949 resultados para Reutilização de águas residuais tratadas


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This research aimed to evaluate the quality of “Aquifer Guarani’s” waters in the context of the current legislation related to the radioactive aspects, besides correlating the values obtained with chemical data already available, seeking to make an integrated analysis of the data in order to establish possible tendencies with directions of underground flow. The determinations of the total radioactivity beta and alpha were accomplished through the employment of the available infrastructure at the LABIDRO – Laboratory of Isotope and Hydrochemistry of the Petrology and Metallogeny of UNESP’s Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences, largely implanted through resources supplied by FAPESP and CNPq. The systems were gauged for the determinations of interest with tracer of known activity. Preliminaries tests were accomplished with high radioactivity samples of water to check the applicability of the methods. It was ended that the waters analyzed possess low radioactivity, as much alpha as total beta, and, therefore, they are appropriate for the human consumption; that there is not lineal relationship between the obtained data and the chemical data already available; and that the direction of the underground flow of the Aquifer doesn't check any tendency to the generated data.


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The acceptance of biotechnology for the most equine breeders association had a significant effect in the horse industry, gaining popularity around the world, because the increasing on the genetic gain, allowing the use of sub fertile mares and stallions with high genetics value on reproduction. The embryos in vitro production of human and cattle has been used with success, however in vitro embryo production is not efficient in the horse, as oocyte transfer (OT) and intracytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI). The oocyte transfer has been used especially in subfertile old mares presenting reproductive pathologies as: endometrite, cervical and uterine adhesions, blocked oviduct, perineal laceration and ovulation failures. During oocyte recovery process, the oocytes must be collected from immature follicles that need be matured in vitro or in vivo matured oocytes from pre-ovulatory follicles through the transvaginal aspiration guided by ultrasound. The recovered oocyte is transferred to a previously inseminated recipient mare, through the flank laparotomy. The intracytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI) is a procedure of in vitro fertilization that needs only one sperm that is aspirated and injected inside the oocyte. The oocytes used, can be from mature and immature follicles. Fresh, cooled and frozen semen can be used, because the procedure not requires a functional sperm. The use of Piezo drill resulted in a breakthrough the pellucid zone, allowing the vibration per minute provided in the sperm injection pipette, a major result of cleaved oocytes, due to a better sperm injection in the oocyte. The embryo transfer can be straight inside the oviduct, as also transcervical transferred after embryo culture produced in vitro. In conclusion both procedures (OT and ICSI) are effective to be used on equine assisted reproduction, getting results even lower than expected, but satisfactory from animal genetically superior


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In order to enable the reuse of the large surplus volume of petroleum produced water for irrigation of crops inedible, the quality evaluation of this water is very important. This work aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the diffusive gradient in thin films technique (DGT) for the determination of labile Cu (II), Mn (II) and Zn (II) in petroleum produced water destined to reuse in agriculture. Samples were collected at the exit of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) (after separation oil/water and flotation) of a Petrobrás onshore production region. Basically, the laboratory experiments with DGT devices involved the evaluation of the behavior of the main variables of the technique for determination of analytes in the samples (diffusion coefficients, immersion time, fractionation of organic and inorganic species, and performance of diffusion gels with different porosities, among others). Also, experiments were conducted based on the solid phase extraction (SPE) protocol with Chelex- 100 resin using previously established protocols to support the study. During the project the possibility of in situ immersions in water treatment plants was evaluated. The DGT technique presented satisfactory results for determination of Mn in produced water, and can be used for in situ determinations. However, the results obtained for Cu and Zn show the need of additional studies


