993 resultados para Rush Hour.


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An account and review of the simple methods for determining the operational parameters of fishing gear, underwater, such a tilt of otter boards (outwards or inwards, forwards or afterwards), vertical height of net, its horizontal spread, angle of divergence at bosom, spread between wing tips, angle of inclination of danlenos, butterfly, slope of legs and sweep-line has been given. The relationship of distance between the otter boards spread and the vertical height of net has been obtained as generally linear. The possibilities of regulating the vertical height of net (dependent variate) and spread of otter boards (independent variate) for increasing the fishing efficiency has been discussed. The angle of attack of oval shaped otter boards used during the operations still remain undetermined, however, it has been explained how the best angle of attack for increasing the efficiency of gear can be obtained by regulating the ratio of depth to warp for a given net. The inadequacy of the mere indices of catch per hour of trawling in comparing the relative efficiency of trawls in gear research studies has been indicated. The importance of estimating the operational parameters and its application to commercial fisheries depending upon the distribution pattern of fish and in gear research has been discussed. The efficiency of the jelly bottle method has been compared statistically with the observations made on the trawl gear underwater with instruments.


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The communication deals with the results of comparative tests conducted from Cochin base to study the effect of a tickler chain on the catches landed by a 55' shrimp otter trawl. The net was operated with and without chain and 82 hauls of 61 hours and 28 minutes total duration were made. The following are the conclusions: (a) the catch of shrimp per hour of trawling is increased by about 71% due to attachment of the chain to the ground rope; (b) the attachment of the tickler chain also increased the catch of fish by 25%. The increase in the catch of shrimps and fish is probably due to the disturbance caused by moving chain attached to the foot-rope.


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This paper deals with the dehydration of prawns in a tunnel dryer. Conditions required to produce an end-product of desired colour, shape and texture as well as good reconstitution and organoleptic properties which are not obtained in the normal hot air drying, have been worked out. An initial temperature and relative humidity of 90°C. and 85%-90% respectively and an air velocity not more than 1 metre/second are the essential conditions required. Both temperature and relative humidity are to be reduced to 70°C and 40% respectively after about an hour's operation, till the drying is complete. Flavour of the reconstituted product is close to that of the fresh cooked prawns and the texture is judged to be soft. Drying time required to reduce the moisture content of fresh prawns to 15% level is about 7 hours compared to 6-7 hours in normal hot air drying and more than 36 hours in sun-drying.


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Relative abundance and diurnal variations of zooplankton from six anchor stations along Kerala coast were investigated. Samples were collected during April-May 1988 at three hour intervals from depths varying between 15 and 40 m from the traditional fishing grounds of Kerala coast. Average biomass values ranged from 45-95 ml 100/mˉ³. Increase in zooplankton at night was discernible at most of the stations and the highest biomass noticed was 131 ml 100/mˉ³. Copepods formed the most abundant group, of which calanoids predominated. A swarm of the hydromedusan species, Aequorea conica, (181/mˉ³) was seen at night. Quantitative and qualitative variations of various zooplankton groups from six stations in relation to selected physicochemical factors are discussed. Maximum fish larvae were observed in the night samples. Relatively high abundance of sardines, carangids and flat fish larvae in the collections is in agreement with the predominance of fish catch from the area of study.


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Minced fish prepared from the fillets of the sciaenid fish (Lutjanus sp.) was washed with cold water (<10 °C) three times. The washed muscle was pressed through a piece of fine cloth to a moisture content around 80%. The pressed cake (Surimi) was ground with 2.5% sodium chloride and 3% tapioca starch. The mixed material was shaped in the form of a cake and left for one hour for the gel to set. The cakes were then steamed. The cooled cakes were cut into pieces of 1 cm length x 1 cm width x 0.5 cm thick. The pieces were either dried in an electrical oven at 50°C or dried in sun to a moisture content of 11-12%. Biochemical, bacteriological and organoleptic evaluation revealed that the cakes were in very good acceptable form for 8 months. The cakes could be rehydrated by soaking in water at ambient temperature for half an hour and boiling in water for 10 minutes.


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From the results of fishing operations during 3 years (from August 1963 to July 1966) attempts were made to study the extent of availability of prawns for bottom trawls. It was found that prawns formed 22.5% of the total catch on an average of the catch rate of 12.3 kg per trawling hour. The prawns were found to be abundant during two periods from November to February and again from April to July. The depth range of 11-15 m yielded better catch rate with best frequency of the optimum catch per hour.


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The communication deals with the results of comparative fishing operations conducted to study the effectiveness of rectangular flat and rectangular curved otter boards. Based on the analysis of data gathered during the course of actual field trials, following conclusions have been drawn: the average catch per hour of trawling was more by 22 kg during attachment of rectangular curved otter boards. The average horizontal spread between rectangular curved otter boards in action was more by 13% and works out to 50% of the head-rope length of the net including sweeps. The towing resistance of the gear with horizontally curved otter boards was more by 10%.


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The sulfide binding characteristics of blood serum were studied in vitro in two deep-sea vesicomyid clams, Calyptogena pacifica and Vesicomya gigas. Both the C. pacifica and the V. gigas serum concentrated sulfide at least an order of magnitude above ambient levels. V. gigas accumulated sulfide faster than C. pacifica, reaching saturation at 5000 M after an hour. C. pacifica bound sulfide at half the rate of V. gigas, reaching saturation in about two hours at a substantially higher concentration of sulfide. The observed distribution of the animals near cold seeps in the Monterey Submarine Canyon can be explained by their different sulfide binding abilities. The hypothesis that cold seeps are actually much more unstable sources of sulfide than previously assumed is explored.


