990 resultados para Scandium fluoride


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Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att beskriva vilken kariesförebyggande effekt olika fluorbehandlingar har bland personer med muntorrhet. Vetenskapliga artiklar söktes i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Åtta artiklar relevanta för denna litteraturstudie valdes ut för granskning. Artiklarna kvalitetsbedömdes med hjälp av en granskningsmall för kvantitativa studier. Resultaten visade att god munhygien i kombination med 1 % NaF-gel i skenor har visat sig vara en adekvat behandlingsmetod mot karies hos patienter med muntorrhet. En studie som jämfört olika koncentrationer av NaF-gel i skenor har inte uppvisat någon skillnad avseende kariesincidensen i de båda grupperna.  Jämförelser mellan NaF-gel i skenor med munskölj och dessa i kombination visade en minskning av antal extraktioner men antalet lagningar ökade oavsett behandling. Kariesincidensen visade ingen skillnad mellan NaF-gel i skenor jämfört med tandborstning med 1350 ppm fluor.  Att använda SnF2-gel som vid tandborstning var effektivas mot rotkaries i jämförelse med NaF-gel i kombination med munskölj. Kariesincidensen visade sig vara likvärdig i jämförelse mellan IFRS och fluorgel. Genom att använda 1 % NaF-gel 5 min varannan dag reduceras demineraliseringsprocessen effektivast. 


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The construction of evaporative ponds and wetlands for the disposal of waste water high in ionic concentrations is a waste disposal strategy currently considered by many industries. However, the design, construction and management of these ponds and wetlands are not straightforward as complex chemical interactions result in both spatial and temporal changes in water quality. The effects of evaporation and drainage on the water quality in two constructed ponds, an adjacent man-made wetland and local groundwater at Portland Aluminium were investigated. The minimum volume of water entering the ponds during the study period was 0.96±0.16 ML per month. The predicted theoretical evaporative capacity of the two ponds was calculated to be 0.30±0.07 ML per month. More water enters the ponds than it is theoretically possible to evaporate under the ambient weather conditions at Portland, yet the ponds do not overflow, suggesting percolation through the pond lining. No spatial differences in solute concentrations (fluoride, sulphate, bicarbonate, carbonate, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium ions) were found within the waters of either pond, although temporal differences were apparent. The results support the conclusion that the ponds are not impermeable, and that much of the waste water entering the ponds is being lost through seepage. The impacts on local groundwater chemistry of this seepage are addressed. Significant correlations exist between solute presence within and between the ponds, wetland and groundwater. Fluoride and sulphate concentrations were significantly higher in pond waters throughout the duration of the experiment. Pond sediments revealed a high degree of spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the concentration of all monitored ions resulting from the chemical heterogeneity of the material making up the pond linings. Adsorption isotherms for fluoride indicate that the adsorption capacity of the pond linings remains high for this ion. Implications for the management of waste water by this strategy are discussed.


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The reactions between X3Sn(CH2)nSnX3 (X = Cl, Br; n = 1, 3, 4, 8) and halide in solution are described. 119Sn NMR spectroscopy (CD2Cl2) indicates formation of five-coordinate dinuclear 1:2 adducts, [X4Sn(CH2)nSnX4]2-, with chloride and bromide. A trigonal-bipyramidal geometry has been confirmed in the solid state for the compound having X = Cl and n = 4. In contrast, fluoride reacts with X3Sn(CH2)nSnX3 to give six-coordinate tin species, [F5Sn(CH2)nSnF5].4- There was no evidence indicating that the tin atoms could act as a bidentate acid.


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The crystal and molecular structure of Gingras' salt [n-Bu4N]+ [Ph3SnF2] is reported, which reveals a variety of inter- and intramolecular C---H...F hydrogen bonding interactions. A 119Sn MAS-NMR spectrum was recorded and a tensor analysis has been performed according to the method of Herzfeld and Berger. The results are discussed in terms of the molecular structure and are compared with the parent compound Ph3SnF as well as with Mes3SnF (Mes=mesityl).


