984 resultados para Saline lagoon


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Purpose. To investigate the effect of the endothelin(A) receptor inhibitor BQ-123 on the retinal arteriolar vasculature in minipig retinas in normal eyes and eyes with acute branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO). Methods. Seven healthy eyes of seven minipigs and six eyes of six minipigs with experimental BRVO were evaluated under systemic anesthesia. An intravitreal juxta-arteriolar microinjection of 30 microL BQ-123 0.61 microg/mL (pH 7.4) was performed in all but one eye from each group, into which the physiologic saline vehicle alone was injected. Vessel-diameter changes were measured with a retinal vessel analyzer. Results. In healthy minipig retinas (n = 6), arteriolar diameter (+/-SD) increased 6.19% +/- 3.55% (P < 0.05), 25.98% +/- 2.37% (P < 0.001), 23.65% +/- 1.2% (P < 0.001), and 16.84% +/- 1.95% (P < 0.001), at 1, 5, 10, and 15 minutes, respectively, after BQ-123 microinjection. Two hours after experimental BRVO (n = 5), the retinal arteriolar diameter had decreased (13.07% +/- 5.7%; P < 0.01). One, 5, 10, and 15 minutes after BQ-123 microinjection, retinal arteriolar diameter had increased by 7.14% +/- 3.3% (P < 0.01), 26.74% +/- 7.63% (P < 0.001), 23.67% +/- 6.4% (P < 0.001), and 16.09% +/- 3.41% (P < 0.001), respectively. Vehicle only injection had no vasoactive effect on physiologic or BRVO retinas. Conclusions. A significant increase in retinal arteriolar diameter was demonstrated after juxta-arteriolar BQ-123 microinjection in healthy and in acute BRVO minipig retinas. The results suggest a role for endothelin-1 in maintaining retinal basal arteriolar tone. Reversing the BRVO-related vasoconstriction by juxta-arteriolar BQ-123 microinjection could bring a new perspective to the management of BRVO.


