935 resultados para Theme for verses I and II
Esta tese se insere dentro da leitura bíblica latino-americana trazendo, nessa ótica, a riqueza e o desafio do que significa ler a Bíblia a partir de um contexto de opressão como é o nosso continente. Nos servimos do roteiro das ciências bíblicas e dos métodos exegéticos modernos. É uma pesquisa bibliográfica onde, eventualmente, consideramos o nível experiêncial, por exemplo quando trabalhamos o tema do derramamento do Espírito nos pentecostais chilenos. Esse capítulo, IV, segue o roteiro da hipótese central de nossa tese na medida que firmamos o princípio de que os pentecostais fazem parte do amplo e diverso grupo dos enfraquecidos como produto de um sistema excludente, baseado na exploração social. Numa situação de crise, o anúncio do derramamento do Espírito é um sinal de salvação, de perspectivas futuras, de conservação e prolongação da vida. Esta tese relê o tema do derramamento do Espírito, a partir de Jl 3,1-5. O tema é analisado num contexto social concreto, onde os enfraquecidos recebem o Espírito do Senhor. O eixo que nos permite fazer esta leitura encontra sua referencial nas pessoas setores sociais - mencionadas como beneficiadas diretas da ação do Espírito. São pessoas que representam setores diferentes; jovens, escravos e escravas, formam o grupo que sustenta e faz funcionar o sistema imperial persa grego - baseado na exploração e mão de obra barata. Eles, juntamente com os idosos que não produzem mais, são a base de sustentação da pirâmide social. Como demostraremos no decorrer da tese, nossa hipótese somente é possível se duas conjunturas se cruzam. Para isso, em num primeiro momento, localizamos e demostramos que o livro de Joel deve ser situado no contexto da literatura apocalíptica (nascimento). Em seguida, demonstramos que o livro de Joel, como produto literário final, deve ser localizado no contexto histórico do pós-exílio, isto é, no tempo dos impérios persa e grego. A confirmação destes dois aspectos desenvolvidos nos capítulos I e II, nos permitem, na análise literária, capítulo III, aprofundar, mediante a análise exegética, e confirmar a nossa hipótese central. Com estes três capítulos demostramos que o derramamento do Espírito do Senhor tem como destinatários preferenciais, senão exclusivos, os setores enfraquecidos pela política social, econômica e religiosa dos impérios persa e grego. Com estes três capítulos desenvolvidos, no quarto capítulo analisamos uma experiência concreta, de um setor majoritariamente pobre que tem se apropriado do texto de Jl 3,1-5, e encontrado nele uma alternativa social, política e religiosa para se manter fiel ao Senhor e por quase um século recria e revive a experiência do derramamento do Espírito. Os velhos, os jovens, os escravos e as escravas, formam o setor dos enfraquecidos. É o setor que nada espera, e que nada terá da parte dos impérios e que, como os pentecostais, pela sua situação de enfraquecimento, acredita que somente uma intervenção externa pode mudar o seu futuro, pode trazer de volta a esperança. Essa intervenção externa começa a ser possível pelo derramamento do Espírito e se concretiza na chegada do dia de Javé, que será grande e terrível, onde o sol e a lua se unem para indicar o monte de Sião e a cidade de Jerusalém como lugar de adoração, refúgio e salvação. Esta perspectiva da ação do Espírito é possível somente no período do pós-exílio. Nesse tempo o Espírito adquire uma dimensão ampla e inclusiva agindo sobre diversos setores sociais, independe de serem ou não judeus.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a atividade muscular dos músculos da face e pescoço nas maloclusões Classe I e II de Angle, segundo o sexo. A amostra constou de 36 indivíduos, sendo 22 indivíduos com maloclusão classe I com média de idade de 22,4 anos e 14 indivíduos com maloclusão Classe II com média de idade de 22,8 anos. Os registros foram realizados por um eletromiógrafo de superfície, sendo analisada a atividade dos músculos masseter, temporal feixe anterior, esternocleidomastoídeo e digástrico ventre anterior dos lados direito e esquerdo durante a mastigação dos alimentos uva passa, bolacha água e sal e goma de mascar-PLOC. Após análise estatística descritiva e análise de variância os resultados mostraram que houve diferença estatisticamente significante apenas para os músculos: masseter direito durante a mastigação de uva passa quando comparadas as maloclusões de Classe I e II no sexo masculino; para o músculo digástrico direito quando comparado sexo e as maloclusões Classe I e II durante a mastigação dos três alimentos. Por fim, para o músculo digástrico esquerdo durante a mastigação de uva passa também encontramos diferença estatisticamente significante entre os sexos para as maloclusões Classe I e II. Nossos resultados sugerem que dependendo da consistência do alimento o tipo de maloclusão e sexo podem influenciar na atividade muscular durante a função da mastigação.(AU)