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This mini review highlights the synthesis and photophysical evaluation of anion sensors, for nonaqueous solutions, that have been developed in our laboratories over the last few years. We have focused our research mainly on developing fluorescent photoinduced electron transfer (PET) sensors based on the fluorophore-spacer-anion receptor principle using several anthracene (emitting in the blue) and 1,8-naphthalimide (emitting in the green) fluorophores, with the aim of targeting biologically and industrially relevant anions such as acetates, phosphate and amino acids, as well as halides such as fluoride. The receptors and the fluorophore are separated by a short methyl or ethyl spacer, where the charge neutral anion receptors are either aliphatic or aromatic urea (or thiourea) moieties. For these, the anion recognition is through hydrogen bonding, yielding anion:receptor complexes. Such bonding gives rise to enhanced reduction potential in the receptor moieties which causes enhancement in the rate of PET quenching of the fluorophore excited state from the anion:receptor moiety. This design can be further elaborated on by incorporating either two fluorophores, or urea/thiourea receptors into the sensor structures, using anthracene as a fluorophore. For the latter design, the sensors were designed to achieve sensing of bis-anions, such as di-carboxylates or pyrophosphate, where the anion bridged the anthracene moiety. In the case of the naphthalimide based mono-receptor based PET sensors, it was discovered that in DMSO the sensors were also susceptible to deprotonation by anions such as F− at high concentrations. This led to substantial changes in the absorption spectra of these sensors, where the solution changed colour from yellow/green to deep blue, which was clearly visible to the naked eye. Hence, some of the examples presented can act as dual fluorescent-colorimetric sensors for anions. Further investigations into this phenomenon led to the development of simple colorimetric sensors for fluorides, which upon exposure to air, were shown to fix carbon dioxide as bicarbonate.


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This review article focuses primarily on the work carried in our laboratories over the last few years using luminescent and colorimetric sensors, where the anion recognition occurs through hydrogen bonding in organic or aqueous solvents. This review begins with the story of the discovery of fluorescent photoinduced electron transfer (PET) sensors for anions using charged neutral urea or thiourea receptors where both fluorescent and NMR spectroscopic methods monitored anion recognition. This work led to the development of dual luminescent and colorimetric anion sensors based on the use of the ICT based naphthalimide chromophore, where ions such as fluoride gave rise to changes in both the fluorescence and the absorption spectra of the sensors, but at different concentrations. Here, the former changes were due to hydrogen bonding interactions, whereas the latter was due to the deprotonation of acidic protons, giving rise to the formation of the bifluoride anion (HF2−). Modification of the 4-amino-l,8-naphthalimide moiety has facilitated the formation of colorimetric anion sensors that work both in organic or aqueous solutions. Such charge neutral receptor motifs have also been incorporated into organic scaffolds with norbomyl and calixarene backbones, which have enabled us to produce anion directed self-assembled structures.


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The ability of macroheterocyclic compounds to complex with ionic species has led to the synthesis and investigation of many multidentate macroheterocyclic species. The most stable complexes are formed between macrocyclic polyetheral ligands (crown ethers) with alkali or alkaline earth metal iona. There is an excellent correlation of the stability of these complexes with the size of the cation and the site of the cavity in the macrocyclic ligand. Additional factors, such as the basicity of the ligand and the solvating ability of the solvent, also play important roles in the stabilization of the complex. The stability of such complexes has been advantageously used to increase anionic reactivity and has been successfully applied to several organic fluorinations, oxidations, and similar reactions. The use of macrocyclic ligands in inorganic syntheses of otherwise difficult to obtain fluoro compounds has not been reported. O-carborane and m-carborane, C2BlOHl2, are icosahedral cage systems derived from Bl2H122- by replacement of BH with the isoelectronic CH group. These stable molecules exhibit electron-deficient bonding which can best be explained by delocalization of electrons. This delocalization gives rise to stability similar to that found in aromatic hydrocarbons. Crown ether activated potassium fluoride has been successfully employed in the conversion of alkyl, acyl and aryl halides to their respective fluorides. Analogously halide substituted carboranes were prepared, but their fluoro-derivatives were not obtained. The application of crown ethers in the synthesis of transition metal complexes is relatively unexplored. The usual synthesis of fluoro-derivative transition metal complexes involves highly reactive and toxic fluorinating agents such as antimony trifluoride, antimony penta fluoride. bromine trifluoride and hydrogen fluoride, An attempted preparation of the hexafluoroosmate (IV) ion via a crown activated, or naked fluoride~was unsuccessful. Potassium hexafluoroosmate (IV), K208F6. was eventually prepared using bromine trifluoride as a fluorinating and oxidizing agent .


