999 resultados para Saratoga Campaign, N.Y., 1777.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the sphygmomanometers calibration accuracy and the physical conditions of the cuff-bladder, bulb, pump, and valve. METHODS: Sixty hundred and forty five aneroid sphygmomanometers were evaluated, 521 used in private practice and 124 used in hospitals. Aneroid manometers were tested against a properly calibrated mercury manometer and were considered calibrated when the error was <=3mm Hg. The physical conditions of the cuffs-bladder, bulb, pump, and valve were also evaluated. RESULTS: Of the aneroid sphygmomanometers tested, 51% of those used in private practice and 56% of those used in hospitals were found to be not accurately calibrated. Of these, the magnitude of inaccuracy ranged from 4 to 8mm Hg in 70% and 51% of the devices, respectively. The problems found in the cuffs - bladders, bulbs, pumps, and valves of the private practice and hospital devices were bladder damage (34% vs. 21%, respectively), holes/leaks in the bulbs (22% vs. 4%, respectively), and rubber aging (15% vs. 12%, respectively). Of the devices tested, 72% revealed at least one problem interfering with blood pressure measurement accuracy. CONCLUSION: Most of the manometers evaluated, whether used in private practice or in hospitals, were found to be inaccurate and unreliable, and their use may jeopardize the diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the levels of total cholesterol in a significant sample of the Brazilian population. METHODS: Blood cholesterol was determined in 81.262 individuals > 18 years old (51% male, 44.7 ± 15.7 years), using Accutrend equipment, in the cities São Paulo, Campinas, Campos do Jordão, São José dos Campos, Santos, Santo André, Ribeirão Preto, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Brasília, Salvador and documented in the presence of other risk factors (RF) for coronary artery disease (CAD) (systemic hypertension, CAD in the family, smoking, and diabetes). Participants were classified according to sex, age, and the presence or absence of RF, respectively, as 0 RF, 1 RF and > 2 RF. The percentage of individuals with cholesterol > 200 mg/dL and > 240 mg/dL was evaluated. RESULTS: The prevalence of individuals with 0, 1, and > 2 risk factors was 30% (n = 24,589), 36% (n =29,324), and 34% (n = 27,349) respectively, (P=0.657), and the mean total cholesterol of the population was 199.0 ± 35.0 mg/dL. Cholesterol levels above 200 and 240 mg/dL were found, respectively, in 40% (n = 32,515) and 13% (10.942) of individuals. The greater the number of risk factors the higher the levels of cholesterol (P<0.0001) and the greater the proportion of individuals with cholesterol > 200 mg/dL (P=0.032). No difference existed in the proportion of individuals with cholesterol > 240 mg/dL (P=0.11). CONCLUSION: A great percentage of individuals with cholesterol levels above those recommended to prevent coronary artery disease was found.
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La producción de carne bovina en áreas subtropical y templadas cálidas se ve afectada en cantidad y calidad debido a las condiciones de calor y humedad a lo largo del año. Las razas tradicionales son las que más sufren esa condición climática y por otra parte, las razas y/o cruzas más adaptadas muestran problemas de calidad de carne, menor precocidad reproductiva y de temperamento. Las razas bovinas de origen índico y africano muestran mayor adaptación al estrés térmico y las razas británicas son más susceptibles aunque existe variación individual. Los indicadores climáticos de estrés térmico son variados, aunque humedad relativa del ambiente y temperatura son los más importantes. En el animal se pueden realizar diversos ensayos que incluyen toma de información de temperatura corporal profunda y frecuencia respiratoria. Dichos ensayos permiten clasificar a los animales como resistentes o susceptibles al estrés térmico. Una raza sanga de origen africano (Tuli) y sus cruzas se están ensayando en la UCC como parte de la búsqueda de soluciones a los problemas planteados anteriormente. Los objetivos son: Implementar un sistema de evaluación genética para seleccionar una población bovina de carne adaptada a condiciones de estrés térmico. Estudiar atributos anátomo-fisiológicos y mecanismos de reacción fisiológica de adaptación a dicho estrés y describir el temperamento de la raza Tuli y sus cruzas, relacionándolo con producción, estrés y calidad de carne. Estimar parámetros genéticos poblacionales. Estudiar por medio de evaluación ecográfica diferencias entre animales de distintas razas en área de ojo de bife y espesor de grasa dorsal. Los animales a utilizar en este trabajo pertenecen a las razas Tuli puros, Aberdeen Angus, Hereford, cruzas F1, cruzas inter sé de las F1 (San Ignacio).