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Tilapia mossambica taken with gill-nets are often found with their gills damaged. Gill-filaments may be partly or completely lost; sometimes even the gill-arches are all missing (Plate IA). The operculum is usually undamaged but may have its posteroventral border slightly frayed (Plate IB). For comparison normal fish are shown in Plates IC and ID. Incidence of gill-damage increases rapidly with length of time the nets remain in the water; in the Parakrama Samudra a mere 2-3 hour interval between setting and lifting results in 5 to 20% of the fish being damaged.


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Acetylcholinesterase and serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase enzymes have been used as marker monitoring the effect of neem seed based pesticide Neemta 2100 on the fish, Oreochromis mossambicus. Fishes exposed to sublethal concentrations of Neemta 2100 for acute periods of 24 and 48 hours were sacrificed to determine enzyme activities in serum affected due to toxicity. Laboratory studies of in vivo exposure of this pesticide showed synergistic inhibitory effect during acute period of toxicity. Acetylcholinesterase was noticed as 6.25 µm substrate hydrolyzed/mg protein/hour and serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase was noticed as 36.71 µm substrate hydrolyzed/mg protein/hour in control fish serum. Significant decrease in GOT level in Neemta 2100 treated fishes after short term exposure indicated its severe toxicity to fish.


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In order to study the early developmental stages of Nandus nandus an experiment was conducted, where eggs and milt were obtained from the laboratory reared N nandus by stripping after 15 hours of 150 mg/kg body weight of carp PG extract injection. Then the eggs were fertilized in the laboratory and subsequent developmental stages were studied. First cleavage (two cell), four cell, eight cell, sixteen cell and multi cell stages were found 30, 50, 70, 105 and 160 minutes after fertilization respectively. Morula, early gastrula, middle gastrula, late gastrula and yolk plug stages were found 5, 8, 9, 11 and 13 hours after fertilization respectively. Hatching occurred within 20±2 hours after fertilization, and larvae were measured 1.60 mm in diameter. After one hour of hatching two melanophore bands were found at the caudal region of the body of the larvae. Eyes were first observed in l 0 hours, pectoral and pelvic fin buds appeared in 22 hours and well developed in 38 hours old larvae. Mouth cleft and brain lobes were visible when the larvae were 34 and 38 hours old respectively. Myomeres partially appeared in 16 hours, which were clearly visible in 74 hours old larvae. Larvae started wandering and searching for food after 56 hours of hatching. The yolk sac was completely absorbed when larvae became 62 hours old.


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The effect of paddle wheel aeration on shrimp growth and survival were studied at a commercial farm at Chandipur coast of Orissa, India, at different stocking densities of Penaeus monodon. Four different aeration patterns were adopted and evaluated. Influence of individual aeration pattern on average survival rate was not highly significant (p<0.05) at different stocking densities, while different aeration patterns had significant influence (phour of operation increased.


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Diel feeding chronology of sandwhiting, Sillago sihama was examined from stomach collections taken during the months of April, July and December'99 in Mulki estuary along Dakshina Kannada coast, India. Significant differences in mean stomach content weight were found between several consecutive 3 hour periods with peak fullness occurring in early morning and evening hours. The rate of gastric evacuation of natural food (crustacea, polychaetes and fish) was measured in the field was best described by an exponential model, with an estimated evacuation time of 8.0 h at a temperature of 28.5 ± 1.2°C. Stomach content analysis indicated that this species is a carnivore on a wide range of benthic, epibenthic and planktonic prey. The principal food items of S. sihama were crustaceans, polychaetes and fish. Fishes less than 100 mm TL preferred mainly crustaceans while larger ones depends on polychaetes, crustaceans and fish. The feeding activity of S. sihama was influenced by tidal cycle.


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An attempt was made to prepare an intermediate moisture (around 44% moisture) marinated (pH around 4) fish product. Fillets from Sciaenid fish (each fish weighing 70-80 gm) were dipped in a solution containing 7% acetic acid, 20% common salt and 1% propionic acid for 2 hours. After soaking, the soaked fillets were partially dried to about 44% moisture. Three effective hurdles like low pH (by using 7% acetic add and 1% propionic acid), low water activity (by using 20% salt and partially drying the fillets) and preservative (1% propionic add), were used to prepare a shelf-stable product at room temperature. The dried product was sprayed with 0.0 5% BHA in 50% alcohol and further dried for 10 minutes to remove added water and alcohol, thereby another hurdle (preservative) against fat oxidation. The product was packed in 300 gauge polythene bags and stored in transparent screw cap plastic jars. Fortnightly samples were drawn and subjected to biochemical, bacteriological and organoleptic evaluation to study its storage characteristics. The product was in good acceptable form up to 4 months at ambient temperature. The product needed one hour soaking in water with two changes of water in between to make it free from excess salt and acid smell.


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Apart from the use of statistical quality control chart for variables or attributes of food products in a food processing industry, the application of these charts for attributes of fishery products is explained. Statistical quality control chart for fraction defectives is explained by noting defective fish sausages per shift from a sausage industry while control chart for number of defectives is illustrated for number of defective fish cans in each hour of its production of a canning industry. C-chart is another type of control chart which is explained here for number of defects per single fish fillet sampled a1l random for every five minutes in a processing industry. These statistical quality control charts help in the more economic use of resource, time and labour than control charts for variables of products. Also control charts for attributes exhibit the quality history of finished products at different times of production thereby minimizing the risk of consumer rejection.