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This study was developed to evaluate the performance of different coagulant and pH dosages by applying the use of Dissolved Air Flotation (FAD) to enable its use in effluent treatment of the extraction process of palm oil. The study was developed in the laboratory, where studies about emulsions stability were made for the production of a synthetic effluent which best suit the characteristics of raw effluent. The synthetic water that would be used in the tests of FAD was produced, once the stability and characterization which best approached the raw wastewater was obtained. Trials tested three coagulant doses, combined with various pH ranges and five upward velocities (Va), finding an optimal range of this combination. Some operating parameters such as time and gradient of rapid mixing (20 s / 1000 s-1), time and gradient flotation (15 min / 60 s-1), chamber pressure saturation (450 kPa) and recirculation rate (20%) were set. In this way, samples were collected for analysis of the removal of turbidity parameters, suspended solids and oils and greases. This one is obtained by a correlation turbidity x oils and greases, referring to the previous analysis. The degree of removal obtained were 73,97% for turbidity, 51,4% for total suspended solids and 86,2% for oils and greases. Removal rates may be increased in later studies, by ranging the velocity gradient and flocculation parameters and the recirculation ratio, and by using lower flotation speeds to these effluent characteristics.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar bioensaios para avaliação da toxicidade da hidrametilnona, (solubilizada em acetona, com e sem óleo de soja) para operárias de Atta sexdens rubropilosa, bem como a análise morfológica dos órgãos dissecados dessa espécie de formiga, cujos indivíduos foram coletados em momentos específicos dos bioensaios de toxicidade. Por meio da análise morfológica, verificou-se o efeito toxicológico do composto químico nas glândulas pós-faríngeas, no ventrículo (intestino médio) e nos túbulos de Malpighi das formigas e, adicionalmente, foi possível correlacionar esses dados morfológicos com os dados da taxa de sobrevivência obtida nos bioensaios. O experimento com a hidrametilnona, solubilizada em uma mistura de acetona e óleo, indicaram uma via alternativa de ingestão do princípio ativo das iscas formicidas devido ao fato do óleo atuar como um coadjuvante, confirmando estudos prévios que sugerem a ação da glândula pós-faríngea na metabolização dos lipídios ingeridos. Dessa forma, o óleo presente na solução de hidrametilnona poderia estar envolvido no carregamento indireto da hidrametilnona para a glândula e, consequentemente, a diminuição da concentração desse princípio ativo no lúmen intestinal. Isto explicaria o menor grau de degeneração tecidual observada no intestino das formigas tratadas com hidrametilnona solubilizada em uma solução de acetona e óleo, em comparação com formigas tratadas com hidrametilnona solubilizada somente em acetona. Os controles com adição da acetona não apresentaram diferença significativa na porcentagem de sobrevivência em relação ao grupo testemunha e este solvente não interferiu na morfofisiologia das células. Os dados obtidos foram importantes para a melhor compreensão do efeito toxicológico da hidrametilnona nestes indivíduos


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Urucuia Aquifer System represents a strategic water source in western Bahia. Its baseflow is responsible for the flow rate of the main tributaries of São Francisco river left bank in the dry season, including the Rio Grande, its main tributary in Bahia state. This river has a hydrological regime heavily affected by groundwater and is located in a region with conflicts about water resources. The aquifers geology is constituted by neocretacious sandstones of Urucuia Group subdivided in Posse Formation and Serra das Araras Formation. The embasement is formed by neoproterozoic rocks of Bambuí Group. This work focuses on an important tool application, the mathematical model, whose function is represent approximately and suitably the reality so that can assist in different scenarios simulations and make predictions. Many studies developed in this basin provided the conceptual model basis including a full free aquifer, lithological and hydraulical homogeneity in entire basin, null flux at plateau borders and aquifer base. The finite element method is the numerical method used and FEFLOW the computational algorithm. The simulated area was discretized in a single layer with 27.357,6 km² (314.432 elements and 320.452 nodes) totaling a 4.249,89 km³ volume. Were utilized 21 observation wells from CERB to calibrate the model. The terrain topography was obtained by SRTM data and the impermeable base was generated by interpolation of descriptive profiles from wells and electric vertical drilling from previous studies. Works in this area obtained mean recharge rates varying approximately from 20% to 25% of average precipitation, thus the values of model recharge zones varying in this range. Were distributed 4 hydraulic conductivity zones: (K1) west zone with K=6x10-5 m/s; (K2) center-east zone with K=3x10-4 m/s; (K3) far east zone with K=5x10-4 m/s; e (K4) east-north zone with K=1x10-5 m/s. Thereby was incorporated to the final conceptual model...