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RESUMEL'agriculture urbaine et périurbalne - nommée ci-après AU - est un thème fort de recherche transversale, au vu des nombreux enjeux économiques, sociaux et environnementaux. L'objectif de cette recherche était de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des processus de transfert de polluants et du cycle des nutriments à l'échelle locale, afin de déterminer sous quelles conditions l'AU de Dakar peut être pratiquée sans porter atteinte à la santé et à l'environnement.Une approche basée sur l'étude des processus géochimiques dans ie sol jusqu'à la nappe a été choisie, à l'échelle de la parcelle cultivée et à une échelle un peu plus large de la zone périurbaine de Dakar pour déterminer les influences du type d'occupation du sol.L'évaluation des impacts de l'irrigation avec des eaux usées brutes et des eaux de nappe saumâtres sur la qualité des sols (chapitre 2) a montré que l'alcalinité et les teneurs en calcium élevées des eaux saumâtres induisent la précipitation de CaC03 dans l'horizon superficiel du sol. Na remplace consécutivement Ca sur le complexe argilo-humique du sol et les bicarbonates diminuent dans la solution du sol. Le carbone organique dissout (COD) augmente significativement dans la solution du sol et dans la nappe sous-jacente. Malgré l'alcalinité et les teneurs très élevées en calcium des eaux usées, il y a peu de précipitation de CaC03 dans l'horizon superficiel du sol et une faible augmentation du sodium échangeable ESP. La nitrification de l'ammonium des eaux usées (moy 190mg/L à Pikine) produit des protons, qui ne sont plus tamponnés par les bicarbonates exportés hors du profil. Il y a alors une nette baisse de pH des sols irrigués par des eaux usées non traitées. Les sols irrigués par des eaux usées et saumâtres stockent moins de C et Ν que les sols de référence.L'évaluation de l'influence de l'occupation des sols en zone périurbaine sur à la nappe phréatique peu profonde (chapitre 3) a permis de déterminer les traceurs représentatifs de l'occupation du sol, à savoir Br/CI, NO3/CI et δ180-Ν03 pour l'irrigation par des eaux usées, pH et δ15Ν-Ν03 pour l'irrigation par des eaux de nappe, et Rb+Cr et Κ pour les lixiviats de fosses septiques. Ce chapitre a mis en évidence des points importants de la dynamique de l'azote en zone périurbaine sous deux occupations du sol : (1) la dénitrification est un processus important dans l'agrosystème périurbain de Dakar en bas de dune, dans les gleysols où l'on trouve des conditions temporairement réduites et un substrat organique favorables aux microorganismes de la dénitrification. Les teneurs en nitrates sont presque nulles avec irrigation d'eau de nappe. (2) en bas de pente, mais avec irrigation quotidienne par les eaux usées, l'apport continu d'ammonium inhibe probablement la dénitrification, mais favorise la volatilisation. (3) la nitrification de l'ammonium dans la nappe lors de la lixiviation des fosses septiques se distingue de la nitrification de l'ammonium dans la zone non saturée dans la zone d'agriculture périurbaine par la composition isotopique de l'oxygène de l'eau. Une comparaison des flux d'azote entre l'agrosystème et les quartiers périurbains de Dakar (chapitre 4) ont révélé que ces derniers étaient du même ordre de grandeur par unité de surface, à savoir 2-4 tonnes Ν /ha/an.L'évaluation des flux de pesticides dans l'agrosystème et des risques induits pour les eaux souterraines (chapitre 5) a révélé un fiux total de pesticides de 60kg/ha/an, totalisant 15 matières actives. Seules deux de ces matières actives sont autorisées par le comité des pesticides sahélien. Les pesticides les plus utilisés par les producteurs sont l'organochloré dicofol, les organophosphorés methamidophos, dimethoate et fenithrotion ainsi que le cabamate methomyl. Les flux les plus importants sont de 9 à 7 kg/ha/an (methomyl, methamidophos, ethoprophos et dicofol). Les pesticides qui présentent un risque élevé de contamination des eaux souterraines et qui devraient être prioritaires pour un suivi analytique sont : le carbofuran, le dimethoate, l'ethoprophos et le methomyl.En conclusion, une meilleure gestion de la fertilisation est nécessaire dans la zone d'AU de Dakar, afin de (1) réduire les pertes gazeuses qui contribuent à l'effet de serre, (2) de ralentir la minéralisation du carbone et de l'azote organiques pour créer un stock de C et Ν dans ces sols, (3) de limiter le lessivage dans la nappe et enfin, 4) d'augmenter l'efficacité d'utilisation de Ν par les plantes. Une optimisation de l'irrigation devrait limiter l'alcalinisation secondaire. Enfin, la mise en place d'une lutte intégrée ou biologique contre les ravageurs est indispensable afin de minimiser les risques pour les eaux souterraines et les mares permanentes.ABSTRACTUrban and periurban agriculture (UA) is an important issue in southern countries, because of its key role in their social and economical development and its environmental concern. The goal of this study was to contribute to a better understanding of pollutant transfer and nutrient cycling at the local scale, in order to implement the necessary improvements to guarantee the sustainability of this practice.An approach based on geochemical processes occurring in the vadose zone from the surface down to the groundwater level was chosen, at the scale of cultivated plots and at the regional scale of Dakar periurban areas, to determine the influence of land use.The assessment of irrigation with untreated domestic wastewater and brackish water on soil quality (chapter 2) showed: (1) that the high alkalinity and calcium contents of brackish water induce CaC03 precipitation in the top layer of the soil and therefore a replacement of Ca by Na on the clay- humic complexes, strongly marked during the dry season. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) increased significantly in the soil solution and in the underlying groundwater. (2) in spite of the similarly high alkalinity and Ca contents of waste water, there is only little CaC03 precipitation and a low increase of the percentage of exchangeable sodium (ESP) in the soil top layer. The nitrification of the ammonium of wastewater (mean 190 mg/L in Pikine) produces protons, which are not any more buffered by bicarbonates exported out of the soil profile, which leads to a net decline of soil pH. Both soils irrigated with untreated wastewater and brackish water store less of C and Ν than soils irrigated with non saline groundwater.The assessment of the impact of land use on the shallow groundwater (chapter 3) allowed determining representative tracers of the land use. Low Br/CI ratio, high NO3/CI ratio and low δ1βΟ- nitrate indicated the influence of wastewater; high pH and high 515N-nitrates indicated the influence of brackish water together with high amendments of organic fertilizers; high Rb+Cr and Κ indicated the influence of poor sanitation facilities in periurban districts (septic tank leakage). This chapter also pointed out the following facts about the nitrogen dynamics : (1) denitrification is a key-process in the Dakar UA agrosystem in the gleysols irrigated with groundwater. The underlying groundwater is almost nitrate free. (2) in the Gleysols irrigated with waste water, ammonium inhibits denitrification but facilitate ammoniac volatilization. A comparison of nitrogen balance between the UA agrosystem and the periurban districts of Dakar (chapter 4) revealed similar flows per surface unit, namely 2-4 tons Ν / ha / year.The evaluation of pesticides use in the UA agrosystem and the risk assessment for the groundwater (chapter 5) revealed a total flow of pesticides of 60kg / ha / year, totalizing 15 active substances. Only two of these are authorized by the Sahelian Pesticides Committee. The most used pesticides are dicofol (organochlorinated), methamidophos, dimethoate and fenithrotion (organophosphate) as well as methomyl. (carbamate). The most important flows vary between 9 to 7 kg / ha / year. Pesticides with a high risk of groundwater contamination - according to SIRIS and EPRIP 2 indicators - are: carbofuran, dimethoate, ethoprophos and methomyl. These substances should be established as a priority for an analytical follow-up in the different environmental compartments.In conclusion, a better management of the fertilization is necessary in the Dakar UA, (1) to reduce the gaseous losses which contribute to greenhouse emissions (2) to slow down the mineralization of the organic carbon and the nitrogen, in order to enhance the C and Ν stock in these soils, (3) to limit the nitrate leaching in the groundwater and finally, 4) to increase the N-use efficiency of plants. An optimization of the irrigation scheme should limit the secondary sodisation if coupled with an increase the stable organic matter of the soil. An integrated or biologic crop pest strategy is urgently needed to minimize risks with respect to ground and surface water (ponds used for fishing).RESUME LARGE PUBLICL'agriculture mondiale connaît actuellement une crise majeure, affectée par les changements climatiques, la sécurité alimentaire et les dégradations de l'environnement. Elle n'a plus le rôle unique de produire, mais devient un élément essentiel de la protection des ressources naturelles et du paysage. Les politiques agricoles basées sur les marchés mondiaux devront se réorienter vers une agriculture locale basée sur le développement durable.La production alimentaire située dans l'enceinte des villes, nommée agriculture urbaine ou périurbaine (AU ci-après) joue un rôle important dans le contexte actuel d'accroissement de la population et de la pauvreté urbaines. L'AU concerne en effet la majorité des mégapoies du monde, fait vivre plus de 200 millions de personnes dans les pays du Sud, fournit jusqu'à 80% de la demande urbaine en certains produits frais, fait barrière à l'extension urbaine et permet un recyclage de certains déchets urbains. L'AU a pour particularité d'être à cheval entre des politiques rurales et urbaines, d'où un délaissement ce cette activité au secteur informel. Ce qui a développé de nombreuses stratégies à risques, comme à Dakar, où les petits producteurs périurbains irriguent quotidiennement avec des eaux usées domestiques par manque d'accès à une eau de bonne qualité et pour raccourcir les cycles de production. L'extrême précarité foncière des acteurs de l'AU de Dakar les empêchent d'investir à long terme et induit des pratiques inadéquates d'irrigation, d'usage de pesticides et de fertilisation de ces sols sableux.L'objectif de cette recherche était de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des processus de transfert de polluants et du cycle des nutriments à l'échelle des parcelles cultivées par des eaux usées et des eaux saumâtres, afin de déterminer sous quelles conditions l'AU de Dakar peut être pratiquée et surtout maintenue sans porter atteinte à la santé et à l'environnement. Pour cela, une approche basée sur l'étude des processus géochimiques dans le sol jusqu'à la nappe a été choisie, à l'échelle de la parcelle cultivée et à une échelle un peu plus large de la zone périurbaine de Dakar pour déterminer les influences du type d'occupation du sol.Les résultats principaux de cette étude ont montré que (1) il y a un processus de salinisation anthropique des sols (sodisation) lors d'irrigation avec des eaux de nappe saumâtres, un processus accentué en saison sèche et lors d'années à pluviométrie déficitaire. Bien que les eaux usées soient aussi salines que les eaux de nappe, la salinisation des sols irrigués' par des eaux usées est limitée par l'ammonium présent dans les eaux usées (moy 190mg NH4/L à Pikine) qui produit de l'acidité lors de la transformation en nitrates dans le sol (nitrification). (2) les sols irrigués par des eaux usées (EU) stockent moins de C et Ν que les sois de référence, ce qui montrent bien que l'azote des eaux usées n'est pas disponible pour les plantes, mais est lessivé dans la nappe (100 à 450 mg/L N03 sous irrigation par EU, alors que la limite de OMS est de 50mg/L). (3) l'utilisation des isotopes stables des nitrates et des éléments traces, notamment le bore et le brome, ont permis de distinguer l'influence de l'irrigation par des eaux usées, de l'irrigation par des eaux de nappe et des lixiviats de fosses septiques sur les propriétés de la nappe. (4) Le processus de la dénitrification (atténuation naturelle des concentrations en nitrates de la nappe par biotransformation en azote gazeux) est important dans les zones basses de l'agrosystème périurbain de Dakar, sous irrigation par eaux naturelles (ΝΟ3 < 50mg/L). Tandis que sous habitat sans assainissement adéquat, les nitrates atteignent 300 à 700 mg/L. (5) Le flux total de pesticides dans l'AU est énorme (60kg/ha/an) totalisant 15 pesticides, dont deux seulement sont autorisés. Les pesticides les plus utilisés sont des insecticides organophosphorés et organochlorés classés extrêmement dangereux à dangereux par l'OMS, appliqués à des doses de 2 à 9 kg/ha/an. Les pesticides qui ont montré un risque élevé de contamination des eaux souterraines avec les indicateurs SIRIS et EPRIP2 sont : le carbofuran, le dimethoate, l'ethoprophos et le methomyl.En conclusion, nous recommandons la reconstitution d'un horizon superficiel des sols riche en matière organique stable et structuré par production locale de compost. Cette mesure réduira les pertes gazeuses contribuant à l'effet de serre, augmentera le stock de Ν dans ces sols, alors utilisable par les plantes et permettra de diminuer l'irrigation car la capacité de rétention de l'eau dans le sol sera accru, ce qui limitera le lessivage des nitrates dans la nappe et l'alcalinisation secondaire. Enfin, la mise en place d'une lutte intégrée ou biologique contre les ravageurs est indispensable afin de minimiser les risques pour les eaux souterraines et lesmares permanentes.


