994 resultados para Renewable water filters
The marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus) has been introduced in many places of Central and Western Europe due to commercial trades with Eastern Europe, and is rapidly replacing the native pool frog (P. lessonae). A large number of Pelophylax species are distributed in Eastern Europe and the strong phenotypic similarity between these species is rendering their identification hazardous. Consequently, alien populations of Pelophylax might not strictly be composed of P. ridibundus as previously suspected. In the present study, we analyzed the cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 genes of introduced and native Pelophylax from Switzerland (299 individuals), in order to properly identify the source populations of the invaders and the genetic status of the native species. Our study highlighted the occurrence of several genetic lineages of invasive frogs in western Switzerland. Unexpectedly, we also showed that several populations of the native pool frog (P. lessonae) cluster with the Italian pool frog P. bergeri from central Italy (considered by some authors as a subspecies of P. lessonae) Hence, these populations are probably also the result of introductions, meaning that the number of native P. lessonae populations is less important than expected in Switzerland. These findings have important implications concerning the conservation of the endemic pool frog populations, as the presence of multiple alien species could strongly affect their long-term subsistence.
State Agency Audit Report State Revolving Fund - Clean Water & Drinking Programs
We present a novel filtering method for multispectral satellite image classification. The proposed method learns a set of spatial filters that maximize class separability of binary support vector machine (SVM) through a gradient descent approach. Regularization issues are discussed in detail and a Frobenius-norm regularization is proposed to efficiently exclude uninformative filters coefficients. Experiments carried out on multiclass one-against-all classification and target detection show the capabilities of the learned spatial filters.
The advent of retrievable caval filters was a game changer in the sense, that the previously irreversible act of implanting a medical device into the main venous blood stream of the body requiring careful evaluation of the pros and cons prior to execution suddenly became a "reversible" procedure where potential hazards in the late future of the patient lost most of their weight at the time of decision making. This review was designed to assess the rate of success with late retrieval of so called retrievable caval filters in order to get some indication about reasonable implant duration with respect to relatively "easy" implant removal with conventional means, i.e., catheters, hooks and lassos. A PubMed search (www.pubmed.gov) was performed with the search term "cava filter retrieval after 30 days clinical", and 20 reports between 1994 and 2013 dealing with late retrieval of caval filters were identified, covering approximately 7,000 devices with 600 removed filters. The maximal duration of implant reported is 2,599 days and the maximal implant duration of removed filters is also 2,599 days. The maximal duration reported with standard retrieval techniques, i.e., catheter, hook and/or lasso, is 475 days, whereas for the retrievals after this period more sophisticated techniques including lasers, etc. were required. The maximal implant duration for series with 100% retrieval accounts for 84 days, which is equivalent to 12 weeks or almost 3 months. We conclude that retrievable caval filters often become permanent despite the initial decision of temporary use. However, such "forgotten" retrievable devices can still be removed with a great chance of success up to three months after implantation. Conventional percutaneous removal techniques may be sufficient up to sixteen months after implantation whereas more sophisticated catheter techniques have been shown to be successful up to 83 months or more than seven years of implant duration. Tilting, migrating, or misplaced devices should be removed early on, and replaced if indicated with a device which is both, efficient and retrievable.
