942 resultados para Sublethal Toxicity


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, 2016.


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Nous avons investigué la relation entre les polymorphismes de nucléotides simples (SNPs) chez trois gènes/loci candidats : DARC, CXCL2 et le loci ORMDL3-GSDMA-CSF3 situés sur le chromosome 17q21 et les complications neutropéniques et infectieuses qui en résultent durant la chimiothérapie chez les patients atteints de la leucémie lymphoblastique aigue. Ces loci codent pour certaines composantes du système immunitaire altérant la concentration de chémokines et leur distribution (DARC), stimulant le relâchement et la migration des neutophiles de la moelle épinière (CXCL2) et régulant la prolifération et la survie des granulocytes (G-CSF). Il est possible que des polymorphismes dans ces loci lorsqu’associés à de la chimiothérapie puissent mettre des individus suceptibles à un risque plus élevé de complication reliées à la chimiothérapie. Une sélection des marqueurs SNPs dans ces gènes ont été génotypés chez des enfants traités au CHU Ste-Justine pour une ALL entre 1989 et 2005. Après correction pour tests multiples, un polymorphisme DARC rs3027012 situé dans le 5’UTR a été associé à un compte phagocytaire peu élevé (APC<500 et <1000 cellules/µL, p=0.001 and p=0.0005, respectivement) ainsi qu’une hospitalisation due à une neutropénie (p=0.007) ou due à une infection et/ou neutropénie (p=0.007). Un effet protecteur a été identifié pour la mutation non sense Gly42Asp variant rs12075 (p=0.006). Des polymorphismes sur le chromosome 17q2 étaient associés à une hospitalisation due à une infection (rs3859192, p= 0.004) et à une neutropénie (rs17609240, p=0.006) L’infection était aussi modulée par CXCL2 (rs16850408, p=0.008) Cette étude identifie pour la première fois que les loci modulant le décompte des leucocytes et des neutrophiles pourraient jouer un rôle dans de déclenchement de complications dues à la chimiothérapie et pourraient ainsi servir de marqueurs pour un ajustement et un suivi du traitement.


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Nous avons investigué la relation entre les polymorphismes de nucléotides simples (SNPs) chez trois gènes/loci candidats : DARC, CXCL2 et le loci ORMDL3-GSDMA-CSF3 situés sur le chromosome 17q21 et les complications neutropéniques et infectieuses qui en résultent durant la chimiothérapie chez les patients atteints de la leucémie lymphoblastique aigue. Ces loci codent pour certaines composantes du système immunitaire altérant la concentration de chémokines et leur distribution (DARC), stimulant le relâchement et la migration des neutophiles de la moelle épinière (CXCL2) et régulant la prolifération et la survie des granulocytes (G-CSF). Il est possible que des polymorphismes dans ces loci lorsqu’associés à de la chimiothérapie puissent mettre des individus suceptibles à un risque plus élevé de complication reliées à la chimiothérapie. Une sélection des marqueurs SNPs dans ces gènes ont été génotypés chez des enfants traités au CHU Ste-Justine pour une ALL entre 1989 et 2005. Après correction pour tests multiples, un polymorphisme DARC rs3027012 situé dans le 5’UTR a été associé à un compte phagocytaire peu élevé (APC<500 et <1000 cellules/µL, p=0.001 and p=0.0005, respectivement) ainsi qu’une hospitalisation due à une neutropénie (p=0.007) ou due à une infection et/ou neutropénie (p=0.007). Un effet protecteur a été identifié pour la mutation non sense Gly42Asp variant rs12075 (p=0.006). Des polymorphismes sur le chromosome 17q2 étaient associés à une hospitalisation due à une infection (rs3859192, p= 0.004) et à une neutropénie (rs17609240, p=0.006) L’infection était aussi modulée par CXCL2 (rs16850408, p=0.008) Cette étude identifie pour la première fois que les loci modulant le décompte des leucocytes et des neutrophiles pourraient jouer un rôle dans de déclenchement de complications dues à la chimiothérapie et pourraient ainsi servir de marqueurs pour un ajustement et un suivi du traitement.


