964 resultados para Time correlation function


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First responders are in danger when they perform tasks in damaged buildings after earthquakes. Structural collapse due to the failure of critical load bearing structural members (e.g. columns) during a post-earthquake event such as an aftershock can make first responders victims, considering they are unable to assess the impact of the damage inflicted in load bearing members. The writers here propose a method that can provide first responders with a crude but quick estimate of the damage inflicted in load bearing members. Under the proposed method, critical structural members (reinforced concrete columns in this study) are identified from digital visual data and the damage superimposed on these structural members is detected with the help of Visual Pattern Recognition techniques. The correlation of the two (e.g. the position, orientation and size of a crack on the surface of a column) is used to query a case-based reasoning knowledge base, which contains apriori classified states of columns according to the damage inflicted on them. When query results indicate the column's damage state is severe, the method assumes that a structural collapse is likely and first responders are warned to evacuate.


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We apply adjoint-based sensitivity analysis to a time-delayed thermo-acoustic system: a Rijke tube containing a hot wire. We calculate how the growth rate and frequency of small oscillations about a base state are affected either by a generic passive control element in the system (the structural sensitivity analysis) or by a generic change to its base state (the base-state sensitivity analysis). We illustrate the structural sensitivity by calculating the effect of a second hot wire with a small heat-release parameter. In a single calculation, this shows how the second hot wire changes the growth rate and frequency of the small oscillations, as a function of its position in the tube. We then examine the components of the structural sensitivity in order to determine the passive control mechanism that has the strongest influence on the growth rate. We find that a force applied to the acoustic momentum equation in the opposite direction to the instantaneous velocity is the most stabilizing feedback mechanism. We also find that its effect is maximized when it is placed at the downstream end of the tube. This feedback mechanism could be supplied, for example, by an adiabatic mesh. We illustrate the base-state sensitivity by calculating the effects of small variations in the damping factor, the heat-release time-delay coefficient, the heat-release parameter, and the hot-wire location. The successful application of sensitivity analysis to thermo-acoustics opens up new possibilities for the passive control of thermo-acoustic oscillations by providing gradient information that can be combined with constrained optimization algorithms in order to reduce linear growth rates. © Cambridge University Press 2013.


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In any thermoacoustic analysis, it is important not only to predict linear frequencies and growth rates, but also the amplitude and frequencies of any limit cycles. The Flame Describing Function (FDF) approach is a quasi-linear analysis which allows the prediction of both the linear and nonlinear behaviour of a thermoacoustic system. This means that one can predict linear growth rates and frequencies, and also the amplitudes and frequencies of any limit cycles. The FDF achieves this by assuming that the acoustics are linear and that the flame, which is the only nonlinear element in the thermoacoustic system, can be adequately described by considering only its response at the frequency at which it is forced. Therefore any harmonics generated by the flame's nonlinear response are not considered. This implies that these nonlinear harmonics are small or that they are sufficiently filtered out by the linear dynamics of the system (the low-pass filter assumption). In this paper, a flame model with a simple saturation nonlinearity is coupled to simple duct acoustics, and the success of the FDF in predicting limit cycles is studied over a range of flame positions and acoustic damping parameters. Although these two parameters affect only the linear acoustics and not the nonlinear flame dynamics, they determine the validity of the low-pass filter assumption made in applying the flame describing function approach. Their importance is highlighted by studying the level of success of an FDF-based analysis as they are varied. This is achieved by comparing the FDF's prediction of limit-cycle amplitudes to the amplitudes seen in time domain simulations.


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When gas sample is continuously drawn from the cylinder of an internal combustion engine, the sample that appears at the end of the sampling system corresponds to the in-cylinder content sometime ago because of the finite transit time which is a function of the cylinder pressure history. This variable delay causes a dispersion of the sample signal and makes the interpretation of the signal difficult An unsteady flow analysis of a typical sampling system was carried out for selected engine loads and speeds. For typical engine operation, a window in which the delay is approximately constant may be found. This window gets smaller with increase in engine speed, with decrease in load, and with the increase in exit pressure of the sampling system.