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The Jurassic (approximately 145 Ma) Nambija oxidized gold skarns are hosted by the Triassic volcanosedimentary Piuntza unit in the sub-Andean zone of southeastern Ecuador. The skarns consist dominantly of granditic garnet (Ad(20-98)) with subordinate pyroxene (Di(46-92)Hd(17-42)Jo(0-19)) and epidote and are spatially associated with porphyritic quartz-diorite to granodiorite intrusions. Endoskarn is developed at the intrusion margins and grades inwards into a potassic alteration zone. Exoskarn has an outer K- and Na-enriched zone in the volcanosedimentary unit. Gold mineralization is associated with the weakly developed retrograde alteration of the exoskarn and occurs mainly in sulfide-poor vugs and milky quartz veins and veinlets in association with hematite. Fluid inclusion data for the main part of the prograde stage indicate the coexistence of high-temperature (500A degrees C to > 600A degrees C), high-salinity (up to 65 wt.% eq. NaCl), and moderate- to low-salinity aqueous-carbonic fluids interpreted to have been trapped at pressures around 100-120 MPa, corresponding to about 4-km depth. Lower-temperature (510-300A degrees C) and moderate- to low-salinity (23-2 wt.% eq. NaCl) aqueous fluids are recorded in garnet and epidote of the end of the prograde stage. The microthermometric data (Th from 513A degrees C to 318A degrees C and salinity from 1.0 to 23 wt.% eq. NaCl) and delta(18)O values between 6.2aEuro degrees and 11.5aEuro degrees for gold-bearing milky quartz from the retrograde stage suggest that the ore-forming fluid was dominantly magmatic. Pressures during the early retrograde stage were in the range of 50-100 MPa, in line with the evidence for CO(2) effervescence and probable local boiling. The dominance of magmatic low-saline to moderately saline oxidizing fluids during the retrograde stage is consistent with the depth of the skarn system, which could have delayed the ingression of external fluids until relatively low temperatures were reached. The resulting low water-to-rock ratios explain the weak retrograde alteration and the compositional variability of chlorite, essentially controlled by host rock compositions. Gold was precipitated at this stage as a result of cooling and pH increase related to CO(2) effervescence, which both result in destabilization of gold-bearing chloride complexes. Significant ingression of external fluids took place after gold deposition only, as recorded by delta(18)O values of 0.4aEuro degrees to 6.2aEuro degrees for fluids depositing quartz (below 350A degrees C) in sulfide-rich barren veins. Low-temperature (< 300A degrees C) meteoric fluids (delta(18)O(water) between -10.0aEuro degrees and -2.0aEuro degrees) are responsible for the precipitation of late comb quartz and calcite in cavities and veins and indicate mixing with cooler fluids of higher salinities (about 100A degrees C and 25 wt.% eq. NaCl). The latter are similar to low-temperature fluids (202-74.5A degrees C) with delta(18)O values of -0.5aEuro degrees to 3.1aEuro degrees and salinities in the range of 21.1 to 17.3 wt.% eq. CaCl(2), trapped in calcite of late veins and interpreted as basinal brines. Nambija represents a deep equivalent of the oxidized gold skarn class, the presence of CO(2) in the fluids being partly a consequence of the relatively deep setting at about 4-km depth. As in other Au-bearing skarn deposits, not only the prograde stage but also the gold-precipitating retrograde stage is dominated by fluids of magmatic origin.


