870 resultados para Social network


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Objetivos: O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar as caractersticas estruturais, funcionais e relacionais-contextuais das redes sociais pessoais de famlias unipessoais idosas. Metodologia: Utilizmos para recolha de dados um questionrio para caracterizar sociodemograficamente a amostra, o Instrumento de Anlise da Rede Social Pessoal (verso para idosos) (IARSP-Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe e Vicente 2012) e a escala de solido UCLA (Neto, 1989). Participantes: A amostra constituda por 567 indivduos com mdia de idades de 75,53 anos, maioritariamente do sexo feminino (63,0%; n = 357). Predominam os sujeitos casados (53,7%; n = 304), com filhos (87,8%; n = 498) e em situao de coabitao (n = 450; 79,4%). Contudo, 20,6% (n = 117) vivem ss, constituindo as famlias unipessoais. Resultados: As redes sociais dos idosos tm em mdia 7,99 elementos, predominantemente familiares (M = 76,89%). Os participantes percecionam um nvel elevado de apoio por parte das suas redes. So redes coesas, pouco dispersas e os contactos entre os elementos so frequentes. As mulheres, os indivduos solteiros, vivos ou divorciados e os idosos sem filhos tm uma maior probabilidade de viverem ss (p < 0,05) e estes apresentam uma maior probabilidade de necessitar de apoio social formal (p < 0,05). As famlias unipessoais, quando comparadas com os que no vivem ss, apresentam um maior nmero de campos relacionais e maior proporo de relaes de amizade e de vizinhana (p < 0,05). Tm menor perceo de apoio material e instrumental, informativo, companhia social, acesso a novos vnculos e reciprocidade de apoio (p < 0,05). Alm disso, referem menor frequncia de contactos e uma maior disperso geogrfica (p < 0,05). Nas famlias unipessoais, observou-se a existncia de correlaes negativas significativas (p < 0,05) entre a percepo de solido e o tamanho da rede, a proporo das relaes familiares na rede, o apoio emocional e informativo e a reciprocidade de apoio. CONCLUSO: Os idosos com famlias unipessoais percecionam menor apoio por parte das suas redes, tendo uma maior propenso solido. fundamental, ao longo do ciclo vital, promover a quantidade e qualidade dos vnculos, no sentido de manter a efetividade do suporte das redes mesmo quando se vive s. / Objectives: The present study aims to analyze the structural, functional and relational-contextual characteristics of older single-person households. Methodology: We used as instruments a questionnaire to evaluate sociodemographic data, the Instrumento de Anlise da Rede Social Pessoal (version for elderly people: IARSP-Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe e Vicente 2012) and the UCLA Loneliness Scale (Neto, 1989). Participants: The sample consists of 567 individuals with an average age of 75.53 years, mostly females (63.0%; n = 357). There is a predominance of married individuals (53.7%; n = 304) with children (87.8%; n = 498). Older people live mainly in cohabitation (n = 450; 79.4%), however 20.6% oh them live alone, constituting one-person households. Results: The elderly personal social networks have 8 elements, on average, with a predominance of family relationships (M = 76.89%). The participants perceived a high level of support from their networks. In general the networks are cohesive, with low dispersion and have frequent contacts. The women, single, widowed or divorced and childless elderly are more likely to live alone (p < 0.05) and to need social services support (p < 0.05). The single-person households, compared with those who do not live alone, have a greater number of relational fields and a higher proportion of friendships and neighborhood relations (p < 0.05). They have a lower perception of material and informative support, social company and acess to new ties and reciprocal support (p < 0.05). They also refer lowest frequency of contacts and a wider geographical dispersion (p < 0.05). In single-person households there was a negative significant correlation between the perception of loneliness and the social network size, the proportion of family relationships in the network, emotional and informational support and reciprocal support. Conclusions: The elderly single-person households perceived less support from their networks and a greater propensity to loneliness. It is critical to promot the quality of ties, rather then their quantity, throughout the life cycle, in order to maintain the network effectiveness even when the person lives alone.