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Community Water Fluoridation (CWF) is the adjustment of fluoride concentration in community drinking water to a level that confers optimal protection from dental caries (Truman et al 2002). It is supported by many authorities as the single most effective public health measure for reducing dental caries (DHS 2007). It has consistently been shown to be effective in reducing the prevalence and severity of dental caries in populations following its introduction (NHMRC 1999). The most dramatic reductions (50-60%) were demonstrated in the earlier studies although more recent research has still shown reductions of between 30 and 50% (Truman et al 2002). Despite the strong scientific evidence for its beneficial effects and safety the issue of the appropriateness of CWF is often the focus of public debate. Proponents argue that it reduces dental caries. is safe and cost effective. and that it provides significant benefits to all social classes (Slade et al 1995: Slade et a 1996: Spencer et al 1996). Opponents question its efficacy and safety and argue that its addition to community water supplies is unethical mass medication (Colquhoun 1990: Diesendorf 1986: Diesendorf et al 1997).

More recently, however, there have been important questions raised regarding the continuing benefit of CWF over and above that produced by the widespread use of other sources of fluoride (toothpaste. mouth rinses. varnish and other professionally applied fluorides). Generally, dental caries has declined steeply in the last thirty years and many have observed that dental caries has also reduced in parts of Australia and other countries where there has never been CWF or where it has ceased. It has been suggested that because of the current low population levels of dental caries and the increase in alternate sources of fluoride, CWF no longer offers the benefits it may have in the past. Given this notion, together with the concerns of a minority subgroup of the population regarding the safety of CWF, it is valuable to examine current evidence to answer the question: Is there still a role for CWF in Australia?

This paper will firstly examine the history of water fluoridation and its mechanisms of action. Secondly. trends in dental decay experience over the last three decades with particular emphasis on social and geographical inequities in Australia will be described. We also review the current state of scientific evidence for the benefits of CWF including the contribution it makes to the reduction of oral health inequalities. In light of this we will provide a response to the question posed above.


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In epidemiologic studies, researchers often need to establish a nonlinear exposure-response relation between a continuous risk factor and a health outcome. Furthermore, periodic interviews are often conducted to take repeated measurements from an individual. The authors proposed to use fractional polynomial models to jointly analyze the effects of 2 continuous risk factors on a health outcome. This method was applied to an analysis of the effects of age and cumulative fluoride exposure on forced vital capacity in a longitudinal study of lung function carried out among aluminum workers in Australia (1995-2003). Generalized estimating equations and the quasi-likelihood under the independence model criterion were used. The authors found that the second-degree fractional polynomial models for age and fluoride fitted the data best. The best model for age was robust across different models for fluoride, and the best model for fluoride was also robust. No evidence was found to suggest that the effects of smoking and cumulative fluoride exposure on change in forced vital capacity over time were significant. The trend 1 model, which included the unexposed persons in the analysis of trend in forced vital capacity over tertiles of fluoride exposure, did not fit the data well, and caution should be exercised when this method is used.


