904 resultados para Rotation of crops


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Este estudo avaliou os efeitos esqueléticos da tração reversa da maxila utilizando imagens 2D (telerradiografia lateral) geradas a partir da tomografia de feixe cônico (imagens 3D). A amostra foi composta por 20 crianças (15 do gênero feminino, e 5 do masculino), com idade variando de 5,6 a 10,7 anos que apresentavam má-oclusão de Classe III de Angle. A tomografia foi realizada antes do tratamento (T1) e logo após o tratamento (T2). O tratamento foi realizado por meio da tração reversa da maxila utilizando-se o aparelho expansor Hyrax associado à máscara facial individualizada, com força de 600 a 800g de cada lado, durante 14 horas por dia. A correção da relação de caninos em Classe I ou com sua sobrecorreção em Classe II foi obtida após 4 a 8 meses de tratamento. Para verificar o erro sistemático e casual foi utilizado o teste t pareado e a fórmula de Dahlberg, respectivamente. O teste t pareado (p<0,05) mostrou diferença significante entre as medidas cefalométricas obtidas em T1 e T2. Na maxila houve aumento do SNA 2,2°, A-Nperp 1,47mm e em Co-A 2,58mm. Na mandíbula, SNB diminuiu -0,54° e P-Nperp, -1,45mm, enquanto Co-Gn aumentou 1,04mm. Houve melhora na relação maxilo-mandibular ANB 2,74° e Wits 4,23mm. As variáveis GoGn.SN, Gn.SN, FH.Md, Mx.Md, e AFAI aumentaram demonstrando que houve uma rotação da mandíbula no sentido horário. O plano palatino rotacionou no sentido anti-horário. Pode se concluir que o tratamento de tração reversa da maxila na idade precoce promoveu uma melhora na relação maxilo-mandibular devido a um avanço da maxila e um deslocamento da mandíbula para baixo e para trás.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivos avaliar cefalometricamente as alterações esqueléticas, dentárias e de tecidos moles, no sentido sagital e vertical em pacientes submetidos à expansão rápida da maxila assistida cirurgicamente. A amostra constituiu-se de 51 telerradiografias em norma lateral de 17 pacientes adultos, brasileiros, sendo 6 do sexo masculino e 11 do sexo feminino, com idade média de 24 anos e 1 mês e severa deficiência transversa da maxila. As telerradiografias foram obtidas no início do tratamento (T1), após o procedimento de ERMAC (T2), e após três meses de contenção com o próprio aparelho disjuntor (T3). A partir da análise e discussão dos resultados, observouse rotação da maxila e da mandíbula no sentido horário, havendo, como conseqüência, aumento da AFAI. Após 3 meses de contenção, houve recidiva considerando-se o aumento da AFAI. Houve extrusão dos incisivos superiores, na qual foi mantida no período de contenção. Durante a contenção, houve também retrusão dos incisivos superiores. Considerando-se aos molares superiores, houve extrusão após a expansão, acompanhada de uma recidiva com menor magnitude quando comparada ao efeito da expansão obtida. Não houve alteração dos tecidos moles quanto a espessura nasal e houve retrusão do lábio superior, lábio inferior e pogônio mole, acompanhando a parte esquelética. Houve aumento do ângulo nasolabial.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em comparar as alterações dentárias, esqueléticas e tegumentares promovidas pelo aparelho de Fränkel-2 com um grupo controle, além de observar a estabilidade desses efeitos promovidos pelo tratamento, num período médio de 7,11 anos pós-tratamento. A amostra compreendeu um total de 90 telerradiografias em norma lateral, sendo 54 telerradiografias provenientes de 18 pacientes tratados com o RF-2 avaliados em três fases (T1:início de tratamento;T2: final de tratamento e T3: pós-tratamento) e 36 telerradiografias de 18 pacientes-controle, observados em dois tempos. Para comparação entre os grupos tratado e controle foi utilizado o teste t de Student não pareado. Já para a análise dos valores do grupo tratado nos três tempos (T1, T2 e T3) foi utilizada a Análise de Variância (ANOVA) a um critério e o teste de Tukey (p<0,05). As principais alterações proporcionadas pelo aparelho RF-2 observadas a partir da comparação do grupo tratado com o controle envolveram efeitos mandibulares, principalmente a protrusão e aumento do comprimento mandibular associado com uma rotação horária, que resultou em uma maior altura facial total (N-Me) e ântero-inferior (AFAI), além de suave rotação anti-horária do plano palatino (SN.PP). Os incisivos superiores retruíram e o inferior vestibularizou. Houve uma distalização relativa dos molares superiores juntamente com a diminuição do overjet , desta forma a convexidade do perfil facial tegumentar melhorou. No período pós-tratamento (T3) observou-se uma estabilidade sagital de maxila (SNA) e mandíbula (SNB), das variáveis do padrão facial, da inclinação do incisivo superior, do ângulo nasolabial e do overjet . A mandíbula e a maxila continuaram a crescer no sentido antero-posterior, juntamente com as alturas faciais Houve também a extrusão de incisivos e molares. Já o plano oclusal e o ângulo goníaco diminuíram na fase pós-tratamento.(AU)


