In complex hydrogeological environments the effective management of groundwater quality problems by pump-and-treat operations can be most confidently achieved if the mixing dynamics induced within the aquifer by pumping are well understood. The utility of isotopic environmental tracers (C-, H-, O-, S-stable isotopic analyses and age indicators—14C, 3H) for this purpose is illustrated by the analysis of a pumping test in an abstraction borehole drilled into flooded, abandoned coal mineworkings at Deerplay (Lancashire, UK). Interpretation of the isotope data was undertaken conjunctively with that of major ion hydrochemistry, and interpreted in the context of the particular hydraulic setting of flooded mineworkings to identify the sources and mixing of water qualities in the groundwater system. Initial pumping showed breakdown of initial water quality stratification in the borehole, and gave evidence for distinctive isotopic signatures (d34S(SO4) ~= -1.6‰, d18O(SO4) ~= +15‰) associated with primary oxidation of pyrite in the zone of water table fluctuation—the first time this phenomenon has been successfully characterized by these isotopes in a flooded mine system. The overall aim of the test pumping—to replace an uncontrolled outflow from a mine entrance in an inconvenient location with a pumped discharge on a site where treatment could be provided—was swiftly achieved. Environmental tracing data illustrated the benefits of pumping as little as possible to attain this aim, as higher rates of pumping induced in-mixing of poorer quality waters from more distant old workings, and/or renewed pyrite oxidation in the shallow subsurface.
This study is the first investigation of biodegradation of carbon disulphide (CS2) in soil that provides estimates of degradation rates and identifies intermediate degradation products and carbon isotope signatures of degradation. Microcosm studies were undertaken under anaerobic conditions using soil and groundwater recovered from CS2-contaminated sites. Proposed degradation mechanisms were validated using equilibrium speciation modelling of concentrations and carbon isotope ratios. A first-order degradation rate constant of 1.25 × 10-2 h-1 was obtained for biological degradation with soil. Carbonyl sulphide (COS) and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) were found to be intermediates of degradation, but did not accumulate in vials. A 13C/12C enrichment factor of -7.5 ± 0.8 ‰ was obtained for degradation within microcosms with both soil and groundwater whereas a 13C/12C enrichment factor of -23.0 ± 2.1 ‰ was obtained for degradation with site groundwater alone. It can be concluded that biological degradation of both CS2-contaminated soil and groundwater is likely to occur in the field suggesting that natural attenuation may be an appropriate remedial tool at some sites. The presence of biodegradation by-products including COS and H2S indicates that biodegradation of CS2 is occurring and stable carbon isotopes are a promising tool to quantify CS2 degradation.
A groundwater programme monitoring flow and quality of a potable water spring in a slum district in Kampala, Uganda revealed that although latrines acted as the principal means of organic waste disposal for the 1000 plus people living in the spring’s catchment, levels of faecal indicator bacteria (TVC 45 Deg C) in spring discharge remained at or below detection during the dry season, despite the presence of high levels of chloride (45mg/l-56mg/l) and nitrate (23mg/l – 30mg/l NO3-N), indicating sewage impacts. A programme of column and batch testing of laterite underlying the area provided a means of investigating the soil’s attenuation capacity under more controlled conditions.
X-ray diffraction analyses revealed the laterite to be dominated by quartz and kaolinite with minor (<5% by volume) quantities of haematite. Batch studies revealed that over 99% of bacteriophage adsorbed to haematite in less than 5 minutes. By contrast batch tests on haematite-free soil samples from the Blue Hills in Australia showed that although they had comparable dominant mineralogy and iron coverage on their surfaces (determined from Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence) they had negligible ability to adsorb H40/1.
Based on the results of the batch studies using natural soils, a programme of batch studies, undertaken using pure haematite showed the mineral to have an extremely high capacity to adsorb bacteriophage, and suggested that it was responsible for the levels of attenuation observed.