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(119)Sn, (31)P and (13)C variable temperature NMR spectroscopies have been used to examine the effective coordination spheres in solution of a series of hypervalent organotin(IV) dithiolate compounds RnSnXm(S-S)4-n-m where R = Ph, Me, nBu, tBu; X = Cl, Br; (S-S) = S2CNR'2, S2COR', S2P(OR')2 (R' = Me, Et, iPr) and n = 1, 2, 3; m = 0,1,2. Stereochemical nonrigidity is a common phenomenon found for these hypervalent compounds. On the basis of heteronuclear NMR data and X-ray crystallographic data, dynamic behaviors of these hypervalent compounds have been established. The system of hypervalent organotin(IV) fluoride complexes has also been investigated by variable temperature heteronuclear NMR techniques. A series of monomeric pentacoordinate complexes [RnSnC1mF5-n-m]-(R = Ph, Me, nBu, tBu; n = 2, 3; m - 0, 1, 2, 3) and dimeric complexes [(Me3SnX)F(Me3SnX')]- (X = F, Cl; X' = F, Cl) and hexacoordinate complexes [RnSnClmF6-n.m]2- (R = Ph, Me, nBu; n = 1, 2; m = (X 1, 2, 3,4) are identified in solution. The fluoride is of higer affinite to tin than the chloride. The stereochemistry and dynamic behavior of these complexes in solution has been studied. Fluoride ion may induce phenyl group disproportionation of phenyhin(IV) compounds. It is also found that in pentacoordinate diorganotin complexes, such as [Ph2SnCl2F]- and [Ph2SnClF2]- fluorine can be less apicophilic than chlorine. Studies of stereochemistry and dynamic behavior of bi-functional Lewis acid bis(haloorganosiannes) have also been carried out. The bis(haloorganostannes) exhibit strong chelate ability towards halide, with high selectivity on fluoride, forming heterocyclic chelating rings, the stability of which depend on the ring size. In further exploration of the Lewis acidity of organotin(IV) halides, complexation of organotin(IV) halides with bis(tertiary phosphinc) ligands has been studied by 119Sn and 31P NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. The phenyl group disproportionation is often observed in the complexation reaction. Furthermore, organotin(IV) clusters such as [(RSn)12O14(OH)6]Cl2-2H2O (R = iPr, nBu) have been successfully prepared by base hydrolysis of RSnCl3. These clusters contain 12 tin atoms in one molecule and the cores of the clusters are dications. Other organotin clusters such as [nBuSn(O)O2CCH3]6 and [(nBuSn(OH)O2PPh2)3][O2PPh2) are readily formed by reaction of the 12-tin-atom cluster with an appropriate acid. The reactivity of and interconversion between organotin(FV) clusters have also been studied.


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N-Ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (12) was synthesised from adenosine (1) and the 6-chloro-2’,3’-O-isopropylidene-AT-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (25) was synthesised from inosine (19). Employing molecular modelling techniques and the results from previous structure activity relationships it was possible to design and synthesise a N6-substituted N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosines which possessed an oxygen in the N6-substituent either in the form of an epoxide (which was obtained by cpoxidising an alkene with m-CPBA or dimethyldioxirane) or in the form of a cyclic ether as was the case for N6-((tetrahydro-2H--pyran--2-yl)methyl-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (78). These compounds were tested for their biological activity at the A1 adenosine receptor by their ability to inhibit cAMP accumulation in DDT, MF2 cells. The EC50 values obtained indicated that the N6-(norborn-5-en-2-yl)-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosines were the most potent. Of theseN6-(S-endo-norbrn-5-en-2-yI)-N-ethylcarboxaniidoadenosine (56) was the most potent (0.2 nM). N6-(exo-norborn-5-en-2-yl)-2-iodo-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (79) was synthesised from guanosine (22) and was also evaluated for its potency at the A, receptor (24.8 ± 1.5 nM). At present 79 is being evaluated for its selectivity for the A1 receptor compared to the other three receptor subtypes (A2a, A2b, A3). A series of N6-(benzyl)-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosines were synthesised with substitutions at the 4-position of the phenyl ring. Another series of compounds were synthesised which replaced the methylene spacer between the N6H and the N6-aromatic or lipophilic substituent The replacement groups -were carbonyl and trans-2- cyclopropyl moieties. The N6-acyl compounds were obtained by reacting 2’,3’-O- di(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-AT-ethylcarboxamidoadenosinc (59) with the appropriate acid chloride and then deprotecting with lelrabutylammonium fluoride in tetrahydrofuran. The compound N6-(4-(1,2-dihydroxy)ethyl)benzyl-N- ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (125) was synthesised by the reaction of 4-(1,2-0- isopropylidene-ethyl)benzyl aminc (123) with 6-chloro-2,3-0-isopropylidene-N- ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (25). Compound 123 was synthesised from an epoxidation of vinylbenzyl phthalimide (118) followed by an acidic ring opening to yield the diol which was isopropylidenated to yield 4-(l,2-O-isopropylidene- elhyl)benzyl phlhalimide (122), It was hoped that the presence of the diol functionality in 125 would increase water solubility whilst maintaining potency at the A3 receptor.


