999 resultados para Spallation (Nuclear physics)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Multidimensional and one-dimensional quantum-statistical (Bose-Einstein) correlations are measured in proton proton collisions at 0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV, in proton lead collisions at 5.02 TeV/nucleon pair and peripheral lead lead collisions at 2.76 TeV/nucleon pair center-of-mass energy with the CMS detector at the LHC. The correlation functions are extracted in terms of different components of the relative momentum of the pair, in order to investigate the extension of the emission source in different directions. The results are presented for different intervals of transverse pair momentum, k(T), and charged particle multiplicity of the collision, N-tracks, as well as for their integrated values. Besides inclusive charged particles, charged pions and kaons, identified via their energy loss in the silicon tracker detector, can also be correlated. The extracted source radii increase with increasing multiplicity, and decrease with increasing k(T). The results open the possibility to study scaling and factorization properties of these radii as a function of multiplicity, k(T), colliding system size and center-of-mass energy.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A collective Hamiltonian for a two alpha particles aggregate, which describes the 8Be nucleus, encompassing a collective potential and an inertia function of that system, is obtained and analyzed through the use of a technique - derived from an approach of the generator coordinate method (GCM) - which allows for the extraction of collective information. The nucleon-nucleon interaction considered here is the one proposed by Volkov plus the Coulomb repulsion. It is shown that nonlocal effects appear in those collective functions describing the spontaneously occurring breakup process. Furthermore, the result for the inertia function stands for a microscopically generated evidence supporting a double-folding-based model of the real part of the nucleus-nucleus nonlocal interaction recently proposed.


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The impact of a (I=0, JP=1/2+)Z+(1540) resonance with a width of 5 MeV or more on the K+N(I=0) elastic cross section and on the P01 phase shift is examined within the KN meson-exchange model of the Jülich group. It is shown that the rather strong enhancement of the cross section caused by the presence of a Z + with the above properties is not compatible with the existing empirical information on KN scattering. Only a much narrower Z+ state could be reconciled with the existing data - or, alternatively, the Z + state must lie at an energy much closer to the KN threshold.


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We study the production of gauge-boson pairs at the next generation of linear e+e- colliders operating in the eγ mode. The processes eγ → VV′F (V,V′ = W,Z, or γ and F = e or ν) can give valuable information on possible deviations of the quartic vector-boson couplings from the Standard Model predictions. We establish the range of the new couplings that can be explored in these colliders based on a 3σ effect in the total cross section. We also present several kinematical distributions of the final state particles that could manifest the underlying new dynamics. Our results show that an eγ collider can extend considerably the bounds on anomalous interactions coming from oblique radiative corrections and from direct searches in e+e- colliders.


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The halo nucleus 11Li is treated as a three-body system consisting of an inert core of 9Li plus two valence neutrons. The Faddeev equations are solved using separable potentials to describe the two-body interactions, corresponding in the n-9Li subsystem to a p1/2 resonance plus a virtual s-wave state. The experimental 11Li energy is taken as input and the 9Li transverse momentum distribution in 11Li is studied. [S0556-2813(99)01703-3].


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We propose SL(2, ℤ) (and SL(3, ℤ))-invariant conjectures for all R4H4g-4 couplings of Type IIB strings on ℝ10 (and ℝ8×T2), generalizing conjectures of Green and Gutperle (and Kiritsis and Pioline) for the R4 coupling. A strong check for our conjectures is that on T2 at weak coupling, they reproduce the multiloop scattering amplitudes which had been previously computed using N = 2 strings in the N = 4 topological formalism. Applications to (p, q) string production in a background H field, generalizing Schwinger's computation for pair production in a constant F field, are suggested. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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We use the Weyl-van der Waerden spinor technique to construct helicity wave functions for massless and massive spin-3/2 fermions. We apply our formalism to evaluate helicity amplitudes taking into account some phenomenological couplings involving these particles.


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We quantize the superstring on the AdS2 × S2 background with Ramond-Ramond flux using a PSU(1,1\2)/U(1) × U(1) sigma model with a WZ term. One-loop conformal invariance of the model is guaranteed by a general mechanism which holds for coset spaces G/H where G is Ricci-flat and H is the invariant locus of a ℤ4 automorphism of G. This mechanism gives conformal theories for the PSU(1,1\2) × PSU(2\2)/SU(2) × SU(2) and PSU(2,2\4)/SO(4,1) × SO(5) coset spaces, suggesting our results might be useful for quantizing the superstring on AdS3 × S3 and AdS5 × S5 backgrounds. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple description of the KP hierarchy and its multi-hamiltonian structure is given in terms of two Bose currents. A deformation scheme connecting various W-infinity algebras and the relation between two fundamental nonlinear structures are discussed. Properties of Faá di Bruno polynomials are extensively explored in this construction. Applications of our method are given for the Conformal Affine Toda model, WZNW models and discrete KP approach to Toda lattice chain.


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In this work we calculate the form factors of the Lambda(c) and Lambda(b) semileptonic decay using the QCD sum rules approach. We found that the form factors sum rules are more stable than the respective mass sum rules, and we get a decay rate for Lambda(c) compatible with experiment.


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We derive an infinite set of conserved charges for some Z(N) symmetric quantum spin models by constructing their Lax pairs. These models correspond to the Potts model, Ashkin-Teller model and the particular set of self-dual Z(N) models solved by Fateev and Zamolodchikov [6]. The exact ground state energy for this last family of hamiltonians is also presented. © 1986.