950 resultados para Signatures of Selection


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In surveillance systems for monitoring people behaviours, it is important to build systems that can adapt to the signatures of people's tasks and movements in the environment. At the same time, it is important to cope with noisy observations produced by a set of cameras with possibly different characteristics. In previous work, we have implemented a distributed surveillance system designed for complex indoor environments [1]. The system uses the Abstract Hidden Markov mEmory Model (AHMEM) for modelling and specifying complex human behaviours that can take place in the environment. Given a sequence of observations from a set of cameras, the system employs approximate probabilistic inference to compute the likelihood of different possible behaviours in real-time. This paper describes the techniques that can be used to learn the different camera noise models and the human movement models to be used in this system. The system is able to monitor and classify people behaviours as data is being gathered, and we provide classification results showing the system is able to identify behaviours of people from their movement signatures.


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There is currently a crisis in drug discovery for neuropsychiatric disorders, with a profound, yet unexpected drought in new drug development across the spectrum. In this commentary, the sources of this dilemma and potential avenues to redress the issue are explored. These include a critical review of diagnostic issues and of selection of participants for clinical trials, and the mechanisms for identifying new drugs and new drug targets. Historically, the vast majority of agents have been discovered serendipitously or have been modifications of existing agents. Serendipitous discoveries, based on astute clinical observation or data mining, remain a valid option, as is illustrated by the suggestion in the paper by Wahlqvist and colleagues that treatment with sulfonylurea and metformin reduces the risk of affective disorder. However, the identification of agents targeting disorder-related biomarkers is currently proving particularly fruitful. There is considerable hope for genetics as a purist, pathophysiologically valid pathway to drug discovery; however, it is unclear whether the science is ready to meet this promise. Fruitful paradigms will require a break from the orthodoxy, and creativity and risk may well be the fingerprints of success.


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The study of phenotypic evolution should be an integrative endeavor that combines different approaches and crosses disciplinary and phylogenetic boundaries to consider complex traits and organisms that historically have been studied in isolation from each other. Analyses of individual variation within populations can act to bridge studies focused at the levels of morphology, physiology, biochemistry, organismal performance, behavior, and life history. For example, the study of individual variation recently facilitated the integration of behavior into the concept of a pace-of-life syndrome and effectively linked the field of energetics with research on animal personality. Here, we illustrate how studies on the pace-of-life syndrome and the energetics of personality can be integrated within a physiology-performance-behavior-fitness paradigm that includes consideration of ecological context. We first introduce key concepts and definitions and then review the rapidly expanding literature on the links between energy metabolism and personality traits commonly studied in nonhuman animals (activity, exploration, boldness, aggressiveness, sociability). We highlight some empirical literature involving mammals and squamates that demonstrates how emerging fields can develop in rather disparate ways because of historical accidents and/or particularities of different kinds of organisms. We then briefly discuss potentially interesting avenues for future conceptual and empirical research in relation to motivation, intraindividual variation, and mechanisms underlying trait correlations. The integration of performance traits within the pace-of-life-syndrome concept has the potential to fill a logical gap between the context dependency of selection and how energetics and personality are expected to interrelate. Studies of how performance abilities and/or aspects of Darwinian fitness relate to both metabolic rate and personality traits are particularly lacking.


