978 resultados para Runeberg, Johan Ludvig, 1804-1877.
Pippingin mukaan suomentanut Henr. Renqvist. - Laineen mukaan kustantaja todennäköisesti Henrik Renqvist.
Tutkielmani aiheena on Johan Nykoppin toiminta Suomen Washingtonin -lähettiläänä vuosina 1951–1958. Tutkimuskirjallisuudessa Nykoppia on kuvailtu länsimieliseksi lähettilääksi, joka pyrki työssään vahvistamaan Suomen läntisiä talousyhteyksiä harvinaisen aktiivisesti. Pelkästään häntä koskevaa tutkimusta ei kuitenkaan aiemmin ole tehty. Työssäni selvitän, miten Nykopp käytännössä edisti tavoitettaan Suomen viennin kasvattamisesta ja sen suuntaamisesta länteen. Lisäksi tarkastelen, miten hän kuvasi raporteissaan Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain suhteita ja millaista politiikkaa hän suositteli niissä kotimaan päättäjille. Lähteinä käytän pääasiassa Nykoppin diplomaattiraportteja sekä kirjeenvaihtoa lähettiläskauden ajalta. Niiden antamaa kuvaa täydennän tutkimus- ja muistelmakirjallisuuden avulla. Osoitan tutkielmassani, että Nykoppilla oli lähettiläskautensa aikana merkittävä panos Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain suhteiden kehittämisessä. Tutkimustulokseni vahvistavat tulkintaa, jonka mukaan Nykoppin toimintaa Suomen ulkomaankaupan laajentamiseksi ja integroimiseksi läntisille markkinoille on pidettävä poikkeuksellisen oma-aloitteisena ja ahkerana. Hänen toimintansa voi myös nähdä vastapainona ajanjakson yleiselle kehitystrendille, Suomen idänkaupan voimakkaalle kasvulle. Tutkielma täydentää siten kuvaa Suomen ulko- ja kauppapolitiikasta kylmän sodan alkuvuosina sekä Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain suhteiden kehityksestä 1950-luvulla.
Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1877.
Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1877.
Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1877.
Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1877.
Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1877.
Since 1966 especially recent decade, Caspian trout (Salmo trutta caspius Kessler, 1877) considered as a strategic endemic species for Caspian Sea fisheries resources also coldwater aquaculture in Iran. Nowadays habitat condition effects on this subspecies during life stages, artificial breeding and incubation period noticed by research and execution sessions of fisheries in Iran. Incubation duration of Caspian trout from artificial fertilization followed by green egg and eyed egg, hatching and yolk sac absorption identified as most sensitive stages for fish and any pollution, stress and deviation by natural life conditions of embryo up to larvae could provide possible mortalities and observable or hidden alterations. Among all vital factors for Caspian trout welfare even in conservation plans and stocks rehabilitation programs or recent attempts for domestication of this fish for introduction to cold water aquaculture industry, water temperature as the most important physical factor which might conserve or induce stress to rearing environment condition is not considered yet. In hatcheries activities, the temperature for incubation and rearing Caspian trout eggs is determining by available water temperature and wide range of temperatures in governmental or private farms is using depend on the water resources availability. Also global climate change consideration and increase temperature trend accompany with group of physical and chemical factors provided by fish farm discharges and other source points entered to the migration pathway of Caspian trout in spawning season were not investigated before. Natural spawning migration pathway is upstream of Caspian tout south and south west rivers especially in Cheshmehkileh upstream in Tonekabon, Iran directed this research focus on the mentioned location. For simulation of natural spawning bed for Caspian trout, water supplied from the upstream of Daryasar branch as headwater of Cheshmehkileh River which provided REDD water condition for in vitro incubation. Green eggs treatments of wild and F1 cultured brooders both 3+ were incubated. Incubation implemented in dark, constant temperature (4, 8, 12 degree centigrade) and DO–pH–temperature digital monitoring in 3 recycling incubators ended to yolk sac absorption and entering larval stage. Hatching success, possible genome alterations by HSP70 gene expression and comet assay implemented as diagnostic tools in 3 life stages of eyed egg– Alevin and Larvae. Numbers and diameters of larvae white fiber muscles measured by histology experiment and Hematoxylin–eosine staining. Results stated significant effect of incubation temperature on hatching success, genome and white fiber muscles of wild and F1 samples. Hatching success measured as 31% and 38% for cultured and wild cold treatments, 79% and 91% for normal and 64% and 73% for warm cultured and wild treatments respectively. Considerable mortality occurred for cold treatment and 8 degree centigrade stated the best thermal condition in normal incubator according to hatching success in wild Caspian trout samples.