This work is concerned with the assessment of a newer version of the spout-fluid bed where the gas is supplied from a common plenum and the distributor controls the operational phenomenon. Thus the main body of the work deals with the effect of the distributor design on the mixing and segregation of solids in a spout-filled bed. The effect of distributor design in the conventional fluidised bed and of variation of the gas inlet diameter in a spouted bed were also briefly investigated for purpose of comparison. Large particles were selected for study because they are becoming increasingly important in industrial fluidised beds but have not been thoroughly investigated. The mean particle diameters of the fraction ranged from 550 to 2400 mm, and their specific gravity from 0.97 to 2.45. Only work carried out with binary systems is reported here. The effect of air velocity, particle properties, bed height, the relative amount of jetsam and flotsam and initial conditions on the steady-state concentration profiles were assessed with selected distributors. The work is divided into three sections. Sections I and II deal with the fluidised bed and spouted bed systems. Section III covers the development of the spout-filled bed and its behaviour with reference to distributor design and it is shown how benefits of both spouting and fluidising phenomena can be exploited. In the fluidisation zone, better mixing is achieved by distributors which produce a large initial bubble diameter. Some common features exist between the behaviour of unidensity jetsam-rich systems and different density flotsam-rich systems. The shape factor does not seem to have an affect as long as it is only restricted to the minor component. However, in the case of the major component, particle shape significantly affects the final results. Studies of aspect ratio showed that there is a maximum (1.5) above which slugging occurs and the effect of the distributor design is nullified. A mixing number was developed for unidensity spherical rich systems, which proved to be extremely useful in quantifying the variation in mixing and segregation with changes in distributor design.
A re-examination of fundamental concepts and a formal structuring of the waveform analysis problem is presented in Part I. eg. the nature of frequency is examined and a novel alternative to the classical methods of detection proposed and implemented which has the advantage of speed and independence from amplitude. Waveform analysis provides the link between Parts I and II. Part II is devoted to Human Factors and the Adaptive Task Technique. The Historical, Technical and Intellectual development of the technique is traced in a review which examines the evidence of its advantages relative to non-adaptive fixed task methods of training, skill assessment and man-machine optimisation. A second review examines research evidence on the effect of vibration on manual control ability. Findings are presented in terms of percentage increment or decrement in performance relative to performance without vibration in the range 0-0.6Rms'g'. Primary task performance was found to vary by as much as 90% between tasks at the same Rms'g'. Differences in task difficulty accounted for this difference. Within tasks vibration-added-difficulty accounted for the effects of vibration intensity. Secondary tasks were found to be largely insensitive to vibration except secondaries which involved fine manual adjustment of minor controls. Three experiments are reported next in which an adaptive technique was used to measure the % task difficulty added by vertical random and sinusoidal vibration to a 'Critical Compensatory Tracking task. At vibration intensities between 0 - 0.09 Rms 'g' it was found that random vibration added (24.5 x Rms'g')/7.4 x 100% to the difficulty of the control task. An equivalence relationship between Random and Sinusoidal vibration effects was established based upon added task difficulty. Waveform Analyses which were applied to the experimental data served to validate Phase Plane analysis and uncovered the development of a control and possibly a vibration isolation strategy. The submission ends with an appraisal of subjects mentioned in the thesis title.