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Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar cefalometricamente as alterações dentoesqueléticas decorrentes do tratamento da maloclusão de Classe II, divisão 1, com o aparelho Forsus®, por meio de Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico (TCFC). O grupo avaliado foi composto por 10 pacientes, sendo 7 do sexo masculino e 3 do sexo feminino, com idade média de 16,1 anos, maloclusão com severidade mínima de 1/2 Classe II, trespasse horizontal mínimo de 5 mm, padrão facial meso ou braquifacial. Estes jovens se encontravam no estágio IV ou V de maturação óssea, verificada pelas vértebras cervicais. O tempo de uso do aparelho Forsus foi de 7,16 meses (média), período de avaliação compreendido entre a aquisição da primeira teleradiografia gerada através da TCFC (T1 - pré-Forsus) e da segunda teleradiografia (T2 - pós-Forsus). Para análise estatística foi utilizado o teste-t pareado. Os resultados mostraram um pequeno crescimento mandibular que, juntamente com uma diminuição do SNA levaram a uma melhora da relação maxilomandibular. Houve uma rotação no sentido anti-horário da mandíbula e do plano oclusal no sentido horário. Os incisivos superiores foram retruídos, verticalizados e extruídos e os molares superiores distalizaram por inclinação. Houve vestibularização, protrusão e intrusão dos incisivos inferiores, além de mesialização e extrusão dos molares inferiores. Desta maneira, conclui-se que o aparelho Forsus foi efetivo na correção da maloclusão de Classe II, propiciando maiores alterações dentoalveolares do que esqueléticas.(AU)


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Elementary conformational changes of the backbone of a 21-residue peptide A5(A3RA)3A are studied using molecular dynamics simulations in explicit water. The processes of the conformational transitions and the regimes of stationary fluctuations between them are investigated using minimal perturbations of the system. The perturbations consist of a few degrees rotation of the velocity of one of the systems' atoms and keep the system on the same energy surface. It is found that (i) the system dynamics is insignificantly changed by the perturbations in the regimes between the transitions; (ii) it is very sensitive to the perturbations just before the transitions that prevents the peptide from making the transitions; and (iii) the perturbation of any atom of the system, including distant water molecules is equally effective in preventing the transition. The latter implies strongly collective dynamics of the peptide and water during the transitions.


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An efficient means of evaluating potential biomaterials is to use the in vitro fibroblast cell culture model. However, the chemistry which influences cell adhesion on polymer substrates is poorly understood. The work in this thesis aims to rationalise several theories of current opinion and introduce new chemical techniques that may predict cellular behaviour. The keratoprosthesis is a typical example of the need to be able to manipulate cell adhesion of materials since both adhesive and non adhesive sections are needed for proper integration and optical function. Calcein AM/ethidium homodimer-1 and DAPI assays were carried out using 3T3 and EKl.BR cells. Poly(HEMA) was found to be the most cell adhesive hydrogel tested. The reactivity of monomers and the resulting sequence distribution were found to affect surface properties and this may explain the poor levels of cell adhesion seen on NVP/MMA copolymers. Surface free energy is shown to be dependent on the polar and non polar groups present along the backbone chain of the polymers. Dehydrated and hydrated contact angle measurements show the effect of rotation of surface groups around the backbone chain. This effect is most apparent on hydrogels containing methacrylic acid. Dynamic contact angle measurements confirm sequence distribution irregularities and demonstrate the mobility of surface groups. Incorporation of NVI or DEAEMA into the hydrogels does not affect the mobility of the surface groups despite their bulkiness. Foetal calf serum was used for the first time as a test solution in an attempt to mimic a biological environment during surface experiments. A Vroman effect may be present, and may involve different surface proteins for each material tested. This interdisciplinary study combines surface characterisation and biological testing to further the knowledge of the biomaterial/host interface. Surface chemistry techniques appear to be insufficiently sensitive to predict cellular behaviour. The degree of ionisation of hydrogels containing ionic groups depends on the nature of the functional groups as well as the concentration and this is an important parameter to consider when comparing charged materials.