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Gel polymer electrolytes were prepared by immersing a porous poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) membrane in an electrolyte solution containing small amounts of organic additive. Three kinds of organic compounds, thiophene, 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene and biphenyl, were used as a polymerizable monomeric additive. The organic additives were found to be electrochemically oxidized to form conductive polymer films on the electrode at high potential. By using the gel polymer electrolytes containing different organic additive, lithium metal polymer cells, composed of lithium anode and LiCoO2 cathode, were assembled and their cycling performance evaluated. Adding small amounts of a suitable polymerizable additive to the gel polymer electrolyte was found to reduce the interfacial resistance in the cell during cycling, and it thus exhibited less capacity fade and better high rate performance. Differential scanning calorimetric studies showed that the thermal stability of the fully charged LiCoO2 cathode was improved in the cell containing an organic additive.


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Ionic liquids (ILs) based on trihexyltetradecylphosphonium coupled with either diphenylphosphate or bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide have been shown to react with magnesium alloy surfaces, leading to the formation a surface film that can improve the corrosion resistance of the alloy. The morphology and microstructure of the magnesium surface seems critical in determining the nature of the interphase, with grain boundary phases and intermetallics within the grain, rich in zirconium and zinc, showing almost no interaction with the IL and thereby resulting in a heterogeneous surface film. This has been explained, on the basis of solid-state NMR evidence, as being due to the extremely low reactivity of the native oxide films on the intermetallics (ZrO2 and ZnO) with the IL as compared with the magnesium-rich matrix where a magnesium hydroxide and/or carbonate inorganic surface is likely. Solid-state NMR characterization of the ZE41 alloy surface treated with the IL based on (Tf)2N− indicates that this anion reacts to form a metal fluoride rich surface in addition to an organic component. The diphenylphosphate anion also seems to undergo an additional chemical process on the metal surface, indicating that film formation on the metal is not a simple chemical interaction between the components of the IL and the substrate but may involve electrochemical processes.


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A poly(3-methylthiophene) (PMT)/multi-walled carbon nanotube (CNT) composite is synthesized by in situ chemical polymerization. The PMT/CNT composite is used as an active cathode material in lithium metal polymer cells assembled with ionic liquid (IL) electrolytes. The IL electrolyte consists of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (EMIBF4) and LiBF4. A small amount of vinylene carbonate is added to the IL electrolyte to prevent the reductive decomposition of the imidazolium cation in EMIBF4. A porous poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) (P(VdF-co-HFP)) film is used as a polymer membrane for assembling the cells. Electrochemical properties of the PMT/CNT composite electrode in the IL electrolyte are evaluated and the effect of vinylene carbonate on the cycling performance of the lithium metal polymer cells is investigated. The cells assembled with a non-flammable IL electrolyte and a PMT/CNT composite cathode are promising candidates for high-voltage–power sources with enhanced safety.


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Membrane is usually subject to fouling by various organic foulants, such as yeast, protein and sodium alginate during filtration. Backwashing is a common practice to reduce membrane fouling. It is essential to evaluate the effects of backwashing on fouling in order to optimize operational parameters. In this experiment, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membranes were used to filter organic foulants from suspensions in a dead-end stirred cell. Three types of organic foulants including yeast, protein and sodium alginate which were stained with fluorescent dyes before filtration were used with different combinations in the experiments. After filtration, the PVDF membrane was backwashed.

Consequently, a stack of images, instrumental data and sample data were captured from the fouling layers on the PVDF membrane surface using confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and its associated image acquisition software LAS AF. Then, the quality of the images was enhanced for better visualization and a set of quantitative fouling data were derived by using the software code developed by the project team at Deakin University.

This collection contains raw image data of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membrane’s fouling layer when three types of organic foulants present, which are captured by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and its software, and the instrumental and sample metadata, the processed image data and the geometrical structure properties of the fouling layer. By comparing with the same membrane without backwashing, the efficiency of backwashing was computed.

This data collection would be useful to evaluate the backwashing efficiency of PVDF membrane in order to optimize frequency and operational conditions of backwashing by membrane materials researchers and water researchers.