940 resultados para Schooling in low SES areas


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PURPOSE: To study the prevalence and determinants of compliance with spectacle wear among school-age children in Oaxaca, Mexico, who were provided spectacles free of charge. METHODS: A cohort of 493 children aged 5 to 18 years chosen by random cluster sampling from primary and secondary schools in Oaxaca, Mexico, all of whom had received free spectacles through a local program, underwent unannounced, direct examination to determine compliance with spectacle wear within 18 months after initial provision of spectacles. Potential determinants of spectacle wear including age, gender, urban versus rural residence, presenting visual acuity, refractive error, and time since dispensing of the spectacles were examined in univariate and multivariate regression models. Children not currently wearing their spectacles were asked to select the reason from a list of possibilities, and reasons for noncompliance were analyzed within different demographic groups. RESULTS: Among this sample of children with a mean age of 10.4 +/- 2.6 years, the majority (74.5%) of whom were myopic (spherical equivalent [SE] < or = -0.50 D), 13.4% (66/493) were wearing their spectacles at the time of examination. An additional 34% (169/493) had the spectacles with them but were not wearing them. In regression models, the odds of spectacle wear were significantly higher among younger (OR = 1.19 per year of age; 95% CI, 1.05-1.33) rural (OR = 10.6; 95% CI, 5.3-21.0) children and those with myopia < or = -1.25 D (OR = 3.97; 95% CI, 1.98-7.94). The oldest children and children in urban-suburban areas were significantly more likely to list concerns about the appearance of the glasses or about being teased than were younger, rurally resident children. CONCLUSIONS: Compliance with spectacle wear may be very low, even when spectacles are provided free of charge, particularly among older, urban children, who have been shown in many populations to have the highest prevalence of myopia. As screening programs for refractive error become increasingly common throughout the world, new strategies are needed to improve compliance if program resources are to be maximized.


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Introduction: Abundant evidence shows that regular physical activity (PA) is an effective strategy for preventing obesity in people of diverse socioeconomic status (SES) and racial groups. The proportion of PA performed in parks and how this differs by proximate neighborhood SES has not been thoroughly investigated. The present project analyzes online public web data feeds to assess differences in outdoor PA by neighborhood SES in St. Louis, MO, USA.
Methods: First, running and walking routes submitted by users of the website MapMyRun.com were downloaded. The website enables participants to plan, map, record, and share their exercise routes and outdoor activities like runs, walks, and hikes in an online database. Next, the routes were visually illustrated using geographic information systems. Thereafter, using park data and 2010 Missouri census poverty data, the odds of running and walking routes traversing a low-SES neighborhood, and traversing a park in a low-SES neighborhood were examined in comparison to the odds of routes traversing higher-SES neighborhoods and higher-SES parks.
Results: Results show that a majority of running and walking routes occur in or at least traverse through a park. However, this finding does not hold when comparing low-SES neighborhoods to higher-SES neighborhoods in St. Louis. The odds of running in a park in a low-SES neighborhood were 54% lower than running in a park in a higher-SES neighborhood (OR = 0.46, CI = 0.17-1.23). The odds of walking in a park in a low-SES neighborhood were 17% lower than walking in a park in a higher-SES neighborhood (OR = 0.83, CI = 0.26-2.61).
Conclusion: The novel methods of this study include the use of inexpensive, unobtrusive, and publicly available web data feeds to examine PA in parks and differences by neighborhood SES. Emerging technologies like MapMyRun.com present significant advantages to enhance tracking of user-defined PA across large geographic and temporal settings.


