859 resultados para SQL SERVER


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A autonomia pessoal do servidor público, em seu agir na Administração Pública, é um dos pressupostos para a eficaz implementação de ações de gestão do conhecimento. Ela também é um anseio do trabalhador, sempre defendido em manifestações das mais diversas associações de classe. Contudo, ela esbarra em restrições políticas, legais, administrativas e culturais. Este trabalho, debruçado sobre fontes secundárias e teóricas, identificou a natureza da autonomia pessoal, suas modalidades, suas fontes, suas restrições, bem como sua possibilidade de desenvolvimento. O trabalho, de natureza teórica, foi desenvolvido por meio de interpretação transdisciplinar das fontes, em sua maior parte oriundas da literatura sociológica, administrativa, do direito e da filosofia. O conceito de autonomia é trabalhado inicialmente, seguido por sua primeira subdivisão em duas dimensões. Em seguida, a disciplina que a doutrina de Direito Administrativo brasileiro impõe à autonomia do servidor público é explorada e problematizada. Em seguida, é abordada a questão sob a visão sociológica, a partir do modelo burocrático ideal de Max Weber e das constatações de Michel Crozier. A relação entre a autonomia e as burocracias profissionais também é passada em revista. Por fim, a personalidade humana é apresentada como a fonte da autonomia, bem como sua justificação diante de doutrinas que a negam e atacam. Foram identificadas três dimensões da autonomia: substantiva, técnica e objetiva; bem como propostos caminhos para que, nas organizações públicas, essas dimensões possam florescer, dentro dos legítimos limitantes políticos, legais e administrativos identificados.


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Ao se reportar resultados voláteis e, sem a devida evidenciação contábil (disclosure), pode-se transmitir uma imagem negativa aos investidores e levantar dúvidas em relação aos resultados futuros, a transparência e a capacidade de gerenciamento do risco por parte dos gestores das instituições financeiras. Nas últimas décadas, a utilização da contabilidade de hedge para a gestão do risco e resultado tem estado em evidência nos grandes bancos do Brasil e do exterior. Isto ocorre pois é onde se dá a convergência das demonstrações financeiras tanto em 2005 na Europa quanto em 2010 no Brasil para o novo padrão contábil internacional (IFRS) aplicado pelo IASB. Este padrão tem exigido dos bancos grandes esforços para estar em conformidade com as novas regras estabelecidas. Nesta mesma lógica, enquanto a contabilidade de hedge nos bancos assume um papel de destaque na gestão dos riscos e resultados; a divulgação precisa e concisa das demonstrações financeiras fornece aos acionistas, investidores e demais usuários importantes informações sobre o desempenho e a condução do negócio. Isto proporciona ao mercado uma melhor condição de avaliar os riscos envolvidos e de estimar os resultados futuros para a tomada de decisão de investimento. Dentro deste contexto, foi avaliado a qualidade e o grau de evidenciação das demonstrações contábeis dos principais bancos brasileiros e europeus aos requisitos do IFRS 7, IFRS 9 e outros mais de elaboração do próprio autor. Todos esses requisitos referem-se à divulgação de informações qualitativas e quantitativas pertinentes a contabilidade de hedge. Portanto, estão associados a estratégias de gestão de risco e resultado. A avaliação do grau de evidenciação das demonstrações financeiras ao IFRS 7 e IFRS 9 foi feita através de um estudo exploratório onde se analisou as notas explicativas em IFRS dos dez maiores bancos no Brasil e na Europa pelo critério “tamanho dos ativos”. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam que 59,6% das instituições analisadas cumprem as exigências do IFRS7. Outra descoberta é que o índice de cumprimento dos bancos brasileiros é maior que os bancos europeus; 68,3% vs. 50,8%. Em relação ao IFRS 9 o percentual é de apenas 23% o que é explicado pelo fato da norma ainda não estar em vigor em ambas as regiões onde poucas instituições tem se antecipado de forma voluntária para atendê-la. A avaliação da qualidade das notas explicativas referente ao hedge contábil foi feita de maneira discricionária através da observação das informações prestadas para atender aos requisitos do IFRS 7 e 9 e dos demais requisitos adicionados pelo autor. Os resultados obtidos indicam que as notas carecem de maior detalhamento dos instrumentos de hedge utilizados, bem como os objetivos de cada hedge, para dar maior transparência ao usuário da informação sobre os riscos protegidos nos respectivos balanços. O crescimento do volume de informações prestadas nas notas explicativas dos grandes bancos brasileiros e europeus após a adoção do IFRS não configurou um aumento proporcional do conteúdo informacional, prevalecendo, ainda, a forma sobre a essência. Este movimento abre espaço para discussões futuras com os agentes de mercado sobre o tamanho e o conteúdo informacional adequado nas notas explicativas, com o intuito de buscar um equilíbrio entre o custo e o benefício da divulgação da informação sob a ótica da relevância e da materialidade.