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Objetivos: Analisar as caratersticas sociodemogrficas e das redes sociais pessoais dos idosos de acordo com a composio das redes centrada na famlia. Metodologia: Para caraterizar as redes sociais pessoais utilizmos o Instrumento de Anlise da Rede Social e Pessoal Idosos (IARSP-idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe e Vicente, 2012) e um questionrio para descrever sociodemograficamente a amostra. Participantes: A amostra constituda por 567 idosos (M = 75,53 anos), com predominncia do sexo feminino (64,1%). A maioria casada (53,8%) e detm a 4 classe (51,3%). Os participantes, na sua maioria, tm filhos (87,8%) e no vivem ss (79,4%). Resultados: As redes so compostas em mdia por 8 elementos, dominadas por laos familiares (M = 76,90%). So redes coesas, com relaes interpessoais duradouras, com pouca disperso geogrfica e elevada frequncia de contactos. O apoio percebido nas redes sobretudo emocional e informativo. Quanto sua composio, 43,7% dos idosos tm uma rede exclusivamente familiar, 53,4% redes com famlia e outros campos relacionais e apenas 2,8% apresentam redes sem famlia. Os idosos com 76-85 anos, casados e com agregado familiar numeroso tm maior probabilidade de pertencer a redes exclusivamente familiares. Os idosos mais jovens e divorciados tendem a pertencer a redes mais diversificadas, enquanto as mulheres e os indivduos solteiros e sem filhos tm maior probabilidade de no ter laos familiares nas suas redes, compensando a sua ausncia com relaes de amizade e de vizinhana. As redes exclusivamente familiares esto associadas a maior perceo de apoio emocional, material e instrumental, companhia social e reciprocidade de apoio. As redes com famlia e outras composies caraterizam-se por ter mais elementos e uma maior disperso geogrfica. As redes sem famlia so as mais reduzidas e so normalmente homogneas para o gnero feminino e a nvel etrio, no grupo idoso. Concluses: Fica patente o papel central das famlias nas redes e no apoio informal. Contudo, ser essencial potenciar a diversificao e manuteno dos vnculos promovendo o acesso a novos contactos ao longo de todo o ciclo vital, de forma a garantir uma rede social pessoal diversificada e efetiva, em vnculos e recursos, que complemente as necessidades e favorea o bem-estar da pessoa idosa. / Objectives: To analyze the sociodemographical and personal social networks characteristics of the elderly according to the composition of the networks centered on the families. Methodology: For characterizing the personal social networks we used the Instrumento de Anlise da Rede Social Pessoal (IARSP-Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe e Vicente, 2012) and for sociodemographic characteristics we used a questionnaire. Participants: The sample consisted of 567 elderly (M = 75.53 years), mainly female (64.1%). The majority are married (53.8%) and have the 4th grade (51,3%). Overall the participants have offspring (87.8%) and do not live alone (79.4%). Results: On average, the networks have 8 elements, mostly relatives (M = 76.90%). The networks are cohesive, long-lasting, have a low geographical spread and we observed a high frequency of contacts. The networks provide mostly emotional (M = 2.64) and informative support (M = 2.37). Regarding its composition, 43.7% of the elderly have an exclusively family network, 53.4% have networks with family members and other relational fields and only 2.8% have no relatives in their networks. The elderly whose age is between 76-85 years, married and with a large household are more likely to belong to exclusively family networks. Younger and divorced elderly tend to belong to more diverse networks, as women and individuals unmarried and without offspring are more likely to do not have family bounds in their networks, with a higher proportion of friends and neighbors. Exclusively family networks are associated with greater perception of emotional, material and instrumental support, social company and reciprocal support. Networks with family and other fields are characterized by having more elements and a greater geographical spread. The social networks without family are smaller and are usually homogeneous for female gender and age, in the elderly group. Conclusions: The role of families in providing informational support is clear. However, it will be essential to enhance the diversification and maintain ties that promote access to new contacts throughout our entire life, to ensure a diversified social network that will be effective in bonds and resources that complement the needs and encourages the well-being of the elderly.


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Objetivos: A investigao tem como objetivo geral analisar a associao entre a mobilidade nos idosos e as caractersticas estruturais, funcionais e relacionais-contextuais das suas redes sociais pessoais. Metodologia: No nosso estudo utilizmos o Instrumento de Anlise da Rede Social Pessoal, IARSP, verso idosos (IARSP Idosos de Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012; Guadalupe, 2009), que permite caracterizar a rede social pessoal do individuo e uma questo do WHOQOL (OMS; Canavarro et al., 2006) para avaliar a perceo de mobilidade. Participantes: A amostra constituda por 446 idosos com idades compreendidas entre os 65 anos e os 98 anos. Os participantes so na sua maioria do sexo feminino (63,9%; n = 285), casados (51,6%; n = 230) e com escolaridade (65,9%; n = 294). Resultados: Verifica-se que so os idosos do sexo feminino, os casados e com escolaridade, aqueles que apresentam uma mdia mais elevada de mobilidade percebida. Constata-se que existe uma maior proporo de idosos cuja mobilidade boa ou muito boa (48,2%; n = 215) em comparao com os que tm uma mobilidade nem boa nem m (26,5%; n = 118) e com os que a mobilidade m ou muito m (25,3%; n = 113). Quanto s caractersticas estruturais, os idosos que apresentam melhor mobilidade percebida tm uma mdia mais elevada na proporo das relaes familiares nas redes (M = 77%), quanto s caractersticas funcionais, na companhia social (M = 2,37), apesar de no existirem diferenas significativas, e na reciprocidade de apoio (M = 3,53; p= 0,002), e consideram estar muito satisfeitos com a rede (M = 2,87, p= 0,059), quando tais caractersticas comparadas com as dos idosos com pior mobilidade. Verificam-se tambm diferenas entre as subamostras