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1.Habitat loss and associated fragmentation are major drivers of biodiversity decline, and understanding how they affect population processes (e.g. dispersal) is an important conservation goal. In a large-scale test employing 10 × 10 km units of replication, three species of Australian birds, the fuscous honeyeater, yellow-tufted honeyeater and white-plumed honeyeater, responded differently to fragmentation. The fuscous and yellow-tufted honeyeaters are ‘decliners’ that disappeared from suitable habitat in landscapes where levels of tree-cover fell below critical thresholds of 17 and 8%, respectively. The white-plumed honeyeater is a ‘tolerant’ species whose likelihood of occurrence in suitable habitat was independent of landscape-level tree-cover. 2.To determine whether the absence of the two decliner species in low tree-cover landscapes can be explained by reduced genetic connectivity, we looked for signatures of reduced mobility and gene flow in response to fragmentation across agricultural landscapes in the Box-Ironbark region of north-central Victoria, Australia. 3.We compared patterns of genetic diversity and population structure at the regional scale and across twelve 100 km2 landscapes with different tree-cover extents. We used genetic data to test landscape models predicting reduced dispersal through the agricultural matrix. We tested for evidence of sex-biased dispersal and sex-specific responses to fragmentation. 4.Reduced connectivity may have contributed to the disappearance of the yellow-tufted honey-eater from low tree-cover landscapes, as evidenced by male bias and increased relatedness among males in low tree-cover landscapes and signals of reduced gene flow and mobility through the agricultural matrix. We found no evidence for negative effects of fragmentation on gene flow in the other decliner, the fuscous honeyeater, suggesting that undetected pressures act on this species. As expected, there was no evidence for decreased movement through fragmented landscapes for the tolerant white-plumed honeyeater. 5.We demonstrated effects of habitat loss and fragmentation (stronger patterns of genetic differentiation, increased relatedness among males) on the yellow-tufted honeyeater above the threshold at which probability of occurrence dropped. Increasing extent and structural connectivity of habitat should be an appropriate management action for this species and other relatively sedentary woodland specialist species for which it can be taken as representative.


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The aerobic capacity model proposes that endothermy is a by-product of selection favouring high maximal metabolic rates (MMR) and its mechanistic coupling with basal metabolic rate (BMR). Attempts to validate this model in birds are equivocal and restricted to phenotypic correlations (rP), thus failing to distinguish among- and within-individual correlations (rind and re). We examined 300 paired measurements of BMR and MMR from 60 house sparrows before and after two levels of experimental manipulation - testosterone implants and immune challenge. Overall, repeatability was significant in both BMR (R=0.25±0.06) and MMR (R=0.52±0.06). Only the testosterone treatment altered the rP between BMR and MMR, which resulted from contrasting effects on rind and re. While rind was high and significant (0.62±0.22) in sham-implanted birds, re was negative and marginally non-significant (-0.15±0.09) in testosterone-treated birds. Thus, the expected mechanistic link between BMR and MMR was apparent, but only in birds with low testosterone levels.


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The emerging field of blue carbon science is seeking cost-effective ways to estimate the organic carbon content of soils that are bound by coastal vegetated ecosystems. Organic carbon (Corg) content in terrestrial soils and marine sediments has been correlated with mud content (i.e. silt and clay), however, empirical tests of this theory are lacking for coastal vegetated ecosystems. Here, we compiled data (n = 1345) on the relationship between Corg and mud (i.e. silt and clay, particle sizes <63 μm) contents in seagrass ecosystems (79 cores) and adjacent bare sediments (21 cores) to address whether mud can be used to predict soil Corg content. We also combined these data with the δ13C signatures of the soil Corg to understand the sources of Corg stores. The results showed that mud is positively correlated with soil Corg content only when the contribution of seagrass-derived Corg to the sedimentary Corg pool is relatively low, such as in small and fast growing meadows of the genera Zostera, Halodule and Halophila, and in bare sediments adjacent to seagrass ecosystems. In large and long-living seagrass meadows of the genera Posidonia and Amphibolis there was a lack of, or poor relationship between mud and soil Corg content, related to a higher contribution of seagrass-derived Corg to the sedimentary Corg pool in these meadows. The relative high soil Corg contents with relatively low mud contents (i.e. mud-Corg saturation) together with significant allochthonous inputs of terrestrial organic matter could overall disrupt the correlation expected between soil Corg and mud contents. This study shows that mud (i.e. silt and clay content) is not a universal proxy for blue carbon content in seagrass ecosystems, and therefore should not be applied generally across all seagrass habitats. Mud content can only be used as a proxy to estimate soil Corg content for scaling up purposes when opportunistic and/or low biomass seagrass species (i.e. Zostera, Halodule and Halophila) are present (explaining 34 to 91% of variability), and in bare sediments (explaining 78% of the variability).


