978 resultados para Religious literature--Early works to 1800


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Early Pliocene to middle late Miocene hemipelagic and distal turbidite sediments from Hole 1095B, near the Antarctic Peninsula, yield moderately abundant, moderately well preserved radiolarian faunas and other biosiliceous material (diatoms, silicoflagellates, and sponge spicules). Preservation characteristics, however, vary strongly even between closely related samples, and there are many intervals of poor preservation. In the 140- to 460-meters below seafloor interval studied, it was possible to identify the following standard Southern Ocean radiolarian zones: Upsilon, Tau, Amphymenium challengerae, Acrosphaera? labrata, Siphonosphaera vesuvius, and upper Acrosphaera australis (total age range ~4-10 Ma). Some normally common radiolarian groups, such as actinommids, are unusually rare in the studied material, and the relative ranges of several individual species, such as Acrosphaera labrata vs. A. australis, appear to be somewhat anomalous. These observations imply that the ranges of taxa in this section may be somewhat diachronous, due to either local ecologic factors and/or the highly variable preservation of the faunas. Thus, the ages of events reported are probably only approximate, although they are still useful for constraining the age of sediments in this section.


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Over the last few decades, the ever-increasing output of scientific publications has led to new challenges to keep up to date with the literature. In the biomedical area, this growth has introduced new requirements for professionals, e.g., physicians, who have to locate the exact papers that they need for their clinical and research work amongst a huge number of publications. Against this backdrop, novel information retrieval methods are even more necessary. While web search engines are widespread in many areas, facilitating access to all kinds of information, additional tools are required to automatically link information retrieved from these engines to specific biomedical applications. In the case of clinical environments, this also means considering aspects such as patient data security and confidentiality or structured contents, e.g., electronic health records (EHRs). In this scenario, we have developed a new tool to facilitate query building to retrieve scientific literature related to EHRs. Results: We have developed CDAPubMed, an open-source web browser extension to integrate EHR features in biomedical literature retrieval approaches. Clinical users can use CDAPubMed to: (i) load patient clinical documents, i.e., EHRs based on the Health Level 7-Clinical Document Architecture Standard (HL7-CDA), (ii) identify relevant terms for scientific literature search in these documents, i.e., Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), automatically driven by the CDAPubMed configuration, which advanced users can optimize to adapt to each specific situation, and (iii) generate and launch literature search queries to a major search engine, i.e., PubMed, to retrieve citations related to the EHR under examination. Conclusions: CDAPubMed is a platform-independent tool designed to facilitate literature searching using keywords contained in specific EHRs. CDAPubMed is visually integrated, as an extension of a widespread web browser, within the standard PubMed interface. It has been tested on a public dataset of HL7-CDA documents, returning significantly fewer citations since queries are focused on characteristics identified within the EHR. For instance, compared with more than 200,000 citations retrieved by breast neoplasm, fewer than ten citations were retrieved when ten patient features were added using CDAPubMed. This is an open source tool that can be freely used for non-profit purposes and integrated with other existing systems.


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The Quality of Life of a person may depend on early attention to his neurodevel-opment disorders in childhood. Identification of language disorders under the age of six years old can speed up required diagnosis and/or treatment processes. This paper details the enhancement of a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) aimed to assist pediatricians and language therapists at early identification and re-ferral of language disorders. The system helps to fine tune the Knowledge Base of Language Delays (KBLD) that was already developed and validated in clinical routine with 146 children. Medical experts supported the construction of Gades CDSS by getting scientific consensus from literature and fifteen years of regis-tered use cases of children with language disorders. The current research focuses on an innovative cooperative model that allows the evolution of the KBLD of Gades through the supervised evaluation of the CDSS learnings with experts¿ feedback. The deployment of the resulting system is being assessed under a mul-tidisciplinary team of seven experts from the fields of speech therapist, neonatol-ogy, pediatrics, and neurology.