quer no apoio material e instrumental (M = 2,30; p = 0,013) e no apoio informativo (M = 2,44; p = 0,001), registando o grupo das pessoas com pior mobilidade as mdias mais baixas. Quanto s caractersticas relacionais contextuais, na durabilidade das relaes, os sujeitos com mobilidade m ou muito m apresentam uma mdia mais elevada (M = 42,41 anos; p = 0,025). Concluso: Segundo a pior ou melhor mobilidade, nas caractersticas funcionais que se assinalam as principais diferenas estatisticamente significativas, o que nos permitem afirmar uma associao entre mobilidade nos idosos e as relaes interpessoais, pelo contedo das relaes e pelo apoio que percecionam. Conclumos que os idosos que se consideram com melhor mobilidade apresentam, na generalidade, caractersticas de rede social mais positivas quando comparados com os que tm menor mobilidade percebida. /Objectives: The main goal of the research is to analyze the association between mobility in the elderly and the structural, functional and relational-contextual characteristics of their personal social networks. Methodology: In our study, we used the Social Personal Network Assessment Tool IARSP , elderly version (IARSP-Idosos of Guadalupe Vicente, 2012; Guadalupe, 2009), enabling an individual's personal social network and a question of WHOQOL (WHO; Canavarro and such, 2006) to evaluate their perception of functionality of mobility. Participants: The study has 446 elderly participants aged between 65 years and 98 years. Participants are mostly female (63,9%; N = 285), married (51,6%; N = 230) and with education (65,9%; N = 294). Results: We found that older women, married and with education are those with a better mobility. It is noted that there is a greater proportion of elderly people whose mobility is "good or very good" (48.2%, n = 215) compared to those with a mobility "neither good nor bad" (26.5%, n = 118) and the mobility is "bad or very bad" (25.3%; n = 113). Regarding the structural characteristics, seniors who have better perceived mobility have a higher average in the proportion of family relationships in networks (M = 77%; p 0,331), and for the functional characteristics as social company (2, 37; p = 0,418), reciprocal support (3.53; p = 0.002), and satisfaction with their network (M = 2.87; p = 0.059) when these characteristics are compared with those of older people with poor mobility. Exist also statistically significant differences between subsamples either in the material and instrumental support (M = 2.30; p = 0.013) and informational support (M = 2.44; p = 0.001), recording the group of people with poorest mobility. For the relational and contextual characteristics, individuals with mobility "bad or very bad" have a higher mean durability of relationships (M = 42.41; p = 0.025). Conclusion: According to better or worse mobility, the functional characteristics indicates major differences between subsamples, that allow us to assert an association between mobility in the elderly and the content of interpersonal relationships, as well as the perception of support. We conclude that the elderly who consider themselves to have better mobility in general, have more positive social networking features when compared to those with lower perceived mobility.


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Tese de doutoramento em Psicologia, na especialidade de Psicologia das Organizaes, do Trabalho e dos Recursos Humanos


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Introduo: A presena do diagnstico de autismo numa criana algo marcante no seio familiar. Implica inmeros desafios para os seus pais/progenitores, podendo influenciar os objetivos delineados para as suas vidas e a satisfao na relao conjugal. Os nossos objetivos foram: caraterizar progenitores de crianas com autismo quanto aos objetivos de vida e satisfao na vida conjugal e explorar as associaes existentes entre estas duas variveis (e com variveis sociodemogrficas e relativas ao apoio recebido). No deixamos de explorar os nveis de depresso, ansiedade, e stress, vivenciados por estes pais. Metodologia: 66 progenitores (sexo feminino, n = 52, 78,8%; idade mdia, M = 40,2, DP = 6,45) de crianas com autismo preencheram um questionrio sociodemogrfico, o Teste dos objetivos de vida/PIL-R, a Escala de Avaliao da Satisfao em reas da Vida Conjugal/EASAVIC e a Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21/DASS-21. Resultados: Os progenitores revelaram valores mdios de objetivos de vida (PIL-R). Foi na dimenso vivencial (PIL-R) e nas dimenses Comunicao e Intimidade Emocional (satisfao em reas da vida conjugal/EASAVIC) que os progenitores apresentaram valores mdios mais elevados. No caso da DASS-21, foi na escala Stress que os progenitores apresentaram valores mais elevados. Porm, em todas as dimenses da DASS-21, os nveis encontrados foram normais. No se verificaram diferenas estatisticamente significativas por sexo em todas as dimenses do PIL-R, da EASAVIC e DASS-21. Ambas as dimenses do PIL-R, dimensional e existencial, bem como a sua pontuao total mostraram estar associadas com todas as dimenses da EASAVIC (satisfao em reas da vida conjugal). As trs dimenses da DASS-21 (Depresso, Ansiedade e Stress) revelaram estar associada (negativamente) com praticamente todas as dimenses da EASAVIC e do PIL-R. Os progenitores que pertenciam a associaes de apoio apenas se diferenciaram dos progenitores que pertenciam a um grupo (de apoio e partilha) numa rede social na dimenso Ansiedade, com estes ltimos a apresentarem um nvel mais elevado. Discusso: Neste estudo (ainda que numa amostra de tamanho reduzido), inovador pelo tema explorado, os nveis dos objetivos de vida e de satisfao em reas da vida conjugal (bem como de sintomas de psicopatologia) pareceram no sofrer o impacto associado ao facto dos progenitores terem um filho com autismo. Os objetivos de vida mantidos por estes pais influenciam a sua satisfao com a vida conjugal e vice-versa, indicando a importncia das equipas que trabalham com estes pais no esquecerem a promoo destas variveis. / Introduction: The presence of the diagnosis of autism in a child is something remarkable in the family. Involves many challenges for parents/progenitors, which can influence the goals they define in their lives and their satisfaction with the marital relationship. Our objectives were to characterize parents of children with autism on the objectives