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Metal-hyperaccumulating plants have the ability to take up extraordinary quantities of certain metal ions without succumbing to toxic effects. Most hyperaccumulators select for particular metals but the mechanisms of selection are not understood at the molecular level. While there are many metal-binding biomolecules, this review focuses only on ligands that have been reported to play a role in sequestering, transporting or storing the accumulated metal. These include citrate, histidine and the phytosiderophores. The metal detoxification role of metallothioneins and phytochelatins in plants is also discussed.


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Foram estudadas, pelo método da assinatura digital, 35 biópsias esofágicas provenientes de pacientes da província de Linxian, China, classificadas por dois observadores com ampla experiência em patologia gastrointestinal como normais, displasias ou carcinomas (8 casos normais, 6 displasias leves, 8 displasias moderadas, 4 displasias acentuadas, 4 carcinomas suspeitos de invasão e 5 carcinomas invasores). O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar os núcleos das populações celulares desses casos de forma que permitisse a derivação de informações diagnósticas e de possível implicação prognóstica a partir do estudo quantitativo das características nucleares de cada caso ou categoria diagnóstica. As biópsias foram coradas pelo método de Feulgen, sendo então selecionados e digitalizados 48 a 50 núcleos de cada uma delas. De cada núcleo foram extraídas 93 características cariométricas, arranjadas arbitrariamente em histograma designado como assinatura nuclear. Da média aritmética de cada característica dos núcleos de uma mesma biópsia resultou a assinatura digital do caso. A análise de funções discriminantes, baseada nas 15 características cariométricas que ofereceram melhor discriminação entre as categorias diagnósticas, mostrou que o grupo classificado como normal foi claramente distinto das demais categorias. A densidade óptica total aumentou progressivamente segundo a classificação das biópsias, do normal à displasia acentuada, sendo o valor do carcinoma semelhante ao da displasia moderada. A matriz de comprimento de seqüência apresentou o mesmo perfil, ou seja, ambas as características ofereceram discriminação clara entre as categorias diagnósticas, com exceção do carcinoma invasor, cujos valores foram superponíveis aos da displasia moderada. O estudo demonstrou a viabilidade da quantificação de características nucleares através das assinaturas nucleares digitais, que demonstraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre diferentes categorias diagnósticas e a elevação progressiva dos valores mensurados relacionados com o espectro das lesões, apresentando-as como um histograma (assinatura digital nuclear).


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A competitividade das empresas apresenta forte ligação com a qualidade do relacionamento com o cliente. Para competir em tempo real é preciso dotar a empresa de meios que permitam conhecer e relacionar-se de forma cada vez mais eficiente com os clientes. O uso intensivo da tecnologia é fator que contribui para que o relacionamento com o cliente se torne mais efetivo. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) faz uso da tecnologia de informação com o objetivo de desenvolver e gerenciar relações entre empresas e seus clientes, de forma individualizada e mutuamente benéfica. O presente trabalho refere-se à implementação de um sistema CRM, abrangendo as etapas de seleção da solução de CRM, definição do organograma, cronograma e metodologia de trabalho, redesenho dos processos de atendimento ao cliente e configuração do software. Também é objeto deste trabalho a verificação do nível de satisfação do cliente resultante. O estudo foi desenvolvido junto a uma empresa do setor petroquímico, caso pioneiro de implantação de CRM no país, considerando o segmento de mercado em análise. O texto discute a relação existente entre um sistema de CRM e a satisfação do cliente, apresentando os resultados de uma pesquisa de satisfação aplicada aos clientes da empresa em estudo.


