972 resultados para Tectono-stratigraphy


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Oxygen and carbon isotope ratios in benthic foraminifers have been determined at 10 cm intervals through the top 59 m of DSDP Hole 552A. This provides a glacial record of remarkable resolution for the late Pliocene and Pleistocene. The major glacial event which marked the onset of Pleistocene-like glacial-interglacial alternations was at about 2.4 m.y. ago. These very high-resolution data do not support the notion of significant Northern Hemisphere glaciation between 3.2 and 2.4 m.y. ago.


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We established a composite oxygen- and carbon-isotope stratigraphy for the Pliocene in the central South Atlantic. Monospecific samples of benthic and planktonic foraminifers from pelagic sediments from DSDP Sites 519, 521, 522, and 523 were analyzed isotopically. The resulting benthic oxygen-isotope stratigraphy allowed three paleoclimatic periods in the Pliocene to be distinguished. During the early Pliocene (5.2-3.3 Ma), low-amplitude climatic changes prevailed in a world that was less glaciated than during the Pleistocene. A net increase in global ice volume is documented in a 0.5 permil positive shift in the average 18O composition of the benthic foraminifers at 3.2 Ma. The middle Pliocene (3.3-2.5 Ma) is not only characterized by a more widespread glaciation of the Southern and Northern hemispheres but also by more drastic isotopic differences between glacial and interglacial times. A minor shift in the average 18O composition of the benthic foraminifers marks the beginning of the late Pliocene-early Pleistocene climatic period (2.5-1.1 Ma). Alternating cold and warm climate is documented in both the oxygen-isotope record and in the pelagic sediments. During cold periods, sediments with a lower CaCO3 content indicate more corrosive bottom-water conditions. More negative 13C signals in the benthic foraminifers from these sediments suggest that the Antarctic Bottom Water current was intensified in glacial times. The oxygen-isotope composition of the measured planktonic foraminifers suggests that the surface water in this part of the South Atlantic remained relatively warm during the growth of the Pliocene glaciers.


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Spatiotemporal patterns of carbonate dissolution provide a critical constraint on carbon input during an ancient (~55.5 Ma) global warming event known as the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM), yet the magnitude of lysocline shoaling in the Southern Ocean is poorly constrained due to limited spatial coverage in the circum-Antarctic region. This shortcoming is partially addressed by comparing patterns of carbonate sedimentation at the Site 690 PETM reference section to those herein reconstructed for nearby Site 689. Biochemostratigraphic correlation of the two records reveals that the first ~36 ka of the carbon isotope excursion (CIE) signaling PETM conditions is captured by the Site 689 section, while the remainder of the CIE interval and nearly all of the CIE recovery are missing due to a coring gap. A relatively expanded stratigraphy and higher carbonate content at mid-bathyal Site 689 indicate that dissolution was less severe than at Site 690. Thus, the bathymetric transect delimited by these two PETM records indicates that the lysocline shoaled above Site 689 (~1,100 m) while the calcite compensation depth remained below Site 690 (~1,900 m) in the Weddell Sea region. The ensuing recovery of carbonate sedimentation conforms to a bathymetric trend best explained by gradual lysocline deepening as negative feedback mechanisms neutralized ocean acidification. Further, biochemostratigraphic evidence indicates the tail end of the CIE recovery interval at both sites has been truncated by a hiatus most likely related to vigorous production and advection of intermediate waters.


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We examine the possibility that glacial increase in the areal extent of reducing sediments might have changed the oceanic Cd inventory, thereby decoupling Cd from PO4. We suggest that the precipitation of Cd-sulfide in suboxic sediments is the single largest sink in the oceanic Cd budget and that the accumulation of authigenic Cd and U is tightly coupled to the organic carbon flux into the seafloor. Sediments from the Subantarctic Ocean and the Cape Basin (South Atlantic), where oxic conditions currently prevail, show high accumulation rates of authigenic Cd and U during glacial intervals associated with increased accumulation of organic carbon. These elemental enrichments attest to more reducing conditions in glacial sediments in response to an increased flux of organic carbon. A third core, overlain by Circumpolar Deep Water (CPDW) as are the other two cores but located south of the Antarctic Polar Front, shows an approximately inverse pattern to the Subantarctic record. The contrasting patterns to the north and south of the Antarctic Polar Front suggest that higher accumulation rates of Cd and U in Subantarctic sediments were driven primarily by increased productivity. This proposal is consistent with the hypothesis of glacial stage northward migration of the Antarctic Polar Front and its associated belt of high siliceous productivity. However, the increase in authigenic Cd and U glacial accumulation rates is higher than expected simply from a northward shift of the polar fronts, suggesting greater partitioning of organic carbon into the sediments during glacial intervals. Lower oxygen content of CPDW and higher organic carbon to biogenic silica rain rate ratio during glacial stages are possible causes. Higher glacial productivity in the Cape Basin record very likely reflects enhanced coastal up-welling in response to increased wind speeds. We suggest that higher productivity might have doubled the areal extent of suboxic sediments during the last glacial maximum. However, our calculations suggest low sensitivity of seawater Cd concentrations to glacial doubling of the extent of reducing sediments. The model suggests that during the last 250 kyr seawater Cd concentrations fluctuated only slightly, between high levels (about 0.66 nmol/kg) on glacial initiations and reaching lowest values (about 0.57 nmol/kg) during glacial maxima. The estimated 5% lower Cd content at the last glacial maximum relative to modern levels (0.60 nmol/kg) cannot explain the discordance between Cd and delta13C, such as observed in the Southern Ocean. This low sensitivity is consistent with foraminiferal data, suggesting minimal change in the glacial Cd mean oceanic content.