Angiotensin I and II have been shown to directly induce protein degradation in skeletal muscle through an increased activity and expression of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway. This investigation determines the role of the nuclear transcription factor nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) in this process. Using murine myotubes as a surrogate model system both angiotensin I and II were found to induce activation of protein kinase C (PKC), with a parabolic dose-response curve similar to the induction of total protein degradation. Activation of PKC was required for the induction of proteasome expression, since calphostin C, a highly specific inhibitor of PKC, attenuated both the increase in total protein degradation and in proteasome expression and functional activity increased by angiotensin II. PKC is known to activate I-κB kinase (IKK), which is responsible for the phosphorylation and subsequent degradation of I-κB. Both angiotensin I and II induced an early decrease in cytoplasmic I-κB levels followed by nuclear accumulation of NF-κB. Using an NF-κB luciferase construct this was shown to increase transcriptional activation of NF-κB regulated genes. Maximal luciferase expression was seen at the same concentrations of angiotensin I/II as those inducing protein degradation. Total protein degradation induced by both angiotensin I and II was attenuated by resveratrol, which prevented nuclear accumulation of NF-κB, confirming that activation of NF-κB was responsible for the increased protein degradation. These results suggest that induction of proteasome expression by angiotensin I/II involves a signalling pathway involving PKC and NF-κB. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We report experimental findings for tailoring the temperature and strain coefficients of Type I and Type IA fibre Bragg gratings by influencing the photosensitivity presensitization of the host optical fibre. It is shown that by controlling the level of hydrogen saturation, via hot and cold hydrogenation, it is possible to produce gratings with lower thermal coefficients. Furthermore, there is a larger difference between the Type I and Type IA thermal coefficients and a significant improvement in the matrix condition number, which impacts the ability to recover accurate temperature and strain data using the Type 1-1A dual grating sensor. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd.
The pathogenesis and medical management of diabetic retinopathy is reviewed. The importance of good control of blood glucose and blood pressure remain key elements in the prevention and treatment of diabetic retinopathy, and a number of specific metabolic pathways have been identified that may be useful additional targets for therapeutic intervention. Trial data, however, aimed specifically to answer the questions of optimum medical management are limited, so the DIRECT study of renin-angiotensin blockade using oral candesartan 32 mg daily is a welcome addition to our knowledge. This arose from the promising improvement of retinopathy outcomes in the EUCLID study of lisinopril in type I diabetes. In DIRECT, 5 years of candesartan treatment in type I diabetes reduced the incidence of retinopathy by two or more steps (EDTRS) in severity by 18% (P = 0.0508) and, in a post hoc analysis, reduced the incidence of retinopathy by three-step progression by 35% (P = 0.034). In type I diabetes patients there was no effect on progression of established retinopathy. In contrast, in type II diabetes, 5 years of candesartan treatment resulted in 34% regression of retinopathy (P ≤0.009). Importantly, an overall significant change towards less-severe retinopathy was noted in both type I and II diabetes (P0.03). Although there is still no absolute proof that these effects were specific to RAS blockade, or just an effect of lower blood pressure, it is reasonable to conclude that candesartan has earned a place in the medical management of diabetic retinopathy, to prevent the problem in type I diabetes and to treat the early stages in type II diabetes. © 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.
