946 resultados para Scholar nourishment


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The set of host- and pathogen-specific molecular features of a disease comprise its “signature”. We hypothesize that biological signatures enables distinctions between vaccinated vs. infected individuals. In our research, using porcine samples, protocols were developed that could also be used to identify biological signatures of human disease. Different classes of molecular features will be tested during this project, including indicators of basic immune capacity, which are being studied at this instance. These indicators of basic immune response such as porcine cytokines and antibodies were validated using Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This is an established method that detects antigens by their interaction with a specific antibody coupled to a polystyrene substrate. Serum from naïve and vaccinated pigs was tested for the presence of cytokines. We were able to differentiate the presence of porcine IL-6 in normal porcine serum with or without added porcine IL-6 by ELISA. In addition, four different cytokines were spotted on a grating-coupled surface plasmon resonance imaging system (GCSPRI) chip and antibody specific for IL-8 was run over the chip. Only the presence of IL-8 was detected; therefore, there was no cross-reactivity in this combination of antigens and antibodies. This system uses a multiplexed sensor chip to identify components of a sample run over it. The detection is accomplished by the change in refractive index caused by the interaction between the antibody spotted on the sensor chip and the antigen present in the sample. As the multiplexed GCSPRI is developed, we will need to optimize both sensitivity and specificity, minimizing the potential for cross-reactivity between individual analytes. The next step in this project is to increase the sensitivity of detection of the analytes. Currently, we are using two different antibodies (that recognize a different part of the antigen) to amplify the signal emitted by the interaction of antibody with its cognate antigen. The development of this sensor chip would not only allow to detect FMD virus, but also to differentiate between infected and vaccinated individuals, on location. Furthermore, the diagnosis of other diseases could be done with increased accuracy, and in less time due to the microarray approach.


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Background. With childhood obesity on the rise in the United States, school nurses are faced with the task of preventing, identifying and treating obese children in their schools. This study reviews current literature and examines the effectiveness of the school nurse regarding obesity prevention and treatment services and the barriers they face.^ Methods. Ovid, Ebsco, Google Scholar and other professional websites were searched for school-based obesity interventions that included school nurses and that took place in the United States between 1996 and present day. This resulted in 8 studies.^ Results. Of the 8 studies identified, the majority were conducted in the Midwest, all of the studies were cross-sectional in design or qualitative in nature and only half of these studies were based off theoretical design. The most common barriers school nurses face include: lack of time, lack of support from both the school and parents, lack of confidence in counseling students and their parents and lack of specific guidelines for their role. ^ Conclusions. This study further reflects the need for more research using experimental research designs to evaluate nurse-driven interventions and nurse-related policies for childhood obesity prevention and treatment, the need to create specific guidelines for school nurses, the need for further education for nurses relating to counseling, and the need for more support from the school and community for school-based obesity prevention. ^


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Background: Hypertension and Diabetes is a public health and economic concern in the United States. The utilization of medical home concepts increases the receipt of preventive services, however, do they also increase adherence to treatments? This study examined the effect of patient-centered medical home technologies such as the electronic health record, clinical support system, and web-based care management in improving health outcomes related to hypertension and diabetes. Methods: A systematic review of the literature used a best evidence synthesis approach to address the general question " Do patient-centered medical home technologies have an effect of diabetes and hypertension treatment?" This was followed by an evaluation of specific examples of the technologies utilized such as computer-assisted recommendations and web-based care management provided by the patient's electronic health record. Ebsco host, Ovid host, and Google Scholar were the databases used to conduct the literature search. Results: The initial search identified over 25 studies based on content and quality that implemented technology interventions to improve communication between provider and patient. After further assessing the articles for risk of bias and study design, 13 randomized controlled studies were chosen. All of the studies chosen were conducted in various primary care settings in both private practices and hospitals between the years 2000 and 2007. The sample sizes of the studies ranged from 42 to 2924 participants. The mean age for all of the studies ranged from 56 to 71 years. The percent women in the studies ranged from one to 78 percent. Over one-third of the studies did not provide the racial composition of the participants. For the seven studies that did provide information about the ethnic composition, 64% of the intervention participants were White. All of the studies utilized some type of web-based or computer-based communication to manage hypertension or diabetes care. Findings on outcomes were mixed, with nine out of 13 studies showing no significant effect on outcomes examined, and four of the studies showing significant and positive impact on health outcomes related to hypertension or diabetes Conclusion: Although the technologies improved patient and provider satisfaction, the outcomes measures such as blood pressure control and glucose control were inconclusive. Further research is needed with diverse ethnic and SES population to investigate the role of patient-centered technologies on hypertension and diabetes control. Also, further research is needed to investigate the effects of innovative medical home technologies that can be used by both patients and providers to increase quality of communication concerning adherence to treatments.^