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O programa de desempenho por resultados do município de Santos apresentado como programa de qualidade do servidor parece não atingir justamente a parte mais importante para o seu sucesso: o próprio servidor. O envolvimento aquém do esperado e a perspectiva de dificuldades quanto ao não atingimento das metas estabelecidas estão identificados com a ausência de um elemento: a motivação. Heroica em batalhas quando se apresenta em momentos cruciais, torna-se vilã quando se ausenta. Conhece-la um pouco mais e identificar possibilidades de faze-la presente pode ser uma alternativa para vitaminar o PDR de Santos.


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Although formal methods can dramatically increase the quality of software systems, they have not widely been adopted in software industry. Many software companies have the perception that formal methods are not cost-effective cause they are plenty of mathematical symbols that are difficult for non-experts to assimilate. The Java Modelling Language (short for JML) Section 3.3 is an academic initiative towards the development of a common formal specification language for Java programs, and the implementation of tools to check program correctness. This master thesis work shows how JML based formal methods can be used to formally develop a privacy sensitive Java application. This is a smart card application for managing medical appointments. The application is named HealthCard. We follow the software development strategy introduced by João Pestana, presented in Section 3.4. Our work influenced the development of this strategy by providing hands-on insight on challenges related to development of a privacy sensitive application in Java. Pestana’s strategy is based on a three-step evolution strategy of software specifications, from informal ones, through semiformal ones, to JML formal specifications. We further prove that this strategy can be automated by implementing a tool that generates JML formal specifications from a welldefined subset of informal software specifications. Hence, our work proves that JML-based formal methods techniques are cost-effective, and that they can be made popular in software industry. Although formal methods are not popular in many software development companies, we endeavour to integrate formal methods to general software practices. We hope our work can contribute to a better acceptance of mathematical based formalisms and tools used by software engineers. The structure of this document is as follows. In Section 2, we describe the preliminaries of this thesis work. We make an introduction to the application for managing medical applications we have implemented. We also describe the technologies used in the development of the application. This section further illustrates the Java Card Remote Method Invocation communication model used in the medical application for the client and server applications. Section 3 introduces software correctness, including the design by contract and the concept of contract in JML. Section 4 presents the design structure of the application. Section 5 shows the implementation of the HealthCard. Section 6 describes how the HealthCard is verified and validated using JML formal methods tools. Section 7 includes some metrics of the HealthCard implementation and specification. Section 8 presents a short example of how a client-side of a smart card application can be implemented while respecting formal specifications. Section 9 describes a prototype tools to generate JML formal specifications from informal specifications automatically. Section 10 describes some challenges and main ideas came acrorss during the development of the HealthCard. The full formal specification and implementation of the HealthCard smart card application presented in this document can be reached at https://sourceforge.net/projects/healthcard/.


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Nowadays, the development of intelligent agents intends to be more refined, using improved architectures and reasoning mechanisms. Revise the beliefs of an agent is also an important subject, due to the consistency that agents should have about their knowledge. In this work we propose deliberative and argumentative agents using Lego Mindstorms robots, Argumentative NXT BDI-like Agents. These agents are built using the notions of the BDI model and they are capable to reason using the DeLP formalism. They update their knowledge base with their perceptions and revise it when necessary. Two variations are presented: the Single Argumentative NXT BDI-like Agent and the MAS Argumentative NXT BDI-like Agent.


