980 resultados para Search problems


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The Modified Crack Closure Integral (MCCI) technique based on Irwin's crack closure integral concept is very effective for estimation of strain energy release rates G in individual as well as mixed-mode configurations in linear elastic fracture mechanics problems. In a finite element approach, MCCI can be evaluated in the post-processing stage in terms of nodal forces and displacements near the crack tip. The MCCI expressions are however, element dependent and require a systematic derivation using stress and displacement distributions in the crack tip elements. Earlier a general procedure was proposed by the present authors for the derivation of MCCI expressions for 3-dimensional (3-d) crack problems modelled with 8-noded brick elements. A concept of sub-area integration was proposed to estimate strain energy release rates at a large number of points along the crack front. In the present paper a similar procedure is adopted for the derivation of MCCI expressions for 3-d cracks modelled with 20-noded brick elements. Numerical results are presented for centre crack tension and edge crack shear specimens in thick slabs, showing a comparison between present results and those available in the literature.


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Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have the potential to carry resources in support of search and prosecute operations. Often to completely prosecute a target, UAVs may have to simultaneously attack the target with various resources with different capacities. However, the UAVs are capable of carrying only limited resources in small quantities, hence, a group of UAVs (coalition) needs to be assigned that satisfies the target resource requirement. The assigned coalition must be such that it minimizes the target prosecution delay and the size of the coalition. The problem of forming coalitions is computationally intensive due to the combinatorial nature of the problem, but for real-time applications computationally cheap solutions are required. In this paper, we propose decentralized sub-optimal (polynomial time) and decentralized optimal coalition formation algorithms that generate coalitions for a single target with low computational complexity. We compare the performance of the proposed algorithms to that of a global optimal solution for which we need to solve a centralized combinatorial optimization problem. This problem is computationally intensive because the solution has to (a) provide a coalition for each target, (b) design a sequence in which targets need to be prosecuted, and (c) take into account reduction of UAV resources with usage. To solve this problem we use the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique. Through simulations, we study the performance of the proposed algorithms in terms of mission performance, complexity of the algorithms and the time taken to form the coalition. The simulation results show that the solution provided by the proposed algorithms is close to the global optimal solution and requires far less computational resources.


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We illustrate the potential of using higher order critical points in the deeper understanding of several interesting problems of condensed matter science, e.g. critical adsorption, finite size effects, morphology of critical fluctuations, reversible aggregation of colloids, dynamics of the ordering process, etc.


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This paper presents a dan-based evolutionary approach for solving control problems. Three selected control problems, viz. linear-quadratic, harvest, and push-cart problems, are solved using the proposed approach. Results are compared with those of the evolutionary programming (EP) approach. In most of the cases, the proposed approach is successful in obtaining (near) optimal solutions for these selected problems.


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This paper addresses the problem of automated multiagent search in an unknown environment. Autonomous agents equipped with sensors carry out a search operation in a search space, where the uncertainty, or lack of information about the environment, is known a priori as an uncertainty density distribution function. The agents are deployed in the search space to maximize single step search effectiveness. The centroidal Voronoi configuration, which achieves a locally optimal deployment, forms the basis for the proposed sequential deploy and search strategy. It is shown that with the proposed control law the agent trajectories converge in a globally asymptotic manner to the centroidal Voronoi configuration. Simulation experiments are provided to validate the strategy. Note to Practitioners-In this paper, searching an unknown region to gather information about it is modeled as a problem of using search as a means of reducing information uncertainty about the region. Moreover, multiple automated searchers or agents are used to carry out this operation optimally. This problem has many applications in search and surveillance operations using several autonomous UAVs or mobile robots. The concept of agents converging to the centroid of their Voronoi cells, weighted with the uncertainty density, is used to design a search strategy named as sequential deploy and search. Finally, the performance of the strategy is validated using simulations.


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Genetic Algorithms are efficient and robust search methods that are being employed in a plethora of applications with extremely large search spaces. The directed search mechanism employed in Genetic Algorithms performs a simultaneous and balanced, exploration of new regions in the search space and exploitation of already discovered regions.This paper introduces the notion of fitness moments for analyzing the working of Genetic Algorithms (GAs). We show that the fitness moments in any generation may be predicted from those of the initial population. Since a knowledge of the fitness moments allows us to estimate the fitness distribution of strings, this approach provides for a method of characterizing the dynamics of GAs. In particular the average fitness and fitness variance of the population in any generation may be predicted. We introduce the technique of fitness-based disruption of solutions for improving the performance of GAs. Using fitness moments, we demonstrate the advantages of using fitness-based disruption. We also present experimental results comparing the performance of a standard GA and GAs (CDGA and AGA) that incorporate the principle of fitness-based disruption. The experimental evidence clearly demonstrates the power of fitness based disruption.


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A claw is an induced subgraph isomorphic to K-1,K-3. The claw-point is the point of degree 3 in a claw. A graph is called p-claw-free when no p-cycle has a claw-point on it. It is proved that for p greater than or equal to 4, p-claw-free graphs containing at least one chordless p-cycle are edge reconstructible. It is also proved that chordal graphs are edge reconstructible. These two results together imply the edge reconstructibility of claw-free graphs. A simple proof of vertex reconstructibility of P-4-reducible graphs is also presented. (C) 1995 John Wiley and Sons, Inc.