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In order to understand how unburned hydrocarbons emerge from SI engines and, in particular, how non-fuel hydrocarbons are formed and oxidized, a new gas sampling technique has been developed. A sampling unit, based on a combination of techniques used in the Fast Flame Ionization Detector (FFID) and wall-mounted sampling valves, was designed and built to capture a sample of exhaust gas during a specific period of the exhaust process and from a specific location within the exhaust port. The sampling unit consists of a transfer tube with one end in the exhaust port and the other connected to a three-way valve that leads, on one side, to a FFID and, on the other, to a vacuum chamber with a high-speed solenoid valve. Exhaust gas, drawn by the pressure drop into the vacuum chamber, impinges on the face of the solenoid valve and flows radially outward. Once per cycle during a specified crank angle interval, the solenoid valve opens and traps exhaust gas in a storage unit, from which gas chromatography (GC) measurements are made. The port end of the transfer tube can be moved to different locations longitudinally or radially, thus allowing spatial resolution and capturing any concentration differences between port walls and the center of the flow stream. Further, the solenoid valve's opening and closing times can be adjusted to allow sampling over a window as small as 0.6 ms during any portion of the cycle, allowing resolution of a crank angle interval as small as 15°CA. Cycle averaged total HC concentration measured by the FFID and that measured by the sampling unit are in good agreement, while the sampling unit goes one step further than the FFID by providing species concentrations. Comparison with previous measurements using wall-mounted sampling valves suggests that this sampling unit is fully capable of providing species concentration information as a function of air/fuel ratio, load, and engine speed at specific crank angles. © Copyright 1996 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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The objective of the research conducted by the authors is to explore the feasibility of determining reliable in situ values of shear modulus as a function of strain. In this paper the meaning of the material stiffness obtained from impact and harmonic excitation tests on a surface slab is discussed. A one-dimensional discrete model with the nonlinear material stiffness is used for this purpose. When a static load is applied followed by an impact excitation, if the amplitude of the impact is very small, the measured wave velocity using the cross-correlation indicates the wave velocity calculated from the tangent modulus corresponding to the state of stress caused by the applied static load. The duration of the impact affects the magnitude of the displacement and the particle velocity but has very little effect on the estimation of the wave velocity for the magnitudes considered herein. When a harmonic excitation is applied, the cross-correlation of the time histories at different depths estimates a wave velocity close to the one calculated from the secant modulus in the stress-strain loop under steady-state condition. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper presents some new criteria for uniform and nonuniform asymptotic stability of equilibria for time-variant differential equations and this within a Lyapunov approach. The stability criteria are formulated in terms of certain observability conditions with the output derived from the Lyapunov function. For some classes of systems, this system theoretic interpretation proves to be fruitful since - after establishing the invariance of observability under output injection - this enables us to check the stability criteria on a simpler system. This procedure is illustrated for some classical examples.


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The problem of calculating the minimum lap or maneuver time of a nonlinear vehicle, which is linearized at each time step, is formulated as a convex optimization problem. The formulation provides an alternative to previously used quasi-steady-state analysis or nonlinear optimization. Key steps are: the use of model predictive control; expressing the minimum time problem as one of maximizing distance traveled along the track centerline; and linearizing the track and vehicle trajectories by expressing them as small displacements from a fixed reference. A consequence of linearizing the vehicle dynamics is that nonoptimal steering control action can be generated, but attention to the constraints and the cost function minimizes the effect. Optimal control actions and vehicle responses for a 90 deg bend are presented and compared to the nonconvex nonlinear programming solution. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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Deaths from microcystin toxication have widely been attributed to hypovolemic shock due to hepatic interstitial hemorrhage, while some recent studies suggest that cardiogenic complication is also involved. So far, information on cardiotoxic effects of MC has been rare and the underlying mechanism is still puzzling. The present study examined toxic effects of microcystins on heart muscle of rats intravenously injected with extracted MC at two doses, 0.16LD(50) (14 mu g MC-LReq kg(-1) body weight) and 1LD(50) (87 mu g MC-LReq kg(-1) body weight). In the dead rats, both TTC staining and maximum elevations of troponin I levels confirmed myocardial infarction after MC exposure, besides a serious interstitial hemorrhage in liver. In the 1LD(50) dose group, the coincident falls in heart rate and blood pressure were related to mitochondria dysfunction in heart, while increases in creatine kinase and troponin I levels indicated cardiac cell injury. The corresponding pathological alterations were mainly characterized as loss of adherence between cardiac myocytes and swollen or ruptured mitochondria at the ultrastructural level. MC administration at a dose of 1LD(50) not only enhanced activities and up-regulated mRNA transcription levels of antioxidant enzymes, but also increased GSH content. At both doses, level of lipid peroxides increased obviously, suggesting serious oxidative stress in mitochondria. Simultaneously. complex I and III were significantly inhibited, indicating blocks in electron flow along the mitochondrial respiratory chain in heart. In conclusion, the findings of this study implicate a role for MC-induced cardiotoxicity as a potential factor that should be considered when evaluating the mechanisms of death associated with microcystin intoxication in Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate for the first time an electronically processed Walsh Code with 16 chips at 18Gchip/s. An auto-cross correlation ratio of 18.1dB is achieved between two orthogonal codes after transmission over 10km of SMF. © 2009 OSA.


