973 resultados para Stewart, Ian
A simple, four-step method for better introducing undergraduate students to the fundamentals of molecular orbital (MO) theory of the polyatomic molecules H2O, NH3, BH3 and SiH4 using group theory is reported. These molecules serve to illustrate the concept of ligand group orbitals (LGOs) and subsequent construction of MO energy diagrams on the basis of molecular symmetry requirements.
The use of natural products has definitely been the most successful strategy in the discovery of novel medicines. Secondary metabolites from terrestrial and marine organisms have found considerable use in the treatment of numerous diseases and have been considered lead molecules both in their natural form and as templates for medicinal chemistry. This paper seeks to show the great value of secondary metabolites and emphasize the rich chemical diversity of Brazilian biodiversity. This natural chemical library remains understudied, but can be a useful source of new secondary metabolites with potential application as templates for drug discovery.
While in Europe vodka is mainly derived from potatoes or cereals, a large proportion of Brazilian vodka is likely obtained from sugarcane, which contains ethyl carbamate (EC) precursors. EC, in addition to several other contaminants and congeners, were investigated in 32 samples of Brazilian vodka. All samples complied with the Brazilian regulations for congeners and contaminants, having EC content below 0.01 mg/L (detection limit). These results are probably related to the processing of vodka, in particular the use of extractive and rectifying stainless steel distillation columns, which allow the production of high strength spirits with low levels of congeners and contaminants.
Brazilian biodiversity is a colossal source of secondary metabolites with remarkable structural features, which are valuable in further biodiscovery studies. In order to fully understand the relations and interactions of a living system with its surroundings, efforts in natural product chemistry are directed toward the challenge of detecting and identifying all the molecular components present in complex samples. It is plausible that this endeavor was born out of recent technological sophistication in secondary metabolite identification with sensitive spectroscopic instruments (MS and NMR) and higher resolving power of chromatographic systems, which allow a decrease in the amount of required sample and time to acquire data. Nevertheless, the escalation of data acquired in these analyses must be sorted with statistical and multi-way tools in order to select key information. Chromatography is also of paramount importance, more so when selected compounds need to be isolated for further investigation. However, in the course of pursuing a "greener" environment, new policies, with an aim to decrease the use of energy and solvents, are being developed and incorporated into analytical methods. Metabolomics could be an effective tool to answer questions on how living organisms in our huge biodiversity work and interact with their surroundings while also being strategic to the development of high value bio-derived products, such as phytotherapeutics and nutraceuticals. The incorporation of proper phytotherapeutics in the so-called Brazilian Unified Health System is considered an important factor for the urgent improvement and expansion of the Brazilian national health system. Furthermore, this approach could have a positive impact on the international interest toward scientific research developed in Brazil as well as the development of high value bio-derived products, which appear as an interesting economic opportunity in national and global markets. Thus, this study attempts to highlight the recent advances in analytical tools used in detection of secondary metabolites, which can be useful as bioproducts. It also emphasizes the potential avenues to be explored in Brazilian biodiversity, known for its rich chemical diversity.
Tässä työssä käsitellään sijoitetun pääoman tuottoprosentin, jäännöskatteen ja taloudellisen lisäarvon historiaa, käsitteitä ja käyttöä. Erityisesti keskitytään näistä tunnusluvuista käytettyjen määritelmien moninaisuuteen. Aluksi tutustutaan tunnuslukujen historiaan ja määritelmiin. Tämän jälkeen tutkitaan niiden käyttömahdollisuuksia johdon ja rahoituksen laskentatoimessa. Lopuksi tutkitaan empiirisen aineiston avulla näiden tunnuslukujen käyttöä yrityksissä. Sijoitetun pääoman tuottoprosentti syntyi 1900-luvun alussa Yhdysvalloissa, josta se levisi maailmanlaajuiseksi. Sijoitetun pääoman tuottoprosentti on suosittu tunnusluku sen helppokäyttöisyyden ansiosta. Rahoituksen laskentatoimen puolella on annettu tarkat ohjeet sijoitetun pääoman tuottoprosentin laskemiseksi, koska sen esittäminen ulkoisessa tiedottamisessa on joillekin yrityksille lakisääteistä. Johdon laskentatoimessa ei ole olemassa sääntöjä tämän tunnusluvun laskemiseksi, ja se voidaan laskea yrityksen haluamalla tavalla. Jäännöskate on ensimmäisen kerran mainittu kirjallisuudessa jo 1700-luvun loppupuolella, mutta sen käytöstä tuli yleisempää vasta 1900-luvulla. Jäännöskate ei kuitenkaan koskaan saavuttanut suurta suosiota, eikä sitä nykyään juuri käytetä. Jäännöskatteeseen pohjautuva taloudellinen lisäarvo nousi julkisuuteen, kun Stern Stewart & Co. rekisteröi sen tuotemerkikseen 1980-luvun lopussa. Verrattuna jäännöskatteeseen taloudellinen lisäarvo vastaa paremmin yrityksen todellista arvonmuodostusta. Näiden tunnuslukujen laskenta ei ole lakisääteisiä, joten kaikki yritykset voivat laskea ne omalla tavallaan. Jäännöskatetta ja taloudellista lisäarvoa käytetään lähinnä johdon laskentatoimessa, mutta vähitellen ne ovat siirtymässä myös rahoituksen laskentatoimeen.