932 resultados para STORIA MODERNA (1),11835,Lettere e Filosofia,0012,Lettere,0264,,,CURRICULUM 6 (CURRICULUM MODERNO: MODELLI E LINGUAGGI DELLA TRADIZIONE),472,,,2007,5


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The current study was undertaken to enumerate Gram-positive bacteria in fresh sub-tropical marine fish and determine the effect of ambient storage (25°C) on the Gram-positive bacterial count. Total and Gram-positive bacteria were enumerated in the muscles, gills and gut of fresh and stored Pseudocaranx dentex, Pagrus auratus and Mugil cephalus on tryptone soya agar (TSA) and TSA with 0.25% phenylethyl alcohol (PEA), respectively. Initial studies indicated that PEA significantly reduced total aerobic bacterial count (TABC) whereas control Gram-positive bacteria were not affected by 0.25% PEA. TABC significantly increased in all fish body parts, whereas Gram-positive aerobic bacterial count (GABC) significantly increased only in the muscles and gills during ambient storage for 15 h. The TABC of the fish species increased from 4.00, 6.13 and 4.58 log cfu g-1, respectively in the muscles, gills, and gut to 6.31, 7.31 and 7.23 log cfu g-1 by the end of storage. GABC increased from 2.00, 3.52 and 2.20 log cfu g-1 to 4.70, 5.85 and 3.36 log cfu g-1. Within each species, TABC were significantly higher in the gills compared to that of muscles and gut; however, no significant differences were found in GABC between muscles and gills. This study demonstrated the potential importance of Gram-positive bacteria in sub-tropical marine fish and their spoilage.


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Barley hull plays an important role in malt and feed quality and processing. In this study we measured the variation in hull con-tent along with other grain quality traits namely, kernel discolouration and degree of pre-harvest sprouting, in a single map-ping population. There were significant (p < 0.05) genetic as well as environment effects. In addition, heritability was calculated for hull content to be 29% and 47% for two years’ data. From the analysis, major QTL markers were identified in con-trolling the expression of hull content on chromosomes 2 (2H), and 6 (6H) with significant (P < 0.05) LOD scores of 5.4 and 3.46 respectively. Minor QTLs were identified on 1 (7H), 4 (4H), 5 (1H) and 7 (5H). The region at marker Bmac310 on 4(4H) could be associated with dormancy gene SD4. A number of the QTLs also coincided with regions for either kernel discolouration or preharvest sprouting resistance (dormancy). The results indicate that variation exists for hull content, which is influenced by both growing environment as well as genetically, although the genetic variance explained less than half of the total variance. Further, hull content also impacts on other grain quality attributes including dormancy, sprouting resistance and kernel appearance.


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Salinity, sodicity, acidity, and phytotoxic levels of chloride (Cl) in subsoils are major constraints to crop production in many soils of north-eastern Australia because they reduce the ability of crop roots to extract water and nutrients from the soil. The complex interactions and correlations among soil properties result in multi-colinearity between soil properties and crop yield that makes it difficult to determine which constraint is the major limitation. We used ridge-regression analysis to overcome colinearity to evaluate the contribution of soil factors and water supply to the variation in the yields of 5 winter crops on soils with various levels and combinations of subsoil constraints in the region. Subsoil constraints measured were soil Cl, electrical conductivity of the saturation extract (ECse), and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP). The ridge regression procedure selected several of the variables used in a descriptive model, which included in-crop rainfall, plant-available soil water at sowing in the 0.90-1.10 m soil layer, and soil Cl in the 0.90-1.10 m soil layer, and accounted for 77-85% of the variation in the grain yields of the 5 winter crops. Inclusion of ESP of the top soil (0.0-0.10 m soil layer) marginally increased the descriptive capability of the models for bread wheat, barley and durum wheat. Subsoil Cl concentration was found to be an effective substitute for subsoil water extraction. The estimates of the critical levels of subsoil Cl for a 10% reduction in the grain yield were 492 mg cl/kg for chickpea, 662 mg Cl/kg for durum wheat, 854 mg Cl/kg for bread wheat, 980 mg Cl/kg for canola, and 1012 mg Cl/kg for barley, thus suggesting that chickpea and durum wheat were more sensitive to subsoil Cl than bread wheat, barley, and canola.