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1. Exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) from soils can contribute significantly to the global warming potential (GWP) of agro-ecosystems. Due to variations in soil type, climatic onditions and land management practices, exchange of CO2 can differ markedly in different geographical locations. The food industry is developing carbon footprints for their products necessitating integration of CO2 exchange from soils with other CO2 emissions along the food chain. It may be advantageous to grow certain crops in different geographical locations to minimize CO2 emissions from the soil, and this may provide potential to offset other emissions in the food chain, such as transport. 2. Values are derived for the C balance of soils growing horticultural crops in the UK, Spain and Uganda. Net ecosystem production (NEP) is firstly calculated from the difference in net primary production (NPP) and heterotrophic soil respiration (Rh). Both NPP and Rh were estimated from intensive direct field measurements. Secondly, net biome production (NBP) is calculated by subtracting the crop biomass from NEP to give an indication of C balance. The importance of soil exchange is discussed in the light of recent discussions on carbon footprints and within the context of food life-cycle assessment (LCA). 3. The amount of crop relative to the biomass and the Rh prevailing in the different countries were the dominant factors influencing the magnitude of NEP and NBP. The majority of the biomass for lettuce Lactuca sativa and vining peas Pisum sativum, was removed from the field as crop; therefore, NEP and NBP were mainly negative. This was amplified for lettuces grown in Uganda (-16·5 and -17 t C ha-1 year-1 compared to UK and Spain -4·8 to 7·4 and -5·1 to 6·3 t C ha-1 year-1 for NEP and NBP, respectively) where the climate elevated Rh. 4. Synthesis and applications. This study demonstrates the importance of soil emissions in the overall life cycle of vegetables. Variability in such emissions suggests that assigning a single value to food carbon footprints may not be adequate, even within a country. Locations with high heterotrophic soil respiration, such as Spain and Uganda (21·9 and 21·6 t C ha-1 year-1, respectively), could mitigate the negative effects of climate on the C costs of crop production by growth of crops with greater returns of residue to the soil. This would minimize net CO2 emissions from these agricultural ecosystems.


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MEG beamformer algorithms work by making the assumption that correlated and spatially distinct local field potentials do not develop in the human brain. Despite this assumption, images produced by such algorithms concur with those from other non-invasive and invasive estimates of brain function. In this paper we set out to develop a method that could be applied to raw MEG data to explicitly test his assumption. We show that a promax rotation of MEG channel data can be used as an approximate estimator of the number of spatially distinct correlated sources in any frequency band.


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Purpose: To compare monochromatic aberrations of keratoconic eyes when uncorrected, corrected with spherically-powered RGP (rigid gas-permeable) contact lenses and corrected using simulations of customised soft contact lenses for different magnitudes of rotation (up to 15°) and translation (up to 1mm) from their ideal position. Methods: The ocular aberrations of examples of mild, moderate and severe keratoconic eyes were measured when uncorrected and when wearing their habitual RGP lenses. Residual aberrations and point-spread functions of each eye were simulated using an ideal, customised soft contact lens (designed to neutralise higher-order aberrations, HOA) were calculated as a function of the angle of rotation of the lens from its ideal orientation, and its horizontal and vertical translation. Results: In agreement with the results of other authors, the RGP lenses markedly reduced both lower-order aberrations and HOA for all three patients. When compared with the RGP lens corrections, the customised lens simulations only provided optical improvements if their movements were constrained within limits which appear to be difficult to achieve with current technologies. Conclusions: At the present time, customised contact lens corrections appear likely to offer, at best, only minor optical improvements over RGP lenses for patients with keratoconus. If made in soft materials, however, these lenses may be preferred by patients in term of comfort. © 2012 The College of Optometrists.


