964 resultados para Raman amplifiers


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This technical note describes the construction of a low-cost optical detector. This device is composed by a high-sensitive linear light sensor (model ILX554) and a microcontroller. The performance of the detector was demonstrated by the detection of emission and Raman spectra of the several atomic systems and the results reproduce those found in the literature.


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This paper presents an IR and Raman experiment executed during the teaching of the course "Chemical Bonds" for undergraduated students of Science and Technology and Chemistry at the Federal University of ABC, in order to facilitate and encourage the teaching and learning of group theory. Some key aspects of this theory are also outlined. We believe that student learning was more significant with the introduction of this experiment, because there was an increase in the discussions level and in the performance during evaluations. This work also proposes a multidisciplinary approach to include the use of quantum chemistry tools.


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The synthesis and characterization of different platinum nanoparticle/carbon nanotube nanocomposite samples are described along with the application of these nanocomposites as electrocatalysts for alcohol oxidation. Samples were prepared by a biphasic system in which platinum nanoparticles (Pt-NPs) are synthesized in situ in contact with a carbon nanotube (CNT) dispersion. Variables including platinum precursor/CNT ratio, previous chemical treatment of carbon nanotubes, and presence or absence of a capping agent were evaluated and correlated with the characteristic of the synthesized materials. Samples were characterized by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis and transmission electron microscopy. Glassy carbon electrodes were modified by the nanocomposite samples and evaluated as electrocatalysts for alcohol oxidation. Current densities of 56.1 and 79.8/104.7 mA cm-2 were determined for the oxidation of methanol and ethanol, respectively.


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SiO2/TiO2 nanostructured composites with three different ratios of Si:Ti were prepared using the sol-gel method. These materials were characterized using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, photoluminescence, Raman with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and the specific surface area. The band gaps of materials were determined by diffuse reflectance spectra, and the values of 3.20 ± 0.01, 2.92 ± 0.02, and 2.85 ± 0.01 eV were obtained as a result of the proportional increases in the amount of Ti within the composite. The materials exhibit only the anatase (TiO2) crystalline phase and have crystalline domains ranging from 4 to 5 nm. The photodegradation process of methylene blue, royal blue GRL, and golden yellow GL dyes were studied with respect to their contact times, pH variations within the solution, and the variations in the dye concentration of the solution in response to only sunlight. The maximum amount of time for the mineralization of dyes was 90 min. The kinetics of the process follows an apparently first order model, in which the obtained rate constant values were 5.72 × 10-2 min-1 for methylene blue, 6.44 × 10-2min-1 for royal blue GRL, and 1.07 × 10-1min-1 for golden yellow.


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Tässä työssä tutkitaan D-luokan audiovahvistimen pääteastetopologioiden eroja teknisen toiminnan, käytännön toteutuksen ja audiosignaalin laadun näkökulmista. Tutkimuksen perusteella valitaan yksi topologia kitaravahvistinsovellukseen, jossa modulointi on toteutettu Sigma-Delta-modulaattorilla. Pääteastetopologioiden tekninen toiminta selvitetään yksityiskohtaisesti virtojen kulkureittien avulla. Simulaatioilla tutkitaan suoja-ajan ja tulosignaalin variaatioiden vaikutusta lähtösignaalin kokonaisharmoniseen säröön (THD) ja selvitetään signaalin säröytymiseen vaikuttavien tekijöiden syitä D-luokan vahvistimen pääteasteessa.