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Alachlor has been a commonly applied herbicide and is a substance of ecotoxicological concern. The present study aims to identify molecular biomarkers in the eukaryotic model Saccharomyces cerevisiae that can be used to predict potential cytotoxic effects of alachlor, while providing new mechanistic clues with possible relevance for experimentally less accessible eukaryotes. It focuses on genome-wide expression profiling in a yeast population in response to two exposure scenarios exerting effects from slight to moderate magnitude at phenotypic level. In particular, 100 and 264 genes, respectively, were found as differentially expressed on a 2-h exposure of yeast cells to the lowest observed effect concentration (110 mg/L) and the 20% inhibitory concentration (200 mg/L) of alachlor, in comparison with cells not exposed to the herbicide. The datasets of alachlor-responsive genes showed functional enrichment in diverse metabolic, transmembrane transport, cell defense, and detoxification categories. In general, the modifications in transcript levels of selected candidate biomarkers, assessed by quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, confirmed the microarray data and varied consistently with the growth inhibitory effects of alachlor. Approximately 16% of the proteins encoded by alachlor-differentially expressed genes were found to share significant homology with proteins from ecologically relevant eukaryotic species. The biological relevance of these results is discussed in relation to new insights into the potential adverse effects of alachlor in health of organisms from ecosystems, particularly in worst-case situations such as accidental spills or careless storage, usage, and disposal.


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Pyrimethanil is a fungicide mostly applied in vineyards. When misused, residue levels detected in grape must or in the environment may be of concern. The present work aimed to analyze mechanisms underlying response to deleterious effects of pyrimethanil in the eukaryotic model Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Pyrimethanil concentration-dependent effects at phenotypic (inhibition of growth) and transcriptomic levels were examined. For transcriptional profiling, analysis focused on two sublethal exposure conditions that inhibited yeast growth by 20% or 50% compared with control cells not exposed to the fungicide. Gene expression modifications increased with the magnitude of growth inhibition, in numbers and fold-change of differentially expressed genes and in diversity of over-represented functional categories. These included mostly biosynthesis of arginine and sulfur amino acids metabolism, as well as energy conservation, antioxidant response, and multidrug transport. Several pyrimethanil-responsive genes encoded proteins sharing significant homology with proteins from phytopathogenic fungi and ecologically relevant higher eukaryotes.


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Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and substituted phenylamine antioxidants (SPAs) are two chemical groups that have been used in multiple Canadian industrial processes. Despite the production ban of PCBs in North America in 1977, they are still ubiquitous in the environment and in wildlife tissues. Previous studies of fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals have shown that PCBs are toxic and act as endocrine disruptors. In contrast, SPAs, specifically N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine (PANA), have received very little attention despite their current use in Canada and their expected environmental releases. The effects of PCB and PANA exposures in reptiles remain unknown thus, juvenile Chelydra serpentina were used in this thesis as a model vertebrate to fill in missing toxicity research gaps due to their importance as an environmental indicator. First, food pellets were spiked at an environmentally relevant concentration of the PCB mixture Aroclor 1254 (A1254) to model hepatic bioaccumulation (0.45 μg/g A1254 for 31 days) and depuration (clean food for 50 days) of PCBs in turtles. No significant differences in PCB concentrations were observed between the control and treated animals, suggesting that juvenile turtles exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of PCBs can likely detoxify low concentrations of PCBs. Additionally, two dose-response experiments were performed using A1254 or PANA spiked food (0-12.7 μg/g and 0-3,446 μg/g, respectively) to determine hepatic toxicity and bioaccumulation in juvenile C. serpentina. An increase in hepatic cyp1a was observed when exposed to the highest dose of both chemicals: 1) for A1254, induction correlated to the significant increase in hepatic PCB congeners that are known to be metabolized by CYP1A; and 2) for PANA, induction suggested that CYP1A has a potential role in its detoxification. PCBs are known endocrine disruptors, but no significant changes were observed for both thyroid receptors (alpha and beta) or by estrogen and androgen receptors. This lack of response, also noted in the PANA exposure, suggests that C. serpentina is less sensitive to endocrine disruption than other vertebrates. Furthermore, the expression of genes involved in cellular stress was not altered in PCB and PANA exposed animals, supporting the resilience of turtles to oxidative stress. This is the first study to demonstrate the toxicity of PCBs and PANA in C. serpentina, demonstrating the turtle’s high tolerance to contamination.