of life and satisfaction with marital life and explore the associations between these two variables (and with sociodemographic and support variables). We will not forget to explore the levels of depression, anxiety, and stress, experienced by these parents. Methodology: 66 parents (females, n = 52, 78.8%, mean age, M = 40.2, SD = 6.45) of children with autism completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Test of Life Goals/PIL-R, the Areas of Marital Satisfaction Rating Scale/EASAVIC and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21/DASS-21. Results: Parents showed a mean value of life goals (PIL-R). Was in the experiential dimension (PIL-R) and the Communication and Emotional Intimacy dimensions (satisfaction in areas of marital life/EASAVIC) that the parents presented higher mean values. Regarding DASS-21, Stress was the scale in which the parents had higher values. However, in all the DASS-21, levels were normal. There were no statistically significant differences by gender in all the PIL-R, EASAVIC and DASS-21 scales. Both dimensions of the PIL-R, dimensional and existential, as well as the total score were found to be associated with all the dimensions of EASAVIC (satisfaction in areas of marital life). The three dimensions of the DASS-21 (Depression, Anxiety and Stress) revealed to be associated (negatively) with virtually all dimensions of the EASAVIC and the PIL-R. Parents who belonged to associations only differed from the parents from a social network group (of support and sharing) in the anxiety dimension, with the later presenting an higher level. Discussion: In this study (even if in a small sample size), innovative by the theme explored, levels of life goals and satisfaction in areas of marital life (as well as symptoms of psychopathology) seemed not to suffer from the impact of the parents having a child with autism. The life goals held by these parents influence their satisfaction with marital life and vice versa, indicating the importance of teams working with these parents of not forgetting the promotion of these variables.


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Objetivos: A investigao tem como objetivo geral analisar a associao entre a satisfao com a vida nos idosos e as caractersticas estruturais, funcionais e relacionais-contextuais das suas redes sociais pessoais. Metodologia: A recolha dos dados foi feita atravs de um questionrio sociodemogrfico, da Satisfaction With Life Scale SWLS (Diener, 1985) que permite avaliar o grau de satisfao com a vida e tambm do Instrumento de Avaliao da Rede Social Pessoal IARSP Idosos (Guadalupe, 2009; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012) que possibilita a anlise das caractersticas das redes sociais pessoais dos idosos. Participantes: A amostra constituda por 416 idosos com idades compreendidas entre os 65 anos e os 98 anos (M = 76,15; DP = 7,584). Os participantes so de ambos os sexos, mas na sua maioria do sexo feminino (63,7%; n = 265). A maioria dos sujeitos da amostra casada (51,2%; n = 213) e tem escolaridade (64,2%; n = 267). Resultados: Verifica-se que so as mulheres idosas, os casados e com escolaridade que percebem uma maior satisfao com a vida. Constata-se que existe uma maior proporo de idosos satisfeitos com a vida (53,8%; n = 83) em comparao com os medianamente satisfeitos (26,2%; n = 109) e com os insatisfeitos (20%; n = 83). Os idosos que apresentam uma maior satisfao percebida tm uma mdia mais elevada na proporo das relaes familiares nas redes (M = 80,67), no apoio emocional, material e instrumental, informativo, companhia social, e no acesso a novos vnculos, e consideram estar muito satisfeitos tanto com a rede (M = 2,92) como com o apoio que esta disponibiliza (M = 2,77). Concluso: Verificaram-se associaes estatisticamente significativas nas caractersticas estruturais da rede, no entanto so as caractersticas funcionais que atestam os principais resultados que nos permitem afirmar uma associao entre satisfao com a vida nos idosos e as relaes interpessoais, pelo contedo das relaes e pelo apoio que percecionam. Conclumos que os idosos que se consideram satisfeitos com a vida apresentavam, na generalidade, caractersticas de rede social mais positivas quando comparados com os que percebiam menor satisfao com a vida. / Objectives: The research has as main objective to analyze the association between life satisfaction in the elderly and the structural, functional and relational-contextual characteristics of their personal social networks. Methodology: The data collection was done through a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Satisfaction With Life Scale SWLS (Diener, 1985) that evaluates the degree of satisfaction with life and also the Personal Social Network Analysis Tool IARSP Elderly (Guadalupe, 2009; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012) for the analysis of personal social networks characteristics. Participants: The sample consisted of 416 elderly aged between 65 and 98 years (M = 76,15; SD = 7,584). Participants are both genders, but mostly female (63,7%; n =265). Most of the participants are married (51,2%; n = 213) and have education (64,2%; n = 267). Results: It is found that are the older women, married and with education that perceive a greater satisfaction with life. There is a greater proportion of elderly satisfied with the lives (53,8%; n = 83) compared to the moderately satisfied (26,2%; n = 109) and the unsatisfied (20%; n = 83). Seniors who have a higher satisfaction have a higher average in the proportion of family relationships in their networks (M = 80,67), emotional support, material and instrumental, informational, social companionship, and access to new bonds, and consider to be very satisfied with their social network (M = 2,92) and with the social support that it provides (M = 2,77). Conclusion: There were statistically significant associations in the structural characteristics of the network, however are the functional characteristics that allow us to state an association between life satisfaction in the elderly through interpersonal relationships, the content of relations and the support they perceive. We conclude that elderly people who consider themselves satisfied with life showed, in general, have more positive characteristics of social personal network when compared to those who perceive less satisfaction with life.