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Grafeeni on tällä hetkellä yksi tutkituimmista materiaaleista ja sillä on paljon mahdollisia käyttötarkoituksia esimerkiksi nanoelektroniikassa, sensoreissa, nanokomposiiteissa ja vetyvarastona. Tällä hetkellä tehokkaan valmistusmenetelmän puuttuminen kuitenkin on esteenä grafeenin hyödyntämiselle laajassa mittakaavassa. Yksi lupaavimmista grafeenin valmistusmenetelmistä tällä hetkellä on grafeenioksidin pelkistäminen. Tässä tutkielmassa oli tarkoitus tutustua grafeenioksidin pelkistysmenetelmiin ja vertailla niitä toisiinsa. Työn kokeellisessa osassa oli tarkoituksena tutkia grafeenioksidin sähkökemiallista pelkistystä lähinnä in situ pintaherkistetyllä Raman-spektroskopialla (SERS) ja pintaherkistetyllä vaimentuneeseen kokonaisheijastukseen perustuvalla IR-spektroskopialla (ATR-SEIRAS). Työhön kuului myös SEIRAS-kennon ja -mittaussysteemin kehittäminen, koska Turun yliopistossa ei aikaisemmin ollut tehty SEIRAS-mittauksia. Työssä onnistuttiin pelkistämään grafeenioksidikalvo sähkökemiallisesti ainakin osittain. Pelkistymisen havaittiin tapahtuvan välillä -0,3 V – (-0,9) V (vs. Ag/AgCl) ja muutosten havaittiin olevan irreversiibeleitä. Työssä saatiin myös kehitettyä menetelmä SEIRASaktiivisen kultakalvon valmistamiseen Turun yliopistossa käytettävään kennoon ja selvitettyä toimiva mittaustapa. Työssä myös todettiin, että menetelmä sopii hyvin grafeenioksidin pelkistyksen seuraamiseen.


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Bacteriorhodopsin (BR) is a photosensitive protein which functions as a light-driven proton pump. Due to its photoactivity, BR could be used in photosensing and information processing which has inspired researchers to study the photoelectric response and the appropriate measurement instrumentation for BR. In this thesis, the measurement instrumentation connected to a dry BR sensor was confirmed to affect the photovoltage response measured by using voltage amplifiers. Changing of the input impedance of the measurement instrumentation was shown to alter a part of the measured photovoltage response. The photocurrent measurements using transimpedance amplifier and the presented electrical equivalent circuit were used to show that the photocurrent measurements have no significant effect on the photoelectric response. The photocurrent was shown to be a derivate of the photovoltage response measured from the dry BR sensor when it was compared to the response measured with a voltage amplifier. This confirmed that another part of the photovoltage response was not affected by the measurement instrumentation. The time-variant behavior of the dry BR sensor was confirmed in both the photocurrent and the photovoltage measurements. This was caused by the fact that the capacitance of the dry BR sensor changes with the excitation light intensity.


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Erotusvahvistin on instrumentointivahvistin, jonka tulo ja lähtö ovat galvaanisesti erotettu toisistaan. Erotusvahvistimia käytetään galvaanista erotusta vaativissa sovelluksissa, muun muassa sairaalalaitteissa. Teollisuudessa on olemassa sovelluksia, joihin tarvittaisiin analogisia erotusvahvistimia, mutta ei tiedetä onko analogisilla erotusvahvistimilla riittävän hyvät komponenttiarvot. Tässä työssä selvitetään analogisten erotusvahvistimien tämänhetkisiä ominaisuuksia, hintoja ja komponenttiarvoja neljältä eri valmistajalta.


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Tämän työn tavoitteena oli kehittää esikäsittelymenetelmä, jolla voidaan reaaliaikaisesti vähentää hydrolysaatin ligniinipitoisuutta ja näin vähentää fluoresenssia hemiselluloosan analysoimisessa. Työn kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään hemiselluloosien rakennetta sekä niiden erottamista puusta, sekä käydään läpi hemiselluloosien käyttömahdollisuuksia ja niiden reaaliaikaiseen analysointiin soveltuvia tekniikoita. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin ultrasuodatusta sekä adsorptiohartsikäsittelyä hydrolysaatin esikäsittelynä ennen Raman-analyysiä. Esikäsittelyn tavoitteena oli vähentää Raman-analyysia häiritsevää ligniinistä johtuvaa fluoresenssia. Suodatukset tehtiin Amicon-suodatuslaitteistolla käyttäen viittä eri suodatuskalvoa. Hartsikäsittelyissä käytettiin Amberliten XAD16 ja XAD7HP adsorbtiohartseja. Hartsisuhteina käytettiin 1/80, 1/40, 1/19 ja 1/13. Käytetyt ultrauodatuskalvot osoittautuivat suodatusnäytteistä tehtyjen HPLC-analyysien perusteella cut-off-luvultaan liian pieniksi, sillä hemiselluloosien ja ligniinin erotus ei onnistunut, vaan molemmat väkevöityivät konsentraattiin. Hartsikäsittelyillä saatiin ligniiniä poistettua aiheuttamatta hemiselluloosahäviöitä. Parhaimmillaan ligniinin poistumista kuvaava UV-absorbanssi pieneni hartsilla XAD16 37 % ja hartsilla XAD7 25 %. Vaikka ligniinipitoisuus aleni, näytteet fluoresoivat edelleen voimakkaasti Raman-mittauksessa. Tulosten perusteella näyttäisi siltä, että hartsikäsittelyä optimoimalla analyysiä häiritsevää fluoresenssia olisi edelleen mahdollista vähentää.