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ABSTRACT Investigations into water potentials in the soil-plant system are of great relevance in environments with abiotic stresses, such as salinity and drought. An experiment was developed using bell pepper in a Neossolo Flúvico (Fluvent) irrigated with water of six levels of electrical conductivity (0, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 dS m-1) by using exclusively NaCl and by simulating the actual condition (using a mixture of salts). The treatments were arranged in a randomized block design, in a 6 × 2 factorial arrangement, with four replicates. Soil matric (Ψm) and osmotic (Ψo) potentials were determined 70 days after transplanting (DAT). Soil total potential was considered as the sum of Ψm and Ψo. Leaf water (obtained with the Scholander Chamber) and osmotic potentials were determined before sunrise (predawn) and at noon at 42 and 70 DAT. There were no significant differences between the salt sources used in the irrigation water for soil and plant water potentials. The supply of salts to the soil through irrigation water was the main factor responsible for the decrease in Ψo in the soil and in bell pepper leaves. The total potential of bell pepper at predawn reached values of -1.30 and -1.33 MPa at 42 and 70 DAT, respectively, when water of 9 dS m-1 was used in the irrigation. The total potential at noon reached -2.19 MPa. The soil subjected to the most saline treatment reached a water potential of -1.20 MPa at 70 DAT. There was no predawn equilibrium between the total water potentials of the soil and the plant, indicating that soil potential cannot be considered similar to that of the plant. The determination of the osmotic potential in the soil solution should not be neglected in saline soils, since it has strong influence on the calculation of the total potential.


