902 resultados para Survival-Curve
Predator-prey relationships are an important aspect of the natural world, and, because of its relevance to survival and natural selection, is an interesting relationship to study. In amphibian larvae, level of activity and landscape use are often what determines the survival as prey. I studied the anti-predator behavior of the North American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) tadpoles when presented with dragonfly (Aeshna) larvae, a known predator of tadpoles. Tadpoles were acclimated to four different habitats with varying degrees of habitat cover, and were transferred to a new habitat with a degree of cover equal to one of the acclimation tanks. A restrained predator, and thus its chemical cue, was introduced, and the behavior, particularly the use of the habitat cover to hide from the perceived risk of predation was observed. A significantly higher frequency of inactivity was found in tank I than in II and III, and inactivity followed a general trend of decreasing with increasing habitat cover. Difference in tank cover was not found to have a significant effect on swimming behavior, but did have a significant effect on hiding behavior, which increased with higher availability. Foraging decreased significantly with the addition of a predator, but did not vary significantly with different levels of cover. Hiding behavior and reducing conspicuous behaviors (like foraging) are probably the behaviors that afford the tadpole the most success at eluding a predator in their natural environment.
This work extendes Diebold, Li and Yueís (2006) about global yield curve and proposes to extend the study by including emerging countries. The perception of emerging market su§ers ináuence of external factors or global factors, is the main argument of this work. We expect to obtain stylized facts.that obey similar pattern found by those authors. The results indicate the existence of global level and global slope factors. These factors represent an important fraction in the bond yield determination and show a decreasing trend of the global level factor low ináuence of global slope factor in these countries when they are compared with developed countries. Keywords: Kalman Filter, Emerging Markets, Yield Curve, and Bond.
This paper analyses general equilibrium models with finite heterogeneous agents having exogenous expectations on endogenous uncertainty. It is shown that there exists a recursive equilibrium with the state space consisting of the past aggregate portfolio distribution and the current state of the nature and that it implements the sequential equilibrium. We establish conditions under which the recursive equilibrium is continuous. Moreover, we use the continuous recursive relation of the aggregate variables to prove that if the economy has two types of agents, the one who commits persistent mistakes on the expectation rules of the future endogenous variables is driven out of the market by the others with correct anticipations of the variables, that is, the rational expectations agents.
This paper presents a structuralist model of the Philips curve and applies it to the US and Brazilian economies. The theoretical model starts from a simple markup rule to build a Philips curve based on the assumptions that firms have a desired rate of profit and wokers have a target real wage. Inflation expectations are modeled in terms of current inflation and the governments’ target, and the model shows that relative prices can have both a short-run and long-run influence on inflation. When applied to the US, the structuralist Philips curve results in a nonlinear model in which there are two steady states for inflation, and where the wageshare of income becomes the main instrument to drive inflation to the governments’ target. When applied to Brazil, the structuralist Philips curve reveals a nonlinear relationship between long-run inflation and the real exchange rate, so that the same inflation target can be consistent with more than one value of the exchange rate. The main conclusion of the paper is that a structuralist specification of the Philips curve is a useful instrument to model many macroeconomic topics as well as alternative theoretical closures.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The present study examines the effect of four semi-purified diets (casein-gelatin based) where the source of fatty acids was free (esterified) oleic acid and linoleic acid (LA) (LOA diet), linseed and olive oil (predominantly LA and linolenic acid) (LO diet), cod liver oil (rich in highly unsaturated fatty acids) (CLO diet), and soybean lecithin (phospholipids; mostly LA) (LE diet) on the growth of juvenile South American catfish (surubim, Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, Pimelodidae) (0.98 +/- 0.04 g individual weight). Fish were fed at a restricted-readjusted feeding rate for 8 wk. At the end of the experiment, LE-diet-fed fish grew significantly larger than those of the other three groups (P < 0.05). Considerable cannibalism was observed in all the treatments. It is suggested that the quantitative growth performance may possibly change under other conditions, with less or no cannibalism. Survival did not differ significantly among the fish fed four different diets. Muscle and liver lipid contents did not vary among dietary treatments (P > 0.05), but whole-body lipid concentrations were affected by dietary treatments. Fish fed LE diet contained significantly lower lipid level than those fed three other diets (P < 0.05). Muscle and liver fatty acid profiles reflected dietary fatty acid composition. Arachidonic acid level was significantly higher in muscle and liver of fish fed LOA and LE diets than in those fed LO and CLO diets. The results suggest that the efficiency of elongation and desaturation of 18C fatty acids depends on the dietary lipid source, and South American catfish has considerable capacity to transform linoleate to arachidonate.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A larvicultura da maioria das espécies de peixes enfrenta o desafio da dependência do alimento vivo (AL) e da falta de dietas formuladas (DF) que atendam plenamente às necessidades das larvas. A baixa digestibilidade e a qualidade nutricional das DFs são alguns dos fatores que explicam o insucesso quando as larvas recebem apenas FD. Para avaliar o efeito da combinação da DF com o AL no crescimento e na sobrevivência de larvas de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen), comparando com o uso separado da DF ou do AL, larvas recém eclodidas (5,57 mm; 1,41 mg) foram estocadas inicialmente em 12 aquários de 10 L (100 larvas por aquário). Quatro réplicas foram alimentadas ad libitum com uma das três dietas por 20 (para DF) ou 48 dias (para AL ou a combinação DF + AL). As larvas alimentadas com apenas DF apresentaram crescimento e sobrevivência reduzidos quando comparadas àquelas alimentadas com AL ou a combinação DF + AL. Adicionalmente, as larvas do tratamento DF + AL apresentaram maior crescimento em peso (170 mg) que aquelas alimentadas apenas com AL (110 mg). O melhor desempenho das larvas alimentadas com DF + AL mostra que a maioria dos nutrientes exigidos pelas larvas é fornecida mais adequadamente quando ambas as dietas são fornecidas juntamente. Contudo, trabalhos sobre nutrição larval poderão contribuir ainda mais sobre a elucidação deste tema quando feitas comparações com o uso combinado de DF + AL, do que apenas testando isoladamente novos ingredientes e fontes protéicas normalmente utilizadas na elaboração de dietas para juvenis e adultos.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objectives of this study were to compare the goodness of fit of four non-linear growth models, i.e. Brody, Gompertz, Logistic and Von Bertalanffy, in West African Dwarf (WAD) sheep. A total of 5274 monthly weight records from birth up to 180 days of age from 889 lambs, collected during 2001 to 2004 in Betecoucou breeding farm in Benin were used. In the preliminary analysis, the General Linear Model Procedure of the Statistical Analysis Systems Institute was applied to the dataset to identify the significant effects of the sex of lamb (male and female), type of birth (single and twin), season of birth (rainy season and dry season), parity of dam (1, 2 and 3) and year of birth (2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004) on the observed birth weight and monthly weight up to 6 months of age. The models parameters (A, B and k), coefficient of determination (112), mean square error (MSE) were calculated using language of technical computing package Matlab(R), 2006. The mean values of A, B and k were substituted into each model to calculate the corresponding Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC). Among the four growth functions, the Brody model has been selected for its accuracy of fit according to the higher R(2), lower MSE and A/C Finally, the parameters A, B and k were adjusted in Matlab(R) 2006 for the sex of lamb, year of birth, season of birth, birth type and the parity of ewe, providing a specific slope of the Brody growth curve. The results of this study suggest that Brody model can be useful for WAD sheep breeding in Betecoucou farm conditions through growth monitoring.