998 resultados para Sarti, Raffaella: Europe at home
[cat] Utilitzant l’enquesta REFLEX/HEGESCO, aquest article explora la probabilitat de desajustament entre educació i treball a l’Europa de l’Est i Central. Classifiquem els països en dos grups segons la transparència dels títols educatius al mercat de treball. Polònia, la República Txeca i Eslovènia formen el grup amb més transparència, i Hongria, Lituània i Estònia formen el grup amb més opacitat. Analitzem tres tipus de desajustaments: el vertical (infra‐, sobre‐educació), l’horitzontal (desajustament del camp d’estudi) i el desajust en habilitats. Focalitzem l’anàlisi en l’efecte dels camps d’estudi i les competències dels individus en el desajustament del mercat laboral en aquests països. Els resultats mostren importants diferències entre els dos grups de països estudiats.
Since two years ago, five European universities are working together with Creative Commons and the Open Courseware Consortium in an EU funded project aimed at supporting student virtual mobility on the basis of OCW. During those two years, there have been several workshops dedicated to different topics and some documents have been produced, among them about the use of CC licenses. The final goal of the project is to establish an European branch of the OCW Consortium as the existing ones in other regions. More information about the project: http://opencourseware.eu/
We considered trends in mortality from leukemia in Europe over the period 1970-2009 using data from the World Health Organization. We computed age-standardized (world population) mortality rates, at all ages and in selected age groups, in 11 selected European countries, the European Union (EU) and, for comparative purposes, in the USA and Japan. For the EU, we also provided projections of the mortality to 2012. Over the period considered, mortality from leukemia steadily declined in most European countries in children and young adults, as well as in western and southern Europe at middle-age (45-69 years); in central/eastern Europe, reductions at ages 45-69 started since the mid-late 1990s. In the EU, annual percent changes were -3.7% in males and -3.8% in females at age 0-14, -2% in both sexes at age 15-44, and -0.6% in males and -1% in females at middle-age and overall. No decline was observed at age 70 or more. Between 1997 and 2007, overall EU rates decreased from 5.4 to 4.8/100,000 males and from 3.4 to 2.9/100,000 females. Declines were from 6.2 to 5.5/100,000 males and from 3.7 to 3.2/100,000 females in the USA and from 3.9 to 3.5/100,000 males and from 2.5 to 2.0/100,000 females in Japan. Projected overall rates in the EU at 2012 are 4.3/100,000 males (-11% compared to 2007) and 2.6/100,000 females (-12%).
Report on the Iowa Veterans Home and the Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs for the year ended June 30, 2012
This document summarizes the available evidence and provides recommendations on the use of home blood pressure monitoring in clinical practice and in research. It updates the previous recommendations on the same topic issued in year 2000. The main topics addressed include the methodology of home blood pressure monitoring, its diagnostic and therapeutic thresholds, its clinical applications in hypertension, with specific reference to special populations, and its applications in research. The final section deals with the problems related to the implementation of these recommendations in clinical practice.
BACKGROUND: Positional therapy that prevents patients from sleeping supine has been used for many years to manage positional obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, patients' usage at home and the long term efficacy of this therapy have never been objectively assessed. METHODS: Sixteen patients with positional OSA who refused or could not tolerate continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) were enrolled after a test night study (T0) to test the efficacy of the positional therapy device. The patients who had a successful test night were instructed to use the device every night for three months. Nightly usage was monitored by an actigraphic recorder placed inside the positional device. A follow-up night study (T3) was performed after three months of positional therapy. RESULTS: Patients used the device on average 73.7 ± 29.3% (mean ± SD) of the nights for 8.0 ± 2.0 h/night. 10/16 patients used the device more than 80% of the nights. Compared to the baseline (diagnostic) night, mean apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) decreased from 26.7 ± 17.5 to 6.0 ± 3.4 with the positional device (p<0.0001) during T0 night. Oxygen desaturation (3%) index also fell from 18.4 ± 11.1 to 7.1 ± 5.7 (p = 0.001). Time spent supine fell from 42.8 ± 26.2% to 5.8 ± 7.2% (p < 0.0001). At three months (T3), the benefits persisted with no difference in AHI (p = 0.58) or in time spent supine (p = 0.98) compared to T0 night. The Epworth sleepiness scale showed a significant decrease from 9.4 ± 4.5 to 6.6 ± 4.7 (p = 0.02) after three months. CONCLUSIONS: Selected patients with positional OSA can be effectively treated by a positional therapy with an objective compliance of 73.7% of the nights and a persistent efficacy after three months.
AIMS: To determine the economic burden pertaining to alcohol dependence in Europe. METHODS: Database searching was combined with grey literature searching to identify costs and resource use in Europe relating to alcohol dependence as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) or the World Health Organisation's International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Searches combined MeSH headings for both economic terms and terms pertaining to alcohol dependence. Relevant outcomes included direct healthcare costs and indirect societal costs. Main resource use outcomes included hospitalization and drug costs. RESULTS: Compared with the number of studies of the burden of alcohol use disorders in general, relatively few focussed specifically on alcohol dependence. Twenty-two studies of variable quality were eligible for inclusion. The direct costs of alcohol dependence in Europe were substantial, the treatment costs for a single alcohol-dependent patient lying within the range euro1591-euro7702 per hospitalization and the annual total direct costs accounting for 0.04-0.31% of an individual country's gross domestic product (GDP). These costs were driven primarily by hospitalization; in contrast, the annual drug costs for alcohol dependence were low. The indirect costs were more substantial than the direct costs, accounting for up to 0.64% of GDP per country annually. Alcohol dependence may be more costly in terms of health costs per patient than alcohol abuse. CONCLUSIONS: This review confirms that alcohol dependence represents a significant burden for European healthcare systems and society. Difficulties in comparing across cost-of-illness studies in this disease area, however, prevent specific estimation of the economic burden.
Selostus: Pohjois-Euroopan silikaattisten kalkitusaineiden reaktiivisuus astiakoemenetelmällä ja kahdella pH-staattisella menetelmällä arvioituna