817 resultados para Safe sex in AIDS prevention


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El interés de este estudio de caso es evaluar el papel del Estado frente a la prevención del reclutamiento infantil teniendo en cuenta la aprobación del documento CONPES 3673 de 2010. Se busca determinar cuál ha sido la incidencia de dicho documento en el país, especialmente en el municipio de Cumaribo, Vichada. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados del Documento frente a la prevención del reclutamiento infantil se puede afirmar que se han logrado avances por medio del fortalecimiento de entornos protectores y el establecimiento de Rutas de Prevención. Sin embargo, a pesar del fortalecimiento de dichos entornos y Rutas, no se han logrado los resultados esperados dados los vacíos y limitaciones del CONPES a la hora de su aplicación en territorio. Por tanto, el estudio de caso pretende analizar y determinar los alcances e incidencia del CONPES en Cumaribo.


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En este documento se esbozan los principales avances en cuanto a cobertura en salud, demanda de servicios médicos y percepción del estado de salud en Colombia, por medio de las encuestas de Calidad de Vida de 1997 y 2003. Se encuentra un aumento en la cobertura en salud de la población donde el régimen subsidiado fue el que presentó mayor incremento en cobertura; Aun así, existe una gran proporción que no cuenta con aseguramiento. También se evidencia un aumento en la consulta por prevención para 2003 y una disminución en las consultas médicas por falta de dinero. De igual manera, la tasa de hospitalización junto con el gasto que hacen los hogares en este rubro disminuyó. El análisis también muestra un pequeño mejoramiento en el estado de salud autorreportado. En general, el tipo de afiliación, la demanda de servicios y el estado de salud autorreportado difieren entre regiones, formalidad del trabajo y quintiles de ingreso.


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El riesgo cardiovascular, definido como la probabilidad de presentar un evento en un periodo determinado, se puede determinar con base a un estudio muy utilizado, el estudio de Framingham. Se llevó a cabo un estudio corte transversal en 102 conductores para establecer la relación entre actividad física, y el riesgo de desarrollar enfermedad coronaria y diabetes mellitus. Se exploraron posibles asociaciones entre variables, utilizando la prueba de independencia Chi cuadrado de Mantel-Haenszel, y el test exacto de Fisher. Se encontró un riesgo de presentar un evento coronario en su mayoría bajo con un 77% de la población, se evidenció en un riesgo no mayor a 3% (bajo) representado por el 78% de la población. Sin embargo, 22 trabajadores del total, tienen un grado mayor al 3% de riesgo de desarrollar diabetes mellitus a 8 años. En la actualidad el impacto de la actividad física en la prevención y tratamiento de enfermedades cardiovasculares y de la diabetes mellitus es consistente, por lo que se debe enfatizar la promoción de la actividad física como parte fundamental de los esquemas terapéuticos para dichas enfermedades


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Disseny d’un programa pera al a prevenció de l’AEI en primers i segons d’ESO que pretén, al mateix temps que forma als joves assistents, formar als professionals dels centres per a què puguin aplicar-ho en futures convocatòries de manera autònoma


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The adjustment of the teaching learning contents in Physical Education, requires of a rigorous analysis that permits to adjust them to the maximum with the educational needs of the student body. It has been approached an investigation study in the one which have intervened pupils, boys and girls, of two different populations, Girona and Madrid in order to prove and analyse the motor and mental components of the student body in the real situation of the game. The hypothesis that we have treated are:if it exists differences between the boys and girls of the educational levels studied in the motor and mental solution in the sports initiation, additionally, the differences that they can exist between the courses and what distance is verified between the study ages to approach a physical activity that implies an initial step to the hour of teaching the collective sports in the classes of Physical education. They have been employed three measure instruments: the first permits to analyse the mental solution without need of practice employing situation photographs of the real game with those which the pupils must choose to who to happen; the second is a pass test that permits to prove the technical dominance to use in a collective sport and the third is a real game situation that permits to put in manifesto the relationship between the mental behaviour and the motor of the pupil. This real game situation is ‘the game of ten pass’ (Blázquez,1986; Torres,1993). The results demonstrate that it do not exist differences between the two sexes in the study ages. In the case of the technical execution level, there is a considerable increase with the age and it is slightly greater in the kids that in the girls. In the case of the real game, we find ourselves with a great variability in the results and we cannot conclude that there are relative differences to the sex in none of the three courses. Respect at participation level during the game is confirmed that the pupils that more participate are not the pupils than more balls lose, what permits to guarantee the idea of the fact that it is convenient to use the real game practice as direct learning element. Finally, there is no a high correlation between the execution level measured in the test of technical execution and the decision execution during the game