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Ubiquitous computing raises new usability challenges that cut across design and development. We are particularly interested in environments enhanced with sensors, public displays and personal devices. How can prototypes be used to explore the users' mobility and interaction, both explicitly and implicitly, to access services within these environments? Because of the potential cost of development and design failure, these systems must be explored using early assessment techniques and versions of the systems that could disrupt if deployed in the target environment. These techniques are required to evaluate alternative solutions before making the decision to deploy the system on location. This is crucial for a successful development, that anticipates potential user problems, and reduces the cost of redesign. This thesis reports on the development of a framework for the rapid prototyping and analysis of ubiquitous computing environments that facilitates the evaluation of design alternatives. It describes APEX, a framework that brings together an existing 3D Application Server with a modelling tool. APEX-based prototypes enable users to navigate a virtual world simulation of the envisaged ubiquitous environment. By this means users can experience many of the features of the proposed design. Prototypes and their simulations are generated in the framework to help the developer understand how the user might experience the system. These are supported through three different layers: a simulation layer (using a 3D Application Server); a modelling layer (using a modelling tool) and a physical layer (using external devices and real users). APEX allows the developer to move between these layers to evaluate different features. It supports exploration of user experience through observation of how users might behave with the system as well as enabling exhaustive analysis based on models. The models support checking of properties based on patterns. These patterns are based on ones that have been used successfully in interactive system analysis in other contexts. They help the analyst to generate and verify relevant properties. Where these properties fail then scenarios suggested by the failure provide an important aid to redesign.


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The study aimed to analyze the influence of chronic health conditions (CHC) on quality of life (QOL) of UFRN servers assaulted by CHC. It is a descriptive and cross-sectional study with prospective data and quantitative approach, accomplished in the ambulatory clinic of the Department of Server Assistance (DSA) of the Pro-Rectory of Human Resources, during three months. The sample was composed by accessibility, totaling 215 people, being 153 active and 62 inactive servers, in chronic health condition. The data were collected through the application of the sociodemographic characterization, health, environmental and laboral form, the Medical Outcome Study 36-Item Short Form (SF-36). The study was evaluated by the HUOL Ethics Committee (CAAE no. 0046., obtaining assent. The results were analyzed in the SPSS 15.0 program through the descriptive and inferential statistics. It was identified servants predominantly male (59,1%), under 60 years old, married or in stable union, Catholics, brown color, living in the capital and residents in own home. Regarding labor issues, there was a predominance of active servers technical-administrative with intermediate and medium level positions and small proportion of docents. Among the CHC, the non-communicable diseases - NCDs (95.8%) had a higher frequency, followed by persistent mental disorders - PMDs (18.6%) and, finally, the continuous and structural physical deficiency - CSPD (16.9 %). The QOL of servers was considered good, with a mean score of 72.5 points in the total score, with the most affected domains: physical (59.1), general health (66.2), bodily pain (66.3) and functional aspects (72.0). The mental health dimension (76.5) had a better average than the physical dimension (68.0 points). It was found that the decrease in QOL scores is significant statistically related to higher number of CHC (ρ <0.001), with no statistical significance regarding the functional situation (p = 0.259). The administrative technicians of elementary, primary, secondary levels and docents had the worst QOL scores. After the correlation analysis of CHC with the domains and dimensions of the SF-36, there was statistically significant, negative and weak correlation of the domains: functional aspect (ρ = 0.002, r = -0.207), physical aspects (ρ = 0.007; r = -0.183), vitality (ρ = 0.002, r = -0.213), social function (ρ = 0.000, r = -0.313), emotional aspects (ρ = 0.000, r = -0.293), mental health (ρ = 0.000 , r = -0.238), physical health dimension (ρ = 0.002, r = -0.210) and mental health dimension (ρ = 0.000, r = -0.298). The presence of PMD isolated or together, contributed to a lower SF-36 scores, being the domains variation of mean significant, except for bodily pain, general health and physical aspects. By correlating the categories of CHC and QOL, there was a weak correlation (r ≤ -0.376) and significant (ρ ≤ 0.011), mainly related to the NCD, PMDs and NCD + PMD, affecting the mental health, social function, emotional aspects, vitality and functional aspect domains. Front of the results, it was concludes that the servers quality of life is influenced by the CHC. Thus, it was inferred that the presence of CHC causes a negative effect on quality of life, leading the active and inactive servers to exposure their overall life activities and work over the years, due to the morbidity affected, mainly related to NCDs and PMDs. Descriptors: Quality of life. Chronic disease. Occupational Health. Nursing