As the population of the United States becomes more diverse and the immigrant Hispanic, limited English proficient (LEP) school age population continues to grow, understanding and addressing the needs of these students becomes a pressing question. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of group counseling, by a bilingual counselor, on the self-esteem, attendance and counselor utilization of Hispanic LEP high school students. The design for this study was a quasi-experimental design. The experimental and control groups consisted of one class from each of the four levels of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), I-IV. The counseling intervention, the independent variable, was delivered by a bilingual counselor once a week, for fifteen weeks.^ A total of 112 immigrant Hispanic LEP students selected from the total ESOL student population participated in the study. The experimental and control groups were administered the Culture Free Self Esteem Inventory (CFSEI) Form AD as a pretest and posttest. The Background Information Questionnaire (BIQ) was utilized to gather information on counselor utilization and demographic data. Attendance data were obtained from the students' computer records. At the conclusion of the study the differences between the experimental and control groups on the three dependent variables were compared.^ Statistical analyses of the data were done using SPSS statistical software. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was utilized to determine if there were significant differences in the self-esteem scores, attendance and counselor utilization. Correlational analyses was utilized to determine if there was a relationship between English language proficiency and self-esteem and between acculturation level and self-esteem.^ The study results indicate that there were no significant differences in the self-esteem scores and attendance of the subjects in the experimental group at the completion of the group counseling treatment. Counselor utilization was statistically significant for the targeted population. A relationship was found between English language proficiency level and self-esteem scores for students in ESOL levels II, III and IV. No significant correlation was found between acculturation and self-esteem.^ Research on the dropout rates of LEP coupled with the results of this study show that students at the intermediate and advanced levels of ESOL (III and IV) exhibit more positive self-esteem and achieve higher graduation rates that levels I and II. LEP students at levels I and II, once they became familiar with the role and function of school counselors through group counseling, utilized their services. ^
In this dissertation, I examine both theoretically and empirically the relationship between stock prices and income distribution using an endogenous growth model with social status impatience.^ The theoretical part looks into how status impatience and current economic status jointly determine time preference, savings, future economic status, stock prices, growth and wealth distribution in the steady state. This work builds on Burgstaller and Karayalcin (1996).^ More specifically, I look at (i) the effects of the distribution of status impatience levels on the distribution of steady state assets, incomes and consumption and (ii) the effects of changes in relative levels of status impatience on stock prices. Therefore, from (i) and (ii), I derive the correlation between stock prices, incomes and asset distribution. Also, the analysis of the stack market is undertaken in the presence of adjustment costs to investments.^ The empirical chapter looks at (i) the correlation between income inequality and long run economic growth on the one hand and (ii) the correlation between stock market prices and income inequality on the other. The role of stock prices and social status is examined to better understand the forces that enable a country to grow overtime and to determine why output per capita varies across countries. The data are from Summers and Heston (1988), Barro and Wolf (1989), Alesina and Rodrik (1994), Global financial Database (1997) and the World Bank. Data for social status are collected through a primary sample survey on the internet. Twenty-five developed and developing countries are included in the sample.^ The model developed in this study was specified as a system of simultaneous equations, in which per capita growth rate and income inequality were endogenous variables. Additionally, stock price index and social status measures were also incorporated. The results indicate that income inequality is inversely related to economic growth. In addition, increase in income inequality arising from higher stock prices constrains growth. Moreover, where social status is determined by income levels, it influences long run growth. Therefore, these results support findings of Persson and Tabellini (1994) and Alesina and Rodrik (1994). ^
This study investigated the relation of several predictors to high school dropout. The data, composed of records from a cohort of students ( N = 10,100) who entered ninth grade in 2001, were analyzed via logistic regression. The predictor variables were: (a) Algebra I grade, (b) Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) level, (c) language proficiency, (d) gender, (e) race/ethnicity, (f) Exceptional Student Education program membership, and (g) socio-economic status. The criterion was graduation status: graduated or dropped out. Algebra I grades were an important predictor of whether students drop out or graduate; students who failed this course were 4.1 times more likely to drop out than those who passed the course. Other significant predictors of high school dropout were language proficiency, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) level, gender, and socio-economic status. The main focus of the study was on Algebra I as a predictor, but the study was not designed to discover the specific factors related to or underlying success in this course. Nevertheless, because Algebra I may be considered an important prerequisite for other major facets of the curriculum and because of its high relationship to high school dropout, a recommendation emerging from these findings is that districts address the issue of preventing failure in this course. Adequate support mechanisms for improving retention include addressing the students' readiness for enrolling in mathematics courses as well as curriculum improvements that enhance student readiness through such processes as remediation. Assuring that mathematics instruction is monitored and improved and that remedial programs are in place to facilitate content learning in all subjects for all students, but especially for those having limited English proficiency, are critical educational responsibilities.
