996 resultados para Side Population


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Horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) is harvested commercially, used by the biomedical industry, and provides food for migrating shorebirds, particularly in Delaware Bay. Recently, decreasing crab population trends in this region have raised concerns that the stock may be insufficient to fulfill the needs of these diverse user groups. To assess the Delaware Bay horseshoe crab population, we used surplus production models (programmed in ASPIC), which incorporated data from fishery-independent surveys, fishery-dependent catch-per-unit-of-effort data, and regional harvest. Results showed a depleted population (B2003/=0.03−0.71) BMSY and high relative fishing mortality /FMSY=0.9−9.5). Future harvest (F2002strategies for a 15-year period were evaluated by using population projections with ASPICP software. Under 2003 harvest levels (1356 t), population recovery to BMSY would take at least four years, and four of the seven models predicted that the population would not reach BMSY within the 15year period. Production models for horseshoe crab assessment provided management benchmarks for a species with limited data and no prior stock assessment


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The population structure and abundance of the American lobster (Homarus americanus) stock in the Gulf of Maine are defined by data derived from a fishery-independent trawl survey program conducted by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). Few sampling stations in the survey area are located inshore, in particular along coastal Maine. According to statistics, however, more than two thirds of the lobster landings come from inshore waters within three miles off the coast of Maine. In order to include an inshore survey program, complementary to the NMFS survey, the Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) initialized an inshore survey program in 2000. The survey was modeled on the NMFS survey program, making these two survey programs comparable. Using data from both survey programs, we evaluated the population structure of the American lobster in the Gulf of Maine. Our findings indicate that lobsters in the Gulf of Maine tend to have a size-dependent inshore-off-shore distribution; smaller lobsters are more likely to stay inshore and larger lobsters are more likely to stay offshore. The DMR inshore and NMFS survey programs focused on different areas in the Gulf of Maine and likely targeted different segments of the stock. We suggest that data from both survey programs be used to assess the lobster stock and to describe the dynamics of the stock in the Gulf of Maine.


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We assayed allelic variation at 19 nuclear-encoded microsatellites among 1622 Gulf red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) sampled from the 1995 and 1997 cohorts at each of three offshore localities in the northern Gulf of Mexico (Gulf). Localities represented western, central, and eastern subregions within the northern Gulf. Number of alleles per microsatellite per sample ranged from four to 23, and gene diversity ranged from 0.170 to 0.917. Tests of conformity to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium expectations and of genotypic equilibrium between pairs of micro-satellites were generally nonsignificant following Bonferroni correction. Significant genic or genotypic heterogeneity (or both) among samples was detected at four microsatellites and over all microsatellites. Levels of divergence among samples were low (FST ≤0.001). Pairwise exact tests revealed that six of seven “significant” comparisons involved temporal rather than spatial heterogeneity. Contemporaneous or variance effective size (NeV) was estimated from the temporal variance in allele frequencies by using a maximum-likelihood method. Estimates of NeV ranged between 1098 and >75,000 and differed significantly among localities; the NeV estimate for the sample from the northcentral Gulf was >60 times as large as the estimates for the other two localities. The differences in variance effective size could ref lect differences in number of individuals successfully reproducing, differences in patterns and intensity of immigration, or both, and are consistent with the hypothesis, supported by life-history data, that different “demographic stocks” of red snapper are found in the northern Gulf. Estimates of NeV for red snapper in the northern Gulf were at least three orders of magnitude lower than current estimates of census size (N). The ratio of effective to census size (Ne/N) is far below that expected in an ideal population and may reflect high variance in individual reproductive success, high temporal and spatial variance in productivity among subregions or a combination of the two.


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Growth and mortality parameters, exploitation rates and annual recruitment patterns were estimated from monthly length-frequency samples for Sardinella longiceps, S. fimbriata, S. Albella, Decapterus macrosoma, Dipterygonatus balteatus, Rastrelliger faughni and Encrasicolina heteroloba. These results provide the first sets of stock parameter estimates for these species off Tawi-Tawi, Philippines. The growth parameters derived were found comparable with previous estimates available for the same species from other localities. Recruitment was noted to be year-round and bimodal. Estimates of fishing mortality and exploitation rate were found to be presently above appropriate levels.


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The growth, mortality, and recruitment pattern of Penaeus californiensis were investigated using tail length (TL)-frequency data obtained from the Gulf of Guayaquil shrimp population. Computer-based methods of tail-frequency analysis Compleat ELEFAN software were used. Results obtained gave relatively high growth and mortality estimates for both males and females. The recruitment pattern indicated two pulses annually, one significantly larger than the other.