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Objetivos: O presente estudo tem como objectivo analisar as redes sociais e pessoais de idosos portugueses com filhos e sem filhos, relativamente s caractersticas estruturais, funcionais e relacionais-contextuais. Metodologia: Para a avaliao das variveis em estudo foram utilizados: o Instrumento de Anlise da Rede Social Pessoal, verso para idosos (IARSP Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012) para avaliar as dimenses da rede social pessoal; um inqurito por questionrio para caracterizao da amostra a nvel sociodemogrfico e sociofamiliar. Participantes: A amostra constituda por 418 idosos, com uma mdia de idades de 76 anos (DP=7,62), entre os 65 anos e os 98 anos, maioritariamente do sexo feminino (63,9%), casados ou em unio facto (51,0%) e com escolaridade (63,9,1%). A maioria dos idosos inquiridos vive com agregado familiar (80,4%) em zonas rurais (64,8) e no usufrui de qualquer tipo de apoio de resposta social (71,5%). Resultados: Os idosos com filhos so maioritrios (n=364; 87,1%) e os sem filhos os minoritrios (n=54; 12,9%) na nossa amostra. Dos que tm filhos, 29,9% (109) tm filhos nicos e 70,1% (255) tm mais do que um filho (67% com 1 ou 2 filhos), sendo os filhos maioritariamente de ambos os sexos (n=158; 43,4%). Os resultados sugerem que o facto de os idosos terem ou no terem filhos reflete-se sobretudo em diferenas nas caractersticas estruturais das redes. Os idosos com filhos apresentam uma mdia mais elevada no tamanho da rede, na proporo das relaes de familiares, e satisfao da rede e reciprocidade de apoio (p 0,001), a nvel das caractersticas funcionais. J relativamente proporo das relaes de amizade, vizinhana na rede, so os idosos sem filhos que apresentam uma mdia substantivamente mais elevada (p 0,003) do que a outra subamostra, apresentando tambm uma maior durabilidade das relaes interpessoais (p < 0,03). As correlaes entre o nmero total de filhos/as com as caractersticas estruturais e funcionais da rede, indicam-nos que quanto maior o nmero de filhos maior o tamanho da rede, a proporo das relaes familiares, o apoio emocional, a reciprocidade de apoio, a satisfao com a rede e com o suporte social. Concluses: O nosso estudo revela que as redes sociais pessoais dos idosos diferenciam-se a nvel estrutural segundo o facto de terem ou no filhos, mas tambm nalgumas variveis funcionais. Os idosos com filhos apresentam redes mais alargadas e muito centradas nas relaes familiares na rede (sensivelmente menos um tero) do que os idosos sem filhos. Os ltimos apresentam redes menores (com cerca de 2 pessoas a menos) e mais investidas nas relaes de amizade e de vizinhana (com propores que representam mais do dobro destes vnculos). / Goals: The present study has the purpose to analyze the personal social networks of Portuguese elder with our without sons/daughters, in their structural, functional and contextual relations. Methodology: We used for the evaluation of the variables: The Personal Social Network Analysis Tool, regarding elderly people (IARSP elderly people) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012), to evaluate the personal social network dimensions; a survey through an inquiry to characterize the sample at sociodemographic and at sociofamily level. Participants: The sample includes 418 elderly with an average age of 76 years old (DP = 7,62) between 65 and 98 years old, mainly women (63,9%), married or living as a couple (51,0%) with education (63,9,1%). Most of the elderly people who answered the survey live in family household (80,4%) in rural areas (64,8) and do not benefit from any type of social services support (71,5%). Results: The majority is elderly people with sons/daughters (n=364, 87,1%) and the ones without are the minority (n= 54, 12,9%) in our sample. Within those who are parents, 29,9% (109) have only one child and 70,1% (255) have more than one child (67% with 1 or 2), and the children are mainly of both sexes (n= 158; 43,4%). The results suggest that the fact that the elderly have or not have children is reflected especially in differences in the structural characteristics of the networks. Elderly people with children have a higher average in the network size, in the proportion of family relationships, and satisfaction of the network and reciprocal support (p 0,001). Regarding the proportion of friendly relations, network neighborhood, are the elderly without children who have a substantially higher mean (p 0,003) than the other subsample, also featuring improved durability of interpersonal relationships (p < 0,003). The correlations between the total number of children/with the structural and functional characteristics of the network, indicate that the greater the number of children, the greater the size of the network, the proportion of family relationships, emotional, support, reciprocity support and satisfaction with social network. Conclusion: Our study reveals that the personal social networks of the elderly differ in the structural level, according to whether they have sons/daughters or not, but also in some functional variables. The elderly with children have networks much more broader and centered on family relationships (roughly one-third) than elderly without children. These elderly without children have smaller networks (about 2 fewer people) and more centered in relations of friendship and neighborhood (with proportions that are more than the double compared to the other subsample).