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ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Hyperlactatemia represents one prominent component of the metabolic response to sepsis. In critically ill patients, hyperlactatemia is related to the severity of the underlying condition. Both an increased production and a decreased utilization and clearance might be involved in this process, but their relative contribution remains unknown. The present study aimed at assessing systemic and muscle lactate production and systemic lactate clearance in healthy human volunteers, using intravenous endotoxin (LPS) challenge. METHODS: Fourteen healthy male volunteers were enrolled in 2 consecutive studies (n = 6 in trial 1 and n = 8 in trial 2). Each subject took part in one of two investigation days (LPS-day with endotoxin injection and placebo-day with saline injection) separated by one week at least and in a random order. In trial 1, their muscle lactate metabolism was monitored using microdialysis. In trial 2, their systemic lactate metabolism was monitored by means of a constant infusion of exogenous lactate. Energy metabolism was monitored by indirect calorimetry and glucose kinetics was measured with 6,6-H2 glucose. RESULTS: In both trials, LPS increased energy expenditure (p = 0.011), lipid oxidation (p<0.0001), and plasma lactate concentration (p = 0.016). In trial 1, lactate concentration in the muscle microdialysate was higher than in blood, indicating lactate production by muscles. This was, however, similar with and without LPS. In trial 2, calculated systemic lactate production increased after LPS (p = 0.031), while lactate clearance remained unchanged. CONCLUSIONS: LPS administration increases lactatemia by increasing lactate production rather than by decreasing lactate clearance. Muscle is, however, unlikely to be a major contributor to this increase in lactate production. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01647997.


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BACKGROUND Animal model studies have shown that the colon tumour promoting effect of dietary fat depends not only on the amount but on its fatty acid composition. With respect to this, the effect of n9 fatty acids, present in olive oil, on colon carcinogenesis has been scarcely investigated. AIMS To assess the effect of an n9 fat diet on precancer events, carcinoma development, and changes in mucosal fatty acid composition and prostaglandin (PG)E2 formation in male Sprague-Dawley rats with azoxymethane induced colon cancer. METHODS Rats were divided into three groups to receive isocaloric diets (5% of the energy as fat) rich in n9, n3, or n6 fat, and were administered azoxymethane subcutaneously once a week for 11 weeks at a dose rate of 7.4 mg/kg body weight. Vehicle treated groups received an equal volume of normal saline. Groups of animals were colectomised at weeks 12 and 19 after the first dose of azoxymethane or saline. Mucosal fatty acids were assessed at 12 and 19 weeks. Aberrant crypt foci and the in vivo intracolonic release of PGE2 were assessed at week 12, and tumour formation at week 19. RESULTS Rats on the n6 diet were found to have colonic aberrant crypt foci and adenocarcinomas more often than those consuming either the n9 or n3 diet. There were no differences between the rats on the n9 and n3 diets. On the other hand, administration of both n9 and n3 diets was associated with a decrease in mucosal arachidonate concentrations as compared with the n6 diet. Carcinogen treatment induced an appreciable increase in PGE2 formation in rats fed the n6 diet, but not in those fed the n3 and n9 diets. CONCLUSIONS Dietary olive oil prevented the development of aberrant crypt foci and colon carcinomas in rats, suggesting that olive oil may have chemopreventive activity against colon carcinogenesis. These effects may be partly due to modulation of arachidonic acid metabolism and local PGE2synthesis.


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Pentobarbital-anaesthetized male Wistar rats were infused with 6microgkg-1min-1 of noradrenaline. The infusion was supplemented with 8.5 mgkg-1min-1 of D-3-hydroxybutyrate (3-OHB) for 15 min in order to determine its effect on the adrenergic response of the rat. Plasma levels of noradrenaline rose to a plateau of approximately 50 nmoll-1 with infusion. In the group infused with noradrenaline alone, noradrenaline levels were maintained for 1h. Supplementation with 3-OHB induced a decrease in plasma noradrenaline level that was inversely correlated with 3-OHB level. Aortic and interscapular brown adipose tissue temperatures increased with noradrenaline infusion, but the rise was arrested by 3-OHB; replacing 3-OHB with glucose had no effect. Infusion of saline, glucose or 3-OHB in the absence of noradrenaline did not induce a rise in temperature in either tissue. Blood 3-OHB concentration increased to 1.2 mmoll-1 during 3-OHB infusion, decreasing rapidly at the end of infusion. Blood glucose levels increased with noradrenaline infusion; the presence of high 3-OHB levels decreased glucose concentration. The effects observed were transient and dependent on 3-OHB concentration; these effects may help explain most of the other effects of noradrenaline described here. The role of 3-OHB as a regulator of adrenergic responses seems to be part of a complex fail-safe mechanism which prevents wasting.