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Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. CVD mainly comprise of coronary heart disease and stroke and were ranked first and fourth respectively amongst leading causes of death in the United States. Influenza (flu) causes annual outbreaks and pandemics and is increasingly recognized as an important trigger for acute coronary syndromes and stroke. Influenza vaccination is an inexpensive and effective strategy for prevention of influenza related complications in high risk individuals. Though it is recommended for all CVD patients, Influenza vaccine is still used at suboptimal levels in these patients owing to prevailing controversy related to its effectiveness in preventing CVD. This review was undertaken to critically assess the effectiveness of influenza vaccination as a primary or secondary prevention method for CVD. ^ Methods: A systematic review was conducted using electronic databases OVID MEDLINE, PUBMED (National Library of Medicine), EMBASE, GOOGLE SCHOLAR and TRIP (Turning Research into Practice). The study search was limited to peer-reviewed articles published in English language from January 1970 through May 2012. The case control studies, cohort studies and randomized controlled trials related to influenza vaccination and CVD, with data on at least one of the outcomes were identified. In the review, only population-based epidemiologic studies in all ethnic groups and of either sex and with age limitation of 30 yrs or above, with clinical CVD outcomes of interest were included. ^ Results: Of the 16 studies (8 case control studies, 6 cohort studies and 2 randomized controlled trials) that met the inclusion criteria, 14 studies reported that there was a significant benefit in u influenza vaccination as primary or secondary prevention method for preventing new cardiovascular events. In contrary to the above findings, two studies mentioned that there was no significant benefit of vaccination in CVD prevention. ^ Conclusion: The available body of evidence in the review elucidates that vaccination against influenza is associated with reduction in the risk of new CVD events, hospitalization for coronary heart disease and stroke and as well as the risk of death. The study findings disclose that the influenza vaccination is very effective in CVD prevention and should be encouraged for the high risk population. However, larger and more future studies like randomized control trials are needed to further evaluate and confirm these findings. ^


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En este trabajo se destaca la figura de Arturo Marasso, poeta y erudito argentino, en relación con su lectura de El Quijote a través de su libro Cervantes. La invención del Quijote. La atención se centra principalmente en el capítulo Las tentaciones de San Antonio y las de don Quijote, que plantea una asociación novedosa entre ambos personajes. Se presentan la época de San Antonio Abad y la Vida de San Antonio, obra de San Atanasio y su especial relación con el género aretológico (edificante). Para finalizar, se comenta la lectura que Marasso realiza de Cervantes, influido por su amplio conocimiento de los clásicos.


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El presente artículo se propone dejar planteados algunos aportes y debates en torno a la definición de políticas educativas que promueven la inclusión y sus efectos en las prácticas curriculares que se configuran en el dispositivo escolar, el que define sus condiciones de posibilidad. Se plantea que no existe una aplicación lineal de las políticas educativas, atendiendo a las mediaciones que los actores educativos ponen en juego en las prácticas curriculares fundadas en una lógica escolar naturalizada. Por ello la necesidad de propiciar procesos de desnaturalización de las creencias de los actores educativos acerca de las formas de lo escolar, el aprender y el enseñar, el curriculum, la educación común, la educación especial y sus posibles relaciones. De este modo habilitar movimientos instituyentes que transformen las prácticas curriculares en herramientas para la inclusión educativa en términos de igualdad para todos/as.


