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Este trabalho apresenta o tratamento taxonômico para as espécies de Polypodiaceae da região da borda oeste do Pantanal sul-matogrossense. A família está representada por 14 espécies, distribuídas nos gêneros Pecluma (quatro espécies), Pleopeltis (três espécies), Campyloneurum, Microgramma e Phlebodium (duas espécies cada) e Serpocaulon (uma espécie). São apresentados chaves de identificação, descrições dos gêneros e espécies, ilustrações, bem como dados sobre a distribuição geográfica e comentários sobre as espécies mais semelhantes.


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Esse trabalho consiste no estudo taxonômico das Schizaeales no Parque Estadual do Itacolomi, localizado nos municípios de Ouro Preto e Mariana, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. O Parque é constituído principalmente por campos rupestres e florestas estacionais semideciduais. A ordem Schizaeales ocorre essencialmente em ambientes tropicais e temperado meridional, sendo constituída por três famílias: Schizaeaceae, Anemiaceae e Lygodiaceae. Foram encontrados 14 táxons, distribuídos em três gêneros: Anemia (11 espécies, com reconhecimento de três variedades), Lygodium (uma espécie), Schizaea (uma espécie). Do total de táxons estudados, seis são endêmicos do Brasil. São apresentadas chaves de identificação, descrições, ilustrações e comentários.


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O presente trabalho apresenta o tratamento taxonômico das espécies de Polypodiaceae e Pteridaceae da Estação Ecológica do Panga. A Estação Ecológica do Panga abrange 409,5 ha e está situada a 30 km ao sul do centro da cidade de Uberlândia, MG, entre as coordenadas 19°09'20"-19°11'10" S e 48°23'20"-48°24'35" W, a 740-840 m de altitude. A área apresenta grande importância ecológica por ser uma das poucas formações de vegetação natural da região e por possuir diferentes fisionomias comuns do bioma Cerrado como campestres, savânicas e florestais. Polypodiaceae está representada por quatro gêneros e sete espécies (Campyloneurum centrobrasilianum Lellinger, C. phyllitidis (L.) C. Presl, C. repens (Aubl.) C. Presl, Microgramma lindbergii (Mett. ex Kuhn) de la Sota, M. persicariifolia (Schrad.) C. Presl, Pecluma robusta (Fée) M. Kessler & A.R. Sm. e Phlebodium areolatum (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) J. Sm.) e Pteridaceae por quatro gêneros e oito espécies (Adiantopsis chlorophylla (Sw.) Fée, Adiantum deflectens Mart., A. intermedium Sw., A. serratodentatum Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd., Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link, P. trifoliata (L.) R.M. Tryon, Pteris quadriaurita Retz. e P. vittata L.). São apresentadas chaves para gêneros e espécies, bem como ilustrações e comentários da distribuição geográfica de todos os táxons.


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(Fissidentaceae (Bryophyta) da Chapada da Ibiapaba, Ceará, Brasil). Foram encontradas na Chapada da Ibiapaba, Ceará, 20 espécies de Fissidentaceae sendo oito novas ocorrências para o Estado e Fissidens cryptoneuron P. de la Varde, F. angustifolius Sull., F. lindbergii Mitt. e F. santa-clarensis Thér. para a Região Nordeste. São fornecidas chaves de identificação para as espécies encontradas, bem como distribuição geográfica e comentários referentes a ambiente, substrato e caracteres taxonômicos importantes. Ilustrações foram feitas para as espécies pouco ilustradas na literatura.


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In this work we attempted to characterize the diaspores and the germination process of Piper aduncum L., as well as to verify the influence of the interaction between presence and absence of light (photoperiod of 12 hours and dark) and temperature (25 °C, 30 °C and 20-30 °C) and also of gibberellin (0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg L-1) on the root protrusion and normal seedlings formation. The diaspores are very small with a thousand seed weight of 0.3645 g, 13% moisture and protein reserve. Diaspores are strict positively photoblastic in the tested temperature range and the optimum temperature for root protrusion was 30 °C, while for normal seedlings was 25 °C. The previous permanence in the dark led to an increase in the speed of root protrusion and percentage and speed of seedling formation. The application of gibberellic acid negatively interfered with the protrusion and growth of the radicle while favoring the elongation of hypocotyls.


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To assess the germination behavior of Miconia ligustroides (DC.) Naudin, diaspores were submitted to different regimes of temperature, light and substrate. Due to intrinsic low germination of the diaspores, they were submitted to treatments that aimed to overcome endogenous and exogenous dormancy. Miconia ligustroides presents complex dormancy and to overcome it is recommended to soak the diaspores in H2SO4 diluted at 75% for 5 minutes, wash it and then soak it in a solution of 400 mg L-1 of GA3 for 12 hours. Seeding should be done on Germtest® paper at 25 °C.