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Uma rede social diz respeito a uma estrutura constituda por pessoas ou organizaes que partilham interesses, motivaes e valores comuns. Um ponto partilhado pelos diversos tipos de rede social a troca de informaes, conhecimentos, interesses e esforos na tentativa de atingir objectivos comuns, muitas vezes potencializando foras e recursos em situaes de crise. Recentemente tem-se ouvido falar bastante deste conceito aplicado internet. A maternidade constitui, por si s, um momento de crise na vida de cada famlia e de cada mulher, requerendo adaptaes e mudanas. O estudo realizado teve o intuito de avaliar o suporte online e offline (denominando-se essas ligaes de redes sociais), no caso especfico de assuntos ligados maternidade. Pretendeu-se verificar tambm se existia uma correlao entre estes tipos de suporte e os nveis de stress e solido sentidos pelas mes. Por ltimo, aferiu-se ainda a influncia que a idade dos filhos teria nesta adeso a grupos de suporte maternidade, no Facebook. Este estudo teve uma amostra constituda por 170 mulheres (mes), estando as suas idades compreendidas entre os 25 e os 62 anos. Os resultados revelaram que apesar de no haver diferenas estatisticamente significativas entre o apoio online e offline, as mulheres que pertencem a grupos do Facebook tendem a sentir mais suporte por parte das plataformas de suporte disponveis. Constatou-se ainda que no existem diferenas significativas entre os nveis de solido e stress, entre mes que pertencem a grupos e mes que no pertencem. Foi interessante verificar que as mulheres com filhos mais novos (faixa etria dos 0-4 anos) tm uma presena mais significativa em grupos de apoio maternidade, no Facebook. Pensamos que isso se deve s dvidas e ao stresse gerado por um primeiro filho ou pela introduo de mais um filho no ncleo familiar, nos primeiros anos em que tal ocorre, procurando por isso mais activamente grupos que ajudem como rede de suporte, para partilhas, apoio emocional e esclarecimento de dvidas. / A social network refers to a structure formed by individuals or organisations that share interests, motivations and common values. A feature shared by several types of social network is the exchange of information, knowledge, interests and efforts, in an attempt to achieve common goals, often potentiating strengths and resources in crisis situations. Recently, we have heard of this concept applied to the internet. Motherhood is, by itself, a moment of crisis in the life of every family and every woman, requiring adaptations and changes. This study aimed to assess online and offline supports (being these connections themselves denominated social networks), in the specific case of motherhood-related issues. It was also intended to confirm whether there was a correlation between these types of support and stress and loneliness levels sensed by mothers. Finally, it was evaluated as well the influence that the childrens age would have on this adherence to motherhood support groups on Facebook. This study had a sample of 170 women (mothers), with ages between 25 and 62 years. The results showed that, although there are no statistically significant differences between the online and offline support, women who belong to Facebook groups tend to feel more support from the available support platforms. It was shown as well that there are no significant differences between loneliness and stress levels among mothers who belong to groups and mothers who do not belong to those groups. It was interesting to find that women with young children (aged 0-4 years old) have a more significant presence in motherhood support groups on Facebook. We think that this is due to the doubts and the stress generated by a first child or the introduction of another child in the household, therefore making sense that they seek, in the early years of the childs life, groups that help as a support network, for shares, emotional support and answering questions.