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The effects of fertilisers on 8 tropical turfgrasses growing in 100-L bags of sand were studied over winter in Murrumba Downs, just north of Brisbane in southern Queensland (latitude 27.4°S, longitude 153.1°E). The species used were: Axonopus compressus (broad-leaf carpetgrass), Cynodon dactylon (bermudagrass 'Winter Green') and C. dactylon x C. transvaalensis hybrid ('Tifgreen'), Digitaria didactyla (Queensland blue couch), Paspalum notatum (bahiagrass '38824'), Stenotaphrum secundatum (buffalograss 'Palmetto'), Eremochloa ophiuroides (centipedegrass 'Centec') and Zoysia japonica (zoysiagrass 'ZT-11'). Control plots were fertilised with complete fertilisers every month from May to September (72 kg N/ha, 31 kg P/ha, 84 kg K/ha, 48 kg S/ha, 30 kg Ca/ha and 7.2 kg Mg/ha), and unfertilised plots received no fertiliser. Carpetgrass and standard bermudagrass were the most sensitive species to nutrient supply, with lower shoot dry weights in the unfertilised plots (shoots mowed to thatch level) compared with the fertilised plots in June. There were lower shoot dry weights in the unfertilised plots in July for all species, except for buffalograss, centipedegrass and zoysiagrass, and lower shoot dry weights in the unfertilised plots in August for all species, except for centipedegrass. At the end of the experiment in September, unfertilised plots were 11% of the shoot dry weights of fertilised plots, with all species affected. Mean shoot nitrogen concentrations fell from 3.2 to 1.7% in the unfertilised plots from May to August, below the sufficiency range for turfgrasses (2.8-3.5%). There were also declines in P (0.45-0.36%), K (2.4-1.5%), S (0.35-0.25%), Mg (0.24-0.18%) and B (9-6 mg/kg), which were all in the sufficiency range. The shoots in the control plots took up the following levels (kg/ha.month) of nutrients: N, 10.0-27.0; P, 1.6-4.0; K, 8.2-19.8; S, 1.0-4.2; Ca, 1.1-3.3; and Mg, 0.8-2.2, compared with applications (kg/ha.month) of: N, 72; P, 31; K, 84; S, 48; Ca, 30; and Mg, 7.2, indicating a recovery of 14-38% for N, 5-13% for P, 10-24% for K, 2-9% for S, 4-11% for Ca and 11-30% for Mg. These results suggest that buffalograss, centipedegrass and zoysiagrass are less sensitive to low nutrient supply than carpetgrass, bermudagrass, blue couch and bahiagrass. Data on nutrient uptake showed that the less sensitive species required only half or less of the nitrogen required to maintain the growth of the other grasses, indicating potential savings for turf managers in fertiliser costs and the environment in terms of nutrients entering waterways.


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The introgression of domestic dog genes into dingo populations threatens the genetic integrity of 'pure' dingoes. However, dingo conservation efforts are hampered by difficulties in distinguishing between dingoes and hybrids in the field. This study evaluates consistency in the status of hybridisation (i.e. dingo, hybrid or dog) assigned by genetic analyses, skull morphology and visual assessments. Of the 56 south-east Queensland animals sampled, 39 (69.6%) were assigned the same status by all three methods, 10 (17.9%) by genetic and skull methods, four (7.1%) by genetic and visual methods; and two (3.6%) by skull and visual methods. Pair-wise comparisons identified a significant relationship between genetic and skull methods, but not between either of these and visual methods. Results from surveying 13 experienced wild dog managers showed that hybrids were more easily identified by visual characters than were dingoes. A more reliable visual assessment can be developed through determining the relationship between (1) genetics and phenotype by sampling wild dog populations and (2) the expression of visual characteristics from different proportions and breeds of domestic dog genes by breeding trials. Culling obvious hybrids based on visual characteristics, such as sable and patchy coat colours, should slow the process of hybridisation.


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SecB, a soluble cytosolic chaperone component of the Secexport pathway, binds to newly synthesized precursor proteins and prevents their premature aggregation and folding and subsequently targets them to the translocation machinery on the membrane. PreMBP, the precursor form of maltose binding protein, has a 26-residue signal sequence attached to the N-terminus of MBP and is a physiological substrate of SecB. We examine the effect of macromolecular crowding and SecB on the stability and refolding of denatured preMBP and MBP. PreMBP was less stable than MBP (ΔTm =7( 0.5 K) in both crowded and uncrowded solutions. Crowding did not cause any substantial changes in the thermal stability ofMBP(ΔTm=1(0.4 K) or preMBP (ΔTm=0(0.6 K), as observed in spectroscopically monitored thermal unfolding experiments. However, both MBP and preMBP were prone to aggregation while refolding under crowded conditions. In contrast to MBP aggregates, which were amorphous, preMBP aggregates form amyloid fibrils.Under uncrowded conditions, a molar excess of SecB was able to completely prevent aggregation and promote disaggregation of preformed aggregates of MBP. When a complex of the denatured protein and SecB was preformed, SecB could completely prevent aggregation and promote folding of MBP and preMBP even in crowded solution. Thus, in addition to maintaining substrates in an unfolded, export-competent conformation, SecB also suppresses the aggregation of its substrates in the crowded intracellular environment. SecB is also able to promote passive disaggregation of macroscopic aggregates of MBP in the absence of an energy source such as ATP or additional cofactors. These experiments also demonstrate that signal peptide can reatly influence protein stability and aggregation propensity.