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Isolated limb perfusion (ILP) with melphalan and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α is used to treat bulky, locally advanced melanoma and sarcoma. However, TNF toxicity suggests a need for better-tolerated drugs. Cilengitide (EMD 121974), a novel cyclic inhibitor of alpha-V integrins, has both anti-angiogenic and direct anti-tumor effects and is a possible alternative to TNF in ILP. In this study, rats bearing a hind limb soft tissue sarcoma underwent ILP using different combinations of melphalan, TNF and cilengitide in the perfusate. Further groups had intra-peritoneal (i.p.) injections of cilengitide or saline 2 hr before and 3 hr after ILP. A 77% response rate (RR) was seen in animals treated i.p. with cilengitide and perfused with melphalan plus cilengitide. The RR was 85% in animals treated i.p. with cilengitide and ILP using melphalan plus both TNF and cilengitide. Both RRs were significantly greater than those seen with melphalan or cilengitide alone. Histopathology showed that high RRs were accompanied by disruption of tumor vascular endothelium and tumor necrosis. Compared with ILP using melphalan alone, the addition of cilengitide resulted in a three to sevenfold increase in melphalan concentration in tumor but not in muscle in the perfused limb. Supportive in vitro studies indicate that cilengitide both inhibits tumor cell attachment and increases endothelial permeability. Since cilengitide has low toxicity, these data suggest the agent is a good alternative to TNF in the ILP setting.


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Drugs of abuse, such as psychostimulants and opiates, are generally considered as exerting their locomotor and rewarding effects through an increased dopaminergic transmission in the nucleus accumbens. Noradrenergic transmission may also be implicated because most psychostimulants increase norepinephrine (NE) release, and numerous studies have indicated interactions between noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons through alpha1-adrenergic receptors. However, analysis of the effects of psychostimulants after either destruction of noradrenergic neurons or pharmacological blockade of alpha1-adrenergic receptors led to conflicting results. Here we show that the locomotor hyperactivities induced by d-amphetamine (1-3 mg/kg), cocaine (5-20 mg/kg), or morphine (5-10 mg/kg) in mice lacking the alpha1b subtype of adrenergic receptors were dramatically decreased when compared with wild-type littermates. Moreover, behavioral sensitizations induced by d-amphetamine (1-2 mg/kg), cocaine (5-15 mg/kg), or morphine (7.5 mg/kg) were also decreased in knock-out mice when compared with wild-type. Ruling out a neurological deficit in knock-out mice, both strains reacted similarly to novelty, to intraperitoneal saline, or to the administration of scopolamine (1 mg/kg), an anti-muscarinic agent. Finally, rewarding properties could not be observed in knock-out mice in an oral preference test (cocaine and morphine) and conditioned place preference (morphine) paradigm. Because catecholamine tissue levels, autoradiography of D1 and D2 dopaminergic receptors, and of dopamine reuptake sites and locomotor response to a D1 agonist showed that basal dopaminergic transmission was similar in knock-out and wild-type mice, our data indicate a critical role of alpha1b-adrenergic receptors and noradrenergic transmission in the vulnerability to addiction.


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Amana Farms is using an anaerobic digestion, which is a two-stage digester that converts manure and other organic wastes into three valuable by-products: 1) Biogas – to fuel an engine/generator set to create electricity; 2) Biosolids - used as a livestock bedding material or as a soil amendment; 3) Liquid stream - will be applied as a low-odor fertilizer to growing crops. (see Business Plan appendix H) The methane biogas will be collected from the two stages of the anaerobic digestion vessel and used for fuel in the combined heat and power engine/generator sets. The engine/generator sets are natural gasfueled reciprocating engines modified to burn biogas. The electricity produced by the engine/generator sets will be used to offset on-farm power consumption and the excess power will be sold directly to Amana Society Service Company as a source of green power. The waste heat, in the form of hot water, will be collected from both the engine jacket liquid cooling system and from the engine exhaust (air) system. Approximately 30 to 60% of this waste heat will be used to heat the digester. The remaining waste heat will be used to heat other farm buildings and may provide heat for future use for drying corn or biosolids. The digester effluent will be pumped from the effluent pit at the end of the anaerobic digestion vessel to a manure solids separator. The mechanical manure separator will separate the effluent digested waste stream into solid and liquid fractions. The solids will be dewatered to approximately a 35% solid material. Some of the separated solids will be used by the farm for a livestock bedding replacement. The remaining separated solids may be sold to other farms for livestock bedding purposes or sold to after-markets, such as nurseries and composters for soil amendment material. The liquid from the manure separator, now with the majority of the large solids removed, will be pumped into the farm’s storage lagoon. A significant advantage of the effluent from the anaerobic digestion treatment process is that the viscosity of the effluent is such that the liquid effluent can now be pumped through an irrigation nozzle for field spreading.