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O transplante hepático é o tratamento de escolha para uma série de doenças terminais agudas e crônicas do fígado. Contudo, sua oferta tem sido restringida pela falta de doadores, o que tem provocado o aumento do número de pacientes em lista de espera. A escassez de órgãos condiciona a aceitação para transplante de enxertos provindos de doadores sem as melhores condições para tal – os chamados doadores marginais. O dano de isquemia/reperfusão (IR) é resultado dos fatores perioperatórios inerentes ao procedimento, incluindo as condições do doador. Quanto pior o doador, pior o órgão transplantado, e maior a possibilidade de desenvolvimento de disfunção primária do enxerto (DPE). DPE comumente é definida pela elevação das enzimas hepáticas. As aminotransferases, entretanto, podem alterar-se por outras complicações que não a lesão de isquemia/reperfusão. A histologia hepática, por sua vez, pode fornecer informações acerca da IR. Com o objetivo de estimar a extensão histológica do dano de preservação (necrose hepatocelular e neutrofilia sinusoidal), correlacioná-la a variáveis bioquímicas (índice de reperfusão: AST + ALT + LDH / 3) e avaliar a sua influência no período pós-operatório imediato (até 7 dias), foi realizado um estudo transversal com análise sistemática de 55 pacientes adultos que receberam seu primeiro enxerto hepático entre Setembro de 1996 e Dezembro de 1999. Foram comparados os fatores de risco relacionados ao doador, ao receptor, ao procedimento cirúrgico e ao período pós-operatório e analisadas as biópsias feitas antes e imediatamente após o procedimento cirúrgico. Houve dano de preservação em todos os pacientes estudados tanto por critérios anatomopatológicos quanto por critérios bioquímicos. Houve associação significativa entre os achados bioquímicos e histológicos (p=0,04; coeficiente gamma=0,49). A extensão da necrose hepatocitária parece ser o dado anatomopatológico isolado que melhor se relaciona ao índice de reperfusão (p=0,05; coeficiente gamma=0,48). Houve associação entre DPE e a histologia hepática (p=0,02). O índice bioquímico associou-se à DPE (p=0,001) e à incidência de insuficiência renal aguda (IRA) (p<0,0001). A mortalidade inicial foi maior nos pacientes com índice de reperfusão grave (p=0,002). O índice de reperfusão foi um fator de risco independente para a função do enxerto (p=0,004) e IRA (0,04). A sobrevida atuarial em 1 ano foi significativamente menor nos pacientes com dano de preservação grave (p=0,003). A análise da biópsia de reperfusão é capaz de detectar o dano de preservação sofrido pelo enxerto e se correlaciona às variáveis bioquímicas em sua estimativa.


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This dissertation discuss the course of formation of EPPGG" (Specialists on Public Politics and Administration). We did a brief historical research on the origins of this career, stressing the problems of its implementation. We describe the process of selection and formation of "EPPGG" classes, focusing our attention on the first and fifth classes, the latter being the main object of our study. We avoided the standard approaches to this suject and based our investigation on the daily social interaction developed during the course, trying to unveil conflicts that show internal problems of the career and of "ENAP" (Scholl of Public Administration).


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o presente estudo refere-se a uma pesqUlsa realizada na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ, especificamente no Departamento de Seleção e Desenvolvimento da Superintendência de Recursos Humanos, onde foi avaliado o Programa Educativo de Desenvolvimento de Pessoal do quadro de servidores técnicoadministrativos, e o investimento no potencial humano como fator detenninante para o sucesso nas empresas públicas. Os resultados desta pesqUlsa demonstraram que o Programa Educativo possui características importantes tanto para o crescimento profissional como para o institucional. Ressalta-se, entretanto que são necessárias outras ações complementares da área de recursos humanos para que possamos mensurar de uma maneira eficiente e eficaz o retomo deste investimento para a instituição.