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Reliability and sensitive information protection are critical aspects of integrated circuits. A novel technique using near-field evanescent wave coupling from two subwavelength gratings (SWGs), with the input laser source delivered through an optical fiber is presented for tamper evidence of electronic components. The first grating of the pair of coupled subwavelength gratings (CSWGs) was milled directly on the output facet of the silica fiber using focused ion beam (FIB) etching. The second grating was patterned using e-beam lithography and etched into a glass substrate using reactive ion etching (RIE). The slightest intrusion attempt would separate the CSWGs and eliminate near-field coupling between the gratings. Tampering, therefore, would become evident. Computer simulations guided the design for optimal operation of the security solution. The physical dimensions of the SWGs, i.e. period and thickness, were optimized, for a 650 nm illuminating wavelength. The optimal dimensions resulted in a 560 nm grating period for the first grating etched in the silica optical fiber and 420 nm for the second grating etched in borosilicate glass. The incident light beam had a half-width at half-maximum (HWHM) of at least 7 µm to allow discernible higher transmission orders, and a HWHM of 28 µm for minimum noise. The minimum number of individual grating lines present on the optical fiber facet was identified as 15 lines. Grating rotation due to the cylindrical geometry of the fiber resulted in a rotation of the far-field pattern, corresponding to the rotation angle of moiré fringes. With the goal of later adding authentication to tamper evidence, the concept of CSWGs signature was also modeled by introducing random and planned variations in the glass grating. The fiber was placed on a stage supported by a nanomanipulator, which permitted three-dimensional displacement while maintaining the fiber tip normal to the surface of the glass substrate. A 650 nm diode laser was fixed to a translation mount that transmitted the light source through the optical fiber, and the output intensity was measured using a silicon photodiode. The evanescent wave coupling output results for the CSWGs were measured and compared to the simulation results.


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Some current meter data obtained from a mooring at 2450 m water depth near the continental slope off Portugal are presented. The mean currents at five levels with observations are northward. Mean speeds in the core of the Mediterranean Water exceed speeds at shallower levels by 2 to 3 cm/sec, indicating advection connected to this specific water mass. The current variability is dominated by semi-diurnal tidal components. Normal mode analysis reveals a predominant mode of order 2, representing 48% of the total kinetic tidal energy. Results for the barotropic tidal component are in good agreement with earlier predictions for this area. The motion at higher frequencies w in the internal gravity wave band can be well described by a w**-2 power law for the energy density spectrum. This result is consistent with earlier observations in other parts of the ocean.


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The discovery of giant stars in the spectral regions G and K, showing moderate to rapid rotation and single behavior, namely with constant radial velocity, represents one important topic of study in Stellar Astrophysics. Indeed, such anomalous rotation clearly violates the theoretical predictions on the evolution of stellar rotation, since in evolved evolutionary stages is expected that the single stars essentially have low rotation due to the evolutionary expansion. This property is well-established from the observational point of view, with different studies showing that for single giant stars of spectral types G and K values of the rotation are typically smaller than 5kms−1 . This Thesis seeks an effective contribution to solving the paradigm described above, aiming to search for single stars of spectral types G and K with anomalous rotation, tipically rotation of moderate to rapid, in other luminosity classes. In this context, we analyzed a large stellar sample consisting of 2010 apparently single stars of luminosity classes IV, III, II and Ib with spectral types G and K, with rotational velocity v sin i and radial velocity measurements obtained from observations made by CORAVEL spectrometers. As a first result of impact we discovered the presence of anomalous rotators also among subgiants, bright giants and supergiants stars, namelly stars of luminosity classes IV, II and Ib, in contrast to previous studies, that reported anomalous rotators only in the luminosity class III classic giants. Such a finding of great significance because it allows us to analyze the presence of anomalous rotation at different intervals of mass, since the luminosity classes considered here cover a mass range between 0.80 and 20MJ, approximately. In the present survey we discovered 1 subgiant, 9 giants, 2 bright giants and 5 Ib supergiants, in spectral regions G and K, with values of v sin i ≥ 10kms−1 and single behavior. This amount of 17 stars corresponds to a frequency of 0.8% of G and K single evolved stars with anomalous rotation in the mentioned classes of luminosities, listed at the Bright Star Catalog, which is complete to visual magnitude 6.3. Given these new findings, based on a stellar sample complete in visual magnitude, as that of the Bright Star Catalog, we conducted a comparative statistical analysis using the Kolmogorov- Smirnov test, from where we conclude that the distributions of rotational velocity, v sin i, for single evolved stars with anomalous rotation in luminosity classes III and II, are similar to the distributions of v sin i for spectroscopic binary systems with evolved components with the same spectral type and luminosity class. This vii result indicates that the process of coalescence between stars of a binary system might be a possible mechanism to explain the observed abnormal rotation in the referred abnormal rotators, at least among the giants and bright giants, where the rotation in excess would be associated with the transfer of angular momentum for the star resulting from the merger. Another important result of this Thesis concerns the behavior of the infrared emission in most of the stars with anomalous rotation here studied, where 14 stars of the sample tend to have an excess in IR compared with single stars with low rotation, within of their luminosity class. This property represents an additional link in the search for the physical mechanisms responsible for the abnormal observed rotation, since recent theoretical studies show that the accretion of objects of sub-stellar mass, such as brown dwarfs and giant planets, by the hosting star, can significantly raise its rotation, producing also a circumstellar dust disk. This last result seems to point in that direction, since it is not expected that dust disks occurring during the stage of star formation can survive until the stages of subgiants, giants and supergiants Ib. In summary, in this Thesis, besides the discovery of single G and K evolved stars of luminosity classes IV, II and Ib with anomalously high rotation compared to what is predicted by stellar evolution theory, we also present the frequency of these abnormal rotators in a stellar sample complete to visual magnitude 6.3. We also present solid evidence that coalescence processes in stellar binary systems and processes of accretion of brown dwarfs star or giant planets, by the hosting stars, can act as mechanisms responsible for the puzzling phenomenon of anomalous rotation in single evolved stars.