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The search for homologous sequences promoted by RecA protein in vitro involves a presynaptic filament and naked duplex DNA, the multiple contacts of which produce nucleoprotein networks or coaggregates. The single-stranded DNA within the presynaptic filaments, however, is extended to an axial spacing 1.5 times that of B-form DNA. To investigate this paradoxical difference between the spacing of bases in the RecA presynaptic filament versus the target duplex DNA, we explored the effect of heterologous contacts on the conformation of DNA, and vice versa. In the presence of wheat germ topoisomerase I, RecA presynaptic filaments induced a rapid, limited reduction in the linking number of heterologous circular duplex DNA. This limited unwinding of heterologous duplex DNA, termed heterologous unwinding, was detected within 30 seconds and reached a steady state within a few minutes. Presynaptic filaments that were formed in the presence of ATP?S and separated from free RecA protein by gel filtration also generated a ladder of topoisomers upon incubation with relaxed duplex DNA and topoisomerase. The inhibition of heterologous contacts by 60 mImage -NaCl or 5 mImage -ADP resulted in a corresponding decrease in heterologous unwinding. In reciprocal fashion, the stability or number of heterologous contacts with presynaptic filaments was inversely related to the linking number of circular duplex DNA. These observations show that heterologous contacts with the presynaptic filament cause a limited unwinding of the duplex DNA, and conversely that the ability of the DNA to unwind stabilizes transient heterologous contacts.


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A general survey is presented on the generation and characteristics of Red Muds. The interrelationship between Mud properties, their disposal and utilisation is emphasised. After an outline on the possible applications for Red Muds, the problems related to important (potential) uses have been pointed out. Suggestions have been incorporated on what needs to be done to promote the utilisation of Red Muds particularly in the Indian context.


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This article aims at identifying the research issues and challenges that need to be addressed to achieve sustainable transportation system for Indian cities. The same is achieved by understanding the current system and trends of urbanization, motorization and modal shares in India; and their impact on mobility and safety (the two basic goals of transportation) as well as environment. Further, the article explores the efforts by the central and state governments in India to address the sustainability issues, and the problems and issues over and above the present efforts to achieve sustainability. The article concludes by summarizing the research issues with respect to planning/modelling, non-motorized transport, public transport, driver behaviour and road safety and traffic management. It is expected that these research issues will provide potential directions for carrying out further research aimed at achieving sustainable transport system for Indian cities.


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A linear programming problem in an inequality form having a bounded solution is solved error-free using an algorithm that sorts the inequalities, removes the redundant ones, and uses the p-adic arithmetic. (C) Elsevier Science Inc., 1997


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Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a powerful tool for mapping and remote sensing. The theory and operation of SAR have seen a period of intense activity in recent years. This paper attempts to review some of the more advanced topics studied in connection with modern SAR systems based on digital processing. Following a brief review of the principles involved in the operation of SAR, attention is focussed on special topics such as advanced SAR modelling and focussing techniques, in particular clutterlock and autofocus, Doppler centroid (DC) estimation methods involving seismic migration technique, moving target imaging, bistatic radar imaging, effects of system nonlinearities, etc.


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Two mixed boundary value problems associated with two-dimensional Laplace equation, arising in the study of scattering of surface waves in deep water (or interface waves in two superposed fluids) in the linearised set up, by discontinuities in the surface (or interface) boundary conditions, are handled for solution by the aid of the Weiner-Hopf technique applied to a slightly more general differential equation to be solved under general boundary conditions and passing on to the limit in a manner so as to finally give rise to the solutions of the original problems. The first problem involves one discontinuity while the second problem involves two discontinuities. The reflection coefficient is obtained in closed form for the first problem and approximately for the second. The behaviour of the reflection coefficient for both the problems involving deep water against the incident wave number is depicted in a number of figures. It is observed that while the reflection coefficient for the first problem steadily increases with the wave number, that for the second problem exhibits oscillatory behaviour and vanishes at some discrete values of the wave number. Thus, there exist incident wave numbers for which total transmission takes place for the second problem. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The enthalpy method is primarily developed for studying phase change in a multicomponent material, characterized by a continuous liquid volume fraction (phi(1)) vs temperature (T) relationship. Using the Galerkin finite element method we obtain solutions to the enthalpy formulation for phase change in 1D slabs of pure material, by assuming a superficial phase change region (linear (phi(1) vs T) around the discontinuity at the melting point. Errors between the computed and analytical solutions are evaluated for the fluxes at, and positions of, the freezing front, for different widths of the superficial phase change region and spatial discretizations with linear and quadratic basis functions. For Stefan number (St) varying between 0.1 and 10 the method is relatively insensitive to spatial discretization and widths of the superficial phase change region. Greater sensitivity is observed at St = 0.01, where the variation in the enthalpy is large. In general the width of the superficial phase change region should span at least 2-3 Gauss quadrature points for the enthalpy to be computed accurately. The method is applied to study conventional melting of slabs of frozen brine and ice. Regardless of the forms for the phi(1) vs T relationships, the thawing times were found to scale as the square of the slab thickness. The ability of the method to efficiently capture multiple thawing fronts which may originate at any spatial location within the sample, is illustrated with the microwave thawing of slabs and 2D cylinders. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.