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This report contains the occurrence data for dinoflagellate cysts recorded from 163 samples taken from Sites 902 through 906, during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 150. The dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) stratigraphy has been presented in Mountain, Miller, Blum, et al. (1994, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.150.1994), and was based on these data. This report provides the full dinocyst data set supporting the dinocyst stratigraphic interpretations made in Mountain, Miller, Blum, et al. (1994). For Miocene shipboard dinocyst stratigraphy, I delineated 10 informal zones: pre-A, and A through I, in ascending stratigraphic order. These zones are defined in Shipboard Scientific Party (1994a, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.150.103.1994), and are based on my studies of Miocene dinocyst stratigraphy in the Maryland and Virginia coastal plain (de Verteuil and Norris, 1991, 1992; de Verteuil, 1995). This zonation has been slightly revised (de Verteuil and Norris, 1996), and the new formal zone definitions are repeated below. Each new zone has an alpha-numeric abbreviation starting with "DN" (for Dinoflagellate Neogene). The equivalence between the informal zones reported in Mountain, Miller, Blum, et al. (1994), and the new DN zones is illustrated in Figure 1. For clarity, I delineated both zonations in the range charts that accompany this report (Tables 1-6). De Verteuil and Norris (1996a), using these and other data, correlated the DN zonation with the geological time scale of Berggren et al. (1995). Figure 2 summarizes these correlations and can be used to check the chronostratigraphic position of samples in this report, as determined by dinocyst stratigraphy. A thorough discussion of the basis for, and levels of uncertainty associated with, these correlations to the Cenozoic time scale can be found in de Verteuil and Norris (1996a). The Appendix lists all the dinocyst taxa recorded during shipboard analyses of Leg 150 samples. Open nomenclature is used for undescribed taxa. The range charts and Appendix also include reference to several new taxa that de Verteuil and Norris (1996b) described from Miocene coastal plain strata in Maryland and Virginia. Names of these taxa in Tables 1 through 6 and in the Appendix of this report are not intended for effective publication as defined in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN, Greuter et al., 1994). Therefore, taxonomic nomenclature contained in this report is not to be treated as meeting the conditions of effective and valid publication (ICBN; Article 29).


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Thermokarst lakes are a widespread feature of the Arctic tundra, in which highly dynamic processes are closely connected with current and past climate changes. We investigated late Quaternary sediment dynamics, basin and shoreline evolution, and environmental interrelations of Lake El'gene-Kyuele in the NE Siberian Arctic (latitude 71°17'N, longitude 125°34'E). The water-body displays thaw-lake characteristics cutting into both Pleistocene Ice Complex and Holocene alas sediments. Our methods are based on grain size distribution, mineralogical composition, TOC/N ratio, stable carbon isotopes and the analysis of plant macrofossils from a 3.5-m sediment profile at the modern eastern lake shore. Our results show two main sources for sediments in the lake basin: terrigenous diamicton supplied from thermokarst slopes and the lake shore, and lacustrine detritus that has mainly settled in the deep lake basin. The lake and its adjacent thermokarst basin rapidly expanded during the early Holocene. This climatically warmer than today period was characterized by forest or forest tundra vegetation composed of larches, birch trees and shrubs. Woodlands of both the HTM and the Late Pleistocene were affected by fire, which potentially triggered the initiation of thermokarst processes resulting later in lake formation and expansion. The maximum lake depth at the study site and the lowest limnic bioproductivity occurred during the longest time interval of ~7 ka starting in the Holocene Thermal Maximum and lasting throughout the progressively cooler Neoglacial, whereas partial drainage and an extensive shift of the lake shoreline occurred ~0.9 cal. ka BP. Correspondingly, this study discusses different climatic and environmental drivers for the dynamics of a thermokarst basin.


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Sites 800 and 801 in the Pigafetta Basin allow the sedimentary history over the oldest remaining Pacific oceanic crust to be established. Six major deposition stages and events are defined by the main lithologic units from both sites. Mineralogical and chemical investigations were run on a large set of samples from these units. The data enable the evolution of the sediments and their depositional environments to be characterized in relation to the paleolatitudinal motion of the sites. The upper part of the basaltic crust at Site 801 displays a complex hydrothermal and alteration evolution expressed particularly by an ochre siliceous deposit comparable to that found in the Cyprus ophiolite. The oldest sedimentary cover at Site 801 was formed during the Callovian-Bathonian (stage 1) with red basal siliceous and metalliferous sediments similar to those found in supraophiolite sequences, and formed near an active ridge axis in an open ocean. Biosiliceous sedimentation prevailed throughout the Oxfordian to Campanian, with rare incursions of calcareous input during the middle Cretaceous (stages 2, 4, and 5). The biosiliceous sedimentation was drastically interrupted during the Aptian-Albian by thick volcaniclastic turbidite deposits (stage 3). The volcanogenic phases are pervasively altered and the successive secondary mineral parageneses (with smectites, celadonite, clinoptilolite, phillipsite, analcime, calcite, and quartz) define a "mineral stratigraphy" within these deposits. From this mineral stratigraphy, a similar lithologic layer is defined at the top of the Site 800 turbidite unit and the bottom of the Site 801 turbidite unit. Then, the two sites appear to have been located at the same distal distance from a volcanic source (hotspot). They crossed this locality, at about 10°S, at different times (latest Aptian for Site 800, middle Albian for Site 801). The Cretaceous siliceous sedimentation stopped during the late Campanian and was followed by deposition of Cenozoic pelagic red clay (stage 6). This deep-sea facies, which formed below the carbonate compensation depth, contains variable zeolite authigenesis in relation to the age of deposition, and records the global middle Cenozoic hiatus events. At the surface, the red clay from this part of the Pacific shows a greater detrital component than its equivalents from the central Pacific deep basins.