Report of Conservation Program Summary produced by Iowa Departmment of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
Investigative report produced by Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman
State Agency Audit Report
Designation of Co-benefits and Its Implication for Policy: Water Quality versus Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Soils, The
Water balance is achieved through the ability of the kidney to control water reabsorption in the connecting tubule and the collecting duct. In a mouse cortical collecting duct cell line (mCCD(c11)), physiological concentrations of arginine vasopressin increased both electrogenic, amiloride-sensitive, epithelial sodium channel (ENaC)-mediated sodium transport measured by the short-circuit current (Isc) method and water flow (Jv apical to basal) measured by gravimetry with similar activation coefficient K(1/2) (6 and 12 pM, respectively). Jv increased linearly according to the osmotic gradient across the monolayer. A small but highly significant Jv was also measured under isoosmotic conditions. To test the coupling between sodium reabsorption and water flow, mCCD(c11) cells were treated for 24 h under isoosmotic condition with either diluent, amiloride, vasopressin or vasopressin and amiloride. Isc, Jv, and net chemical sodium fluxes were measured across the same monolayers. Around 30% of baseline and 50% of vasopressin-induced water flow is coupled to an amiloride-sensitive, ENaC-mediated, electrogenic sodium transport, whereas the remaining flow is coupled to an amiloride-insensitive, nonelectrogenic sodium transport mediated by an unknown electroneutral transporter. The mCCD(c11) cell line is a first example of a mammalian tight epithelium allowing quantitative study of the coupling between sodium and water transport. Our data are consistent with the 'near isoosmotic' fluid transport model.
OBJECTIVES: Renal tubular sodium handling was measured in healthy subjects submitted to acute and chronic salt-repletion/salt-depletion protocols. The goal was to compare the changes in proximal and distal sodium handling induced by the two procedures using the lithium clearance technique. METHODS: In nine subjects, acute salt loading was obtained with a 2 h infusion of isotonic saline, and salt depletion was induced with a low-salt diet and furosemide. In the chronic protocol, 15 subjects randomly received a low-, a regular- and a high-sodium diet for 1 week. In both protocols, renal and systemic haemodynamics and urinary electrolyte excretion were measured after an acute water load. In the chronic study, sodium handling was also determined, based on 12 h day- and night-time urine collections. RESULTS: The acute and chronic protocols induced comparable changes in sodium excretion, renal haemodynamics and hormonal responses. Yet, the relative contribution of the proximal and distal nephrons to sodium excretion in response to salt loading and depletion differed in the two protocols. Acutely, subjects appeared to regulate sodium balance mainly by the distal nephron, with little contribution of the proximal tubule. In contrast, in the chronic protocol, changes in sodium reabsorption could be measured both in the proximal and distal nephrons. Acute water loading was an important confounding factor which increased sodium excretion by reducing proximal sodium reabsorption. This interference of water was particularly marked in salt-depleted subjects. CONCLUSION: Acute and chronic salt loading/salt depletion protocols investigate different renal mechanisms of control of sodium balance. The endogenous lithium clearance technique is a reliable method to assess proximal sodium reabsorption in humans. However, to investigate sodium handling in diseases such as hypertension, lithium should be measured preferably on 24 h or overnight urine collections to avoid the confounding influence of water.
City Audit Report
This is a participant study, quasi-experimental, of a before and after type. A quantitative approach of biophysiological measures was used, represented by the saturation of oxygen measured by pulse oximeter (SpO2), and recorded on three occasions: before, during and after the bedbath in critically ill patients hospitalized at the ICU of a University Hospital in Brazil. Objective: to compare the SpO2 in various stages of the bath, with and without control of water temperature. Data collection was performed between December 2007 and April 2008 on a convenience sample consisting of 30 patients aged over 18 who had classification in TISS-28 from level II. Results show that water temperature control means a lower variation of SpO2 (p<0.05). No marked differences in variation of saturation between men and women or between age groups were established. In conclusion, heated and constant water temperature during the bedbath is able to minimize the fall of SpO2 that occurs while handling patients during procedures.
City Audit Report
Tillage and manure application practices significantly impact surface and ground water quality in Iowa and other Midwestern states. Tillage and manure application that incorporates residue and disturbs soil result in higher levels of soil erosion and surface runoff. Phosphorus and sediment loading are closely linked to the increase in soil erosion and surface water runoff. Manure application (i.e., injection or incorporation) reduces surface residue cover, which can worsen soil erosion regardless of the tillage management system being used. An integrated system approach to manure and tillage management is critical to ensure effi cient nutrient use and improvement of soil and water quality. This approach, however, requires changes in manure application technology and tillage system management to ensure the success of an integrated