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The volume of liquid effluent generated in cattle slaughterhouses is quite high and cannot be released untreated in water bodies due to its high pollution load of predominantly organic origin. To minimize the environmental impacts of its industrial wastewater and meet the local environmental legislation, abattoirs shall make the treatment of these effluents. The present work aims to develop the study of a reactor by sequential batch pilot scale, in order to optimize their performance in treating wastewater from a cattle slaughterhouse. The treatment system used was developed and installed in the Laboratory of Wastewater Treatment, in Faculty of Science and Technology UNESP, Presidente Prudente campus. The procedure used followed the operation of sequential batch reactors, in which all processes and treatment operations occurring sequentially in a single unit, by establishing specific operating cycles, which comprise the following separated phases: aerobic reaction, anoxic reaction, sedimentation and emptying. Aiming to improve the quality of treatment was planned the addition of coagulant Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC) in the reactor, by determining their optimal dosage by Jar-test trials. Were prepared four steps with specific operating cycles: step one or acclimatization (10 hour of aeration, one hour and 30 minutes of sedimentation and 30 minutes for exchanging the effluent); step 2 (6 hours of aeration or aerobic phase, 4 hours and 45 minutes of stirring or anoxic phase and 1 hour and 15 minutes for sedimentation and exchange effluent); step 3 (2 hours and 30 minutes of aeration, 8 hours and 15 minutes of stirring and 1 hour and 15 minutes for sedimentation and exchange) and step 4 (2 hours of aeration, 8 hours and 45 minutes of stirring and 1 hour and 15 minutes for sedimentation and exchange)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O câncer colorretal (CCR) é a terceira causa mais comum de câncer no mundo em ambos os sexos e a segunda causa em países desenvolvidos. Seu tratamento convencional é baseado na cirurgia associada à radioterapia e à quimioterapia em dose máxima tolerável, para tentativa de eliminação massiva das células tumorais. Tal abordagem, no entanto, pode causar efeitos colaterais importantes, entre eles as alterações hematopoiéticas e a supressão da resposta imune. As vacinas de células dendríticas mostram-se como opção terapêutica promissora para muitos tipos de câncer, havendo diferentes protocolos de preparação e sensibilização dessas células para dirigir a resposta antitumoral específica. Alguns agentes antineoplásicos em doses ultrabaixas mostraram modular positivamente as células dendríticas (DCs) e, na célula tumoral, promover alterações na transcrição de vários genes imunologicamente relevantes. Considerando que, em estudos prévios, tais mudanças transcricionais resultaram em aumento de imunogenicidade das células tumorais, hipotetizamos que o RNA das células pré-tratadas deve ser mais eficiente do que o RNA das células originais para preparação de vacinas de células dendríticas. Assim, objetivamos avaliar se o tratamento de células do tumor de cólon humano (HT-29) com PAC ou 5-FU/LEUCO torna seu RNA mais eficiente para preparação dessas vacinas. Para essa investigação, DCs humanas geradas a partir de monócitos de sangue periférico foram transfectadas com RNA total das células tumorais pré-tratadas e, a seguir, testadas quanto à capacidade de apresentação de antígenos e indução de células T citolíticas específicas. Apesar da baixa viabilidade celular pós eletroporação, os resultados obtidos sugerem que o tratamento de células tumorais com concentrações não tóxicas de 5-FU ou PAC promove alteração de expressão... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Ensuring availability of quality water for human consumption causes becomes an increasing number of studies for the analysis of effluent before and after treatment, so that its release into receiving bodies do not cause significant changes in the river water and on the biological communities related to them. The biomarkers of toxicity have long been used to verify the potential toxic effluent and its correlation with the treatment efficiency of them. In this context, the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia dubia stands out because it is a benthic aquatic organism highly sensitive to environmental changes. In this study, to evaluate the interference of the release of treated wastewater of oil refinery in Rio Atibaia, we sought to determine the toxicity on population dynamics of Ceriodaphnia dubia microcrustacean in water samples upstream and downstream from the launch site, compared with samples from Rio Jaguarí at the point of capture by the company itself and treated effluent. We have studied the number of offspring produced in 10 replicates, each starting with a test individual of up to 24 hours for each sample and correlated the results with physical-chemical and microbiological tests performed by a laboratory technician. For most tests, the results indicate that the treated effluent gives sub-lethal toxicity to the microcrustacean, as delay the onset of the reproductive cycle of the same