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Introduction & Objectives: Surgery remains the treatment of choice for localized renal cell neoplasia. While radical nephrectomy was long considered as gold standard, partial nephrectomy (PN) has widened its indications over the past twodecades and has shown oncological results equivalent to radical nephrectomy for small tumors. Moreover, it is considered superior to radical nephrectomy in terms of non-cancer related mortality. The role of negative surgical margin has been widely debated. Intraoperative frozen section analysis has been shown to be unreliable, expensive, time-consuming and not well correlated to final pathology. The goal of the present study was to assess the correlation of intraoperative exvivo ultrasonographic (US) evaluation of resection margin to definitive pathology in patients undergoing PN.Materials & Methods: An observational study was carried out in ours 2 institutions from February 2008 to October 2010. Patients undergoing PN for T1-T2 renal tumors were included. Ex vivo US evaluation was performed. Considering availability of US engine, not all consecutive eligible patients were included. PN was undertaken either by open surgery or laparoscopic access in a standardized technique. The "minimal healthy tissue margin" technique was applied. Once resected, the specimen was kept in a saline solution and US determination of tumor margins was performed. Sequential images were captured in order to evaluate the whole capsule.Results: Twenty-two patients (9 women, age 63±11 years[46-78]) were included in the present analysis. Open or laparoscopic PN was performed in 19 and 3 patients, respectively. Intraoperative ex-vivo US showed negative surgical margin in all cases except one, needing a complementary renal parenchyma resection. US duration ranged from 1 to 4 minutes, with a median time of 1 minute. Definitive histological analysis confirmed the presence of 3 angiomyolipoma, 15 clear cell carcinoma (11 pT1a,3 pT1b,1 pT2), 3 chromophobe carcinoma (1 pT1a,1 pT1b,1 pT2) and 1 pT1a type II papillary tumor. Mean tumor size was 3,4±2.1 cm [0,6-7,2]. Final pathology revealed R0 margins in all cases.Conclusions: Intraoperative ex-vivo US evaluation of resection margin in patients undergoing PN is feasible, time-efficient, well correlated to definitive pathological examination, and should be evaluated in further prospective trials.


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PURPOSE: To study the combination of oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) intravitreous injection and saline transpalpebral iontophoresis on the delivery of ODNs to photoreceptors in the newborn rd1/rd1 mice. METHODS: Cathodal or anodal transpalpebral iontophoresis (1.43 mA/cm(2) for 5 min) was applied to eyes of postnatal day 7 (PN7) rd1/rd1 mice immediately before the intravitreous injection of ODNs. The effect of cathodal iontophoresis after ODNs injection was also evaluated. The influence of current intensity (0.5, 1.5, and 2.5 mA) was assayed with cathodal iontophoresis performed prior to ODNs injection. The duration of current-induced facilitation of ODNs delivery to photoreceptors was evaluated for 6 h following iontophoresis. One group of control eyes received cathodal iontophoresis prior to the intravitreous injection of phosphate buffered saline (PBS) or hexachlorofluorescein (Hex). The second control group received ODN or Hex intravitreous injection without iontophoresis. The penetration of fluorescent ODNs in the outer nuclear layer (ONL) was quantified by image analysis of the ONL fluorescence intensity on cryosection microphotographs. Integrity of ODN was assessed using acrylamide gel migration after its extraction from the retina of treated mice. The integrity of retinal structure, 1 and 24 h after iontophoresis, was analyzed using light and electron microscopy. RESULTS: Transpalpebral anodal or cathodal saline iontophoresis enhanced the penetration of ODNs in all retinal layers. Cathodal iontophoresis was more efficient than anodal iontophoresis in enhancing the tissue penetration of the injected ODN. Photoreceptor delivery of ODN was significantly higher when cathodal saline transpalpebral iontophoresis was applied prior than after the injection. The extent of enhanced tissue penetration decreased in parallel to the increased interval between iontophoresis application and the intravitreous injection. Current of 1.5 mA was safe and optimal for the delivery of ODNs to the ONL. One hour after iontophoresis followed by injection, ODN extracted from the retina of treated eyes remained intact. Histology and electron microscopy observations demonstrated that iontophoresis using the optimal parameters did not induce any permanent tissue alterations or structure damage. CONCLUSIONS: Saline transpalpebral iontophoresis facilitates the penetration of injected ODNs in photoreceptors for at least 3 h. This method may be considered for photoreceptor targeted gene therapy.


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Acute normocapnic hypoxemia can cause functional renal insufficiency by increasing renal vascular resistance (RVR), leading to renal hypoperfusion and decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) activity is low in fetuses and newborns and further decreases during hypoxia. IGF-1 administration to humans and adult animals induces pre- and postglomerular vasodilation, thereby increasing GFR and renal blood flow (RBF). A potential protective effect of IGF-1 on renal function was evaluated in newborn rabbits with hypoxemia-induced renal insufficiency. Renal function and hemodynamic parameters were assessed in 17 anesthetized and mechanically ventilated newborn rabbits. After hypoxemia stabilization, saline solution (time control) or IGF-1 (1 mg/kg) was given as an intravenous (i.v.) bolus, and renal function was determined for six 30-min periods. Normocapnic hypoxemia significantly increased RVR (+16%), leading to decreased GFR (-14%), RBF (-19%) and diuresis (-12%), with an increased filtration fraction (FF). Saline solution resulted in a worsening of parameters affected by hypoxemia. Contrarily, although mean blood pressure decreased slightly but significantly, IGF-1 prevented a further increase in RVR, with subsequent improvement of GFR, RBF and diuresis. FF indicated relative postglomerular vasodilation. Although hypoxemia-induced acute renal failure was not completely prevented, IGF-1 elicited efferent vasodilation, thereby precluding a further decline in renal function.