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Results of a study on periodicity of zooplankton in small tropical pond are presented. This study was conducted in order to facilitate the design of a pond-based zooplankton production system.


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Estimates for the growth parameters (L sub( infinity ) and K) mortality coefficients (Z,M and F) and exploitation rate (E) for the sciaenid Plagioscion squamosissimus are presented. The following results were obtained: 1) for male: L sub( arrow right )=44.2 cm, K=0.30 yr super(1), Z=0.82 yr super(1), M=0.66 yr super(1), F=0.16 yr super(1), and E=0.20; and 2) for females: L sub( arrow right )=68.4, K=0.22 yr super(1), Z=0.91 yr super(1), M=0.47 yr super(1), F=0.44 yr super(1) and E=0.49. Females are more heavily fished than males. Artisanal fishing carried out with gillnets, is mainly directed toward the young section of the population and individuals reproducing for the first time.


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The population parameters of the two most abundant sciaenids comprising the trawl catch in the Palk Bay/Gulf of Mannar area are presented. The following parameters were estimated: 233 mm (L sub( infinity )), 1.26 yr super(1) (K), -0.08 yr (t sub(0)), 4.24 yr super(1) (Z) and 2.24 yr super(1)(M) for Pennahia anear, 284 mm (L sub( infinity )), 1.08 yr super(1) (K), -0.05 yr (t sub(0)), 4.41 yr super(1) (Z) and 1.92 yr super(1) for Nibea maculata. Length at first capture was 97 mm for P. anea and 124 mm for N. maculata. These lengths were noted to be less than the corresponding length at first maturity for both species. The exploitation rates (E) derived indicate that the two species are heavily fished, which may account for the decline in sciaenid catches from 1988 to 1992.


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A presente tese nasce da hipótese da existência da dualidade educacional (DE) nas políticas contemporâneas e que se confirma nesse trabalho. Por sua vez, a DE (uma escola para elite e outra para a classe popular) existe para que a classe hegemônica possa conservar a estratificação social e a divisão do trabalho a seu favor. Tem conivência do Estado, mesmo ele se expressando enquanto uma disputa de classe em movimento. Como metodologia de trabalho, utiliza-se o materialismo histórico-dialético no intuito de abranger o conflito de interesses entre classes sociais e poder caracterizar a materialidade e a dialeticidade nas subjetivações elucidadas. O trabalho de combate à DE é feito com mediações do ideário educacional anarquista e que se aproxima do marxismo através do nascedouro iluminista, comum às duas correntes. É um trabalho de cunho humanista e vai além da lógica iluminista. Pois é possível perceber o avanço em que o anarquismo trata as categorias igualdade, liberdade e solidariedade. No intuito de abranger melhor as relações do fenômeno da DE, é considerada a conjuntura política e econômica globalizada nas novas configurações entre Estado e sociedade civil no Brasil sob a vigência do capitalismo financeiro; além de ser levado em consideração o pensamento de Florestan Fernandes no que diz respeito ao Brasil ser um país de capitalismo dependente. Em relação às parcerias público-privadas na contemporaneidade, que promovem educação financiada pelo Estado, mas controlada pela sociedade civil; na prática, esse controle é feito por grupos empresariais, tendo em vista a falta de organização da população para esse fim. Desse modo, as estratégias hegemônicas de formatação e implantação das políticas educacionais neoliberais contribuem para a identificação do próprio fenômeno da dualidade educacional, no seio de estruturas organizativas bem planejadas. As novas faces da DE nas contradições de uma educação mercantilizada e alinhada aos ditames internacionais influenciam as políticas públicas educacionais locais. Por exemplo, a Gestão Integrada da Escola (GIDE), implantada desde 2011 na rede pública fluminense, é um projeto de caráter neoliberal, mas que tem uma lógica taylorista-fordista em seu funcionalismo gerencial administrativo-pedagógico. Nesse sistema fica patente a previsibilidade do processo fabril para a construção de um conhecimento sob a chancela de uma nova versão do tecnicismo que subtrai a criatividade e autonomia profissional e escolar, elege uma grade curricular fragmentada e mínima, prioriza o caráter quantitativo dos resultados nas estatísticas que, para tal, burocratiza o trabalho do professor e da própria escola. Na contramão desse ensino instrumental e padronizado desenvolvido pela GIDE, é conveniente rever o significado do que é o ensino libertário, que é aquele que consagra a liberdade e sacrifica progressivamente a autoridade numa educação que tem como objetivo final formar homens livres e respeitadores da liberdade alheia. Essa pesquisa no campo da educação apontou como uma forte pista a federalização das unidades escolares públicas. O chão da escola precisa assumir a sua autonomia possível frente ao sistema centralizador de ensino em um processo dialético de recriação de identidade e reafirmação da escola enquanto força organizativa local junto à comunidade


