886 resultados para Socio educational issues
RESUMO: O presente estudo teve como objectivo investigar os principais impedimentos que ocorrem nos estabelecimentos de ensino relativamente à aplicabilidade dos Programas Nacionais de Educação Física (PNEF). Considerando as particularidades do grupo disciplinar, as instalações da escola ou o meio cultural envolvente, pretende-se perceber as razões para que no panorama nacional, a grande maioria das escolas resista a esse processo de mudança, não criando condições para o desenvolvimento de iguais oportunidades na disciplina de educação física no currículo de todos os alunos. Este estudo ambiciona ser um contributo para que a educação física (EF) dê um passo no desenvolvimento qualitativo da realidade educativa, ao destacar os pontos comuns e mais importantes reunidos nas escolas de referência que aplicam os PNEF. A metodologia desenvolvida apresenta duas fases na análise de dados, sendo que a primeira extrai os pontos em comum e personalizados do grupo de professores entrevistados pertencentes ao grupo A, constituído pelos autores dos PNEF e por uma especialista na área de desenvolvimento curricular. A segunda fase, segue a lógica anterior para o grupo B, grupo que reúne professores em contacto directo no dia-a-dia das escolas. A consciência e o conhecimento dos problemas apresentados nas escolas que não seguem os programas, torna-se importante pois possibilita a procura de soluções para esses mesmos problemas. Desta forma será possível desenvolver as inovações escolares, proporcionando aos alunos a oportunidade de crescer no seio das inúmeras qualidades que a disciplina de educação física pode oferecer e desenvolver. Um crescimento baseado na autonomia, na cooperação e no desenvolvimento de hábitos de vida saudável enquanto futuros cidadãos. ABSTRACT: This study aimed to investigate the main issues that prevent the physical education programs to be applied on the Portuguese schools. Considering the disciplinary group particularities, the school facilities or the environment, we intend to understand the reasons that may explain why the majority of the Portuguese schools resist to this change process, not creating conditions for the development of equal opportunities on the physical education of every student. This study intend to be a contribute for the physical education development on the educational reality, highlighting the common factors of the reference schools that apply the physical education programs. The method integrates two phases of development: the first one extracts the common and custom factors between the Group A professors, consisting of physical education programs authors and one expert in the field of curriculum development. The second phase follows the previous logic for the Group B, a group that meets professors with direct contact of schools day-to-day. The consciousness and knowledge about the existing problems in schools that don‟t apply physical education programs it‟s important, because it enables the search for solutions. This will allow innovations development, giving students the opportunity to grow within the many qualities that the discipline of physical education can provide and develop. Growth based on autonomy, cooperation and development of healthy lifestyle habits as future citizens.
A series of studies in the field of Epidemiological Psychiatry have been performed over the last two decades, and these have focused on the ability of primary care physicians to detect emotional disorders in the patients that attend their practices. The scientific methodology utilized in these studies is the subject of this review, which contains a discussion concerning: a) interviewer awareness bias; b) accuracy of the instruments and c) medical and psychological concepts involved in defining minor emotional disorders. Suggestions for change in the methodology are made in each of the sections of the review.
Education for health is a process in which all public health and medical care personnel are involved. People learn both formally (planned learning experiences) and informally (unplanned learning experiences). Since the patient, the client, the consummer and the community expect public health and medical care personnel to assist them with health and disease issues and problems, the response of the professional "educates" the customer whether the professional intends to educate or not. Therefore, it is incumbent on all public health and medical care professionals to understand their educational functions and their role in health education. It is also important that the role of the specialist in education be clear. The specialist, as to all other specialists, has an in-depth knowledge of his area of expertise, i.e., the teaching/learning process; s/he may function as a consultant to others to enhance the educational potential of their role or s/he may work with a team or with communities or groups of patients. Specific competencies and knowledge are required of the health education specialist; and there is a body of learning and social change theory which provides a frame of reference for planning, implementing and evaluating educational programs. Working with others to enhance their potential to learn and to make informed decisions about health/disease issues is the hallmark of the health education specialist.
Concepts such as righteousness, equality, tolerance and freedom are nowadays considered fundamental issues that should prevail in any society. Balance and righteousness thrive however on a very thin layer. We are, in fact, living in an era of duality and antithetical paradigms. This essay approaches two Renaissance authors who dealt with the same matters in their works, at a very different time and through different ways of reflection: Thomas More and Sir Walter Raleigh.
