905 resultados para Sex discrimination against women -- Catalonia -- Girona
BACKGROUND Few contemporary data exist on traditional (TRF) and non-TRF (NTRF) burden in patients with premature acute coronary syndrome (ACS). METHODS Prevalence of TRFs and NTRFs were measured in 1015 young (55 years old or younger) ACS patients recruited from 26 centres in Canada, the United States, and Switzerland. Risk factors were compared across sex and family history categories, and against a sample of the general Canadian population based on the 2000-2001 Canadian Community Health Survey. The 10- and 30-year risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD) were estimated using Framingham Risk Scores. RESULTS Risk factors were more prevalent in premature ACS patients compared with the general population. Young women with a family history of coronary artery disease showed the greatest risk factor burden including TRFs of hypertension (67%), dyslipidemia (67%), obesity (53%), smoking (42%), and diabetes (33%), and NTRFs of anxiety (55%), low household income (44%), and depression (37%). The estimated median 10-year risk of CVD was 7% (interquartile range [IQR], 3%-9%) in women and 13% (IQR, 7%-17%) in men, whereas the 30-year risk of CVD was 36% (IQR, 22%-49%) in women and 44% (IQR, 31%-57%) in men. CONCLUSIONS Patients with premature ACS, especially women with a positive family history, are characterized by a very high risk factor burden that is poorly captured by 10-year risk estimates but better captured by 30-year estimates. Consideration of NTRFs and use of 30-year risk estimates might better estimate risk in young individuals and improve the prevention of premature ACS.
The purpose of this dissertation was to explore and describe the factors that influence the safer sex choices of African-American college women. The pandemic of HIV and the prevalence of other sexually transmitted diseases has disproportionately affected African-American females. As young women enter college they are faced with a myriad of choices. Unprotected sexual exploration is one choice that can lead to deadly consequences. This dissertation explores, through in-depth interviews, the factors associated with the decision to practice or not practice safe sex. ^ The first study describes the factors associated with increased sexual risk taking among African-American college women. Sexual risk taking or sex without a condom was found to be more likely when issues of self or partner pleasure were raised. Participants were also likely to have sexual intercourse without a condom if they desired a long term relationship with their partner. ^ The second study examined safe sex decision making processes among a group of African-American college women. Women were found to employ both emotional and philosophical strategies to determine their safe sex behavior. These strategies range from assessing a partner's physical capabilities and appearance to length of the dating relationship. ^ The third study explores the association between knowledge and risk perception as predictors for safer sex behaviors. Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and other STDs was not found to be a determinant of safer sex behavior. Perception of personal risk was also not highly correlated with consistent safer sex behavior. ^ These studies demonstrate the need for risk-based safer sex education and intervention programs. The current climate of knowledge-based program development insures that women will continue to predicate their decision to practice safer sex on their limited perception and understanding of the risks associated with unprotected sexual behavior. Further study into the emotional and philosophical determinants of sexual behavior is necessary for the realistic design of applicable and meaningful interventions. ^
Dowry is a common custom observed in South Asian countries. It has been a target of an opposition movement because it is assumed to be a root cause of women's mistreatment, for example, in the form of sex-selective abortion, girls' malnutrition, female infanticide, and domestic homicide called "dowry murder." Despite its alleged evil consequences and the legal ban or restrictions on it, the custom has been extended, and recently, the dowry amount seems to be increasing. However, there is little empirical evidence of dowry's effects. This study empirically investigates the effects of dowry on women's status in rural Pakistan. We conducted a unique survey in rural Punjab, Pakistan, to explore the marriage practices there and to answer the research question. Results show that a higher dowry amount enhances women’s status in the marital household. This implies that an outright ban on dowries does not necessarily improve women's welfare at this time.
