1000 resultados para SEALED SOURCES


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Anti-American sentiment has, it would seem, increased in the wake of the election of George Bush, jr. and the US’s response to the events of
September 11. Commentators within the US, and globally, have analysed the recent variants of a long-standing condition. Below is a review of recent coverage of the phenomenon. The entries for the print sources are divided into:

(1) analyses of anti-Americanism written in the US,
(2) accounts of international expressions of anti-Americanism.


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How powerful are our categories? Some might see these three poets in the categories ``working-class man'', ``indigenous man'', ``educated woman''. But what does this mean? Could they not all be educated, indigenous, working-class? There are sound reasons to think in categories, but poets are implicitly against theory, since each has a peculiar source of poetic power. Even if that turns out to be gender or class or race, it will be more complex than those over-burdened words allow. Poems, like poets, resist classification and gaze back at us like imaginary animals, indifferent to zoology


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This paper presents and empirical study in which we examine the process of preserential attachment as it applies to business enterprises on the World Wide Web.  Using randomly selected business Web pages as nodes and their inbound links as edges, we explre the role of parked domain names in link creation and preferential attachment at very granular levels.  Our research leads us to the conclusion that the abundance of parked domain name sites does not present a plausible explanation for preferential attachment.


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Photochemical degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) can influence food webs by altering the availability of carbon to microbial communities, and may be particularly important following periods of high DOM input (e.g. flooding of forested floodplains). Iron oxides can facilitate these reactions, but their influence on subsequent organic products is poorly understood. Degradation experiments with billabong (= oxbow lake) water and river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) leaf leachate were conducted to assess the importance of these reactions in floodplain systems. Photochemical degradation of DOM in sunlight-irradiated quartz tubes (with and without amorphous iron oxide) was studied using gas chromatography and UV-visible spectroscopy. Photochemical reactions generated gaseous products and small organic acids. Bioavailability of billabong DOM increased following irradiation, whereas that of leaf leachate was not significantly altered. Fluorescence excitation-emission spectra suggested that the humic component of billabong organic matter was particularly susceptible to degradation, and the source of DOM influenced the changes observed. The addition of amorphous iron oxide increased rates of photochemical degradation of leachate and billabong DOM. The importance of photochemical reactions to aquatic systems will depend on the source of the DOM and its starting bioavailability, whereas inputs of freshly formed iron oxides will accelerate the processes.


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This paper reports on an exploratory study that examined whether journalists
undertake the vital role of checking the validity and accuracy of information
supplied to them in media releases. It also monitored how much information
journalists used from press releases in their published work. The study followed Gandy's information subsidy theory by surveying 10 local government media relations officers who regularly issued media releases via
electronic mail or facsimile to a sample of 14 rural/regional newspapers. The data analysed found that rural/regional journalists were not adequately verifying information supplied in media releases and using a significant amount of this information verbatim.


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Objective : We consider associations between individual, household and area-level characteristics and self-reported health.
Method : Data is taken from baseline surveys undertaken in 13 socio-economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Victoria (n=3,944). The neighbourhoods are sites undergoing Neighbourhood Renewal (NR), a State government initiative redressing place-based disadvantage.
Analysis :This focused on the relationship between area and compositional factors and self-reported health. Area was coded into three categories; LGA, NR residents living in public housing (NRPU) and NR residents who lived in private housing (NRPR). Compositional factors included age, gender, marital status, identifying as a person with a disability, level of education, unemployment and receipt of pensions/benefits.
Results : There was a gradient in socio-economic disadvantage on all measures. People living in NR public housing were more disadvantaged than people living in NR private housing who, in turn, were more disadvantaged than people in the same LGA. NR public housing residents reported the worst health status and LGA residents reported the best.
Conclusions : Associations between compositional characteristics of disability, educational achievement and unemployment income and poorer self-reported health were shown. They suggested that area characteristics, with housing policies, may be contributing to differences in self-reported health at the neighbourhood level.
Implications : The clustering of socio-economic disadvantage and health outcomes requires the integration of health and social support interventions that address the circumstances of people and places.


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It has been noted that coaches face a number of challenges, frustrations, conflicts and tensions, most of which translate into perceived stress. With the re-entry of South Africa into the international sporting arena, little is known about South African coaches and what specific stresses they experience. Thus, the present study used a mixed-method approach in exploring the perceptions of stress among South African soccer coaches. More specifically, 12 South African coaches were interviewed (using semi-structured interview guides) on their perceptions of sources of stress. Furthermore, 112 soccer coaches (at the provincial level and higher) were approached to complete a 32-item questionnaire on the sources of stress related to their job as coaches. Content analysis was used to evaluate the qualitative data while the descriptive data analysis was completed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS – version 16). The reliability was tested for the sources of stress (a= .817) for the 32 items. The sources of stress experienced by the coaches were evaluated. The results revealed the three main themes related to sources of stress were Resource Issues, External Pressure and Internal Capacity. Complementing these results, the top three sources of stress found through the descriptive statistics were lack of resources, fixture backlog and games where the outcome is critical, while the lowest three sources of stress were political interference, physical assaults from players and substituting a player. Specific academic and practical implications of the study the results were discussed.


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The paper reviews the recent trends and current developments in the global higher education market with a particular focus on growth of Asian students studying in US and UK. Using pool cross section-time series data over the 1985–2003 period, it is found that different factors affect students from different countries differently. This suggests that the marketing strategies of offshore higher education providers need to be tailored to the specific needs of different markets in order to be successful. The emergence of a number of new players in the higher education export market is also rapidly becoming a major threat to the traditional higher education service exporters.


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Xinwei Zheng examines if common factors of liquidity can be determined by ownership structure measured by asymmetric information in an emerging market that has adopted an order-driven trading system. Using China as a case for the study, I select a broad sample of stocks from two separate Chinese stock exchanges to measure and
analyse the relationship. My empirical evidence seems significant and pervasive. These findings about the Chinese stock market provide useful pointers for understanding commonality in emerging economies and shed critical light
on a new dimension of the working of emerging markets.