As artes culinárias, os seus intervenientes e a envolvente associada às mesmas, assumem hoje um interesse crescente por parte dos consumidores, podendo funcionar como uma ferramenta de educação, tornando os consumidores mais recetivos à influência da alimentação na saúde. Por outro lado, o entretenimento direcionado para alimentação poderá conduzir o consumidor a um desvio das suas práticas alimentares saudáveis, envolvendo os espetadores numa fantasia e glamour, de cenários encenados que parecem reais em particular para pessoas sem qualificações em artes culinárias. Esta investigação pretende aferir a perceção dos Chefs sobre o conceito de alimentação saudável e a sua influência no bem-estar das pessoas na região da grande Lisboa. Metodologicamente, realizaram-se entrevistas a Chefs, privilegiando o método qualitativo. A informação recolhida foi tratada recorrendo-se à análise de conteúdo, utilizando-se o software QSR Nvivo 10®. As entrevistas seguiram um guião pré-estabelecido, incidindo sobre os seguintes temas: i) hábitos alimentares dos Chefs em casa; ii) perceção sobre alimentação saudável; iii) práticas em contexto de trabalho. Os Chefs percecionaram corretamente o conceito de alimentação saudável e associaram o bem-estar como o principal benefício associado à sua prática. Porém, nos seus locais de trabalho, os Chefs referem que se sentem pressionados pelas questões economicistas aquando da elaboração das suas receitas. Importa pois promover uma oferta alimentar atrativa e simultaneamente saudável, contribuindo para o bem-estar das pessoas.
Joining efforts of academic and corporate teams, we developed an integration architecture - MULTIS - that enables corporate e-learning managers to use a Learning Management System (LMS) for management of educational activities in virtual worlds. This architecture was then implemented for the Formare LMS. In this paper we present this architecture and concretizations of its implementation for the Second Life Grid/OpenSimulator virtual world platforms. Current systems are focused on activities managed by individual trainers, rather than groups of trainers and large numbers of trainees: they focus on providing the LMS with information about educational activities taking place in a virtual world and/or being able to access within the virtual world some of the information stored in the LMS, and disregard the streamlining of activity setup and data collection in multi-trainer contexts, among other administrative issues. This architecture aims to overcome the limitations of existing systems for organizational management of corporate e-learning activities.
Considering that in most developing countries there are still no comprehensive lists of addresses for a given geographical area, there has always been a problem in drawing samples from the community, ensuring randomisation in the selection of the subjects. This article discusses the geographical stratification by socio-economic status used to draw a multistage random sample from a community-based elderly population living in a city like S. Paulo - Brazil. Particular attention is given to the fact that the proportion of elderly people in the total population of a certain area appeared to be a good discriminatory variable for such stratification. The validity of the stratification method is analysed in the light of the socio-economic results obtained in the survey.
The nutritional status according to anthropometric data was assessed in 756 schoolchildren from 5 low-income state schools and in one private school in the same part of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The prevalence of stunting and wasting (cut-off point: <90% ht/age and <80% wt/ht) ranged in the public schools from 6.2 to 15.2% and 3.3 to 24.0%, respectively, whereas the figures for the private school were 2.3 and 3.5%, respectively. Much more obesity was found in the private school (18.0%) than in the state schools (0.8 - 6.2%). Nutritional problems seem to develop more severely in accordance with the increasing age of the children. Therefore it appears advisable to assess schoolchildren within the context of a nutritional surveillance system.
Subsequent pregnancies in mothers of a birth cohort from Pelotas, Southern Brazil, were studied in relation to maternal and socio-economic factors. Within about 3 1/2 years of the cohort child's birth, 39% of mothers had experienced at least one further pregnancy. This proportion decreased with increasing maternal age, years of schooling and family income. A U-shaped trend was observed with respect to parity. Mothers who had delivered the cohort child by caesarean section were also less likely to have another pregnancy within that time. Logistic regression analysis showed that each of these factors remained significantly associated with further pregnancies after controlling for the remaining variables. Analysis of the first subsequent pregnancy showed that a high proportion of mothers had not wanted the pregnancy. Unwanted pregnancies were also significantly associated with older women, low educational status, higher parity and low family income.