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We surveyed the aquatic macrophytes in reservoirs in Camocim de São Félix in the Agreste zone of Pernambuco State, Brazil. Plants were collected on a bimonthly schedule from November/2008 to May/2009 in four reservoirs, and 33 taxa distributed among 23 families were encountered. The family Cyperaceae had the greatest number of species, followed by Lemnaceae. The predominant biologic form was emergent (33.3%) reflecting the extensive shorelines around the reservoirs analyzed.


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Prediction of variety composite means was shown to be feasible without diallel crossing the parental varieties. Thus, the predicted mean for a quantitative trait of a composite is given by: Yk = a1 sigmaVj + a2sigmaTj + a3 - a4, with coefficients a1 = (n - 2k)/k²(n - 2); a2 = 2n(k - 1)/k²(n - 2); a3 = n(k - 1)/k(n - 1)(n - 2); and a4 = n²(k - 1)/k(n - 1)(n - 2); summation is for j = 1 to k, where k is the size of the composite (number of parental varieties of a particular composite) and n is the total number of parent varieties. Vj is the mean of varieties and Tj is the mean of topcrosses (pool of varieties as tester), and and are the respective average values in the whole set. Yield data from a 7 x 7 variety diallel cross were used for the variety means and for the "simulated" topcross means to illustrate the proposed procedure. The proposed prediction procedure was as effective as the prediction based on Yk = - ( -)/k, where and refer to the mean of hybrids (F1) and parental varieties, respectively, in a variety diallel cross. It was also shown in the analysis of variance that the total sum of squares due to treatments (varieties and topcrosses) can be orthogonally partitioned following the reduced model Yjj’ = mu + ½(v j + v j’) + + h j+ h j’, thus making possible an F test for varieties, average heterosis and variety heterosis. Least square estimates of these effects are also given


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The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the diagnostic value (clinical application) of brain measures and cognitive function. Alzheimer and multiinfarct patients (N = 30) and normal subjects over the age of 50 (N = 40) were submitted to a medical, neurological and cognitive investigation. The cognitive tests applied were Mini-Mental, word span, digit span, logical memory, spatial recognition span, Boston naming test, praxis, and calculation tests. The brain ratios calculated were the ventricle-brain, bifrontal, bicaudate, third ventricle, and suprasellar cistern measures. These data were obtained from a brain computer tomography scan, and the cutoff values from receiver operating characteristic curves. We analyzed the diagnostic parameters provided by these ratios and compared them to those obtained by cognitive evaluation. The sensitivity and specificity of cognitive tests were higher than brain measures, although dementia patients presented higher ratios, showing poorer cognitive performances than normal individuals. Normal controls over the age of 70 presented higher measures than younger groups, but similar cognitive performance. We found diffuse losses of tissue from the central nervous system related to distribution of cerebrospinal fluid in dementia patients. The likelihood of case identification by functional impairment was higher than when changes of the structure of the central nervous system were used. Cognitive evaluation still seems to be the best method to screen individuals from the community, especially for developing countries, where the cost of brain imaging precludes its use for screening and initial assessment of dementia.


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Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) plays a central role in cardiac remodeling associated with pathological conditions such as myocardial infarction. The existence of different cell types in the heart expressing components of the renin-angiotensin system makes it difficult to evaluate their relative role under physiological and pathological conditions. Since myocytes are the predominant cellular constituent of the heart by mass, in the present study we studied the effects of glucocorticoids on ACE activity using well-defined cultures of neonatal rat cardiac myocytes. Under steady-state conditions, ACE activity was present at very low levels, but after dexamethasone treatment ACE activity increased significantly (100 nmol/l after 24 h) in a time-dependent fashion. These results demonstrate the influence of dexamethasone on ACE activity in rat cardiac myocytes. This is consistent with the idea that ACE activation occurs under stress conditions, such as myocardial infarction, in which glucocorticoid levels may increase approximately 50-fold.


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Human and animal immune functions present sex dimorphism that seems to be mainly regulated by sex hormones. In the present study, the activities of the antioxidant enzymes total superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) were measured in intraperitoneal resident macrophages from adult male and female rats. In addition to comparing males and females, we also examined the regulation of these enzyme activities in macrophages by sex steroids. GSH-Px activity did not differ between male and female macrophages. However, both total SOD and CAT activities were markedly higher in females than in males (83 and 180%). Removal of the gonads in both males and females (comparison between castrated groups) increased the difference in SOD activity from 83 to 138% and reduced the difference in CAT activity from 180 to 86%. Castration and testosterone administration did not significantly modify the activities of the antioxidant enzymes in male macrophages. Ovariectomy did not affect SOD or GSH-Px activity but markedly reduced (48%) CAT activity. This latter change was fully reversed by estrogen administration, whereas progesterone had a smaller effect. These results led us to conclude that differences in the SOD and CAT activities may partially explain some of the differences in immune function reported for males and females. Also, estrogen is a potent regulator of CAT in macrophages and therefore this enzyme activity in macrophages may vary considerably during the menstrual cycle.