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Neste trabalho priorizou-se a visão da água enquanto bem público. No seu tratamento, dado que a economia neoclássica tradicional não nos oferece uma resposta desejável, pisamos o campo da Economia Institucional: da importância das instituições para o desenvolvimento até os diferentes arranjos institucionais, com o aparecimento de múltiplos agentes. Com isso procuramos atacar o problema do “carona”, e mostrar como pode haver cooperação entre os agentes para a produção de um bem público, no caso a água. Em posse desses argumentos, mostramos como é feita a atual gestão dos recursos hídricos no Brasil, descentralizada e participativa, através dos Comitês de Bacias Hidrográficas. Em seguida mostramos como a articulação regional, diante de um cenário de escassez hídrica para abastecimento antrópico, e seus consequentes conflitos, anterior à formação dos CBHs, contribuiu para pressionar um tradicional segmento da indústria na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP), o Pólo Petroquímico, e como a opção pela reutilização da água tornou-se uma alternativa não só viável, como economicamente interessante, a ponto da Sabesp e da construtora Odebrecht iniciarem o projeto Aquapolo Ambiental


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This graduation project aims to study and analyze the reuse of solid waste projects in Civil Construction, checking the different factors such as economic viability, production processes, classification of the main materials, advantages and disadvantages, always seeking to guide themselves according Brazilian legislation establishing criteria for Waste Management of Construction. In addition, points are studied that prevent the expansion of recycling construction waste. It also offers needs improvements to the implementation of recycling to be carried out on a more expressive than current


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Groundwater in the Rio Claro district is predominantly extracted from low productivity wells on the Itararé Aquifer, from depths greater than 150 m. These factors in conjunction with increasing demand for water supply have stimulated many industries to exploit the Rio Claro Aquifer, constituted by Cenozoic sediments of the Rio Claro Formation, where hydraulic properties are poorly known. For this reason, it is necessary to study the possible vulnerable to contamination punctual locations of the aquifer, in order to enable proper management of these groundwater reserves and to allow continuity of supply. Thus, this study aims to assess the vulnerability to groundwater on contamination Rio Claro Aquifer, punctually in Mandu mining site area, located in the District of Ajapi, Rio Claro - SP, the company which operates and sells industrial sand. The risk of groundwater contamination depends on the relationship between the hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer layer (vulnerability to contamination) and the pollutant load. To evaluate the susceptibility to contamination it was applied the method GOD (FOSTER and HIRATA, 1987; FOSTER et. al., 2002) and, in addition, field and laboratory tests were performed to chacacterize the granulometry of the strata, hydraulic conductivity and some physical indices to make the evaluation more assertive and detailed. Punctual contamination vulnerability found in the aquifer Rio Claro, was moderate, which means that the aquifer is vulnerable to some contaminants, but when continuously discharged or leached. Thus, Mandu mining has a great role on preventing the emission of contaminants in the process of extraction and processing of sand... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)