This dissertation examines black officeholding in Wilmington, North Carolina, from emancipation in 1865 through 1876, when Democrats gained control of the state government and brought Reconstruction to an end. It considers the struggle for black office holding in the city, the black men who held office, the dynamic political culture of which they were a part, and their significance in the day-to-day lives of their constituents. Once they were enfranchised, black Wilmingtonians, who constituted a majority of the city’s population, used their voting leverage to negotiate the election of black men to public office. They did so by using Republican factionalism or what the dissertation argues was an alternative partisanship. Ultimately, it was not factional divisions, but voter suppression, gerrymandering, and constitutional revisions that made local government appointive rather than elective, Democrats at the state level chipped away at the political gains black Wilmingtonians had made.
O objetivo deste trabalho é traduzir e apresentar os fragmentos 19 e 20 dos Esboços de Sistema de Jena, escritos por Hegel entre 1803 e 1804. Primeiramente, farei uma rápida consideração do significado filosófico desses fragmentos, os quais tratam, desde a peculiar concepção hegeliana da consciência como espírito, da razão teórica e da razão prática como equivalentes, respectivamente, à linguagem e ao trabalho. Procuro sublinhar essa relevância filosófica a partir da interpretação habermasiana dos fragmentos, a qual lhes conferiu notoriedade como tentativa de reconstrução do materialismo histórico. A partir desta breve contextualização, apresenta-se, a seguir, uma tradução para o português dos mencionados fragmentos. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
ResumenEste artículo analiza cómo un territorio mam en el marginal altiplano guatemalteco, Colotenango, se articuló en el siglo XIX con la economía liberal, como municipio de mozos para las fincas agroexportadoras de café ubicadas en la bocacosta. Siendo un territorio no apto para el cultivo del café, la política estatal de impulso de la economía vinculada a ese producto tuvo efectos devastadores para los municipios del altiplano indígena, como fue el caso de Colotenango. Especialmente, se explora el papel de la Municipalidad en el sistema agroexportador, sustrato de los permanentes conflictos jurisdiccionales que existen en la zona.AbstractThis article analyzes the way in which Colotenango, a mam territory in the impoverished Guatemalan highlands, became a part of the liberal economy in the nineteenth century by constituting a municipio de mozos for the coffee export plantations located in the coastal region. Since this land had traditionally been considered not apt for coffee-growing purposes, the governmental policy aimed at boosting the economy based on this product, had devastating effects on the municipalities of the indigenous highlands, such as the case of Colotenango. Particularly, this article delves into the role played by the Municipality in the agricultural export system, which became the essence of continuous jurisdictional conflicts in the region still present today.
IntroducciónEs bien conocido que las naciones latinoamericanas se integraron definitivamente entre 1870 y 1914, al mercado mundial como economías exportadoras de bienes primarios. Como parte de este proceso, la economía de Costa Rica se vinculo al comercio internacional a través del café, y luego mediante la actividad bananera. Así el auge del café inauguró el desarrollo capitalista dependiente de la nación a partir de la década de 1830. Fue preciso la existencia de ciertas condiciones previas que ayudaran al rápido crecimiento de la economía del café: la disponibilidad de tierras aptas para el café de altura, la falta de competencia de otros cultivos, un mercado europeo en expansión junto con una demanda creciente y un adecuado transporte marítimo y terrestre