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Non-stoichiometric substituted cerium vanadates, MxCe1-xVO4 (M = Li, Ca and Fe), were synthesized by solid-state reactions. The crystal structure was analyzed by powder X-ray diffraction and it exhibits a tetragonal zircon Structure, crystallizing in the space group I4(1)/amd with a = 7.3733(4) and c = 6.4909(4) angstrom and Z = 4. Particle sizes were in the range of 600-800 nm, as observed by scanning electron microscopy. The thermal analysis of the compounds showed phase stability up to 1100 degrees C. The UV diffuse reflectance spectra indicated that the compounds have band gaps in the range of 2.6-2.9 eV. The photocatalytic activity of these Compounds was investigated for the first time for the degradation of different dyes, and organics, the oxidation of cyclohexane and the hydroxylation of benzene. The degradation of dyes was modeled using the Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics, while the oxidation of cyclohexane and hydroxylation of benzene were modeled using a free radical mechanism and a series reaction mechanism, respectively.


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The Wet Tropics bioregion of north Queensland has been identified as an area of global significance. The world-heritage-listed rainforests have been invaded by feral pigs (Sus scrofa) that are perceived to cause substantial environmental damage. A community perception exists of an annual altitudinal migration of the feral-pig population. The present study describes the movements of 29 feral pigs in relation to altitudinal migration (highland, transitional and lowland areas). Feral pigs were sedentary and stayed within their home range throughout a 4-year study period. No altitudinal migration was detected; pigs moved no more than a mean distance of 1.0 km from the centre of their calculated home ranges. There was no significant difference between the mean (+/- 95% confidence interval) aggregate home ranges for males (8.7 +/- 4.3 km², n = 15) and females (7.2 +/- 1.8 km², n = 14). No difference in home range was detected among the three altitudinal areas: 7.2 +/- 2.4 km² for highland, 6.2 +/- 3.9 km² for transitional and 9.9 +/- 5.3 km² for lowland areas. The aggregate mean home range for all pigs in the present study was 8.0 +/- 2.4 km². The study also assessed the influence seasons had on the home range of eight feral pigs on the rainforest boundary; home ranges did not significantly vary in size between the tropical wet and dry seasons, although the mean home range in the dry season (7.7 +/- 6.9 km²) was more than twice the home range in the wet season (2.9 +/- 0.8 km²). Heavier pigs tended to have larger home ranges. The results of the present study suggest that feral pigs are sedentary throughout the year so broad-scale control techniques need to be applied over sufficient areas to encompass individual home ranges. Control strategies need a coordinated approach if a long-term reduction in the pig population is to be achieved.


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Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt), is the most serious pest of the native tephritid species in Australia and a significant market access impediment for fruit commodities from any area where this species is endemic. An area-wide management (AWM) program was implemented in the Central Burnett district of Queensland with the aim of improving fruit fly control and enhancing market access opportunities for citrus and other fruits produced in the district. The primary control measures adopted in the AWM system included bait spraying of commercial and non-commercial hosts and the year-round installation of male annihilation technology (MAT) carriers in both orchards and town areas. The MAT carrier used consisted of a dental wick impregnated with 1 ml cue-lure [4-(4-acetoxyphenol)-2-butanone] and 1 ml Malathion 500 EC in a plastic cup. The application of these control measures from 2003 to 2007 resulted in overall suppression of fruit fly populations across the entire district. Male trap catches at the peak activity time were reduced by 95% and overall fruit fly infestation in untreated backyard fruit of town areas reduced from 60.8% to 21.8%. Our results demonstrate remarkable improvement in fruit fly control and economic benefit to the Central Burnett horticulture. Therefore, commercial growers are continuing the AWM program as a long-term, industry funded activity, to provide an additional layer of phytosanitary security for market access of fruit commodities from this district.