Methodological issues in research with children have sparked a growing interest by the Sociology of Childhood since the last decades. In Portugal, this interest is more recent, but it has had a significant increase. Considering several researches, namely master thesis, supervised by the authors on the framework of Sociology of Childhood, this proposal intends to characterize some methodological complexities in research with children in Portugal, when we consider their voice and agency in the knowledge producing about them. The goal of this paper is to contribute to the methodological discussion on research with children through the identification of a set of challenges related to: (i) the diversity of methodologies uses in children’s research, (ii) ethical concerns and (iii) the role of the researcher.
A área de comercialização de energia eléctrica conheceu uma profunda mudança após a liberalização do sector eléctrico, que levou à criação de algumas entidades, as quais gerem os mercados de electricidade europeus. Relativamente a Portugal e Espanha, durante esse processo de liberalização, deu-se também um acordo que os levou à criação de um mercado conjunto, um mercado Ibérico (MIBEL). Dentro deste mercado estão contemplados dois operadores, sendo que um deles representa o pólo Português (OMIP) e o outro representa o pólo Espanhol (OMEL). O OMIP contempla os mercados a prazo, ou futuros, normalmente apresenta contratos de energia comercializada com durabilidade de semanas, meses, trimestres, semestres ou mesmo anos. Diariamente estes contratos poderão vencer no OMEL, que engloba os mercados, diário e intradiário. Este, ao contrário do OMIP negoceia para o dia seguinte (mercado diário) ou para uma determinada altura do dia (mercado intra diário). O mercado diário será o exemplo usado para a criação do simulador interactivo do mercado de energia eléctrica. Este será composto por diversos utilizadores (jogadores), que através de uma plataforma HTML irão investir em centrais de energia eléctrica, negociar licitações e analisar o funcionamento e resultados deste mercado. Este jogo subdividir-se-á então em 3 fases: 1. Fase de investimento; 2. Fase de venda (licitações); 3. Fase de mercado. Na fase do investimento, o jogador terá a possibilidade de adquirir unidades de geração de energia eléctrica de seis tipos de tecnologia: 1. Central a Carvão; 2. Central de Ciclo Combinado; 3. Central Hídrica; 4. Central Eólica; 5. Central Solar; 6. Central Nuclear. Com o decorrer das jogadas o jogador poderá aumentar a sua capacidade de investimento, com a venda de energia, sendo o vencedor aquele que mais saldo tiver no fim do número de jogadas previamente definidos, ou aquele que mais depressa atingir o saldo definido como limite pelo administrador do jogo. A nível pedagógico este simulador é muito interessante pois para além de o utilizador ficar a conhecer as tecnologias em causa e as vantagens e desvantagens das centrais de energia renovável e das centrais a combustíveis fósseis, este ganha igualmente uma sensibilidade para questões de nível ambiental, tais como o aumento dos gases de estufa e o degelo resultante do aquecimento global provocado por esses gases. Para além do conhecimento adquirido na parte de energia eléctrica este jogo dará a conhecer ao utilizador o funcionamento do mercado da energia eléctrica, bem como as tácticas que este poderá usar a seu favor neste tipo de mercado.
No centro desta reflexão teórica situa-se a conjuntura sociopolítica que fez (re)emergir o 1.º ciclo do ensino básico como “problema” de política educativa, ou seja, como terreno prioritário para o Estado, através do Governo, formular e executar um “modelo” de operacionalização da política de “Escola a Tempo Inteiro” (ETI). Analisamos esta política reportando-a a referenciais de representação de um “novo modelo educativo” (dimensão educativa), de um “novo paradigma de escola pública” (dimensão política) e de uma “nova conceção de administração da educação” (dimensão administrativa). O recurso ao quadro heurístico da “análise das políticas públicas” permite pôr em evidência as representações e a ação governativas. At the centre of this theoretical reflection is the socio-political conjuncture that (re)emerged the 1st. cycle of basic education as an education policy “problem”, that is to say, a priority ground to the State, through the Government, create and implement an operational “model” for “full-time school” policy. We analyse this policy by referring to the referential representation of a “new educational model” (educational dimension), a “new paradigm of public school” (political dimension) and a “new conception of educational administration” (administrative dimension). The use of the heuristic framework of “public policy analysis” allows us to highlight the representations and governmental action.