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This work is a study in the Local Productive Arrangement of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco, as a relevant sector in economic and social aspect. This research has as central aim to understand how the inter-organizational relations influence the collective efficiency of arrangement. The theoretical framework employed highlights the approaches that deal with the benefits of business agglomeration for the development of firms and regions. It has discussed the approach of small and medium enter prises and industrial districts (SCHMITZ, 1997), which introduce the concept of col lective efficiency, explaining that only those externalities explained by Marshall (1996) are not sufficient to explain the competitive advantage of enterprises, expanding the idea that organizations achieve competitive advantage not acting alone. To examine the influences of relations in the collective efficiency, it has been taken as analytical perspective theory of social networks (GRANOVETTER, 1973, 1985; BURT, 1992; UZZI, 1997) because it has believe that this approach provides subsi dies for a structural analysis of social relationships in face the behavior of human action. By examining the organizations in a social network, you should understand the reason of this establishment of the relationship, their benefits, and as the information flow takes place and density of links between the actors (Powell; SMITH-DOERR, 1994). As for the methods, this study is characterized as a case study, in according to the purposed objectives, in addition to qualitative method. Also, due to recovering of the historical milestones of the arrangement, it is used a sectional approach with longitudinal perspective (VIEIRA, 2004). The primary and secondary data were used in order to understand the evolutionary process of the sector and their inter-actors re lationships in the arrangement for the promotion of development, for both, was used the contend and documentary analysis technique, respectively (DELLAGNELO ; SILVA, 2005). The approach of social networks has permitted understand that social relationships may extend the collective efficiency of the arrangement, and therefore need to develop policies that encourage the legalization of informal companies in arrangement, by showing up themselves representative. Thus, the relations estab lished in LPA of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco need for more effective mechanisms to broaden the collective efficiency. Therefore, this way as take place has directly benefited only a group of companies that are linked in some way the supportive institutions. So we can conclude that the inter-actor relations have limited the collective efficiency of LPA, being stimulated by the institutions in support only to groups of entrepreneurs, even those that produce external relations for all clustered companies


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This work is a case study based on Belm Jewelry Pole, whose main issue is to understand how the social network (which the Pole is inserted) influences on innovation process on this area. The main objective is to analyze how interorganizational networks impacted/impact on the potential for innovation, creating both limits and opportunities for the companies development. The adopted method analyzed the historical jewelry industry trajectory since the beginning of mineral extraction in the city of Itaituba (in the Par State) until nowadays. Primary and secondary data were used allowing the view of the dynamics of the network during transformation periods of the main involved actors in the process. The prospect of embeddedness structural as analysis technique allowed verifying the quality of interactors ties, as well as the visualization of their structures. During the jewelry industry trajectory was verified a change in the quality of social relations, modifying the information flow, trust and associations of various links in the production chain. Both direct and indirect ties facilitated the access to remote networks entering new information related to new products, processes and market aspects. This interaction has led to raising the innovation potential causing a qualitative and quantitative improvement in competitiveness of organizations. Some embedded ties allowed the formation of partnerships bringing various economic earnings for those involved in the relationship. Thus, it is understood how aspects related to the position, architecture and quality of ties in a wide social network influenced on the innovation process and eventual jewelry industry trajectory


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Analysis of seed exchange networks at a single point in time may reify sporadic relations into apparently fixed and long-lasting ones. In northern Cameroon, where environment is not only strongly seasonal but also shows unpredictable interannual variation, farmers&#8217; social networks are flexible from year to year. When adjusting their strategies, Tupuri farmers do not systematically solicit the same partners to acquire the desired propagules. Seed acquisitions documented during a single cropping season may thus not accurately reflect the underlying larger social network that can be mobilized at the local level. To test this hypothesis, we documented, at the outset of two cropping seasons (2010 and 2011), the relationships through which seeds were acquired by the members of 16 households in a Tupuri community. In 2011, farmers faced sudden failure of the rains and had to solicit distant relatives, highlighting their ability to quickly trigger specific social relations to acquire necessary seeding material. Observing the same set of individuals during two successive years and the seed sources they solicited in each year enabled us to discriminate repeated relations from sporadic ones. Although farmers did not acquire seeds from the same individuals from one year to the next, they relied on quite similar relational categories of people. However, the worse weather conditions during the second year led to (1) a shift from red sorghum seeds to pearl millet seeds, (2) a geographical extension of the network, and (3) an increased participation of women in seed acquisitions. In critical situations, women mobilized their own kin almost exclusively. We suggest that studying the seed acquisition network over a single year provides a misrepresentation of the underlying social network. Depending on the difficulties farmers face, they may occasionally call on relationships that transcend the local relationships used each year.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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In this work we thought about the social use of the domestic space and, specifically, the space destined to the preparation of food. The kitchen is a creative space of social relationships. There the families exchange daily interaction with the neighbors, in a collective of the space reserved to the making of food. Our empiric research was in the Mutamba da Caieira community, located in the county of Assu (RN). The data was collected through the etnographic method aided by the photographic resources. In the discussion, we delimitated at the house three types of kitchens: one reserved to the family, another kitchen in the terrace and yet another kitchen in the yard. They are kitchens that link amongst themselves with activities and differentiated temporalities. In the daily social exchange, the kitchen imposes itself as a social space through the conditions that it offers for the production of the foods, the circulation of domestic objects, the communication of knowledge around the cookery, operating a group of symbolic and ritual actions combined with appropriate techniques for the transformation of the foods. The study reveals that the domestic chores accomplished amon relatives and friends form webs of intracommunitary relationships in the use of the three kitchens, and that the social network is updated in a singular moment that usually happens in the community, the Game of Pacar