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Esta Tesis Doctoral viene a cubrir el vacío existente referido a la arquitectura religiosa de Luis Cubillo de Arteaga, arquitecto conocido fundamentalmente por su aportación a la vivienda social madrileña en los años 50 y 60, pero con una abundante obra sacra. Para ello se ha estudiado la totalidad de su producción, que abarca desde 1954 hasta 1974. La Tesis analiza su arquitectura religiosa desde varios puntos de vista, que incluyen la implantación de los edificios y sus aspectos formales, constructivos y tipológicos, estos últimos especialmente destacados tras las directrices emanadas del Concilio Vaticano II. Previamente se analizan cuatro ámbitos relevantes en la arquitectura religiosa de Cubillo. En primer lugar se estudia la labor de la Dirección General de Asuntos Eclesiásticos, a la que estaba adscrito el arquitecto y para la que realizó sus primeros trabajos. Dentro de ella se expone la evolución del modelo de Seminario entre los años 40 y 60, para analizar la relevancia de la propuesta de Cubillo para el Seminario de Castellón. A continuación se trata la participación de Cubillo en la construcción de la periferia de Madrid, aunque no referida a sus conocidos trabajos sobre vivienda social, sino a los edificios dotacionales. Así mismo se expone una iniciativa hasta ahora inédita de la Comisaría de Ordenación Urbana de Madrid para dotar de centros parroquiales a los nuevos barrios. Un tercer bloque estudia un tema recurrente a finales de los años 50, la integración de las artes en la nueva arquitectura religiosa, propiciada principalmente por José Luis Fernández del Amo. En el caso de Cubillo, las colaboraciones más notables y objeto de estudio en esta Tesis, fueron las realizadas con los artistas Arcadio Blasco y José Luis Sánchez. Por último se describe la situación de la iglesia madrileña posconciliar y su plan de construcción de nuevos templos, en el que jugó un papel muy destacado Cubillo, convertido en arquitecto de confianza de la Oficina Técnica del Arzobispado-------------------------ABSTRACT------------------------------ This Doctoral Thesis fills the emptiness of knowledge about the religious architecture of Luis Cubillo de Arteaga, architect mainly known for his contribution to Madrid's social housing in the 50s and 60s, but with a wide sacred work. To this end it have been studied his entire production, ranging from 1954 to 1974. The thesis discusses his religious architecture from several points of view, including the implementation of the buildings and their formal, constructive and typological aspects, the latter especially important by following the guidelines issued by Vatican II. Previously, four relevant areas in Cubillo’s religious architecture are analyzed. First of all, it’s studied the work of the Department of Ecclesiastical Affairs, to which the architect was assigned and for whom he made his early works. As a part of it, is exposed the evolution of Seminar model between 40s and 60s, to discuss the relevance of Cubillo’s design for the Seminar of Castellón. Next, it´s studied the participation of Cubillo in the construction of the outskirts of Madrid, although not referring to his well known work on social housing, but to the design of the comunitary buildings. It’s also explained an unpublished initiative from Commissariat for Urban Planning of Madrid to provide parish centers to new neighborhoods. A third section examines a recurring theme in the late 50s, the integration of the arts in the new religious architecture, mainly leaded by José Luis Fernández del Amo. For Cubillo, the most notable collaborations, studied in this thesis, were with the artists Arcadio Blasco and José Luis Sánchez. Finally, it´s described the situation of the post-conciliar church in Madrid and its plan to build new temples, with a prominent role of Cubillo, that became in trusted architect of the Technical Office of the Archbishop.


