996 resultados para Spada, Lionello, 1576-1622


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Purpose: To assess the age the of the first dental visit and the association of self-perceived oral health, socioeconomic and clinical indicators with healthcare utilisation in Brazilian preschool children. Materials and Methods: An epidemiological survey with 455 5- to 59-month-old children was conducted on National Children's Vaccination Day in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Data about age and reasons for the first dental visit, healthcare utilisation, socioeconomic status and self-perceived oral health were collected by means of a parental semi-structured questionnaire. Calibrated examiners evaluated the prevalence of dental caries (WHO) and dental trauma. The assessment of the association used Poisson regression models (prevalence ratio; 95% confidence interval [Cl]). Results: A total of 24.2% (95% Cl: 20.3% to 28.4%) of the study sample had already had a first dental visit. Older children, those with dental caries and dental trauma and whose mothers had a higher level of education were more likely to have gone to the dentist. Children of low socioeconomic status were more likely to have visited public than private healthcare services. The reasons for the first dental visit were associated with clinical indicators of the sample. The distribution of utilisation of the types of oral healthcare services (public or private) varied across the socioeconomic groups. Non-white children with dental caries and dental trauma tended to visit a dentist only for treatment reasons. Conclusion: Socioeconomic and clinical indicators are associated with the use of dental services, indicating the need for strategies to promote public health and reorientation of services that facilitate dental access for preschool children.


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Objectives Predictors of adverse outcomes following myocardial infarction (MI) are well established; however, little is known about what predicts enzymatically estimated infarct size in patients with acute ST-elevation MI. The Complement And Reduction of INfarct size after Angioplasty or Lytics trials of pexelizumab used creatine kinase (CK)-MB area under the curve to determine infarct size in patients treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or fibrinolysis. Methods Prediction of infarct size was carried out by measuring CK-MB area under the curve in patients with ST-segment elevation MI treated with reperfusion therapy from January 2000 to April 2002. Infarct size was calculated in 1622 patients (PCI=817; fibrinolysis=805). Logistic regression was used to examine the relationship between baseline demographics, total ST-segment elevation, index angiographic findings (PCI group), and binary outcome of CK-MB area under the curve greater than 3000 ng/ml. Results Large infarcts occurred in 63% (515) of the PCI group and 69% (554) of the fibrinolysis group. Independent predictors of large infarcts differed depending on mode of reperfusion. In PCI, male sex, no prior coronary revascularization and diabetes, decreased systolic blood pressure, sum of ST-segment elevation, total (angiographic) occlusion, and nonright coronary artery culprit artery were independent predictors of larger infarcts (C index=0.73). In fibrinolysis, younger age, decreased heart rate, white race, no history of arrhythmia, increased time to fibrinolytic therapy in patients treated up to 2 h after symptom onset, and sum of ST-segment elevation were independently associated with a larger infarct size (C index=0.68). Conclusion Clinical and patient data can be used to predict larger infarcts on the basis of CK-MB quantification. These models may be helpful in designing future trials and in guiding the use of novel pharmacotherapies aimed at limiting infarct size in clinical practice. Coron Artery Dis 23:118-125 (C) 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Yolk color and egg white (albumen) cleanliness and viscosity are important parameters by which consumers judge the quality of eggs. This study aimed to investigate changes in albumen viscosity during storage of eggs for up to 36 days from two different commercial laying hen strains (Carijo Barbada and Isa Brown) fed a diet containing annatto (1.5 and 2.0%) or a synthetic additive without synthetic colorants (control). Analyses of humidity, albumen height, pH, viscosity, foam formation, and stability were carried out on eggs. Carijo Barbada strain had smaller albumen, lower humidity and higher egg white viscosity than Isa Brown strain; however, with storage, viscosity lowered significantly on both strains. Initially, the addition of 2.0% of annatto or a synthetic additive increased viscosity in both strains, but with storage only the control maintained longer viscosity. Lower viscosity did not change foam density and stability.


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The development of an electroanalytical method for simultaneous determination of copper and lead ions in sugar cane spirit (cachaça) using carbon paste electrode modified with ascorbic acid and carbon nanotubes (CPE-AaCNT) is described. Squarewave voltammetry (SWV) with anodic stripping was employed, and this technique was optimized with respect to the following parameters: frequency (50 Hz), amplitude (100 mV) and scan increment (9 mV). The analytical curves were linear in the range from 0.0900 to 7.00 mg L- 1 for lead and copper. The limits of detection were 48.5 and 23.9 µg L- 1 for lead and copper, respectively. The developed method was applied to the simultaneous determination of copper and lead in five commercial samples of sugar cane spirit. The results were in good agreement with those obtained by F AAS/GF AAS (flame atomic absorption spectrometry/graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry) and showed that CPE-AaCNT can be successfully employed in the simultaneous determination of these metals in real sugar cane spirit samples.