The results of column studies were in keeping with the findings of batch experiments. Injection of 20 pore volumes of 300 pfu/mL of the bacteriophage H40/1 into a 20mm diameter glass column packed with sand sized (Ø>500µm) laterite revealed that the column could irreversibly remove over 2.5 log10 bacteriophage over its 10cm length.
Mineralogical and batch test data provide convincing evidence to show that laterite can potentially act as an inexpensive means of removing micro organisms from water. The material, particularly in nodular form, displays considerable potential to act as an alternative filter material to conventional quartz filter sands.
High levels of As in groundwater commonly found in Bangladesh and other parts of Asia not only pose a risk via drinking water consumption but also a risk in agricultural sustainability and food safety. This review attempts to provide an overview of current knowledge and gaps related to the assessment and management of these risks, including the behaviour of As in the soil-plant system, uptake, phytotoxicity, As speciation in foods, dietary habits, and human health risks. Special emphasis has been given to the situation in Bangladesh, where groundwater via shallow tube wells is the most important source of irrigation water in the dry season. Within the soil-plant system, there is a distinct difference in behaviour of As under flooded conditions, where arsenite (AsIII) predominates, and under nonflooded conditions, where arsenate (AsV) predominates. The former is regarded as most toxic to humans and plants. Limited data indicate that As-contaminated irrigation water can result in a slow buildup of As in the topsoil. In some cases the buildup is reflected by the As levels in crops, in others not. It is not yet possible to predict As uptake and toxicity in plants based on soil parameters. It is unknown under what conditions and in what time frame As is building up in the soil. Representative phytotoxicity data necessary to evaluate current and future soil concentrations are not yet available. Although there are no indications that crop production is currently inhibited by As, long-term risks are clearly present. Therefore, with concurrent assessments of the risks, management options to further prevent As accumulation in the topsoil should already have been explored. With regard to human health, data on As speciation in foods in combination with food consumption data are needed to assess dietary exposure, and these data should include spatial and seasonal variability. It is important to control confounding factors in assessing the risks. In a country where malnutrition is prevalent, levels of inorganic As in foods should be balanced against the nutritional value of the foods. Regarding agriculture, As is only one of the many factors that may pose a risk to the sustainability of crop production. Other risk factors such as nutrient depletion and loss of organic matter also must be taken into account to set priorities in terms of research, management, and overall strategy.
A bacterial bioassay, suitable for rapid screening to assess the relative toxicity of xenobiotic contaminated groundwater has been developed. The quantitative bioassay utilizes a decline in luminescence of the lux marked soil bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens on exposure to contaminated groundwaters from which effective concentration (EC) values can be assessed and compared. P. fluorescens was most sensitive to semi-volatile organics in groundwaters but there was no correlation between EC value and chemical content. The sensitivity and reproducibility of the P. fluorescens bioassay was compared with that of Microtox and results showed that mean EC50 values for diluted ground water replicate samples were 20% and 18% respectively. This suggested that the P. fluorescens bioassay was as applicable to groundwater screening as the widely used Microtox bioassay.
Arsenic (As) contamination of communal tubewells in Prey Vêng, Cambodia, has been observed since 2000. Many of these wells exceed the WHO As in drinking water standard of 10 µg/L by a factor of 100. The aim of this study was to assess how cooking water source impacts dietary As intake in a rural community in Prey Vêng. This aim was fulfilled by (1) using geostatistical analysis techniques to examine the extent of As contaminated groundwater in Prey Vêng and identify a suitable study site, (2) conducting an on-site study in two villages to measure As content in cooked rice prepared with water collected from tubewells and locally harvested rainwater, and (3) determining the dietary intake of As from consuming this rice. Geostatistical analysis indicated that high risk tubewells (>50 µg As/L) are concentrated along the Mekong River's east bank. Participants using high risk tubewells are consuming up to 24 times more inorganic As daily than recommended by the previous FAO/WHO provisional tolerable daily intake value (2.1 µg/kgBW/day). However, As content in rice cooked in rainwater was significantly reduced, therefore, it is considered to be a safer and more sustainable option for this region.