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The objective of this thesis was to examine the potential of multi-axis solutions in packaging machines produced in Europe. The definition of a multi-axis solution in this study is a construction that uses a common DC bus power supply for different amplifiers running the axes and the intelligence is centralized into one unit. The cost structure of a packaging machine was gained from an automation research, which divided the machines according to automation categories. The automation categories were then further divided into different sub-components by evaluating the ratio of multi-axis solutions compared to other automation components in packaging machines. A global motion control study was used for further information. With the help of the ratio, an estimation of the potential of multi-axis solutions in each country and packaging machine sector was completed. In addition to the research, a specific questionnaire was sent to five companies to gain information about the present situation and possible trends in packaging machinery. The greatest potential markets are in Germany and Italy, which are also the largest producers of packaging machinery in Europe. The greatest growth in the next few years will be seen in Turkey where the annual growth rate equals the general machinery production rate in Asia. The greatest market potential of the Nordic countries is found in Sweden in 35th position on the list. According to the interviews, motion control products in packaging machines will retain their current power levels, as well as the number of axes in the future. Integrated machine safety features together with a universal programming language are the desired attributes of the future. Unlike generally in industry, the energy saving objectives are and will remain insignificant in the packaging industry.


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Audiovahvistimet pohjautuvat yhä useammin D-luokan vahvistimiin niiden korkean hyötysuhteen takia. Tämä mahdollistaa pidemmän käyttöajan tai vastaavasti tehon lisäämisen kannettavissa audiolaitteissa. Kuitenkin, jotta akkukäyttöisestä audiolaitteesta saataisiin suurempaa tehoa, se vaatii yleensä korkeamman jännitteen kuin yksittäisen akun lähtöjännite on. Korkeampi jännite voidaan saavuttaa lisäämällä akkuja tai käyttämällä jännitettä nostavaa hakkuria. Hakkureissa syntyy kuitenkin kytkennästä johtuvaa värettä, mille D-luokan vahvistimet ovat alttiita. Tässä työssä tutkitaan boost- ja Čuk-hakkurin soveltuvuutta jännitteen nostoon akkukäyttöisessä audiolaitteessa. Käytännön sovelluksena toimii Porsas, josta halutaan saada 500 W teho. Työssä tutkitaan audiolaitteen asettamia ehtoja jännitelähteelle sekä hakkurien mitoittamista ehtojen mukaisesti. Työn tutkimustapana on kirjallisuustutkimus ja simulointi. Audiolaitteen jännitelähteeltä vaatima teho vaihtelee suuresti. Tämä tulee ottaa huomioon hakkurin komponenttien mitoituksessa. Lisäksi hakkurin lähtöjännitteen väre pyritään minimoimaan, koska sillä on suuri vaikutus vahvistimen toimintaan. Tulovirran väreen minimoinnilla on pidentävä vaikutus akun purkusykliin. Hakkurien laskennalliset komponenttien arvot sekä simuloinnit osoittavat, että hakkurit olisivat myös mahdollista tehdä käytännössä. Simulointien perusteella boost-hakkurin komponenttien arvot ovat pienempiä kuin Čuk-hakkurin. Boost-hakkurille löytyy myös valmiita ohjainpiirejä enemmän. Toisaalta Čuk-hakkurilla on mahdollista tehdä myös energiansäästötila. Hakkurien ohjaus ja jäähdytys vaatisivat jatkotutkimusta.


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A linear prediction procedure is one of the approved numerical methods of signal processing. In the field of optical spectroscopy it is used mainly for extrapolation known parts of an optical signal in order to obtain a longer one or deduce missing signal samples. The first is needed particularly when narrowing spectral lines for the purpose of spectral information extraction. In the present paper the coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) spectra were under investigation. The spectra were significantly distorted by the presence of nonlinear nonresonant background. In addition, line shapes were far from Gaussian/Lorentz profiles. To overcome these disadvantages the maximum entropy method (MEM) for phase spectrum retrieval was used. The obtained broad MEM spectra were further underwent the linear prediction analysis in order to be narrowed.