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A azatioprina e a 6 mercaptopurina (6-MCP) são drogas muito utilizada no tratamento das doenças inflamatórias intestinais (DII), porém estão associadas a vários efeitos colaterais. A determinação prévia do genótipo da tiopurina metiltransferase (TPMT) pode identificar pacientes de maior risco de toxicidade a droga. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar a prevalência dos polimorfismos do gene da TPMT em pacientes com DII acompanhados no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) da UERJ, comparando com a prevalência em outras populações e correlacionar a presença desses polimorfismos com a toxicidade às drogas. Foram avaliados 146 pacientes com doença de Crohn (DC) e 73 com retocolite ulcerativa idiopática (RCUI). A pesquisa dos principais genótipos da TPMT (*2, *3, *3C) foi realizada por técnicas de PCR (alelo específico e RFLP). Os achados clínicos foram correlacionados com a genotipagem e avaliados por análises multivariadas. Dentre os pacientes que estavam em uso de azatioprina, 14 apresentaram pancreatite ou elevação de enzimas pancreáticas, 6 apresentaram hepatoxicidade e 2 evoluíram com neutropenia. Os polimorfismos do gene da TPMT foram observados em 37 dos 219 pacientes (8 foram heterozigotos para o genótipo *2, 11 heterozigotos para *3A e 18 foram heterozigotos para o polimorfismo *3C). Não foi observado nenhum homozigoto polimórfico. Uma correlação positiva foi observada entre a elevação de enzimas pancreáticas e os genótipos *2 e *3C. A prevalência dos polimorfismos neste estudo (16,89%) foi maior que a descrita para população caucasiana e em outros estudos brasileiros. Apesar do predomínio do genótipo *3C, não houve ocorrência exclusiva de um polimorfismo, conforme observado em outras populações. A população brasileira devido à sua miscigenação têm características genotípicas próprias diferentes do outros países do mundo. Dois polimorfismos da TPMT (*2 e *3C) estiveram associados à toxicidade ao uso da azatioprina em pacientes com DII no sudeste do Brasil. O teste genético pode auxiliar na escolha da melhor droga e na dose ideal para os pacientes portadores de DII antes do início do tratamento.


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Under the majority of culture practices, the reduction or elimination of reproduction in culture ponds results in significantly improved yields of marketable fish. An examination is made of existing methods for the control of reproduction in tilapias (Oreochromis spp.). The generation of all-male tilapia by hormonal sex reversal and genetic manipulation is discussed in detail, indicating the various advantages and disadvantages of both techniques.


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The giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) is cultured widely around the world but little is known about the levels and patterns of genetic diversity in either wild or cultured stocks. Studies have suggested that genetic diversity may be relatively low in some cultured stocks due to the history of how they were founded and subsequent exposure to repeated population bottlenecks in hatcheries. In contrast, wild stocks have an extensive distribution that extends from Southern Asia across Southeast (SE) Asia to the Pacific region. Therefore, wild stocks could be an important resource for genetic improvement of culture stocks in the future. Understanding the extent and patterns of genetic diversity in wild giant freshwater prawn stocks will assist decisions about the direction future breeding programs may take. Wild stock genetic diversity was examined using a 472 base-pair segment of the 16S rRNA gene in 18 wild populations collected from across the natural range of the species. Two major clades ("eastern" and "western") were identifi ed either side of Huxley’s line, with a minimum divergence of 6.2 per cent, which implies separation since the Miocene period (5-10 MYA). While divergence estimates within major clades was small (maximum 0.9 per cent), evidence was also found for population structuring at a lower spatial scale. This will be examined more intensively with a faster evolving mtDNA gene in the future.


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Length-frequency data of Metapenaeus affinis collected from the trawl catches of R/V Bahith in Kuwaiti waters from 1985 to 1989 were combined with estimates of monthly total catch by the commercial and small-scale fleets operating in Kuwait, and analyzed using the Compleat ELEFAN software package. A major recruitment pulse of M. affinis occurs in spring and a minor one in autumn. Optimum relative yield per recruit (Y'/R) is obtained with the length-at-first capture (L sub(c)) of 24.4 cm CL for females and < 17.6 m CL for males. Virtual population analysis results indicated that the biomasses have decreased during the last three-year period for which data were available.