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RESUMO: Actividade Física, é qualquer movimento corporal produzido pelos músculos esqueléticos que resultam em energia despendida, acima do nível de repouso (Caspersen et al1985; Baranowski et al 1992). Um indivíduo sedentário que comece uma Actividade Física regular desencadeia um conjunto de adaptações ao esforço, em que algumas destas adaptações serão benéficas em termos de saúde, ajudando na prevenção inicial de várias doenças (Haskell et al 1965; Barata et al 1997). A Aptidão Física é um conjunto de atributos que as pessoas têm ou alcançam, que estão relacionados com os movimentos que as pessoas desempenham (Caspersen et al 1985; Baranowski et al 1992). O objectivo central do presente estudo consistiu em verificar se existem diferenças significativas entre os Praticantes e Não Praticantes de ADEC e a Aptidão Física dos alunos. A amostra foi constituída por 310 sujeitos, 165 rapazes e 145 raparigas pertencentes ao Ensino Secundário de 4 escolas da rede de estágios da ULHT 2010/2011. As Capacidades Físicas foram avaliadas através dos testes do Fitnessgram, a Prática de ADEC e o Índice de Actividade Física foram obtidos através do Questionário de Actividade Desportiva. Conclusões: Os alunos que praticam ADEC são mais aptos do que os alunos que não praticam ADEC. Estes Praticantes apresentam valores mais elevados na Aptidão Aeróbia e no VO2máx., quando comparados com os Não Praticantes. Nas restantes Capacidades Físicas analisadas (Força de Braços, Força Abdominal e Flexibilidade) não foram encontradas diferenças significativas. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre a Prática de ADEC e o IMC. Os Praticantes de ADEC demonstraram ter um IAF superior aos Não Praticantes de ADEC. O Género Feminino apresenta melhores resultados do que o Género Masculino para a Força de Braços. Nas restantes Capacidades Físicas não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre Géneros. Quando analisado o IMC, o Género Feminino apresenta percentagens superiores de Peso Normal relativamente ao Género Masculino. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o Género e a Aptidão Física. Verificou-se que existe diferenças significativas na relação entre o Género e o IAF, o Género Masculino tem um IAF superior ao Género Feminino. Os alunos mais aptos fisicamente são os alunos com maior IAF. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as Modalidades praticadas pelos alunos e o desenvolvimento qualquer das Capacidades Físicas estudadas. ABSTRACT: Physical Activity is any body movement produced by skeletal muscles resulting in energy expenditure above the resting level (Caspersen et al1985; Baranowski et al 1992). A sedentary individual, who starts a regular Physical Activity, triggers a set of adaptations to stress, in which some of these changes will be helpful in terms of health, aiding in primary prevention of several diseases (Haskell et al 1965; Barata et al 1997). Physical Fitness is a set of attributes that people have or achieve, and are related with the movements that people perform (Caspersen et al 1985; Baranowski et al 1992). The main purpose of this study was to determine whether there are significant differences between Practicing and Non-practitioners of ADEC and Physical Fitness of students. The sample consisted of 310 subjects, 165 boys and 145 girls belonging to high school students of 4 schools integrated in the ULHT 2010/2011. The Physical Abilities were assessed through Fitnessgram tests, ADEC practice and the Index of Physical Activity were obtained through the Physical Activity Questionnaire. Conclusions: Students that practice ADEC are more able than students who do not practice ADEC. These students that practice ADEC have higher values in Aerobic Fitness and VO2max when compared to non-practicing students. In the remaining Physical Abilities analyzed (Arm Strength, Abdominal Strength and Flexibility) were not considered significant differences. No significant differences were found between ADEC practice and the BMI. The students that practice ADEC showed higher Physical Activity levels than students who do not practice. Female gender presents better results than the male gender in Arms strength. In the remaining components of Physical Fitness were not found significant differences between genders. When analyzed BMI, female gender has higher percentages of normal weight compared to male gender. No significant differences were found between Gender and Physical Fitness. It was verified that there are significant differences in the relation between gender and Physical Activity levels, the male gender have a higher level of Physical Activity than female gender. The most able students are the ones with higher levels of Physical Activity. There were no significant differences between the sports practiced by students and the development of the studied components of physical fitness.


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A pele é o maior órgão do ser humano, separando o meio interno das agressões exteriores. Os cuidados a ter com a pele e os produtos destinados a esse fim fazem cada vez mais parte do quotidiano da maioria das pessoas. A importância que os cosméticos têm hoje em dia é inegável. Este é um mercado crescente sobretudo na área de produtos que visam cuidar da pele, não só apostando na manutenção e recuperação de uma pele saudável e com boa aparência, como na prevenção de possíveis alterações a que a pele está sujeita. Nos últimos anos, novos conceitos foram surgindo, como é o caso dos produtos dermatocosméticos. Muitas substâncias sejam de origem natural ou sintética, são investigadas e testadas como ingredientes activos. Nesta dissertação são abordados diferentes aspectos introdutórios, tais como a origem da dermatocosmética – diferenças entre cosmético e dermatocosmético – classificação desses mesmos produtos, respectivos mecanismos de acção, locais de aplicação, tipos de formulações e perspectivas futuras. Esta abordagem do tema tem como principal objectivo facilitar a compreensão sobre alguns aspectos específicos como conhecer alguns dos ingredientes que são actualmente usados em produtos dermatocosméticos.