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Monasticism was not born nor grew up in contraposition to scholasticism. Both of them express the truth and unity of religious life. In this paper, the Author analyses the cases of a monk and a scholar, Bernardus of Claraval and Petrus Abelardus, respectively, by means of two of their major works: Commentary on The Song of Songs and Preface to the Commentary on the Letters of Saint Paul. Finally, a brief summary concerning longing for heaven in texts of Medium Ages is included.


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Twenty-five years have passed since the global community agreed in Nairobi to address the high maternal mortality by implementing the Safe Motherhood Initiative. However, every year nearly three million women die due to pregnancy related causes. This tragedy is avoidable if women have timely access to required emergency obstetric care. Emergency obstetric care refers to life-saving services for maternal and neonatal complications provided by skilled health workers. Since the beginning of the 1980’s, several efforts have been intensified to improve maternal and child health status and reducing the high morbidity and mortality. There was built on a worldwide consensus to provide improved maternal and child health care for addressing the high morbidity and mortality. All participant countries agreed to integrate emergency obstetric care services in their national health care system. Emergency obstetric care is one of the strategies for reducing the maternal mortality as pregnancy related complications are unpredictable. However, many women in developing countries do not have access to essential health care services including emergency obstetric care. Basic emergency obstetric care by skilled birth attendants or timely referral for further comprehensive emergency obstetric care can reduce maternal deaths and disabilities significantly. This paper is based on the results published in PubMed, Medline, Lancet, WHO and Google Scholar web pages from 1990 to 2013.


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El trabajo indaga las representaciones y valoraciones de la escuela por parte de familias de sectores populares, en un escenario de transformaciones sociales profundas, que impactaron en la vida cotidiana de los sujetos. Para esto, se realizaron entrevistas a miembros adultos de familias que habitan un barrio de la ciudad de La Plata. Los relatos de los padres entrevistados expresan las fragilidades de las experiencias escolares de sus hijos -vinculadas principalmente a las situaciones de agresión o discriminación-; pero al mismo tiempo muestran una fuerte valoración de la educación. Esta valoración se ancla en razones más históricas, como la integración social o la vinculación entre la educación y el trabajo; y en motivos más coyunturales, como la búsqueda de provisión y contención frente a la incertidumbre del presente. A diferencias de un lugar común que muestra a los padres en una posición pasiva o indiferente frente a un campo escolar fragmentado, este estudio muestra que los padres en sectores populares desarrollan distintas respuestas para evitar la segregación, buscando una educación de calidad para sus hijos


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El pasado cercano, traumático, doloroso y abierto de los años 70-80, signados por la violencia política y el terrorismo de Estado, se encuentra en la agenda de la transmisión escolar. Como contenido de historia y ciencias sociales y de diversos actos de conmemoración, esta historia reciente interpela a las instituciones escolares y a los profesores. ¿Cómo se construyen las prácticas docentes en torno a esta historia reciente? ¿Qué lecturas y traducciones realizan los profesores de las prescripciones oficiales? ¿Qué lugar ocupa la historia reciente en la enseñanza de la historia argentina del siglo XX? ¿Cómo se materializan las conmemoraciones y clases alusivas acerca del tema? Estas preguntas han guiado nuestra indagación y nuestro diálogo con profesores de Ciudad y Provincia de Buenos Aires (que ejercen en secundaria, EGB3 o Polimodal) A partir de la voz de estos protagonistas, el trabajo pretende reconstruir la trama que participa en la transmisión de la historia reciente; un entramado cruzado, entre otros elementos, por la propia historia de la enseñanza de la historia, las tradiciones escolares y las políticas institucionales.