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Iodine and gadolinium-based contrast induced nephropathy is the third leading cause of hospital-acquired acute kidney injury. It is essentially observed in patients with defined risk factors and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. The prevention of contrast induced nephropathy consists in volume expansion through intravenous sodium chloride 0.9% or sodium bicarbonate 1.4%. Comparative randomized controlled trials appear to show a benefit in favor of sodium bicarbonate over saline fluids. According to last evidence, N-acetylcysteine does not provide additional benefit over intravenous fluids.


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RÉSUMÉ Introduction L'effet des agents myorelaxants ainsi que des anticholinestérases sur la profondeur d'anesthésie a été étudié avec des résultats contradictoires. C'est pourquoi nous avons évalué l'effet de l'atracurium et de la néostigmine sur le BIS (bispectral index) ainsi que sur les potentiels auditives évoqués (middle-latency auditory evoked potentials, A-Line® autoregressive index [AAI]). Méthodes Après avoir obtenu l'accord du comité d'éthique local, nous avons étudié 40 patients ayant donné leur consentement écrit, ASA I-II, âgé de 18-69 ans. L'anesthésie générale a consisté en anesthésie intra-veineuse à objectif de concentration avec du propofol et du remifentanil. La fonction de la jonction neuromusculaire était monitorée en continu au moyen d'un électromyographe. Le BIS et l'AAI ont été enregistrés en continu. Après avoir atteint des valeurs stables au niveau du BIS, les patients ont été attribués à deux groupes par randomisation. Les patients du groupe 1 ont reçu 0.4 mg kg-1 d'atracurium et 5 minutes plus tard le même volume de NaCI 0.9%, dans le groupe 2 la séquence d'injection était inversée, le NaCI 0.9% en premier et l'atracurium en deuxième. Au moment où le premier « twitch » d'un train de quatre atteignait 10% de l'intensité avant la relaxation, les patients ont été randomisés une deuxième fois. Les patients du groupe N ont reçu 0.04 mg kg-1 de néostigmine et 0.01 rn9 kg-1 de glycopyrrolate alors que le groupe contrôle (G) ne recevait que 0.01 mg kg-] de glycopyrrolate. Résultats : L 'injection d'atracurium ou de NaCI 0.9% n'a pas eu d'effet sur le BIS ou l'AAI. Après l'injection de néostigmine avec glycopyrrolate, le BIS et I `AAI a augmenté de manière significative (changement maximal moyen du BIS 7.1 ± 7.5, P< 0.001, de l'AAI 9.7 ± 10.5, P< 0.001). Suite à l'injection de glycopyrrolate seule, le BIS et l'AAI a augmenté également (changement maximal moyen du BIS 2.2 ± 3.4, P< 0.008, de l'AAI 3.5 ± 5.7, P< 0.012), mais cette augmentation était significativement moins importante que dans le groupe N (P< 0.012 pour le BIS, P< 0.027 pour l'AAI). Conclusion Ces résultats laissent supposer que la néostigmine peut altérer la profondeur de l'anesthésie. La diminution de la profondeur d'anesthésie enregistrée par le BIS et l'AAI correspond probablement à une réapparition brusque d'une stimulation centrale liée à la proprioception. Au contraire, lors de la curarisation, le tonus musculaire diminue de manière beaucoup plus progressive, pouvant ainsi expliquer l'absence d'effet sur la profondeur d'anesthésie. ABSTRACT Background. Conflicting effects of neuromuscular blocking drugs and anticholinesterases on depth of anaesthesia have been reported. Therefore we evaluated the effect of atracurium and neostigmine on bispectral index (BIS) and middle-latency auditory evoked potentials (AAI). Methods. We studied 40 patients (ASA I-II) aged 18-69 yr. General anaesthesia consisted of propofol and remifentanil by target-controlled infusion and neuromuscular function was monitored by electromyography. When BIS reached stable values, patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups. Group I received atracurium 0.4 mg kg-1 and, 5 min later, the same volume of NaCl 0.9%; group 2 received saline first and then atracurium. When the first twitch of a train of four reached 10% of control intensity, patients were again randomized: one group (N) received neostigmine 0.04 mg kg-1 and glycopyrrolate 0.01 mg kg-1, and the control group (G) received only glycopyrrolate. Results. Injection of atracurium or NaCl 0.9% had no effect on BIS or AAI. After neostigmine¬glycopyrrolate, BIS and AAI increased significantly (mean maximal change of BIS 7.1 [SD 7.5], P<0.001; mean maximal change of AAI 9.7 [10.5], P<0.001). When glycopyrrolate was injected alone BIS and AAI also increased (mean maximal change of BIS 2.2 [3.4], P=0.008; mean maximal change of AAI 3.5 [5.7], P=0.012), but this increase was significantly less than in group N (P=0.012 for BIS; P=0.027 for AAI). Conclusion. These data suggest that neostigmine alters the state of propofol-remifentanil anaesthesia and may enhance recovery.