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Si hubiese un denominador común entre todas las artes en lo que ha venido llamándose postmodernidad, éste tendría mucho que ver con el final del origen de la obra. Desde la literatura y la música hasta las artes plásticas y la arquitectura, la superación de la modernidad ha estado caracterizada por la sustitución del concepto de creación por el de intervención artística, o lo que es lo mismo, la interpretación de lo que ya existe. A principios del siglo XX los conceptos modernos de creación y origen implicaban tener que desaprender y olvidar todo lo anterior con el ánimo de partir desde cero; incluso en un sentido material Mies sugería la construcción literal de la materia y su movimiento de acuerdo a unas leyes. A partir de la segunda mitad de siglo los planteamientos historicistas empezaron a surgir como reacción ante la amnesia y la supuesta originalidad de los modernos. En este contexto surgen los libros Learning from Las Vegas, 1972 y Delirious New York, 1978, ambos deudores en muchos aspectos con el anterior libro de Venturi, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, 1966. Estos dos libros sobre ciudades, alejándose decididamente de las tendencias historicistas de la época, proponían utilizar el análisis crítico de la realidad existente como vehículo para la teoría y el proyecto de manera simultánea, convirtiéndose indirectamente en Manifiestos. Si en un primer momento Venturi, Rossi y otros planteaban acabar con los límites formales establecidos por la modernidad, así como por cualquiera de los cánones anteriores, tomando la totalidad de la obra construida como sistema de referencia, - al igual que hiciera Eliot en literatura, - los libros de Las Vegas y Nueva York sugerían directamente borrar los límites de la propia disciplina, llegando a poner en duda ¿Qué puede ser considerado arquitectura? Sin embargo, debido precisamente a la ausencia total de límites y a la inmensidad del sistema referencial planteado, “todo puede ser arquitectura”, como apuntaba Hans Hollein en 1968, los libros proponen al mismo tiempo definir el campo de actuación de cada cual de manera individual. Los escritos sobre Las Vegas y Nueva York suponen por un lado la eliminación de los limites disciplinares y por otro, la delimitación de ámbitos de trabajo concretos para sus autores: los propios de cada una de las ciudades interpretadas. La primera parte de la Tesis, Lecciones, se ocupa del necesario proceso de aprendizaje y experimentación previo a la acción crítica propiamente dicha. Los arquitectos contemporáneos necesitan acumular material, conocimiento, documentación, experiencias... antes de lanzarse a proponer mediante la crítica y la edición; y al contrario que ocurría con los modernos, cuanto más abundante sea ese bagaje previo más rica será la interpretación. Las ciudades de Roma, Londres y Berlín se entienden por tanto como experiencias capaces de proporcionar a Venturi, Scott Brown y Koolhaas respectivamente, sus “personales diccionarios”, unas interminables imaginerías con las que posteriormente se enfrentarían a los análisis de Las Vegas y Nueva York. La segunda parte, Críticas, se centra en la producción teórica en sí: los dos libros de ciudades analizados en estrecha relación con el Complexity and Contradiction. El razonamiento analógico característico de estos libros ha servido de guía metodológica para la investigación, estableciéndose relaciones, no entre los propios escritos directamente, sino a través de trabajos pertenecientes a otras disciplinas. En primer lugar se plantea un importante paralelismo entre los métodos de análisis desarrollados en estos libros y los utilizados por la crítica literaria, observando que si el new criticism y el nuevo periodismo sirvieron de guía en los escritos de Venturi y Scott Brown, la nouvelle critique y su propuesta de identificación poética fueron el claro referente de Koolhaas al abordar Nueva York. Por otro lado, la relevancia ganada por la actividad de comisariado artístico y la aparición de la figura del curator, como autoridad capaz de utilizar la obra de arte por encima de las intenciones de su propio autor, sirve, al igual que la figura del editor, como reflejo de la acción transformadora y de apropiación llevada a cabo tanto en Learning from Las Vegas, como en Delirious New York. Por último y a lo largo de toda la investigación las figuras de Bergson y Baudelaire han servido como apoyo teórico. A través de la utilización que de sus ideas hicieron Venturi y Koolhaas respectivamente, se ha tratado de mostrar la proximidad de ambos planteamientos desde un punto de vista ideológico. La Inclusión propuesta por Venturi y la ironía utilizada por Koolhaas, la contradicción y la paradoja, no son sino el reflejo de lógicas que en ambos casos reaccionan al mismo tiempo contra idealismo y materialismo, contra modernidad y antimodernidad, en un continuo intento de ser lo uno y lo otro simultáneamente. ABSTRACT If there was a common denominator among all the arts in what has been called postmodernism, it would have much to do with the end of the origin of the artwork. From literature and music to fine arts and architecture, overcoming modernity has been characterized by replacing the concept of artistic creation by the one of intervention, in other words, the interpretation of what already exists. In the early twentieth century modern concepts of creation and origin involved unlearning and forgetting everything before with the firm intention of starting from scratch. Even in a material sense Mies suggested the literal construction of matter and its motion according to laws. From the mid-century historicist approaches began to emerge in response to the amnesia and originality alleged by moderns. In this context appeared the books Learning from Las Vegas, 1972 and Delirious New York, 1978, both debtors in many respects to the previous book by Venturi, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, 1966. These two books on cities, which broke away decidedly with the historicist trends of the time, proposed using critical analysis of the existing reality as a vehicle for theory and projecting at the same time, indirectly becoming manifests. If at first Venturi, Rossi and others pose to erase the formal limits set by modernity, as well as any of the canons before, taking the entire work built as a reference system, - as did Eliot in literature - the books on Las Vegas and New York proposed directly erasing the boundaries of the discipline itself, coming to question what could be considered architecture? However, and precisely because of the absence of limits and the immensity of the established framework, - “everything could be architecture” as Hans Hollein pointed in 1968, - the books suggested at the same time the definition of a field of action for each one individually. The cities of Las Vegas and New York represented on the one hand the elimination of disciplinary limits and on the other, the delimitation of specific areas of work to its authors: Those on each of the cities interpreted. The first part of the thesis, Lessons, attend to the necessary process of learning and experimentation before the critical action itself. Contemporary architects need to accumulate material, knowledge, information, experiences... before proposing through criticism and editing; and unlike happened with moderns, the most abundant this prior baggage is, the richest will be the interpretation. Rome, London and Berlin are therefore understood as experiences capable of providing Venturi, Scott Brown and Koolhaas respectively, their “personal dictionaries”, interminable imageries with which they would later face the analysis of Las Vegas and New York. The second part, Critiques, focuses on the theoretical production itself: the two books on both cities analyzed closely with the Complexity and Contradiction. The analogical reasoning characteristic of these books has served as a methodological guide for the research, establishing relationships, not directly between the writings themselves, but through works belonging to other disciplines. First, an important parallel is set between the methods of analysis developed in these books and those used by literary criticism, noting that if the new criticism and new journalism guided Venturi and Scott Brown´s writings, the nouvelle critique and its poetic identification were clear references for Koolhaas when addressing New York. On the other hand, the relevance gained by curating and the understanding of the figure of the curator as an authority capable to use artworks above the intentions of their authors, like the one of the Editor, reflects the appropriation and processing actions carried out both in Learning from Las Vegas, and Delirious New York. Finally and over all the research Bergson and Baudelaire figures resonate continuously. Through the use of their ideas done by Venturi and Koolhaas respectively, the research has tried to show the proximity of both approaches from an ideological point of view. Inclusion, as posed by Venturi and irony, as used by Koolhaas, contradiction and paradox are reflections of the logic that in both cases allow them to react simultaneously against idealism and materialism, against modernism and anti-modernism.