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The Horne-Östberg questionnaire partly covers some factors that may be important determinants of peak time and characterize patterns of behavior. We conducted a study for the evaluation of self-reported behavioral states (hunger sensation, availability for study, physical exercise, solving daily problems, and time preferences) as expressions of underlying cyclic activity. Three hundred and eighteen community subjects without history of medical, psychiatric, or sleep disorders were evaluated in a cross-sectional design. A self-report about daily highest level of activity was used to categorize individuals into morning, evening, and indifferently active. Time-related behavioral states were evaluated with 23 visual analog questions. The responses to most analogic questions were significantly different between morning and evening active subjects. Logistic regression analysis identified a group of behaviors more strongly associated with the self-reported activity pattern (common wake up time, highest subjective fatigue, as well as wake up, bedtime, exercise and study preferences). These findings suggested that the patterns of activity presented by normal adults were related to specific common behavioral characteristics that may contribute to peak time.


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The prevalent rate of psychiatry morbidity amongst patients with cancer reported in various studies ranges from 5 to 50%, a variation that can be attributed to differences in sample size, the disease itself and treatment factors. The objectives of the present study were to determine the frequency of psychiatric morbidity amongst recently diagnosed cancer outpatients and try to identify which factors might be related to further psychological distress. Two hundred and eleven (70.9%) female patients and 87 (29.1%) male patients from the chemotherapy unit of the Cancer Hospital A.C. Camargo (São Paulo) completed a questionnaire that featured data on demographic, medical and treatment details. The Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) was administered to the patients to determine their personal psychiatric morbidity. Seventy-two patients (25.8%) scored > or = 8 in the SRQ-20, the cut-off point for a patient to be considered a psychiatric case. When the low and high scoring groups were compared no differences were detected regarding age, marital status, tumor site, sex, or previous treatment. Nonetheless, patients in the lowest social class and those who were bedridden less than 50% of the time had a significantly higher probability of being a psychiatric case. Regarding help-seeking behavior in situations in which they had doubts or were frightened, about 64% of the total sample did not seek any type of support and did not talk to anyone. This frequency of psychiatric morbidity agrees with data from the cancer literature. According to many investigators, the early detection of a comorbid psychiatric disorder is crucial to relieve a patient's suffering.


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Some studies have suggested that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection modifies the natural history of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, accelerating the progression of fibrosis and the development of cirrhosis. Our objective was to evaluate the fibrosis progression rate (FPR) in HCV/HIV-co-infected patients, and to identify factors that may influence it. HCV-mono-infected and HCV/HIV-co-infected patients with a known date of HCV infection (transfusion or injection drug use) and a liver biopsy were included. The FPR was defined as the ratio between the fibrosis stage (Metavir score) and the estimated length of infection in years and the result was reported as fibrosis units per year. The factors studied were gender, age at infection, consumption of alcohol, aminotransferase levels, histological activity grade, HCV genotype and viral load, CD4 cell count, HIV viral load, and the use of antiretroviral therapy. Sixty-five HCV-infected (group 1) and 53 HCV/HIV-co-infected (group 2) patients were evaluated over a period of 19 months. The mean FPR of groups 1 and 2 was 0.086 ± 0.074 and 0.109 ± 0.098 fibrosis units per year, respectively (P = 0.276). There was a correlation between length of HCV infection and stage of fibrosis in both groups. The age at infection, the aspartate aminotransferase level (r = 0.36) and the inflammatory activity grade were correlated with the FPR (P < 0.001). No difference in FPR was found between HCV-mono-infected and HCV/HIV-co-infected patients.


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Growing consistent evidence indicates that hypofunction of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) transmission plays a pivotal role in the neuropathophysiology of schizophrenia. Hence, drugs which modulate NMDA neurotransmission are promising approaches to the treatment of schizophrenia. The aim of this article is to review clinical trials with novel compounds acting on the NMDA receptor (NMDA-R). This review also includes a discussion and translation of neuroscience into schizophrenia therapeutics. Although the precise mechanism of action of minocycline in the brain remains unclear, there is evidence that it blocks the neurotoxicity of NMDA antagonists and may exert a differential effect on NMDA signaling pathways. We, therefore, hypothesize that the effects of minocycline on the brain may be partially modulated by the NMDA-R or related mechanisms. Thus, we have included a review of minocycline neuroscience. The search was performed in the PubMed, Web of Science, SciELO, and Lilacs databases. The results of glycine and D-cycloserine trials were conflicting regarding effectiveness on the negative and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. D-serine and D-alanine showed a potential effect on negative symptoms and on cognitive deficits. Sarcosine data indicated a considerable improvement as adjunctive therapy. Finally, minocycline add-on treatment appears to be effective on a broad range of psychopathology in patients with schizophrenia. The differential modulation of NMDA-R neurosystems, in particular synaptic versus extrasynaptic NMDA-R activation and specific subtypes of NMDA-R, may be the key mediators of neurogenesis and neuroprotection. Thus, psychotropics modulating NMDA-R neurotransmission may represent future monotherapy or add-on treatment strategies in the treatment of schizophrenia.