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The duckweed Lemna valdiviana is commonly founded colonizing small shallow waters (lakes on the lowland in south Brazil. This organism may have been affected by herbicide input into lakes from aerial application and/or drainage office paddy fields. Clomazone (2- (2-chlorophenyl) methyl-4.4-dimethyl-3-isoxazolidinone) is one of the herbicides more fiequentely used as post-emergence in rice paddies. For this work assays were carried as EC50(96h) semi-statics with aseptic culture. The sterile fronds were abtained from material harvest on the paddy fields, and the concentration of Clomazone ranged from 14.0 to 229.0 mg/l. two procedures were considered: diluted in water and sprayed applicated Clomazone. The observed phytotoxic effects were evaluated by growth rate (kt), duplication time (Td), frond yield, plant yield, mortality, chlorophyll a and b and protochlorophyll concentration. The EC50 values obtained to sprayed Clomazone (Kt=31.7; Td=31.9) were significantly small than to diluted Clomazone (Kt=46.4; td=47.3). These dadta suggest that aerial route is more hazardous than diluted procedure. Presence of chlorotic, necrotic, abnormal and died frond were common at the 114.0 and 229.0 mg/l treatment. Recuperation test corroborated the evidence that the sprayed procedure were more deleterious and L. valdiviana doesn't recovery his reproductive ability at the 114.0 and 229.0 mg/l treatment.


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Toxicidade de manipueira de mandioca e erva-de-rato a adultos de Toxoptera citricida Kirkaldy.


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Resumo: Predição da concentração de baixo risco de diflubenzuron para organismos aquáticos e avaliação da argila e brita na redução da toxicidade. O diflubenzuron é um inseticida que além de ser usado agricultura, tem sido amplamente empregado na piscicultura, apesar do seu uso ser proibido nesta atividade. Este composto não consta na lista da legislação brasileira que estabelece limites máximos permissíveis em corpos de água para a proteção das comunidades aquáticas. No presente trabalho, a partir da toxicidade do diflubenzuron em organismos não-alvo, foi calculada a concentração de risco para somente 5% das espécies (HC5). O valor deste parâmetro foi estimado em aproximadamente 7 x 10-6 mg L-1 . Este baixo valor é devido à extremamente alta toxicidade do diflubenzuron para dafnídeos e à grande variação de sensibilidade entre as espécies testadas. Dois matérias de relativamente baixo custo se mostraram eficientes na remoção da toxicidade do diflubenzuron de soluções contendo este composto. Dentre esses materiais, a argila expandida promoveu a redução em aproximadamente 50% da toxicidade de uma solução contendo diflubenzuron. Os resultados podem contribuir para políticas públicas no Brasil relacionadas ao estabelecimento de limites máximos permissíveis de xenobióticos no compartimento aquático. Também, para a pesquisa de matérias inertes e de baixo custo com potencial de remoção de xenobióticos presentes em efluentes da aquicultura ou da agricultura. Abstract: Diflubenzuron is an insecticide that, besides being used in the agriculture, has been widely used in fish farming. However, its use is prohibited in this activity. Diflubenzuron is not in the list of Brazilian legislation establishing maximum permissible limits in water bodies for the protection of aquatic communities. In this paper, according toxicity data of diflubenzuron in non-target organisms, it was calculated an hazardous concentration for only 5% of the species (HC5) of the aquatic community. This parameter value was estimated to be about 7 x 10 -6 mg L -1 . The low value is due to the extreme high toxicity of diflubenzuron to daphnids and to the large variation in sensitivity among the species tested. Two relatively low cost and inert materials were efficient in removing the diflubenzuron from solutions containing this compound. Among these materials, expanded clay shown to promote reduction of approximately 50% of the toxicity of a solution containing diflubenzuron. The results may contribute to the establishment of public policies in Brazil associated to the definition of maximum permissible limits of xenobiotics in the aquatic compartment. This study is also relevant to the search of low cost and inert materials for xenobiotics removal from aquaculture or agricultural effluents.


