888 resultados para Symphonic music, analysis, hermeneutics, Bax, music and nature
Bibliography: p. 85-88.
Supplementary volumes by Foster D. Snell and Cornelia T. Snell assisted by Chester Arthur Snell, have subtitle: Including photometric methods, or: Including photometric and fluorometric methods.
"April 1981."
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes bibliographical references.
Mode of access: Internet.
Bibliography: p. 178-181.
Projected air and ground temperatures are expected to be higher in Arctic and sub-Arcticlatitudes and with temperatures already close to the limit where permafrost can exist,resistance against degradation is low. With thawing permafrost, the landscape is modifiedwith depression in which thermokarst lakes emerge. In permafrost soils a considerableamount of soil organic carbon is stored, with the potential of altering climate even furtherif expansion and formation of new thermokarst lakes emerge, as decay releasesgreenhouse gases (C02 and CH4) to the atmosphere. Analyzing the spatial distribution andmorphometry over time of thermokarst lakes and other water bodies, is of importance inaccurately predict carbon budget and feedback mechanisms, as well as to assess futurelandscape layout and these features interaction. Different types of high-spatial resolutionaerial and satellite imageries from 1963, 1975, 2003, 2010 and 2015, were used in bothpre- and post-classification change detection analyses. Using object oriented segmentationin eCognition combined with manual adjustments, resulted in digitalized water bodies>28m2 from which direction of change and morphometric values were extracted. Thequantity of thermokarst lakes and other water bodies was in 1963 n=92, with succeedingyears as a trend decreased in numbers, until 2010-2015 when eleven water bodies wereadded in 2015 (n=74 to n=85). In 1963-2003, area of these water bodies decreased with50 651m2 (189 446-138 795m2) and continued to decrease in 2003-2015 ending at 129337m2. Limnicity decreased from 19.9% in 1963 to 14.6% in 2003 (-5.3%). In 2010 and2015 13.7-13.6%. The late increase in water bodies differs from an earlier hypothesis thatsporadic permafrost regions experience decrease in both area and quantity of thermokarstlakes and water bodies. During 1963-2015, land gain has been in dominance of the ratiobetween the two competing processes of expansion and drainage. In 1963-1975, 55/45%,followed by 90/10% in 1975-2003. After major drainage events, land loss increased to62/38% in 2010-2015. Drainage and infilling rates, calculated for 15 shorelines werevaried across both landscape and parts of shorelines, with in average 0.17/0.15/0.14m/yr.Except for 1963-1975 when rate of change in average was in opposite direction (-0.09m/yr.), likely due to evident expansion of a large thermokarst lake. Using a squaregrid, distribution of water bodies was determined, with an indistinct cluster located in NEand central parts. Especially for water bodies <250m2, which is the dominant area classthroughout 1963-2015 ranging from n=39-51. With a heterogeneous composition of bothsmall and large thermokarst lakes, and with both expansion and drainage altering thelandscape in Tavvavuoma, both positive and negative climate feedback mechanisms are inplay - given that sporadic permafrost still exist.
Understanding, and controlling, the conditions under which calcite precipitates within geothermal energy production systems is a key step in maintaining production efficiency. In this study, I apply methods of bulk and clumped isotope thermometry to an operating geothermal energy facility in northern Nevada to see how those methods can better inform the facility owner, AltaRock Energy, Inc., about the occurrence of calcite scale in their power plant. I have taken water samples from five production wells, the combined generator effluent, shallow cold-water wells, monitoring wells, and surface water. I also collected calcite scale samples from within the production system. Water samples were analyzed for stable oxygen isotope composition (d18O). Calcite samples were analyzed for stable oxygen and carbon (d13C) composition, and clumped isotope composition (D47). With two exceptions, the water compositions are very similar, likely indicating common origin and a well-mixed hydrothermal system. The calcite samples are likewise similar to one another. Apparent temperatures calculated from d18O values of water and calcite are lower than those recorded for the system. Apparent temperatures calculated from D47 are several degrees higher than the recorded well temperatures. The lower temperatures from the bulk isotope data are consistent with temperatures that could be expected during a de-pressurization of the production system, which would cause boiling in the pipes, a reduction in system temperature, and rapid precipitation of calcite scale. However, the high apparent temperature indicated by the D47 data suggests that the calcite is depleted in clumped isotopes given the known temperature of the system, which is inconsistent with this hypothesis. This depletion could instead result from disequilibrium isotopic fractionation during the aforementioned boil events, which would make both the apparent d18O-based and D47-based temperatures unrepresentative of the actual water temperature. This research can help improve our understanding of how isotopic analyses can better inform us about the movement of water through geothermal systems of the past and how it now moves through modern systems. Increased understanding of water movement in these systems could potentially allow for more efficient utilization of geothermal energy as a renewable resource.
A new approach based on the nonlocal density functional theory to determine pore size distribution (PSD) of activated carbons and energetic heterogeneity of the pore wall is proposed. The energetic heterogeneity is modeled with an energy distribution function (EDF), describing the distribution of solid-fluid potential well depth (this distribution is a Dirac delta function for an energetic homogeneous surface). The approach allows simultaneous determining of the PSD (assuming slit shape) and EDF from nitrogen or argon isotherms at their respective boiling points by using a set of local isotherms calculated for a range of pore widths and solid-fluid potential well depths. It is found that the structure of the pore wall surface significantly differs from that of graphitized carbon black. This could be attributed to defects in the crystalline structure of the surface, active oxide centers, finite size of the pore walls (in either wall thickness or pore length), and so forth. Those factors depend on the precursor and the process of carbonization and activation and hence provide a fingerprint for each adsorbent. The approach allows very accurate correlation of the experimental adsorption isotherm and leads to PSDs that are simpler and more realistic than those obtained with the original nonlocal density functional theory.
Current policy issues surrounding management of the Great Artesian Basin - historical development of existing legislation and institutions - hydrological and historical background information - development of concerns over unsustainable use of resources and possible adverse environmental impacts - recent developments associated with the general reforms to water law and policy initiated by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) - comparison of issues surrounding the Murray-Darling Basin and the Great Artesian Basin.