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O metano é um gás de estufa potente e uma importante fonte de energia. A importância global e impacto em zonas costeiras de acumulações e escape de gás metano são ainda pouco conhecidas. Esta tese investiga acumulações e escape de gás em canais de maré da Ria de Aveiro com dados de cinco campanhas de reflexão sísmica de alta resolução realizadas em 1986, 1999, 2002 e 2003. Estas incluem três campanhas de Chirp (RIAV99, RIAV02 e RIAV02A) e duas campanhas de Boomer (VOUGA86 e RIAV03). O processamento dos dados de navegação incluíram filtros de erros, correcções de sincronização de relógios de sistemas de aquisição de dados, ajuste de “layback” e estimativa da posição de “midpoint”. O processamento do sinal sísmico consistiu na correcção das amplitudes, remoção de ruído do tipo “burst”, correcções estáticas, correcção do “normal move-out”, filtragem passabanda, desconvolução da assinatura e migração Stolt F-K. A análise da regularidade do trajecto de navegação, dos desfasamentos entre horizontes e dos modelos de superfícies foi utilizada para controlo de qualidade, e permitiu a revisão e melhoria dos parâmetros de processamento. A heterogeneidade da cobertura sísmica, da qualidade do sinal, da penetração e da resolução, no seu conjunto constrangeram o uso dos dados a interpretações detalhadas, mas locais, de objectos geológicos da Ria. É apresentado um procedimento para determinar a escolha de escalas adequadas para modelar os objectos geológicos, baseado na resolução sísmica, erros de posicionamento conhecidos e desfasamentos médios entre horizontes. As evidências de acumulação e escape de gás na Ria de Aveiro incluem turbidez acústica, reflexões reforçadas, cortinas acústicas, domas, “pockmarks” e alinhamentos de “pockmarks” enterradas, horizontes perturbados e plumas acústicas na coluna de água (flares). A estratigrafia e a estrutura geológica controlam a distribuição e extensão das acumulações e escape de gás. Ainda assim, nestes sistemas de baixa profundidade de água, as variações da altura de maré têm um impacto significativo na detecção de gás com métodos acústicos, através de alterações nas amplitudes originais de reflexões reforçadas, turbidez acústica e branqueamento acústico em zonas com gás. Os padrões encontrados confirmam que o escape de bolhas de gás é desencadeado pela descida da maré. Há acumulações de gás em sedimentos Holocénicos e no substrato de argilas e calcários do Mesozóico. Evidências directas de escape de gás em sondagens em zonas vizinhas, mostraram gás essencialmente biogénico. A maioria do gás na área deve ter sido gerado em sedimentos lagunares Holocénicos. No entanto, a localização e geometria de estruturas de escape de fluidos em alguns canais de maré, seguem o padrão de fracturas do substrato Mesozóico, indicando uma possível fonte mais profunda de gás e que estas fracturas funcionam como condutas preferenciais de migração dos fluidos e exercem um controlo estrutural na ocorrência de gás na Ria.


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Tese dout., Química, Universidade do Algarve, 2005


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Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Este E-Book reúne um conjunto de investigações apresentadas no “I Congresso Internacional Envolvimento dos Alunos na Escola: Perspetivas da Psicologia e Educação” (ICIEAE), organizado no âmbito do “Projeto PTDC/CPE-CED/114362/2009 - Envolvimento dos Alunos na Escola: Diferenciação e Promoção” (EAE-DP), financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).


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This article reviews the literature regarding Student’s Engagement in School (SES), its relationship with personal variables, as well as with academic performance. Although SES’ conceptualization may vary across studies, there is general agreement concerning the multidimensional nature of this construct, encompassing three dimensions – cognitive, affective and behavioural. It is seen as an antecedent of several required outcomes, at academic level, but also as a valorous construct itself, both as mediator and product. More particularly, this concept has been the focus of debate concerning academic success and school dropout. There can also be found a significant number of studies which suggest that personal (self-efficacy, self-concept), as well as contextual (peers, school, family) factors are related with school engagement; additionally, the lack of engagement is linked with low academic performance, behavioural problems and school dropout. Thus, Student’s Engagement in School is perceived as a potentially effective response to the problems affecting schools and their students, and an aspect to be considered in preventing problematic patterns related to scholary contexts.


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In low-cycling countries, cycling is not evenly distributed across genders and age groups. In the UK, men are twice as likely as women to cycle to work and cycling tends to be dominated by younger adults. By contrast, in higher cycling countries and cities, gender differences are low, absent, or in the opposite direction. Such places also lack the UK's steady decline in cycling among those aged over 35 years. Over the past fifteen years some UK local areas have seen increases in cycling. This paper analyses data from the English and Welsh Census 2001 and 2011 to examine whether such increases are associated with greater diversity among cyclists. We find that in areas where cycling has increased, there has been no increase in the representation of females, and a decrease in the representation of older adults. We discuss potential causes and policy implications. Importantly, simply increasing cycling modal share has not proved sufficient to create an inclusive cycling culture. The UK's culturally specific factors limiting female take-up of cycling seem to remain in place, even where cycling has gone up. Creating a mass cycling culture may require deliberately targeting infrastructure and policies towards currently under-represented groups.