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The ability to work, considered as resulting from a dynamic process between the individual resources in relation to their work, influenced from various factors such as sociodemographic, lifestyle, aging process and requirements of work. Aiming analyze the ability to work in a population of public servants, the study analyzed 132 public servants volunteers of the infrastructure sector, in a Federal Institution of Higher Education of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast, Brazil. Data were collected through a questionnaire called the Index of Capacity for Work - ICT. The variable analysis was done by using descriptive statistics of means, standard deviations, median minimum and maximum values of the scores of quantitative variables. The joint analysis of the variables was performed by multiple linear regression. The server had low capacity to work 11 (8.33%), moderate 31 (23.48%), good 54 (40.91), and Great 28 (21.21). Multiple regression analysis, adjusted for age, sex, education, age started to work, length of service, current capacity and full of disease, showed that best explained the variation of the CTI were age, current capacity and full of disease. The survey showed that 75% of the servers showed ICT below 43, so capacity low, moderate or good and only 25% of respondents had the CTI servers over 43 points, so great capacity for work. According to the recommendations of FIOH - Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, for servers that have these scores be implemented whose objective is to restore the ability to work which is low, improving the capacity for moderate work, support the capacity for the good work and maintain the ability to work great. Therefore, we recommend that the ICT is implemented in other units of the IFES survey in the perspective of achieving a real situation of all its servers, enabling the implementation of these measures as necessary to promote recovery and health of its employees.


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In this work, we propose a solution to solve the scalability problem found in collaborative, virtual and mixed reality environments of large scale, that use the hierarchical client-server model. Basically, we use a hierarchy of servers. When the capacity of a server is reached, a new server is created as a sun of the first one, and the system load is distributed between them (father and sun). We propose efficient tools and techniques for solving problems inherent to client-server model, as the definition of clusters of users, distribution and redistribution of users through the servers, and some mixing and filtering operations, that are necessary to reduce flow between servers. The new model was tested, in simulation, emulation and in interactive applications that were implemented. The results of these experimentations show enhancements in the traditional, previous models indicating the usability of the proposed in problems of all-to-all communications. This is the case of interactive games and other applications devoted to Internet (including multi-user environments) and interactive applications of the Brazilian Digital Television System, to be developed by the research group. Keywords: large scale virtual environments, interactive digital tv, distributed


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This work presents a packet manipulation tool developed to realize tests in industrial devices that implements TCP/IP-based communication protocols. The tool was developed in Python programming language, as a Scapy extension. This tool, named IndPM- Industrial Packet Manipulator, can realize vulnerability tests in devices of industrial networks, industrial protocol compliance tests, receive server replies and utilize the Python interpreter to build tests. The Modbus/TCP protocol was implemented as proof-of-concept. The DNP3 over TCP protocol was also implemented but tests could not be realized because of the lack of resources. The IndPM results with Modbus/TCP protocol show some implementation faults in a Programmable Logic Controller communication module frequently utilized in automation companies


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In practically all vertical markets and in every region of the planet, loyalty marketers have adopted the tactic of recognition and reward to identify, maintain and increase the yield of their customers. Several strategies have been adopted by companies, and the most popular among them is the loyalty program, which displays a loyalty club to manage these rewards. But the problem with loyalty programs is that customer identification and transfer of loyalty points are made in a semiautomatic. Aiming at this, this paper presents a master's embedded business automation solution called e-Points. The goal of e-Points is munir clubs allegiances with fully automated tooling technology to identify customers directly at the point of sales, ensuring greater control over the loyalty of associate members. For this, we developed a hardware platform with embedded system and RFID technology to be used in PCs tenant, a smart card to accumulate points with every purchase and a web server, which will provide services of interest to retailers and customers membership to the club