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A literatura de Machado de Assis foi revisitada nesta tese porque tínhamos a convicção de que o tema da religião e suas implicações para o ser humano machadiano se constituíam como uma tarefa de investigação que esperava por ser feita. Para localizar o objetivo central da presente tese no campo das discussões travadas entre religião e literatura construímos, na primeira parte, um caminho que nos levou a constatação da efetiva aproximação entre elas. Amparados pela inabarcável discussão que trata das imagens religiosas e teológicas presentes nos textos literários, bem como pelas inúmeras construções metodológicas que visam a propiciar uma aproximação mais profícua entre religião e literatura, buscamos uma interpretação da literatura machadiana que apontasse para a expressão religiosa do ponto de vista de sua antropologia. O nosso eixo interpretativo foi construído a partir da teoria hermenêutica de Paul Ricoeur, mais especificamente a partir do conceito de metáfora. A reflexão que construímos em torno da expressão religiosa da antropologia machadiana foi inicialmente devedora do conceito de vitalidade de Jürgen Moltmann. A expressão religiosa da antropologia machadiana emergida do romance Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas (1881) apresenta-se sob a perspectiva de uma incondicionalidade a partir da qual a vida de Brás Cubas é tomada. Esta característica da antropologia machadiana fez com que estabelecêssemos um recurso conceitual para dar conta de sua particularidade. Propomos, portanto, que o ser humano do espaço literário machadiano seja chamado de homo vitalis.(AU)