Despite a massive expansion of education in Portugal, since the 1970’s, educational attainment of the adult population in the country remains low. The numbers of working-age people in some form of continuing education are among the lowest, according to the OECD and EU-27 statistics. Technological Schools(TS), initially created in the 1990’s, under the umbrella of the Ministry of Economy in partnership with industry and industrial associations, aimed to prepare qualified staff for industries and services in the country, particularly in the engineering sector, through the provision of post secondary non-university programmes of studies, the CET (Technological Specialization Courses). Successful CET students are awarded a DET(Diploma of Technological Specialization), which corresponds to Vocational Qualification level IV of the EU, according to the latest alteration (2005) of the Education Systems Act (introduced in 1986). In this, CET’s are also clearly defined as one of the routes for access to Higher Education (HE), in Portugal. The PRILHE (Promoting Reflective and Independent Learning in Higher Education) multinational project, funded by the European Socrates Grundtvig Programme, aimed to identify the learning processes which enable adult students in higher education to become autonomous reflective learners and search best practices to support these learning processes. During this research, both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to determine how students organise their studies and develop their learning skills. The Portuguese partner in the project’ consortium used a two case studies approach, one with students of Higher Education Institutions and other with students of TS. This paper only applies to students of TS, as these have a predominant bias towards engineering. Results show that student motivation and professional teaching support contribute equally to the development of an autonomous and reflective approach to learning in adult students; this is essential for success in a knowledge economy, where lifelong learning is the key to continuous employment.
Eastwards / Westwards: Which Direction for Gender Studies in the XXIst Century? is a collection of essays which focus on themes and methods that characterize current research into gender in Asian countries in general. In this collection, ideas derived from Gender Studies elsewhere in the world have been subjected to scrutiny for their utility in helping to describe and understand regional phenomena. But the concepts of Local and Global – with their discoursive productions – have not functioned as a binary opposition: localism and globalism are mutually constitutive and researchers have interrogated those spaces of interaction between the ‘self’ and the ‘other’, bearing in mind their own embeddedness in social and cultural structures and their own historical memory. Contributors to this collection provided a critical transnational perspective on some of the complex effects of the dynamics of cultural globalization, by exploring the relation between gender and development, language, historiography, education and culture. We have also given attention to the ideological and rhetorical processes through which gender identity is constructed, by comparing textual grids and patterns of expectation. Likewise, we have discussed the role of ethnography, anthropology, historiography, sociology, fiction, popular culture and colonial and post-colonial sources in (re)inventing old/new male/female identities, their conversion into concepts and circulation through time and space. This multicultural and trans-disciplinary selection of essays is totally written in English, fully edited and revised, therefore, it has a good potential for an immediate international circulation. This project may trace new paths and issues for discussion on what concerns the life, practices and narratives by and about women in Asia, as well as elsewhere in the present day global experience. Academic readership: Researchers, scholars, educators, graduate and post-graduate students, doctoral students and general non-fiction readers, with a special interest in Gender Studies, Asia, Colonial and Post-Colonial Literature, Anthropology, Cultural Studies, History, Historiography, Politics, Race, Feminism, Language, Linguistics, Power, Political and Feminist Agendas, Popular Culture, Education, Women’s Writing, Religion, Multiculturalism, Globalisation, Migration. Chapter summary: 1. “Social Gender Stereotypes and their Implication in Hindi”, Anjali Pande, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. This essay looks at the subtle ways in which gender identities are constructed and reinforced in India through social norms of language use. Language itself becomes a medium for perpetuating gender stereotypes, forcing its speakers to confirm to socially defined gender roles. Using examples from a classroom discussion about a film, this essay will highlight the underlying rigid male-female stereotypes in Indian society with their more obvious expressions in language. For the urban woman in India globalisation meant increased economic equality and exposure to changed lifestyles. On an individual level it also meant redefining gender relations and changing the hierarchy in man-woman relationships. With the economic independence there is a heightened sense of liberation in all spheres of social life, a confidence to fuzz the rigid boundaries of gender roles. With the new films and