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Smart card applications represent a growing market. Usually this kind of application manipulate and store critical information that requires some level of security, such as financial or confidential information. The quality and trustworthiness of smart card software can be improved through a rigorous development process that embraces formal techniques of software engineering. In this work we propose the BSmart method, a specialization of the B formal method dedicated to the development of smart card Java Card applications. The method describes how a Java Card application can be generated from a B refinement process of its formal abstract specification. The development is supported by a set of tools, which automates the generation of some required refinements and the translation to Java Card client (host) and server (applet) applications. With respect to verification, the method development process was formalized and verified in the B method, using the Atelier B tool [Cle12a]. We emphasize that the Java Card application is translated from the last stage of refinement, named implementation. This translation process was specified in ASF+SDF [BKV08], describing the grammar of both languages (SDF) and the code transformations through rewrite rules (ASF). This specification was an important support during the translator development and contributes to the tool documentation. We also emphasize the KitSmart library [Dut06, San12], an essential component of BSmart, containing models of all 93 classes/interfaces of Java Card API 2:2:2, of Java/Java Card data types and machines that can be useful for the specifier, but are not part of the standard Java Card library. In other to validate the method, its tool support and the KitSmart, we developed an electronic passport application following the BSmart method. We believe that the results reached in this work contribute to Java Card development, allowing the generation of complete (client and server components), and less subject to errors, Java Card applications.


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It is increasingly common use of a single computer system using different devices - personal computers, telephones cellular and others - and software platforms - systems graphical user interfaces, Web and other systems. Depending on the technologies involved, different software architectures may be employed. For example, in Web systems, it utilizes architecture client-server - usually extended in three layers. In systems with graphical interfaces, it is common architecture with the style MVC. The use of architectures with different styles hinders the interoperability of systems with multiple platforms. Another aggravating is that often the user interface in each of the devices have structure, appearance and behaviour different on each device, which leads to a low usability. Finally, the user interfaces specific to each of the devices involved, with distinct features and technologies is a job that needs to be done individually and not allow scalability. This study sought to address some of these problems by presenting a reference architecture platform-independent and that allows the user interface can be built from an abstract specification described in the language in the specification of the user interface, the MML. This solution is designed to offer greater interoperability between different platforms, greater consistency between the user interfaces and greater flexibility and scalability for the incorporation of new devices


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The visualization of three-dimensional(3D)images is increasigly being sed in the area of medicine, helping physicians diagnose desease. the advances achived in scaners esed for acquisition of these 3d exames, such as computerized tumography(CT) and Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI), enable the generation of images with higher resolutions, thus, generating files with much larger sizes. Currently, the images of computationally expensive one, and demanding the use of a righ and computer for such task. The direct remote acess of these images thruogh the internet is not efficient also, since all images have to be trasferred to the user´s equipment before the 3D visualization process ca start. with these problems in mind, this work proposes and analyses a solution for the remote redering of 3D medical images, called Remote Rendering (RR3D). In RR3D, the whole hedering process is pefomed a server or a cluster of servers, with high computational power, and only the resulting image is tranferred to the client, still allowing the client to peform operations such as rotations, zoom, etc. the solution was developed using web services written in java and an architecture that uses the scientific visualization packcage paraview, the framework paraviewWeb and the PACS server DCM4CHEE.The solution was tested with two scenarios where the rendering process was performed by a sever with graphics hadwere (GPU) and by a server without GPUs. In the scenarios without GPUs, the soluction was executed in parallel with several number of cores (processing units)dedicated to it. In order to compare our solution to order medical visualization application, a third scenario was esed in the rendering process, was done locally. In all tree scenarios, the solution was tested for different network speeds. The solution solved satisfactorily the problem with the delay in the transfer of the DICOM files, while alowing the use of low and computers as client for visualizing the exams even, tablets and smart phones