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O âmbito deste trabalho reside no contributo da Farmacovigilância para um Uso Racional do Medicamento, focando o relevante papel do farmacêutico nestes dois campos. A Farmacovigilância tem uma actuação a nível mundial, com um objectivo bem claro, o uso seguro do medicamento. Tem-se verificado uma evolução ao longo dos séculos, tendo sido a ocorrência de tragédias o impulso para a implementação de Sistemas de Farmacovigilância, a tragédia que ocorreu com a administração de talidomida a mulheres grávidas foi um dos grandes marcos para a criação do Sistema Internacional de Farmacovigilância. A Reacção Adversa a Medicamento(s) (RAM) é uma consequência do risco subjacente à utilização de fármacos, estando por isso a Notificação Espontânea (NE) de RAMs na base da Farmacovigilância. Todos os que contactam com tratamentos terapêuticos devem notificar, falamos portanto de profissionais de saúde, da indústria e dos utentes. Não menosprezando qualquer efeito adverso que decorra da utilização de um medicamento, deve-se notificar todas as RAMs estando elas já reconhecidas ou não. O Uso Racional do Medicamento pressupõe a intervenção do médico, do farmacêutico e do utente, havendo o objectivo bem claro através de várias medidas implementadas e do apoio dos Estudos de Utilização de Medicamentos (EUM) de uma prescrição, uma dispensa e um uso correctos. O farmacêutico é parte activa da Farmacovigilância e do Uso Racional do Medicamento. O farmacêutico tem contacto não só com a prescrição como com a dispensa e com o evoluir do tratamento terapêutico, sendo portanto um monitorizador. Devido à proximidade do dia-a-dia entre farmacêutico e doente cabe a este profissional de saúde educar para um uso correcto e seguro do medicamento, transmitindo sempre um elevado nível de confiança e fiabilidade.


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Different systems, different purposes – but how do they compare as learning environments? We undertook a survey of students at the University, asking whether they learned from their use of the systems, whether they made contact with other students through them, and how often they used them. Although it was a small scale survey, the results are quite enlightening and quite surprising. Blackboard is populated with learning material, has all the students on a module signed up to it, a safe environment (in terms of Acceptable Use and some degree of staff monitoring) and provides privacy within the learning group (plus lecturer and relevant support staff). Facebook, on the other hand, has no learning material, only some of the students using the system, and on the face of it, it has the opportunity for slips in privacy and potential bullying because the Acceptable Use policy is more lax than an institutional one, and breaches must be dealt with on an exception basis, when reported. So why do more students find people on their courses through Facebook than Blackboard? And why are up to 50% of students reporting that they have learned from using Facebook? Interviews indicate that students in subjects which use seminars are using Facebook to facilitate working groups – they can set up private groups which give them privacy to discuss ideas in an environment which perceived as safer than Blackboard can provide. No staff interference, unless they choose to invite them in, and the opportunity to select who in the class can engage. The other striking finding is the difference in use between the genders. Males are using blackboard more frequently than females, whilst the reverse is true for Facebook. Interviews suggest that this may have something to do with needing to access lecture notes… Overall, though, it appears that there is little relationship between the time spent engaging with Blackboard and reports that students have learned from it. Because Blackboard is our central repository for notes, any contact is likely to result in some learning. Facebook, however, shows a clear relationship between frequency of use and perception of learning – and our students post frequently to Facebook. Whilst much of this is probably trivia and social chit chat, the educational elements of it are, de facto, contructivist in nature. Further questions need to be answered - Is the reason the students learn from Facebook because they are creating content which others will see and comment on? Is it because they can engage in a dialogue, without the risk of interruption by others?