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Even in infancy children from low-SES backgrounds differ in frontal cortex functioning and, by the start of preschool, they frequently show poor performance on executive functions including attention control. These differences may causally mediate later difficulties in academic learning. Here, we present a study to assess the feasibility of using computerized paradigms to train attention control in infants, delivered weekly over five sessions in early intervention centres for low-SES families. Thirty-three 12-month-old infants were recruited, of whom 23 completed the training. Our results showed the feasibility of repeat-visit cognitive training within community settings. Training-related improvements were found, relative to active controls, on tasks assessing visual sustained attention, saccadic reaction time, and rule learning, whereas trend improvements were found on assessments of short-term memory. No significant improvements were found in task switching. These results warrant further investigation into the potential of this method for targeting ‘at-risk’ infants in community settings.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry


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The Ajjanahalli gold mine is spatially associated with a Late Archean craton-scale shear zone in the eastern Chitradurga greenstone belt of the Dharwar craton, India. Gold mineralization is hosted by an similar to100-m-wide antiform in a banded iron formation. Original magnetite and siderite are replaced by a peak metamorphic alteration assemblage of chlorite, stilpnomelane, minnesotaite, sericite, ankerite, arsenopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, and gold at ca. 300degrees to 350degreesC. Elements enriched in the banded iron formation include Ca, Mg, C, S, An, As, Bi. Cu, Sb, Zn, Pb, Se, Ag, and Te, whereas in the wall rocks As, Cu, Zn, Bi, Ag, and An are only slightly enriched. Strontium correlates with CaO, MgO, CO2, and As, which indicates cogenetic formation of arsenopyrite and Mg-Ca carbonates. The greater extent of alteration in the Fe-rich banded iron formation layers than in the wall rock reflects the greater reactivity of the banded iron formation layers. The ore fluids, as interpreted from their isotopic composition (delta(18)O = 6.5-8.5parts per thousand; initial Sr-87/Sr-86 = 0.7068-0.7078), formed by metamorphic devolatilization of deeper levels of the Chitradurga greenstone belt. Arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, and pyrrhotite have delta(34)S values within a narrow range between 2.1 and 2.7 per mil, consistent with a sulfur source in Chitradurga greenstone belt lithologies. Based on spatial and temporal relationships between mineralization, local structure development, and sinistral strike-slip deformation in the shear zone at the eastern contact of the Chitradurga greenstone belt, we suggest that the Ajjanahalli gold mineralization formed by fluid infiltration into a low strain area within the first-order structure. The ore fluids were transported along this shear zone into relatively shallow crustal levels during lateral terrane accretion and a change from thrust to transcurrent tectonics. Based on this model of fluid flow, exploration should focus on similar low strain areas or potentially connected higher order splays of the first-order shear zone.


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The exposure to dust and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) of 15 truck drivers from Geneva, Switzerland, was measured. The drivers were divided between "long-distance" drivers and "local" drivers and between smokers and nonsmokers and were compared with a control group of 6 office workers who were also divided into smokers and nonsmokers. Dust was measured on 1 workday both by a direct-reading instrument and by sampling. The local drivers showed higher exposure to dust (0.3 mg/m3) and PAH than the long-distance drivers (0.1 mg/m3), who showed no difference with the control group. This observation may be due to the fact that the local drivers spend more time in more polluted areas, such as streets with heavy traffic and construction sites, than do the long-distance drivers. Smoking does not influence exposure to dust and PAH of professional truck drivers, as measured in this study, probably because the ventilation rate of the truck cabins is relatively high even during cold days (11-15 r/h). The distribution of dust concentrations was shown in some cases to be quite different from the expected log-normal distribution. The contribution of diesel exhaust to these exposures could not be estimated since no specific tracer was used. However, the relatively low level of dust exposure dose not support the hypothesis that present day levels of diesel exhaust particulates play a significant role in the excess occurrence of lung cancer observed in professional truck drivers.