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A pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar os atributos de qualidade e de durabilidade dos ovos de duas diferentes linhagens de poedeiras, com dietas contendo aditivos artificiais ou naturais, em diferentes períodos de armazenamento. Foram quantificadas durante o armazenamento as variáveis perda de peso, pH da gema e albúmen, gravidade específica, índice de gema (IG) e foi realizada também classificação por peso e Unidade Haugh (UH). Os resultados foram avaliados segundo teste de Tukey (P≤0,05). As linhagens diferiram quanto à classificação extra dos ovos, com maior porcentagem para a Isa Brown. Os ovos obtidos das poedeiras Carijó apresentaram maior porcentagem de gema (Carijó 30,66 e Isa-Brown 24,55). O tempo de armazenamento fez com que a porcentagem de gema aumentasse nas duas linhagens (Carijó 30,66 tempo zero para 34,85 depois de 36 dias; e Isa- Brown de 24,55 para 27,48). As dietas com aditivos artificiais ou naturais não influenciaram a porcentagem de clara (% Clara 58,72 Controle; 59,52 Aditivo; 60,11 Urucum 1,5%; 59,43 e de gema %Gema 27,64 Controle; 27,90 Aditivo; 27,21 Urucum 1,5%; 27,66 Urucum 2%). O pH da clara diferiu entre os tratamentos no tempo inicial e aos 36 dias de armazenamento, mas o pH da gema não diferiu durante todo o armazenamento. O índice de gema diferiu nos tempos de armazenamento, mas não diferiu considerando os tratamentos. Em dietas com aditivos artificiais ou naturais, as linhagens e os tempos de armazenamento influenciam na qualidade e durabilidade dos ovos.


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O objetivo foi estudar os efeitos do precondicionamento isquêmico e da N-acetilcisteína no clampeamento da tríade portal comparado com o clampeamento vascular excluindo a via biliar. Foram utilizados oitenta ratos EPM-1 Wistar distribuídos aleatoriamente em 2 grupos de 40 animais. Estes se distinguiram pela inclusão (CVB=1) ou não (SVB=2) do ducto biliar no clampeamento e foram redistribuídos em subgrupos de 10. IR1: 20 minutos após a celiotomia, o pedículo contendo os elementos vasculares e o ducto biliar para os lobos mediano e lateral esquerdo do fígado foi clampeado por 40 minutos, seguido de 30 minutos de reperfusão; PCI1: 10 minutos de isquemia e 10 minutos de reperfusão. Após o PCI, seguiu-se o mesmo procedimento usado para IR1; NAC1: (150mg.Kg-1 ), administrada 15 minutos antes do período isquêmico e 5 minutos antes da reperfusão; S1: dissecção e clampeamento exclusivo do ducto biliar durante o período de isquemia. Nos subgrupos IR2, PCI2 e NAC2, o clampeamento excluiu a via biliar; S2: dissecção e observação por 90min. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue para a dosagem dos níveis enzimáticos e fragmento do fígado isquêmico para coloração HE. Na análise estatística dos resultados foram utilizados testes não paramétricos e o nível de rejeição da hipótese de nulidade foi fixado em 5%. A lesão de IR hepática foi menos grave nos animais do grupo de clampeamento seletivo incluindo o ducto biliar, com AST (766 vs 1380) e ALT (840 vs 1576); PCI protegeu o fígado da IR nos animais com clampeamento seletivo da tríade portal com relação à AST (421 vs 1131) e ALT (315 vs 1085). Na avaliação morfológica, o PCI inibiu a ocorrência de esteatose microvesicular e núcleos picnóticos (0% de lesão moderada ou intensa) e a NAC protegeu parcialmente 17% e 50% de lesão moderada ou intensa para CVB e SVB, respectivamente. O clampeamento seletivo da tríade portal resulta em lesão de IR do fígado menos grave, quando comparado à exclusão do ducto biliar. O PCI protege o fígado da lesão de IR. A NAC mostra um efeito de proteção parcial, reduzindo as alterações parenquimatosas, mas não os níveis de aminotransferases.


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VIII Congreso geológico de España, Oviedo, 17-19 julio 2012


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VIII Congreso geológico de España, Oviedo, 17-19 julio 2012


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VIII Congreso geológico de España, Oviedo, 17-19 julio 2012


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VIII Congreso geológico de España, Oviedo, 17-19 julio 2012


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[ES] Por ello además de la información que ya se había alojado, y con el objetivo de dar a conocer los resultados de las distintas líneas de investigación abiertas por el CENTRO CIL iI, por una parte relativas a la Historia Antigua, la Arqueología y la Filología Latina con el estudio de sus inscripciones latinas, y, por otra a su tradición historiográfica, se decidió volcar también toda esa información en la web.