ct). Archival material consisted of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens obtained from prostatic transurethral resection and radical prostatectomy. Haematoxylin/eosin (HE)-stained sections were used to estimate the nuclear areas, perimeters and form factor values. HE-stained sections from AC specimens were also used for Gleason grading. BPH, AC and Ct could be discriminated by their nuclear areas and nuclear perimeters, but not by the nuclear form factor parameter. No significant differences were found when the AC data were compared using the combined version or the predominant grade version of the Gleason score (p = 0.8380 for nuclear area; p = 0.6076 for nuclear perimeter; p = 0.9202 for nuclear form factor; n = 200 nuclei per patient). This finding indicates that there is extensive heterogeneity in the size and shape of the nucleus in AC cells. These results also show that although the nuclear morphometry served to discriminate BPH and AC from each other and from Ct, it was not sufficient to correlate AC lesions with their respective Gleason scores in the human population analyzed.


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Due to the progressive increase of vehicles, the number of used tires is globally one of the serious environmental problems faced now. Therefore, several researches have being developed for its reuse. The use of tires' rubber in the concrete is a possible form of its a pplication, aiming a the recycling of this material and the improvement of certain properties, as tenacity, impact resistance, thermal and acoustic isolation. This article presents conclusions that several researchers obtained using the rubberized concrete. Thus there were researched several works enclosing the period of 1993 to 2003, presenting then the results of some characteristics of this concrete such as: physical properties in fresh and hardened state, mechanical properties and properties that remit the durability. The bibliographical revision has as objective to subsidize future researches that can contribute to improve the use of this concrete in civil construction.


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Due to the progressive increase of vehicles, the number of used tires is globally one of the serious environmental problems faced now. Therefore, several researches have being developed for its reuse. The use of tires' rubber in the concrete is a possible form of its application, aiming at the recycling of this material and the improvement of certain properties, as tenacity, impact resistance, thermal and acoustic isolation. This article presents conclusions that several researchers obtained using the rubberized concrete. Thus there were researched several works enclosing the period of 1993 to 2003, presenting then the results of some characteristics of this concrete such as: physical properties in fresh and hardened state, mechanical properties and properties that remit the durability. The bibliographical revision has as objective to subsidize future researches that can contribute to improve the use of this concrete in civil construction.


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The search for an adequate destination to the tires without use is a problem for many countries. The use of tire rubber in concrete through the partial substitution of the small aggregate has for objective the withdrawal of this material of the environment besides serving as alternative material in places that present sand scarcity. However, to use this type of concrete in civil construction it's necessary to verify its structural behavior. The behavior of the adherence enters the bar of armor and the concrete surrounding it has decisive importance with relation to the load capacity of the structures of reinforced concrete. In this context, this work presents, argues and evaluates the results of the experimental studies for determination of the adherence tension according to pulling up assays pull-out normalized for CEB RC6 and also related in the ASTM C-234 in concrete with and without rubber residues. Armors of nominal diameter of 10,0; 12,5 and 16 mm had been used and concrete contend 10% of rubber fibres in substitution to the sand in volume.