media celebrating this liberated woman, who is ready to assert her sexual needs, who is ready to explode those long held notions of morality, one would expect that the changes are not just superficial. But as it soon became obvious in the course of a classroom discussion about relationships and stereotypes related to age, the surface changes can not become part of the common vocabulary, for the obvious reason that there is still a vast gap between the screen image of this new woman and the ground reality. Social considerations define the limits of this assertiveness of women, whereas men are happy to be liberal within the larger frame of social sanctions. The educated urban woman in India speaks in favour of change and the educated urban male supports her, but one just needs to scratch the surface to see the time tested formulae of gender roles firmly in place. The way the urban woman happily balances this emerging promise of independence with her gendered social identity, makes it necessary to rethink some aspects of looking at gender in a gradually changing, traditional society like India. 2. “The Linguistic Dimension of Gender Equality”, Alissa Tolstokorova, Kiev Centre for Gender Information and Education, Ukraine. The subject-matter of this essay is gender justice in language which, as I argue, may be achieved through the development of a gender-related approach to linguistic human rights. The last decades of the 20th century, globally marked by a “gender shift” in attitudes to language policy, gave impetus to the social movement for promoting linguistic gender equality. It was initiated in Western Europe and nowadays is moving eastwards, as ideas of gender democracy progress into developing countries. But, while in western societies gender discrimination through language, or linguistic sexism, was an issue of concern for over three decades, in developing countries efforts to promote gender justice in language are only in their infancy. My argument is that to promote gender justice in language internationally it is necessary to acknowledge the rights of women and men to equal representation of their gender in language and speech and, therefore, raise a question of linguistic rights of the sexes. My understanding is that the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights in 1996 provided this opportunity to address the problem of gender justice in language as a human rights issue, specifically as a gender dimension of linguistic human rights. 3. “The Rebirth of an Old Language: Issues of Gender Equality in Kazakhstan”, Maria Helena Guimarães, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal. The existing language situation in Kazakhstan, while peaceful, is not without some tension. We propose to analyze here some questions we consider relevant in the frame of cultural globalization and gender equality, such as: free from Russian imperialism, could Kazakhstan become an easy prey of Turkey’s “imperialist dream”? Could these traditionally Muslim people be soon facing the end of religious tolerance and gender equality, becoming this new old language an easy instrument for the infiltration in the country of fundamentalism (it has already crossed the boarders of Uzbekistan), leading to a gradual deterioration of its rich multicultural relations? The present structure of the language is still very fragile: there are three main dialects and many academics defend the re-introduction of the Latin alphabet, thus enlarging the possibility of cultural “contamination” by making the transmission of fundamentalist ideas still easier through neighbour countries like Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan (their languages belong to the same sub-group of Common Turkic), where the Latin alphabet is already in use, and where the ground for such ideas shown itself very fruitful. 4. “Construction of Womanhood in the Bengali Language of Bangladesh”, Raasheed Mahmood; University of New South Wales, Sydney. The present essay attempts to explore the role of gender-based language differences and of certain markers that reveal the status accorded to women in Bangladesh. Discrimination against women, in its various forms, is endemic in communities and countries around the world, cutting across class, race, age, and religious and national boundaries. One cannot understand the problems of gender discrimination solely by referring to the relationship of power or authority between men and women. Rather one needs to consider the problem by relating it to the specific social formation in which the image of masculinity and femininity is constructed and reconstructed. Following such line of reasoning this essay will examine the nature of gender bias in the Bengali language of Bangladesh, holding the conviction that as a product of social reality language reflects the socio-cultural behaviour of the community who speaks it. This essay will also attempt to shed some light on the processes through which gender based language differences produce actual consequences for women, who become exposed to low self-esteem, depression and systematic exclusion from public discourse. 