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A literatura de Machado de Assis foi revisitada nesta tese porque tínhamos a convicção de que o tema da religião e suas implicações para o ser humano machadiano se constituíam como uma tarefa de investigação que esperava por ser feita. Para localizar o objetivo central da presente tese no campo das discussões travadas entre religião e literatura construímos, na primeira parte, um caminho que nos levou a constatação da efetiva aproximação entre elas. Amparados pela inabarcável discussão que trata das imagens religiosas e teológicas presentes nos textos literários, bem como pelas inúmeras construções metodológicas que visam a propiciar uma aproximação mais profícua entre religião e literatura, buscamos uma interpretação da literatura machadiana que apontasse para a expressão religiosa do ponto de vista de sua antropologia. O nosso eixo interpretativo foi construído a partir da teoria hermenêutica de Paul Ricoeur, mais especificamente a partir do conceito de metáfora. A reflexão que construímos em torno da expressão religiosa da antropologia machadiana foi inicialmente devedora do conceito de vitalidade de Jürgen Moltmann. A expressão religiosa da antropologia machadiana emergida do romance Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas (1881) apresenta-se sob a perspectiva de uma incondicionalidade a partir da qual a vida de Brás Cubas é tomada. Esta característica da antropologia machadiana fez com que estabelecêssemos um recurso conceitual para dar conta de sua particularidade. Propomos, portanto, que o ser humano do espaço literário machadiano seja chamado de homo vitalis.(AU)


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rlp7 protein has extensive identity and similarity to the large ribosomal subunit L7 proteins and shares an RNA-binding domain with them. Rlp7p is not a ribosomal protein; however, it is encoded by an essential gene and therefore must perform a function essential for cell growth. In this report, we show that Rlp7p is a nucleolar protein that plays a critical role in processing of precursors to the large ribosomal subunit RNAs. Pulse–chase labeling experiments with Rlp7p-depleted cells reveal that neither 5.8SS, 5.8SL, nor 25S is produced, indicating that both the major and minor processing pathways are affected. Analysis of processing intermediates by primer extension indicates that Rlp7p-depleted cells accumulate the 27SA3 precursor RNA, which is normally the major substrate (85%) used to produce the 5.8S and 25S rRNAs, and the ratio of 27SBL to 27SBS precursors changes from approximately 1:8 to 8:1 (depleted cells). Because 27SA3 is the direct precursor to 27SBS, we conclude that Rlp7p is specifically required for the 5′ to 3′ exonucleolytic trimming of the 27SA3 into the 27SBS precursor. As it is essential for processing in both the major and minor pathways, we propose that Rlp7p may act as a specificity factor that binds precursor rRNAs and tethers the enzymes that carry out the early 5′ to 3′ exonucleolytic reactions that generate the mature rRNAs. Rlp7p may also be required for the endonucleolytic cleavage in internal transcribed spacer 2 that separates the 5.8S rRNA from the 25S rRNA.