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In this thesis, the contact resistance of graphene devices was investigated because high contact resistance is detrimental to the performance of graphene field-effect transistors (GFET). Method for increasing so-called edge-contact area was applied in device fabrication process, as few nanometers thick Ni layer was used as a catalytic etchant during the annealing process. Finally, Ni was also used as a metal for contact. GFETs were fabricated using electron beam lithography using graphene fabricated by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Critical part of the fabrication process was to preserve the high quality of the graphene channel while etching the graphene at contact areas with Ni during the annealing. This was achieved by optimizing the combination of temperature and gas flows. The structural properties of graphene were studied using scanning electron microscopy, scanning confocal μ-Raman spectroscopy and optical microscopy. Evaluation of electric transport properties including contact resistance was carried out by transmission line method and four-probe method. The lowest contact resistance found was about at 350 Ωμm. In addition, different methods to transfer CVD graphene synthesized on copper were studied. Typical method using PMMA as a supporting layer leaves some residues after its removal, thus effecting on the performance of a graphene devices. In a metal assisted transfer method, metal is used as an interfacial layer between PMMA and graphene. This allows more effective removal of PMMA. However, Raman spectra of graphene transferred by metal assisted method showed somewhat lower quality than the PMMA assisted method


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Graphene is a material with extraordinary properties. Its mechanical and electrical properties are unparalleled but the difficulties in its production are hindering its breakthrough in on applications. Graphene is a two-dimensional material made entirely of carbon atoms and it is only a single atom thick. In this work, properties of graphene and graphene based materials are described, together with their common preparation techniques and related challenges. This Thesis concentrates on the topdown techniques, in which natural graphite is used as a precursor for the graphene production. Graphite consists of graphene sheets, which are stacked together tightly. In the top-down techniques various physical or chemical routes are used to overcome the forces keeping the graphene sheets together, and many of them are described in the Thesis. The most common chemical method is the oxidisation of graphite with strong oxidants, which creates a water-soluble graphene oxide. The properties of graphene oxide differ significantly from pristine graphene and, therefore, graphene oxide is often reduced to form materials collectively known as reduced graphene oxide. In the experimental part, the main focus is on the chemical and electrochemical reduction of graphene oxide. A novel chemical route using vanadium is introduced and compared to other common chemical graphene oxide reduction methods. A strong emphasis is placed on electrochemical reduction of graphene oxide in various solvents. Raman and infrared spectroscopy are both used in in situ spectroelectrochemistry to closely monitor the spectral changes during the reduction process. These in situ techniques allow the precise control over the reduction process and even small changes in the material can be detected. Graphene and few layer graphene were also prepared using a physical force to separate these materials from graphite. Special adsorbate molecules in aqueous solutions, together with sonic treatment, produce stable dispersions of graphene and few layer graphene sheets in water. This mechanical exfoliation method damages the graphene sheets considerable less than the chemical methods, although it suffers from a lower yield.


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The objective of this thesis was to study the effect of pulsed electric field on the preparation of TiO2 nanoparticles via sol-gel method. The literature part deals with properties of different TiO2 crystal forms, principles of photocatalysis, sol-gel method and pulsed electric field processing. It was expected that the pulsed electric field would have an influence on crystallite size, specific surface area, polymorphism and photocatalytic activity of produced particles. TiO2 samples were prepared by using different frequencies and treatment times of pulsed electric field. The properties of produced TiO2 particles were examined X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy and BET surface area analysis. The photocatalytic activities of produced TiO2 particles were determined by using them as photocatalysts for the degradation of formic acid under UVA-light. The photocatalytic activities of samples produced with sol-gel method were also compared with the commercial TiO2 powder Aeroxide® (Evonic Degussa GmbH). Pulsed electric field did not have an effect on the morphology of particles. Results from XRD and Raman analysis showed that all produced TiO2 samples were pure anatase. However, pulsed electric field did have an effect on crystallite size, specific surface area and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 particles. Generally, the crystallite sizes were smaller, specific surface areas larger and initial formic acid degradation rates higher for samples that were produced by applying the pulsed electric field. The higher photocatalytic activities were attributed to larger surface areas and smaller crystallite sizes. Though, with all of the TiO2 samples produced by the sol-gel method the initial formic acid degradation rates were significantly slower than with the commercial TiO2 powder.