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Background: The Geneva Prognostic Score (GPS), the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI), and its simplified version (sPESI) are well known clinical prognostic scores for pulmonary embolism (PE).Objectives: To compare the prognostic performance of these scores in elderly patients with PE. Patients/Methods: In a multicenter Swiss cohort of elderly patients with venous thromboembolism, we prospectively studied 449 patients aged ≥65 years with symptomatic PE. The outcome was 30-day overall mortality. We dichotomized patients as low- vs. higher-risk in all three scores using the following thresholds: GPS scores ≤2 vs. >2, PESI risk classes I-II vs. III-V, and sPESI scores 0 vs. ≥1. We compared 30-day mortality in low- vs. higher-risk patients and the areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC). Results: Overall, 3.8% of patients (17/449) died within 30 days. The GPS classified a greater proportion of patients as low risk (92% [413/449]) than the PESI (36.3% [163/449]) and the sPESI (39.6% [178/449]) (P<0.001 for each comparison). Low-risk patients based on the sPESI had a mortality of 0% (95% confidence interval [CI] 0-2.1%) compared to 0.6% (95% CI 0-3.4%) for low-risk patients based on the PESI and 3.4% (95% CI 1.9-5.6%) for low-risk patients based on the GPS. The areas under the ROC curves were 0.77 (95%CI 0.72-0.81), 0.76 (95% CI 0.72-0.80), and 0.71 (95% CI 0.66-0.75), respectively (P=0.47). Conclusions: In this cohort of elderly patients with PE, the GPS identified a higher proportion of patients as low-risk but the PESI and sPESI were more accurate in predicting mortality.


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This ecological investigation of the beaver (Castor canadensis canadensis Kuhl) was part of the Eastern Slopes (Alberta) Watershed Research program conducted during the summers of 1968 . 1969 . 1970. and 1971 . A soil particle size analysis indicated that soil heavy with clay was used by the beaver for construction purposes in the Porcupine Hills . Examples were given of the beaver controlling erosion with the construction of dams . and also causing erosion to occur . However . in general . the beaver slow down soil erosion and decrease the loss of soil from this region. The beaver utilized measureable amounts of herbaceous vegetation . However, the utilization of herbs by the beaver requires further investigation. A system of ex~sures and enclosures of herbaceous vegetation plots was used to study the utilization of sedges , grasses , and forbs . The beaver indicated stronger species preference for willow as compared to aspen . The size preference for willow was in the 1.0 to 10.0 centimeters basal diameter classes , while the beaver utilization of aspen indicated a preference for the largest trees with basal diameter greater than 20.0 centimeters. Willow was the most important plant in the low lying areas with regard to distribution, abundance and to produce sustained yield. The beaver used this plant for food and construction throughout the study area. The distribution of aspen was limited. and this species did not appear to produce more than one crop in the lifetime of a beaver colony. Nine out of 15 woody plant types were sampled by the beaver in this region. A plot-intercept transect technique was used for systematic vegetation sampling of the woody vegetation in six intensively studied watersheds. The beaver population of the Porcupine Hills region of SW-Alberta is believed to depend upon the chinooks. During the 1971 ground census, a total of 60 active beaver colonies were tallied on the 930 square kilometers large study area. The beaver of the region were not found to store large food caches during fall and winter, however, they are believed to collect feed periodically throughout the winter months. It was observed that the severe winter in 1968-69, reduced by 27 per cent the number of active beaver colonies within the study area. The Porcupine Hills region had 0.07 beaver colony per square kilometer in 1971, a low density of beaver colonies due to the rough topography of the area. However, the importance of the beaver ponds was somewhat clarified as they provide increased moisture, which lessens the fire damage, and store water for wildlife and cattle in the area. Meteorological data was collected by the author in collaboration with the Department of Transport.


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Canadians appear to hold the activities of those in government and in big business in low esteem. Media reports of several high-profile political and corporate instances of unethical conduct have reinforced the public's concern for the status of ethical conduct and honesty in government and in big business. The response by public and private sector managers to unethical conduct by employees is largely in the form of 'ethical rules' which both sectors agree provide a measure of certainty as to the ethical conduct expected from employees. Since research on ethics in the public and private sectors is limited and since ethics is a topic of increasing concern to both sectors, this thesis provides data that could assist managers in dealing with the issue of ethical conduct within their respective organizations. The purpose of this thesis is to compare the state of ethical conduct within public and private sector organizations in Canada. This is accomplished through a description and analysis of the approaches taken by the public and private sectors as well as the four professions of law, engineering, accountancy and medicine. Ethical conduct within the public sector focuses on the ethical behaviour of public servants rather than elected officials. The underlying intent of this thesis is to discover if contemporary ethical problems are similar in the public and iv private sectors with respect to the four ethical areas of conflict of interest, political activity, problem public comment and confidentiality. The comparative data on both public and private sector ethics are assessed and similarities and differences are identified. One major finding emerges from this study. Codes of ethics in both the public and private sectors are perceived by management to play an important role in the prevention of unethical conduct. A procedure for developing a code of ethics is presented along with recommendations as to the administration of a code of ethics. Finally, recommendations are made as to the role of education in ethics.