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Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plants were grown at different photon flux densities ranging from 100 to 1800 μmol m−2 s−1 in air and/or in atmospheres with reduced levels of O2 and CO2. Low O2 and CO2 partial pressures allowed plants to grow under high photosystem II (PSII) excitation pressure, estimated in vivo by chlorophyll fluorescence measurements, at moderate photon flux densities. The xanthophyll-cycle pigments, the early light-inducible proteins, and their mRNA accumulated with increasing PSII excitation pressure irrespective of the way high excitation pressure was obtained (high-light irradiance or decreased CO2 and O2 availability). These findings indicate that the reduction state of electron transport chain components could be involved in light sensing for the regulation of nuclear-encoded chloroplast gene expression. In contrast, no correlation was found between the reduction state of PSII and various indicators of the PSII light-harvesting system, such as the chlorophyll a-to-b ratio, the abundance of the major pigment-protein complex of PSII (LHCII), the mRNA level of LHCII, the light-saturation curve of O2 evolution, and the induced chlorophyll-fluorescence rise. We conclude that the chlorophyll antenna size of PSII is not governed by the redox state of PSII in higher plants and, consequently, regulation of early light-inducible protein synthesis is different from that of LHCII.


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Using a 9.4 T MRI instrument, we have obtained images of the mouse brain response to photic stimulation during a period between deep anesthesia and the early stages of arousal. The large image enhancements we observe (often >30%) are consistent with literature results extrapolated to 9.4 T. However, there are also two unusual aspects to our findings. (i) The visual area of the brain responds only to changes in stimulus intensity, suggesting that we directly detect operations of the M visual system pathway. Such a channel has been observed in mice by invasive electrophysiology, and described in detail for primates. (ii) Along with the typical positive response in the area of the occipital portion of the brain containing the visual cortex, another area displays decreased signal intensity upon stimulation.


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Julian Barnes, Pat Barker, and Hanif Kureishi are all canonical authors whose fictions are widely believed to reflect the cultural and political state of a nation that is post-war, post-imperial and post-modern. While much has been written on how Barker’s and Kureishi’s early works in particular respond to and intervene in the presiding political narrative of the 1980s – Thatcherism – treatment of how revenants of Thatcherism have shaped these writers’ works from 1990 on has remained cursory. Thatcherism is more than an obvious historical reference point for Barker, Barnes, and Kureishi; their works demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of how Thatcher’s reworkings of the repertoires of Englishness – a representational as well as political and cultural endeavour – persist beyond her time in office. Barnes, Barker, and Kureishi seem to have reached the same conclusion as political and cultural critics: Thatcher and Thatcherism have remade not only the contemporary political and cultural landscapes but also the electorate and consequently the English themselves. Tony Blair’s conception of the New Britain proved less than satisfactory because contemporary repertoires of Englishness repeat and rework historical and not incidentally imperial formulations of England and Englishness rather than envision civic and populist formulations of renewal. Barnes’s England, England and Arthur & George confront the discourse of inevitability that has come to be attached to contemporary formulations of both political and cultural Englishness – both in terms of its predictable demise and its belated celebration. Kureishi’s The Buddha of Suburbia and “The Body” speak to an alteration that has taken place in which historical Englishness and Thatcherism have become complementary rather than contrasting discourses. What Barker’s Border Crossing and Double Vision offer against this backdrop is a subtle interrogation of how renewal itself comes to be a presiding mode of cultural reflection that absorbs revolutionary possibility.


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The last few years have witnessed the exponential growth of platforms like Uber and Airbnb and the creation of countless other less well-known examples. The expansion of the on-demand economy puts huge pressure on regulators to adapt it to the existing frameworks for labour and taxation. The rapid growth of the sector also divides experts: it is seen by many as threat for working conditions, and by others as an incredible opportunity. The purpose of this essay is to take a balanced perspective on what we know about the on-demand economy and what needs further investigation. More research is needed on the individual cases before one can draw conclusions on how this new sector works. The political economy of the sector is made even more interesting by the fact that the technology is developing faster than the regulation. Yet, our plea to policy-makers is to refrain from legislating too early and to take the time to understand how the supply and the demand of these services behave and their equilibrium.


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First published under title: Ante-Nicene Christian library.


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"Comparative table of the MSS. and editions": v. 1, p. [xxxvi]