5. “Marriage in China as an expression of a changing society”, Elisabetta Rosado David, University of Porto, Portugal, and Università Ca’Foscari, Venezia, Italy. In 29 April 2001, the new Marriage Law was promulgated in China. The first law on marriage was proclaimed in 1950 with the objective of freeing women from the feudal matrimonial system. With the second law, in 1981, values and conditions that had been distorted by the Cultural Revolution were recovered. Twenty years later, a new reform was started, intending to update marriage in the view of the social and cultural changes that occurred with Deng Xiaoping’s “open policy”. But the legal reform is only the starting point for this case-study. The rituals that are followed in the wedding ceremony are often hard to understand and very difficult to standardize, especially because China is a vast country, densely populated and characterized by several ethnic minorities. Two key words emerge from this issue: syncretism and continuity. On this basis, we can understand tradition in a better way, and analyse whether or not marriage, as every social manifestation, has evolved in harmony with Chinese culture. 6. “The Other Woman in the Portuguese Colonial Empire: The Case of Portuguese India”, Maria de Deus Manso, University of Évora, Portugal. This essay researches the social, cultural and symbolic history of local women in the Portuguese Indian colonial enclaves. The normative Portuguese overseas history has not paid any attention to the “indigenous” female populations in colonial Portuguese territories, albeit the large social importance of these social segments largely used in matrimonial and even catholic missionary strategies. The first attempt to open fresh windows in the history of this new field was the publication of Charles Boxer’s referential study about Women in lberian Overseas Expansion, edited in Portugal only after the Revolution of 1975. After this research we can only quote some other fragmentary efforts. In fact, research about the social, cultural, religious, political and symbolic situation of women in the Portuguese colonial territories, from the XVI to the XX century, is still a minor historiographic field. In this essay we discuss this problem and we study colonial representations of women in the Portuguese Indian enclaves, mainly in the territory of Goa, using case studies methodologies. 7. “Heading East this Time: Critical Readings on Gender in Southeast Asia”, Clara Sarmento, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal. This essay intends to discuss some critical readings of fictional and theoretical texts on gender condition in Southeast Asian countries. Nowadays, many texts about women in Southeast Asia apply concepts of power in unusual areas. Traditional forms of gender hegemony have been replaced by other powerful, if somewhat more covert, forms. We will discuss some universal values concerning conventional female roles as well as the strategies used to recognize women in political fields traditionally characterized by male dominance. Female empowerment will mean different things at different times in history, as a result of culture, local geography and individual circumstances. Empowerment needs to be perceived as an individual attitude, but it also has to be facilitated at the macrolevel by society and the State. Gender is very much at the heart of all these dynamics, strongly related to specificities of historical, cultural, ethnic and class situatedness, requiring an interdisciplinary transnational approach.
A escola é o centro de convergência que justifica e fundamenta os recursos alocados ao sistema educativo. Durante o normal funcionamento das escolas, as condições de segurança, salubridade dos edifícios e equipamentos devem ser previstas e mantidas para garantir a salvaguarda da saúde e bem-estar dos seus ocupantes. A responsabilidade sobre estas questões encontra-se transferida para os Órgãos de Gestão dos estabelecimentos educativos. Neste âmbito efectuou-se um estudo que objectivou caracterizar a organização e a gestão escolar, no contexto da segurança, higiene e saúde; conhecer a forma da organização e da gestão da emergência nos estabelecimentos de ensino e o grau de satisfação dos gestores escolares relativamente aspectos relacionados com a Segurança, Higiene e Saúde. Neste sentido, foi aplicado um inquérito por questionário on-line, dirigido aos directores dos agrupamentos de escolas e escolas únicas da Região Norte de Portugal. Na generalidade os resultados obtidos demonstraram que ao nível da organização e gestão da emergência é evidenciada alguma preocupação, constatando-se no entanto, que nem todas as escolas possuam delegado de segurança, algumas não possuem plano de segurança, apenas metade evidenciou a existência de projectos educativos em áreas relacionadas com a temática e não existe ainda uma participação efectiva no seio escolar por parte da comunidade. Os gestores escolares, relativamente ao grau de satisfação, referiram as condições das infra-estruturas e estado de conservação dos estabelecimentos escolares, como factores de maior descontentamento. Percepcionou-se que a gestão escolar é centrada nos problemas do quotidiano, não existindo uma planificação ou um programa legitimado de segurança, higiene e saúde a longo prazo. A análise à actuação do gestor escolar face à segurança e higiene, não pode efectuar-se alheia e separadamente do actual regime de autonomia, administração e gestão dos estabelecimentos públicos da educação pré-escolar e dos ensinos básico e secundário, porque o desempenho dos diferentes actores no processo educativo é por si condicionada. Cabe ao gestor escolar, na figura do Director(a) consagrar a segurança, higiene e saúde integradas na dinâmica escolar, promovendo um ambiente escolar mais saudável e seguro.