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El análisis de la tierra como eje específico del botín y su relación con los alimentos, demuestra que el narrador no sólo los utilizó para demarcar la oposición entre las circunstancias del destierro del Cid y su brillante carrera en tierras de moros, sino que son también una línea temática vital para expresar este derrotero triunfal del castellano.


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En los últimos años, los investigadores dedicados al estudio de la enseñanza de la Historia llamaron la atención sobre la influencia de nuevos "artefactos culturales" en el forjamiento de la cultura histórica de los jóvenes. Videojuegos, series de televisión, documentales, películas y sitios web deben empezar a ser tenidos en cuenta, a la hora de evaluar los principales emisores de contenidos históricos. En este caso, nos dedicamos a estudiar a uno de estos "artefactos": los cómics o historietas históricas. Buscaremos, entonces, conocer su derrotero histórico y, a partir de él, analizar el lugar que actualmente tienen en el currículum, teniendo en cuenta sus límites y posibilidades. A partir de un recorrido por las principales historietas históricas que tuvo la Argentina en el siglo XX y principios del XXI, analizaremos su contenido y la propuesta político-pedagógica que se desprende, tanto de sus autores, como de aquellas organizaciones destinadas a difundirlas en la escuela. La conclusión del trabajo es que, a pesar de la novedad que implica la enseñanza de la Historia por medio de herramientas alternativas a los tradicionales manuales, tanto su contenido como los valores difundidos no difieren de aquellos que difundían los viejos textos escolares. En este sentido, las historietas funcionarían como herramientas al servicio de una enseñanza de la Historia escolar cuya función principal es fomentar una conciencia cívica nacionalista


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In this article we present the results found in a descriptive- exploratory study, in which we investigated a group of scholar's (9 and 10 years old) conceptions of their classmates with psychological disorders at school. The answers of 90 students who belong to low and average socio- cultural level groups were analyzed. These groups were identified in relation to the parent's occupational category and educational level. The instrument elaborated to such aim was a semi- structured interview which included different aspects related to: which the most frequent problems are, how these problems are expressed at school, which their determinants are and the consequences for the children, as well as the their self referred knowledge of these problems.


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En los últimos años, la literatura ha permitido discutir la constitución social y las orientaciones ideológicas de los grupos nacionalistas y fascistoides de Argentina en el período comprendido entre el golpe de Uriburu y el ascenso de Perón. Algunos autores han adivinado un "giro social" o "plebeyo" marcado por un distanciamiento de las posturas inicialmente antipopulares y oligárquicas del nacionalismo, así como por un ferviente antiimperialismo. Este artículo procura poner en tensión esa idea, tratando de mostrar cuáles fueron algunas de las prácticas y discursos de algunos grupos nacionalistas de Argentina con respecto a la llamada "cuestión indígena", especialmente en lo referido a los pobladores originarios de las áreas pampeano-patagónicas. Se intenta señalar cuáles son las motivaciones existentes por detrás de las relecturas que ofrecían algunos escritores y militantes nacionalistas sobre los grupos indígenas, en el marco de una reinterpretación global de tono antiliberal del carácter cultural-civilizatorio de la Argentina.


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El presente trabajo analiza los múltiples factores que llevan a la conformación de la comedia renacentista española. Por una parte, se destaca la estrecha relación que la une a la comedia renacentista italiana y a su vez a la clásica, por la otra, se intentan individualizar aquellos aspectos absolutamente innovadores que la distinguen de la misma y que nos la proponen como un objeto de estudio autónomo. Se ha tratado de especificar lo que el estudioso italiano Siro Ferrone denomina 'procedimiento sincrético' en el que convergen una multiplicidad de factores, tradicionales y/ o innovadores, como, asimismo, una serie de nuevas relaciones y contigüidades contextúales.