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This study is based on the multidiciplinary approach of using natural colorants as textile dyes. The author was interested in both the historical and traditional aspects of natural dyeing as well as the modern industrial applications of the pure natural compounds. In the study, the anthraquinone compounds were isolated as aglycones from the ectomycorrhizal fungus Dermocybe sanguinea. The endogenous beta-glucosidase of the fungus was used to catalyse the hydrolysis of the O-glycosyl linkage in emodin- and dermocybin-1-beta-D-glucopyranosides. The method, in which 10.45 kg of fresh fungi was starting material, yielded two fractions: 56.0 g of Fraction 1 (94% of the total amount of pigment,) consisting almost exclusively of the main pigments emodin and dermocybin, and 3.3 g of Fraction 2 (6%) consisting mainly of the anthraquinone carboxylic acids. The anthraquinone compounds in Fractions 1 and 2 were separated by one- and two-dimensional thin-layer-chromatography (TLC) using silica plates. 1D TLC showed that neither an acidic nor a basic solvent system alone separated completely all the anthraquinones isolated from D. sanguinea, in spite of the variation of the rations of the solvent components in the systems. Thus, a new 2D TLC technique was developed, applying n-pentanol-pyridine-methanol (6:4:3, v/v/v) and toluene-ethyl acetate-ethanol-formic acid (10:8:1:2, v/v/v/v) as eluents. Fifteen different anthraquinone derivatives were completely separated from one another. Emodin, physcion, endocrocin, dermolutein, dermorubin, 5-chlorodermorubin, emodin-1-beta-D-glucopyranoside, dermocybin-1-beta-D-glucopyranoside and dermocybin, and five new compounds, not earlier identified in D. sanguinea, 7-chloroemodin, 5,7-dichloroemodin, 5,7-dichloroendocrocin, 4-hydroxyaustrocorticone and austrocorticone, were separated and identified on the basis of their Rf-values, UV/Vis spectra and mass spectra. One substance remained unidentified, because of its very low concentration. The anthraquinones in Fractions 1 and 2 were preparatively separeted by liquid-liquid partition, with isopropylmethyl ketone and aqueous phosphate buffer as the solvent system. Advantage was taken of the principle of stepwise pH-gradient elution. The multiple liquid-liquid partition (MLLP) offered an excellent method for the preparative separation of compounds, which contain acidic groups such as the phenolic OH and COOH groups. Due to their strong aggregation properties, these compounds are, without derivatization, very difficult to separate on a preparative scale by chromatographic methods. By the MLLP method remarkable separations were achieved for the components in each mixture. Emodin and dermocybin were both obtained from Fraction 1 in a purity of at least 99%. Pure emodin and dermocybin were applied as mordant dyes to wool and polyamide and as disperse dyes to polyester and polyamide, using the high temperature (HT) technique. A mixture of dermorubin and 5-chlorodermorubin was applied as an acid dye to wool. In these experiments, synthetic dyes were used as references. Experiments were also performed using water extract of the air-dried fungi as dye liquor for wool and silk. The main colouring compounds in the crude water extract were emodin and dermocybin, which indicated that the O-glycosyl linkages in emodin- and dermocybin-1-beta-D-glucopyranosides were broken by the beta-glucosidase enzyme. Apparently, the hydrolysis occurred during the drying of the fungi and during the soaking of the dried fruit bodies overnight when preparing the dyebath. The colour of each dyed material was investigated in terms of the CIELAB L*, a* and b* values, and the colour fastness to light, washing and rubbing was tested according to the ISO standards. In the mordant dyeing experiments, emodin dyed wool and polyamide yellow and red, depending on the pH of the dyebath. Dermocybin gave purple and violet colours. The colour fastness of the mordant-dyed fabrics varied from good to moderate. The fastness properties of the natural anthraquinone carboxylic acids on wool were good, indicating the strength of the ionic bonds between the COO- groups of the dyes and the NH3+ groups of the fibres. In the disperse dyeing experiments, emodin dyed polyester bright yellow and dermocybin bright reddish-orange, and the fabrics showed excellent colour fastness. In contrast, emodin and dermocybin successfully dyed polyamide brownish-orange and wine-red, respectively, but with only moderate fastness. In industrial dyeing processes, natural anthraquinone aglycone mixtures dyed wool and silk well even at low concentrations of mordants, i.e. with 10% of the weight of the fibre (owf) of KAl(SO4)2 and 1 or 0.5% owf of other mordants. This study showed that purified natural anthraquinone compounds can produce bright hues with good colour-fastness properties in different textile materials. Natural anthraquinones have a significant potential for new dyeing techniques and will provide useful alternatives to synthetic dyes.


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Patch selection by grazing animals is difficult to quantify, particularly in large, extensive paddocks like those in northern Australia. However, advances in high resolution satellite imagery now allow identification of patch types over an entire paddock which combined with GPS collars to capture positional data, can give an accurate and comprehensive picture of landscape use by cattle.


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From left to right: Walter Gottschalk, Therese Gottschalk nee Molling, Freddy Gottschalk, the maid, Kurt Gottschalk, and Elizabeth Gottschalk


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From left to right: Lotte Stern, Otto Wallerstein, Alfred Stern; Photograph taken shortly after arrival in Berkeley, California


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The family has been curious about the family tree on the wall. Family lore suggests that it was produced by French POWs during WWI