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The Health Multiprofessional Residency Program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (PRMS/UFRN) adopts as guiding keystones the learning process of in-service teaching, the interdisciplinary multiprofessional work and the compliance with the principles and guidelines of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). Although PRMS/UFRN have been idealized with a focus on hospital care, the training process in the insertion of residents in the Primary Health Care (PHC) has an important role because they need to experience all levels of care, taking into account that the educational process through work proposed by the Residence is based on the comprehensiveness of health care. In light of the foregoing, the present research has sought to elucidate the insertion of these residents in PHC services, through a qualitative approach of case study, where data collection was held in two different moments: firstly, a questionnaire was accomplished, through an semi-structured script, with the residents of PRMS/UFRN, Natal Campus; subsequently, the focus group technique was accomplished with a group of nine residents, and data were analyzed from the categorical thematic content analysis. From the process of empirical categorization, categories and subcategories were raised, among which, the positive aspects and potentialities of insertion of residents in PHC. We detected the articulation of actions for promoting, preventing and recovering health; training in comprehensiveness of health care, multiprofessional activities and activities aimed at doing the integration among teaching-service-community. Regarding the difficulties found in this experience, we dealt with the organization and planning of rotation activities, the preceptorship, the process of work found in the Basic Health Units (BHU), in addition to factors external to educational practice, such as the issue of safety within these communities. Accordingly, with this situational diagnosis, we became able to realize that residents have identified the importance of this rotation for their vocational training, since these are inserted in post-graduate programs in hospital care. As an immediate product of this study, we will present a report that will provide a space for discussion and assessment of this rotation by the coordination bodies of PRMS/UFRN, in order to seek organizational and pedagogical adaptations, besides the proposition of qualification courses for the actors involved with this process, aiming the implementation of improvements in the rotation of PHC toward the qualified training of professionals for SUS.


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The reduction in energy consumption is the main requirement to be satisfied in refrigeration and air conditioning by mechanical vapor compression system. In automotive system isn´t different. Thermal analyses in these systems are crucial for a better performance in automotive air conditioner. This work aims to evaluate the conditions of use of R134A refrigerant (used in vehicles) and compare with R437A (alternative refrigerant), varying the speed of the electric fan in the evaporator. All tests were performed in automotive air conditioning unit ATR600, simulating the thermal conditions of the system. The equipment is instrumented for data acquisition temperature, condensation and evaporation pressures and electrical power consumed to determine the coefficient of performance of the cycle. The system was tested under rotations of 800, 1600 and 2400 rpm with constant load of R- 134a. It occurred with the same conditions with R437A. Both recommended by the manufacturer. The results show that the best system performance occurs in the rotation of 800 RPM for both refrigerants.


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Dancers of all forms often engage in aesthetic yet challenging movements. Their training, choreography, and performances require strength, stamina, flexibility, grace, passion, and emotion. Ballet and Bharatanatyam (an Indian classical dance form) dancers utilize two movements in each of their dance forms that are similar—a half-sitting pose and a full-sitting pose, both requiring external rotation of the legs and bending at the knee joints. The purpose of this study was to examine and compare the biomechanics of joint reaction forces and knee angles in both styles of dance for these particular poses. The study included nine female ballet dancers and seven female Bharatanatyam dancers. Hamstring and gastrocnemius flexibility were measured for each dancer. Knee angles, vertical peak forces, and moments were determined for dancers at the lowest point of their bending positions. Mann-Whitney U tests found significant differences in hamstring flexibility, right gastrocnemius flexibility, and knee angles for the full-sitting poses between ballet and Bharatanatyam dancers. No significant difference was found in the vertical peak forces as a ratio to total body weight and moments between the two styles of dance. Further research can be done to more directly assess a difference in injury risk between the ballet and Bharatanatyam dancers.