The necessity of elemental analysis techniques to solve forensic problems continues to expand as the samples collected from crime scenes grow in complexity. Laser ablation ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS) has been shown to provide a high degree of discrimination between samples that originate from different sources. In the first part of this research, two laser ablation ICP-MS systems were compared, one using a nanosecond laser and another a femtosecond laser source for the forensic analysis of glass. The results showed that femtosecond LA-ICP-MS did not provide significant improvements in terms of accuracy, precision and discrimination, however femtosecond LA-ICP-MS did provide lower detection limits. In addition, it was determined that even for femtosecond LA-ICP-MS an internal standard should be utilized to obtain accurate analytical results for glass analyses. In the second part, a method using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for the forensic analysis of glass was shown to provide excellent discrimination for a glass set consisting of 41 automotive fragments. The discrimination power was compared to two of the leading elemental analysis techniques, μXRF and LA-ICP-MS, and the results were similar; all methods generated >99% discrimination and the pairs found indistinguishable were similar. An extensive data analysis approach for LIBS glass analyses was developed to minimize Type I and II errors en route to a recommendation of 10 ratios to be used for glass comparisons. Finally, a LA-ICP-MS method for the qualitative analysis and discrimination of gel ink sources was developed and tested for a set of ink samples. In the first discrimination study, qualitative analysis was used to obtain 95.6% discrimination for a blind study consisting of 45 black gel ink samples provided by the United States Secret Service. A 0.4% false exclusion (Type I) error rate and a 3.9% false inclusion (Type II) error rate was obtained for this discrimination study. In the second discrimination study, 99% discrimination power was achieved for a black gel ink pen set consisting of 24 self collected samples. The two pairs found to be indistinguishable came from the same source of origin (the same manufacturer and type of pen purchased in different locations). It was also found that gel ink from the same pen, regardless of the age, was indistinguishable as were gel ink pens (four pens) originating from the same pack.
Petrologic and geochemical study of crustal xenoliths from Calbuco Volcano, Chile (latitude 41°20ʹS)
Twenty Four samples of xenoliths and country rocks from the 1961 lava flow of Calbuco volcano have been studied. Fourteen samples have been analyzed for major elements and P, Ni, Ba, Cr, V, Zr, Sc, Y, and Sr. Five of these samples were further analyzed for Sm, Nd, Sr, and Pb isotope ratios. Seventeen samples were studied under the microscope and three samples were analyzed by microprobe for their pyroxene compositions. Based on petrographic studies xenoliths were divided into three groups. Fine grained xenoliths (groups I and II) probably formed from metamorphosed MORB-like basalts, whereas coarse grained xenoliths (group III) were apparently derived from cumulate minerals that crystallized from the Calbuco magma. The fine grained xenoliths were probably entrained in magma at intermediate levels of the crust, near the stability limit of amphibole to form pyroxene and plagioclase. In the coarse grained xenoliths amphibole that formed at depth dehydrated as the xenoliths were brought to the surface. The country rocks are apparently unrelated to the xenoliths.
This dataset contains the collection of available published paired Uk'37 and Tex86 records spanning multi-millennial to multi-million year time scales, as well as a collection of Mg/Ca-derived temperatures measured in parallel on surface and subsurface dwelling foraminifera, both used in the analyses of Ho and Laepple, Nature Geoscience 2016. As the signal-to-noise ratios of proxy-derived Holocene temperatures are relatively low, we selected records that contain at least the last deglaciation (oldest sample >18kyr BP).
We present new d13C measurements of atmospheric CO2 covering the last glacial/interglacial cycle, complementing previous records covering Terminations I and II. Most prominent in the new record is a significant depletion in d13C(atm) of 0.5 permil occurring during marine isotope stage (MIS) 4, followed by an enrichment of the same magnitude at the beginning of MIS 3. Such a significant excursion in the record is otherwise only observed at glacial terminations, suggesting that similar processes were at play, such as changing sea surface temperatures, changes in marine biological export in the Southern Ocean (SO) due to variations in aeolian iron fluxes, changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, upwelling of deep water in the SO, and long-term trends in terrestrial carbon storage. Based on previous modeling studies, we propose constraints on some of these processes during specific time intervals. The decrease in d13C(atm) at the end of MIS 4 starting approximately 64 kyr B.P. was accompanied by increasing [CO2]. This period is also marked by a decrease in aeolian iron flux to the SO, followed by an increase in SO upwelling during Heinrich event 6, indicating that it is likely that a large amount of d13C-depleted carbon was transferred to the deep oceans previously, i.e., at the onset of MIS 4. Apart from the upwelling event at the end of MIS 4 (and potentially smaller events during Heinrich events in MIS 3), upwelling of deep water in the SO remained reduced until the last glacial termination, whereupon a second pulse of isotopically light carbon was released into the atmosphere.