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Structured Light Plethysmography (SLP) is a novel non-invasive method that uses structured light to perform pulmonary function testing that does not require physical contact with a patient. The technique produces an estimate of chest wall volume changes over time. A patient is observed continuously by two cameras and a known pattern of light (i.e. structured light) is projected onto the chest using an off-the-shelf projector. Corner features from the projected light pattern are extracted, tracked and brought into correspondence for both camera views over successive frames. A novel self calibration algorithm recovers the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters from these point correspondences. This information is used to reconstruct a surface approximation of the chest wall and several novel ideas for 'cleaning up' the reconstruction are used. The resulting volume and derived statistics (e.g. FVC, FEV) agree very well with data taken with a spirometer. © 2010. The copyright of this document resides with its authors.


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This study focuses on the modelling of turbulent lifted jet flames using flamelets and a presumed Probability Density Function (PDF) approach with interest in both flame lift-off height and flame brush structure. First, flamelet models used to capture contributions from premixed and non-premixed modes of the partially premixed combustion in the lifted jet flame are assessed using a Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) data for a turbulent lifted hydrogen jet flame. The joint PDFs of mixture fraction Z and progress variable c, including their statistical correlation, are obtained using a copula method, which is also validated using the DNS data. The statistically independent PDFs are found to be generally inadequate to represent the joint PDFs from the DNS data. The effects of Z-c correlation and the contribution from the non-premixed combustion mode on the flame lift-off height are studied systematically by including one effect at a time in the simulations used for a posteriori validation. A simple model including the effects of chemical kinetics and scalar dissipation rate is suggested and used for non-premixed combustion contributions. The results clearly show that both Z-c correlation and non-premixed combustion effects are required in the premixed flamelets approach to get good agreement with the measured flame lift-off heights as a function of jet velocity. The flame brush structure reported in earlier experimental studies is also captured reasonably well for various axial positions. It seems that flame stabilisation is influenced by both premixed and non-premixed combustion modes, and their mutual influences. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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Coherence evolution and echo effect of an electron spin, which is coupled inhomogeneously to an interacting one-dimensional finite spin bath via hyperfine-type interaction, are studied using the adaptive time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group method. It is found that the interplay of the coupling inhomogeneity and the transverse intrabath interactions results in two qualitatively different coherence evolutions, namely, a coherence-preserving evolution characterized by periodic oscillation and a complete decoherence evolution. Correspondingly, the echo effects induced by an electron-spin flip at time tau exhibit stable recoherence pulse sequence for the periodic evolution and a single peak at root 2 tau for the decoherence evolution, respectively. With the diagonal intrabath interaction included, the specific feature of the periodic regime is kept, while the root 2 tau-type echo effect in the decoherence regime is significantly affected. To render the experimental verifications possible, the Hahn echo envelope as a function of tau is calculated, which eliminates the inhomogeneous broadening effect and serves for the identification of the different status of the dynamic coherence evolution, periodic versus decoherence.


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We employ photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolved PL to study exciton localization effect in InGaN epilayers. By measuring the exciton decay time as a, function of the monitored emission energy at different temperatures, we have found unusual behaviour of the energy dependence in the PL decay process. At low temperature, the measured PL decay time increases with the emission energy. It decreases with the emission energy at 200K, and remains nearly constant at the intermediate temperature of 120K. We have studied the dot size effect on the radiative recombination time by calculating the temperature dependence of the exciton recombination lifetime in quantum dots, and have found that the observed behaviour can be well correlated to the exciton localization in quantum dots. This suggestion is further supported by steady state PL results.


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Using time-resolved photoluminescence and time-resolved Kerr rotation spectroscopy, we explore the unique electron spin behavior in an InAs submonolayer sandwiched in a GaAs matrix, which shows very different spin characteristics under resonant and non-resonant excitations. While a very long spin relaxation lifetime of a few nanoseconds at low temperature is observed under non-resonant excitation, it decreases dramatically under resonant excitation. These interesting results are attributed to the difference in electron-hole interactions caused by non-geminate or geminate capture of photo-generated electron-hole pairs in the two excitation cases, and provide a direct verification of the electron-hole spatial correlation effect on electron spin relaxation. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.