Esta pesquisa aponta alguns dos efeitos subjetivos e estratégias singulares de resistência frente à desigualdade racial no nosso país, abordando as vicissitudes de inscrição no laço social de mulheres negras e pobres. É fruto de uma intervenção clínico-política com um grupo de adolescentes em uma Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental de São Paulo na qual foi se evidenciando, para nós, a necessidade de cada um desses adolescentes de defender intransigentemente a honra e o valor de suas mães frente aos outros membros do grupo. Tanto pelo seu excesso como pela sua repetição, essa situação nos sugeria um mal-estar e um não dito referido às configurações familiares e à posição destas mulheres nesta comunidade escolar, que nos levou a escutá-las. Tomando a indicação freudiana de que a psicologia individual seria também psicologia social e a formulação lacaniana de que podemos considerar o Inconsciente como sendo a Política, acreditamos ser indispensável escutar o sujeito levando em consideração o Outro, entendido tanto do ponto de vista sócio-histórico, como libidinal. Isso significa que não poderíamos escutar estas mulheres sem considerar o campo de desigualdades sociais e raciais no qual estavam inscritas discursivamente, o que nos exigiu uma interlocução fundamental tanto com pesquisas da antropologia social e da sociologia, como da história. A fala destas mulheres foi nos revelando que, além de outras identificações contingentes, o fato de serem reconhecidas e se reconhecerem como mulheres negras era um elemento fundamental nas suas vivências cotidianas. Uma vez que nosso passado escravista não teria sido suficientemente lembrado e admitido, alguns traços se fariam presentes através de uma transmissão simbólica, pelos subterrâneos da cultura, de uma posição de servidão a elas atribuída. Permaneceria de uma forma atualizada e insidiosa uma divisão racializada da nossa sociedade, ancorada na herança de uma cisão entre a mulher mundana cujo corpo seria visto como um corpo de gozo, mas sem valor social, a mucama, e a que seria valorizada socialmente à custa de um corpo assexuado, casta e educada, esposa do senhor de escravos. Apesar de tantos avanços, as conquistas femininas das últimas décadas não seriam totalmente estendidas a essas mulheres, negras e pobres, que seguiriam, frequentemente, apresentando no imaginário social um corpo ao qual se atribuiria a capacidade de satisfazer os desejos mais inconfessáveis de um homem à custa de ser visto como propriedade e domínio deste. A atitude racista se faria presente em relação a elas, entendida como o ato de segregação do gozo inadmitido de um sujeito no corpo de um outro, ou ainda, como Lacan apontou, impondo a um outro, seu modo de gozo. Mais do que uma identidade das mulheres negras, consideramos fundamental conceber a particularidade de um laço que se estabeleceria na relação com elas, na medida em que seu corpo seria capaz de despertar e revelar a relação do sujeito com o mais íntimo e insuportável de si mesmo: ela seria a estrangeira frente a um homem, por ser mulher; e seria estrangeira frente a uma mulher ou homem branco, por ser negra. A sua condição de estrangeira a deixaria assim como figura paradigmática de um Outro sexo, um sexo Outro, um gozo Outro, recaindo sobre ela as reações mais violentas de extirpação desse gozo. As estratégias de como manter o que seria próprio do gozo feminino não balizado pelo gozo fálico, posto que seria suplementar a ele frente a essa injunção de segregação e depreciação, seriam sempre singulares. Apresentamos um caso clínico, Silvana, apontando suas estratégias de resistência frente a um discurso social que a desqualificaria tentando lhe impor um estreitamento de sua vida erótica e sua redução a um modo único de gozo
Objectives: To analyse the association between self-perceived discrimination and social determinants (social class, gender, country of origin) in Spain, and further to describe contextual factors which contribute to self-perceived discrimination. Methods: Cross-sectional design using data from the Spanish National Health Survey (2006). The dependent variable was self-perceived discrimination, and independent and stratifying variables were sociodemographic characteristics (e.g. sex, social class, country of origin, educational level). Logistic regression was used. Results: The prevalence of self-perceived discrimination was 4.2% for men and 6.3% for women. The likelihood of self-perceived discrimination was higher in people who originated from low-income countries: men, odds ratio (OR) 5.59 [95% confidence interval (CI) 4.55–6.87]; women, OR 4.06 (95% CI 3.42–4.83). Women were more likely to report self-perceived discrimination by their partner at home than men [OR 8.35 (95% CI 4.70–14.84)]. The likelihood of self-perceived discrimination when seeking work was higher among people who originated from low-income countries than their Spanish counterparts: men, OR 13.65 (95% CI 9.62–19.35); women, OR 10.64 (95% CI 8.31–13.62). In comparison with Spaniards, male white-collar workers who originated from low-income countries [OR 11.93 (95% CI 8.26–17.23)] and female blue-collar workers who originated from low-income countries (OR 1.6 (95% CI 1.08–2.39)] reported higher levels of self-perceived discrimination. Conclusions: Self-perceived discrimination is distributed unevenly in Spain and interacts with social inequalities. This particularly affects women and immigrants.
Statement of reponsibility appears before edition statement.
Published also under title: "Psychological norms in men and women."
Mode of access: Internet.
Vol. 2 printed by C. Talbot.
Mode of access: Internet.
"October 1958."
I denna uppsats studeras den kvinnliga vänskapen i tv-serien Sex and the city utifrån homosocialitetsteorier och framställningen av den kvinnliga vänskapen. Tidigare studier om serien har gjorts men där fann jag en lucka då kvinnornas vänskap inte studerats på ett liknande sätt tidigare. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur den kvinnliga vänskapen gestaltas mellan kvinnorna i serien. För att studera detta Lipman-Blumens homosocialitetsteori använts som definierar homosocialitet som att uppskatta, söka sig till eller föredra umgänge med människor av samma kön. Gothlins teori om vänskap och hur denna porträttreras har använts i studien för att kunna identifiera kvinnors vänskap. Heterosociaiitetsteori tas också upp för att visa på motsatsen till homosocialitetsteorin. Undersökningen av studien är uppdelad i två delar, en kvantitativ del där relevanta inslag klockats för att se hur lång tid ett visst innehåll fått i serien. Samt en kvalitativ analys av innehållet i serien där typiska scener valts ut och analyserats för att förstå innehållet och för att kunna analysera kvinnornas vänskap till varandra. Den genomförda analysen behandlar deras vänskap och visar på att kvinnornas homosociala band och deras vänskap till varandra är betydligt starkare än vad tidigare forskning och teorier benämt. Denna studie visar på att vänskapen i serien tagits till en ny nivå där vännerna inte vara är vänner utan själsfränder och kärlekar utan sexuell dragningskraft till varandra. Där vänskapen är vad som värderas högst och att kvinnorna inte är i behov av en man.