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This research has the objective of analyze the possibilities offered by the use of the graphology in the process of personnel's selection that aim at the completion of current vacancies of job offers. The study is based in the verification of the applicability and forms of use of selection instruments of personal, mainly of those developed with objective of identifying the aptitudes and the characteristics of the individual's personality. Analyzing its applicability, as form of adapting to the reality today, the graphology, besides assisting to the new variables that the global changes impose to the individuals' behavior and his relationship with the companies, appears as alternative and it is occupying, every day, more space in the professional evaluation area. This study offers reasons so that one can consider the graphology analysis as one more instrument to be used in personnel's selection, in agreement with the possibilities and identified limitations, when used for that end. Tends as objective to explain the reasons of the use of the graphology analysis as evaluation tool, the exploratory and explanatory researches were adopted. This explanation will appear, then, of the verification and analysis of the data obtained in the bibliographical and of field researches, which allows like this to base its report, development and applicability.


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XML has become an important medium for data exchange, and is frequently used as an interface to - i.e. a view of - a relational database. Although lots of work have been done on querying relational databases through XML views, the problem of updating relational databases through XML views has not received much attention. In this work, we give the rst steps towards solving this problem. Using query trees to capture the notions of selection, projection, nesting, grouping, and heterogeneous sets found throughout most XML query languages, we show how XML views expressed using query trees can be mapped to a set of corresponding relational views. Thus, we transform the problem of updating relational databases through XML views into a classical problem of updating relational databases through relational views. We then show how updates on the XML view are mapped to updates on the corresponding relational views. Existing work on updating relational views can then be leveraged to determine whether or not the relational views are updatable with respect to the relational updates, and if so, to translate the updates to the underlying relational database. Since query trees are a formal characterization of view de nition queries, they are not well suited for end-users. We then investigate how a subset of XQuery can be used as a top level language, and show how query trees can be used as an intermediate representation of view de nitions expressed in this subset.


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O cenário empresarial atual leva as empresas a terem atuações cada vez mais dinâmicas, buscando utilizar as informações disponíveis de modo a melhorar seu processo de decisão. Com esse objetivo, diversas organizações têm adquirido sistemas de business intelligence. O processo de seleção de sistemas é difícil, diferente do utilizado em outras aquisições empresariais e sofre influência de diversos aspectos intangíveis, o que impossibilita o uso das técnicas de análise financeira normalmente utilizadas pelas companhias para apoiar decisões de investimento. Dessa forma, pode-se dizer que a decisão de escolha de um software de business intelligence é baseada em um conjunto de fatores tanto tangíveis quanto intangíveis. Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal identificar e estabelecer um ranking dos principais fatores que influenciam a decisão de escolha entre sistemas de business intelligence, tendo como foco empresas do setor de incorporação imobiliária atuantes na grande São Paulo e como objetivo secundário procurar identificar a possível existência de aspectos determinantes para a decisão de escolha entre a lista de fatores apurados. Essa pesquisa foi realizada através de doze entrevistas com pessoas que participaram de processos de decisão de escolha de sistemas de business intelligence, sendo algumas da área de TI e outras de área de negócio, atuantes em sete empresas incorporadoras da grande São Paulo. Essa avaliação teve como resultado a identificação dos fatores mais importantes e a sua classificação hierárquica, possibilitando a apuração de um ranking composto pelos catorze fatores mais influentes na decisão de escolha e statisticamente válido segundo o coeficiente de concordância de Kendall. Desse total, apenas três puderam ser classificados como determinantes ou não determinantes; o restante não apresentou padrões de resposta estatisticamente válidos para permitir conclusões sobre esse aspecto. Por fim, após a análise dos processos de seleção utilizados pelas sete empresas dessa pesquisa, foram observadas duas fases, as quais sofrem influência de distintos fatores. Posteriormente, estudando-se essas fases em conjunto com os fatores identificados no ranking, pôde-se propor um processo de seleção visando uma possível redução de tempo e custo para a realização dessa atividade. A contribuição teórica deste trabalho está no fato de complementar as pesquisas que identificam os fatores de influência no processo de decisão de escolha de sistemas, mais especificamente de business intelligence, ao estabelecer um ranking de importância para os itens identificados e também o relacionamento de fatores de importância a fases específicas do processo de seleção identificadas neste trabalho.