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Americans are accustomed to a wide range of data collection in their lives: census, polls, surveys, user registrations, and disclosure forms. When logging onto the Internet, users actions are being tracked everywhere: clicking, typing, tapping, swiping, searching, and placing orders. All of this data is stored to create data-driven profiles of each user. Social network sites, furthermore, set the voluntarily sharing of personal data as the default mode of engagement. But peoples time and energy devoted to creating this massive amount of data, on paper and online, are taken for granted. Few people would consider their time and energy spent on data production as labor. Even if some people do acknowledge their labor for data, they believe it is accessory to the activities at hand. In the face of pervasive data collection and the rising time spent on screens, why do people keep ignoring their labor for data? How has labor for data been become invisible, as something that is disregarded by many users? What does invisible labor for data imply for everyday cultural practices in the United States? Invisible Labor for Data addresses these questions. I argue that three intertwined forces contribute to framing data production as being void of labor: data production institutions throughout history, the Internets technological infrastructure (especially with the implementation of algorithms), and the multiplication of virtual spaces. There is a common tendency in the framework of human interactions with computers to deprive data and bodies of their materiality. My Introduction and Chapter 1 offer theoretical interventions by reinstating embodied materiality and redefining labor for data as an ongoing process. The middle Chapters present case studies explaining how labor for data is pushed to the margin of the narratives about data production. I focus on a nationwide debate in the 1960s on whether the U.S. should build a databank, contemporary Big Data practices in the data broker and the Internet industries, and the group of people who are hired to produce data for other peoples avatars in the virtual games. I conclude with a discussion on how the new development of crowdsourcing projects may usher in the new chapter in exploiting invisible and discounted labor for data.


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A primary goal of context-aware systems is delivering the right information at the right place and right time to users in order to enable them to make effective decisions and improve their quality of life. There are three key requirements for achieving this goal: determining what information is relevant, personalizing it based on the users context (location, preferences, behavioral history etc.), and delivering it to them in a timely manner without an explicit request from them. These requirements create a paradigm that we term as Proactive Context-aware Computing. Most of the existing context-aware systems fulfill only a subset of these requirements. Many of these systems focus only on personalization of the requested information based on users current context. Moreover, they are often designed for specific domains. In addition, most of the existing systems are reactive - the users request for some information and the system delivers it to them. These systems are not proactive i.e. they cannot anticipate users intent and behavior and act proactively without an explicit request from them. In order to overcome these limitations, we need to conduct a deeper analysis and enhance our understanding of context-aware systems that are generic, universal, proactive and applicable to a wide variety of domains. To support this dissertation, we explore several directions. Clearly the most significant sources of information about users today are smartphones. A large amount of users context can be acquired through them and they can be used as an effective means to deliver information to users. In addition, social media such as Facebook, Flickr and Foursquare provide a rich and powerful platform to mine users interests, preferences and behavioral history. We employ the ubiquity of smartphones and the wealth of information available from social media to address the challenge of building proactive context-aware systems. We have implemented and evaluated a few approaches, including some as part of the Rover framework, to achieve the paradigm of Proactive Context-aware Computing. Rover is a context-aware research platform which has been evolving for the last 6 years. Since location is one of the most important context for users, we have developed Locus, an indoor localization, tracking and navigation system for multi-story buildings. Other important dimensions of users context include the activities that they are engaged in. To this end, we have developed SenseMe, a system that leverages the smartphone and its multiple sensors in order to perform multidimensional context and activity recognition for users. As part of the SenseMe project, we also conducted an exploratory study of privacy, trust, risks and other concerns of users with smart phone based personal sensing systems and applications. To determine what information would be relevant to users situations, we have developed TellMe - a system that employs a new, flexible and scalable approach based on Natural Language Processing techniques to perform bootstrapped discovery and ranking of relevant information in context-aware systems. In order to personalize the relevant information, we have also developed an algorithm and system for mining a broad range of users preferences from their social network profiles and activities. For recommending new information to the users based on their past behavior and context history (such as visited locations, activities and time), we have developed a recommender system and approach for performing multi-dimensional collaborative recommendations using tensor factorization. For timely delivery of personalized and relevant information, it is essential to anticipate and predict users behavior. To this end, we have developed a unified infrastructure, within the Rover framework, and implemented several novel approaches and algorithms that employ various contextual features and state of the art machine learning techniques for building diverse behavioral models of users. Examples of generated models include classifying users semantic places and mobility states, predicting their availability for accepting calls on smartphones and inferring their device charging behavior. Finally, to enable proactivity in context-aware systems, we have also developed a planning framework based on HTN planning. Together, these works provide a major push in the direction of proactive context-aware computing.