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Soluble factors such as ADP and thromboxane (TX) A(2) that are secreted or released by platelets at sites of tissue injury, mediate autocrine and paracrine regulation of platelet function, resulting in rapid localised thrombus formation. The suppression of platelet function, particularly through targeting such secondary regulatory mechanisms, that serve to 'fine-tune' the platelet response, has proven effective in the prevention of inappropriate platelet activation that results in thrombosis. The most commonly used anti-platelet approaches (ADP receptor antagonism or inhibition of TXA(2) synthesis), however, lack efficacy in many patients, suggesting the existence of additional uncharacterised mechanisms for the regulation of platelet function. Recent data, which form a focus of this review, have identified peripheral tachykinin peptide family members, such as substance P and the newly identified endokinins, as physiologically important positive feedback regulators of platelet function. The actions of tachykinins that are released from platelets during activation are mediated by the neurokinin-1 receptor. Initial analysis of the role of this receptor in platelet thrombus formation, and thrombosis in the mouse, indicate this to be a promising new target for the development of anti-thrombotic drugs. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The important role of platelets in the development of arterial thrombosis and cardiovascular disease is well established. Current treatments for arterial thrombosis include anti-platelet agents such as aspirin, thienopyridines and glycoprotein IIb-IIIa inhibitors. Despite these drugs being effective there remains a substantial unmet clinical demand for more effective therapeutic approaches, which may reflect the existence of alternative underlying regulatory mechanisms to those already targeted. Recent publications have demonstrated a key role for tachykinins in the positive feedback regulation of platelet aggregation and thrombus formation. The pro-thrombotic effects of tachykinins on platelets are mediated through the neurokinin 1 receptor, which may therefore offer a novel therapeutic drug target in the prevention and the treatment of arterial thrombosis.


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Virtual Reality (VR) has been used in a variety of forms to assist in the treatment of a wide range of psychological illness. VR can also fulfil the need that psychologists have for safe environments in which to conduct experiments. Currently the main barrier against using this technology is the complexity in developing applications. This paper presents two different co-operative psychological applications which have been developed using a single framework. These applications require different levels of co-operation between the users and clients, ranging from full psychologist involvement to their minimal intervention. This paper will also discuss our approach to developing these different environments and our experiences to date in utilising these environments.


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Smooth trajectories are essential for safe interaction in between human and a haptic interface. Different methods and strategies have been introduced to create such smooth trajectories. This paper studies the creation of human-like movements in haptic interfaces, based on the study of human arm motion. These motions are intended to retrain the upper limb movements of patients that lose manipulation functions following stroke. We present a model that uses higher degree polynomials to define a trajectory and control the robot arm to achieve minimum jerk movements. It also studies different methods that can be driven from polynomials to create more realistic human-like movements for therapeutic purposes.


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Linear Inulin type fructan (ITF) prebiotics have a putative role in the prevention of colorectal cancer, whereas relatively little is known about branched fructans. This study aims to investigate the fermentation properties and potential prebiotic activity of branched fructans derived from Agave angustifolia Haw, using the Simulator of Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem (SHIME) model. The proximal, transverse and distal vessels were used to investigate fructan fermentation throughout the colon and to assess the alterations of the microbial composition and fermentation metabolites (short chain fatty acids and ammonia). The influence on bioactivity of the fermentation supernatant was assessed by MTT, Comet and transepithelial electrical resistance (TER), respectively. Addition of Agave fructan to the SHIME model significantly increased (P<0.05), bifidobacteria populations (proximal and transverse), SCFA concentrations (proximal, transverse and distal) and decreased ammonia concentrations in the distal vessel. Furthermore, the fermentation supernatant significantly (P<0.05) increased the TER of a Caco-2 cell monolayer (%) and decreased fluorescein-based paracellular flux, suggesting enhanced barrier function and reduced epithelial barrier permeability (proximal and distal vessel). While cytotoxicity and genotoxicity remained unaltered in response to the presence of Agave fructans. To conclude, branched Agave fructans show indications of prebiotic activity, particularly in relation to colon health by exerting a positive influence on gut barrier function, an important aspect of colon carcinogenesis.


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It is predicted that non-communicable diseases will account for over 73 % of global mortality in 2020. Given that the majority of these deaths occur in developed countries such as the UK, and that up to 80 % of chronic disease could be prevented through improvements in diet and lifestyle, it is imperative that dietary guidelines and disease prevention strategies are reviewed in order to improve their efficacy. Since the completion of the human genome project our understanding of complex interactions between environmental factors such as diet and genes has progressed considerably, as has the potential to individualise diets using dietary, phenotypic and genotypic data. Thus, there is an ambition for dietary interventions to move away from population-based guidance towards 'personalised nutrition'. The present paper reviews current evidence for the public acceptance of genetic testing and personalised nutrition in disease prevention. Health and clear consumer benefits have been identified as key motivators in the uptake of genetic testing, with individuals reporting personal experience of disease, such as those with specific symptoms, being more willing to undergo genetic testing for the purpose of personalised nutrition. This greater perceived susceptibility to disease may also improve motivation to change behaviour which is a key barrier in the success of any nutrition intervention. Several consumer concerns have been identified in the literature which should be addressed before the introduction of a nutrigenomic-based personalised nutrition service. Future research should focus on the efficacy and implementation of nutrigenomic-based personalised nutrition.