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Glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) are the most globally used herbicides raising the risk of environmental exposition. Carcinogenic effects are only one component of the multiple adverse health effects of Glyphosate and GBHs that have been reported. Questions related to hazards and corresponding risks identified in relation to endocrine disrupting effects are rising. The present study investigated the possible reproductive/developmental toxicity of GBHs administered to male and female Sprague-Dawley rats under various calendar of treatment. Assessments included maternal and reproductive outcome of F0 and F1 dams exposed to GBHs throughout pregnancy and lactation and developmental landmarks and sexual characteristics of offspring. The study was designed in two stages. In the first stage Glyphosate, or its commercial formulation Roundup Bioflow, was administered to rats at the dose of 1.75 mg/kg bw/day (Glyphosate US Acceptable Daily Intake) from the prenatal period until adulthood. In the second stage, multiple toxicological parameters were simultaneously assessed, including multigeneration reproductive/developmental toxicity of Glyphosate and two GBHs (Roundup Bioflow and Ranger Pro). Man-equivalent doses, beginning from 0.5 mg/kg bw/day (ADI Europe) up to 50 mg/kg bw/day (NOAEL Glyphosate), were administered to male and female rats, covering specific windows of biological susceptibility. The results of stage 1 and preliminary data from stage 2 experiments characterize GBHs as probable endocrine disruptors as suggested by: 1) androgen-like effects of Roundup Bioflow, including a significant increase of anogenital distances in both males and females, delay of first estrous and increased testosterone in females; 2) slight puberty onset anticipation in the high dose of Ranger Pro group, observed in the F1 generation treated from in utero life until adulthood; 3) a delayed balano-preputial separation achievement in the high dose of Ranger Pro-treated males exposed only during the peri-pubertal period, indicating a direct and specific effect of GBHs depending on the timing of exposure.


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Snakebite is a neglected disease and serious health problem in Brazil, with most bites being caused by snakes of the genus Bothrops. Although serum therapy is the primary treatment for systemic envenomation, it is generally ineffective in neutralizing the local effects of these venoms. In this work, we examined the ability of 7,8,3'-trihydroxy-4'-methoxyisoflavone (TM), an isoflavone from Dipteryx alata, to neutralize the neurotoxicity (in mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations) and myotoxicity (assessed by light microscopy) of Bothrops jararacussu snake venom in vitro. The toxicity of TM was assessed using the Salmonella microsome assay (Ames test). Incubation with TM alone (200 μg/mL) did not alter the muscle twitch tension whereas incubation with venom (40 μg/mL) caused irreversible paralysis. Preincubation of TM (200 μg/mL) with venom attenuated the venom-induced neuromuscular blockade by 84% ± 5% (mean ± SEM; n = 4). The neuromuscular blockade caused by bothropstoxin-I (BthTX-I), the major myotoxic PLA2 of this venom, was also attenuated by TM. Histological analysis of diaphragm muscle incubated with TM showed that most fibers were preserved (only 9.2% ± 1.7% were damaged; n = 4) compared to venom alone (50.3% ± 5.4% of fibers damaged; n = 3), and preincubation of TM with venom significantly attenuated the venom-induced damage (only 17% ± 3.4% of fibers damaged; n = 3; p < 0.05 compared to venom alone). TM showed no mutagenicity in the Ames test using Salmonella strains TA98 and TA97a with (+S9) and without (-S9) metabolic activation. These findings indicate that TM is a potentially useful compound for antagonizing the neuromuscular effects (neurotoxicity and myotoxicity) of B. jararacussu venom.


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Insulin was used as model protein to developed innovative Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLNs) for the delivery of hydrophilic biotech drugs, with potential use in medicinal chemistry. SLNs were prepared by double emulsion with the purpose of promoting stability and enhancing the protein bioavailability. Softisan(®)100 was selected as solid lipid matrix. The surfactants (Tween(®)80, Span(®)80 and Lipoid(®)S75) and insulin were chosen applying a 2(2) factorial design with triplicate of central point, evaluating the influence of dependents variables as polydispersity index (PI), mean particle size (z-AVE), zeta potential (ZP) and encapsulation efficiency (EE) by factorial design using the ANOVA test. Therefore, thermodynamic stability, polymorphism and matrix crystallinity were checked by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Wide Angle X-ray Diffraction (WAXD), whereas the effect of toxicity of SLNs was check in HepG2 and Caco-2 cells. Results showed a mean particle size (z-AVE) width between 294.6 nm and 627.0 nm, a PI in the range of 0.425-0.750, ZP about -3 mV, and the EE between 38.39% and 81.20%. After tempering the bulk lipid (mimicking the end process of production), the lipid showed amorphous characteristics, with a melting point of ca. 30 °C. The toxicity of SLNs was evaluated in two distinct cell lines (HEPG-2 and Caco-2), showing to be dependent on the concentration of particles in HEPG-2 cells, while no toxicity in was reported in Caco-2 cells. SLNs were stable for 24 h in in vitro human serum albumin (HSA) solution. The resulting SLNs fabricated by double emulsion may provide a promising approach for administration of protein therapeutics and antigens.