899 resultados para Radical degradation


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[EN] New TiO2 catalysts have been synthesised by means of a sol–gel method in which aggregates have been selected before thermal treatment. Sieving and calcination temperature have been proved to be key factors in obtaining catalysts with greater photoactivity than that of Degussa P-25. These new catalysts have been characterized by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), BET surface area, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), UV–vis spectroscopy, Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The different parameters studied were compared to those obtained from two commercial catalysts (Degussa P-25 and Hombikat-UV100). The photocatalytic efficiency of the new catalysts was evaluated by the degradation of various phenolic compounds using UV light (maximum around 365 nm, 9mW). The catalyst sieved and calcinated at 1023 K, ECT-1023t, showed phenol degradation rates 2.7 times higher than those of Degussa P-25. Also in the degradation of different phenolic compounds, this catalyst showed a higher activity than that of the commercial one. The high photoactivity of this new catalyst has been attributed to the different distribution of surface defects (determined from FTIR studies) and its increased capacity to yield H2O2


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[EN] Breast cancer patients show a wide variation in normal tissue reactions after radiotherapy. The individual sensitivity to x-rays limits the efficiency of the therapy. Prediction of individual sensitivity to radiotherapy could help to select the radiation protocol and to improve treatment results. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between gene expression profiles of ex vivo un-irradiated and irradiated lymphocytes and the development of toxicity due to high-dose hyperfractionated radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced breast cancer. Raw data from microarray experiments were uploaded to the Gene Expression Omnibus Database http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/ (GEO accession GSE15341). We obtained a small group of 81 genes significantly regulated by radiotherapy, lumped in 50 relevant pathways. Using ANOVA and t-test statistical tools we found 20 and 26 constitutive genes (0 Gy) that segregate patients with and without acute and late toxicity, respectively. Non-supervised hierarchical clustering was used for the visualization of results. Six and 9 pathways were significantly regulated respectively. Concerning to irradiated lymphocytes (2 Gy), we founded 29 genes that separate patients with acute toxicity and without it. Those genes were gathered in 4 significant pathways. We could not identify a set of genes that segregates patients with and without late toxicity. In conclusion, we have found an association between the constitutive gene expression profile of peripheral blood lymphocytes and the development of acute and late toxicity in consecutive, unselected patients. These observations suggest the possibility of predicting normal tissue response to irradiation in high-dose non-conventional radiation therapy regimens. Prospective studies with higher number of patients are needed to validate these preliminary results.


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Dichloroindium hydride revealed to be a valid alternative to tributyltin hydride for radical reduction of organic (alkyl, aryl, acyl, solfonyl) azides. The new approach entails mild reaction conditions and provides high yields of the corresponding amines and amides, also showing high degrees of selectivity. The system dichloroindium hydride / azides can be utilised in fivemembered ring closures of g-azidonitriles, as a new source of aminyl radicals for the attractive synthesis of interesting amidine compounds in the absence of both toxic reagents and tedious purification procedures. Allylindium dichloride seems a good substitute for dichloroindium hydride for generation of indium centred radicals under photolytic conditions, since it allows allylation of electrophilic azides (e.g. phenylsulfonyl azide) and halogen or ester δ-substituted azides, the latter through a 1,5-H transfer rearrangement mechanism. Evidences of the radical nature of the reactions mechanism were provided by ESR spectroscopy, furthermore the same technique, allowed to discover that the reaction of azides with indium trichloride and other group XIII Lewis acids, in particular gallium trichloride, gives rise to strongly coloured, persistent paramagnetic species, whose structure is consistent with the radical cation of the head-to-tail dimer of the aniline corresponding to the starting azide.


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Programa de doctorado: Literatura y Teoría de la Literatura


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This experimental thesis concerns the study of the long-term behaviour of ancient bronzes recently excavated from burial conditions. The scientific interest is to clarify the effect of soil parameters on the degradation mechanisms of ancient bronze alloy. The work took into consideration bronzes recovered from the archaeological sites in the region of Dobrudja, Romania. The first part of research work was dedicated to the characterization of bronze artefacts using non destructive (micro-FTIR, reflectance mode) and micro-destructive (based on sampling and analysis of a stratigraphical section by OM and SEM-EDX) methods. Burial soils were geologically classified and analyzed by chemical methods (pH, conductivity, anions content). Most of objects analyzed showed a coarse and inhomogeneous corroded structure, often made up of several corrosion layers. This has been explained by the silt nature of soils, which contain low amount of clay and are, therefore, quite accessible to water and air. The main cause of a high dissolution rate of bronze alloys is the alternate water saturation and instauration of the soil, for example on a seasonal scale. Moreover, due to the vicinity of the Black Sea, the detrimental effect of chlorine has been evidenced for few objects, which were affected by the bronze disease. A general classification of corrosion layers was achieved by comparing values of the ratio Cu/Sn in the alloy and in the patina. Decuprification is a general trend, and enrichment of copper within the corrosion layers, due to the formation of thick layers of cuprite (Cu2O), is pointed out as well. Uncommon corrosion products and degradation patterns were presented as well, and they are probably due to peculiar local conditions taking place during the burial time, such as anaerobic conditions or fluctuating environmental conditions. In order to acquire a better insight into the corrosion mechanisms, the second part of the thesis has regarded simulation experiments, which were conducted on commercial Cu-Sn alloys, whose composition resembles those of ancient artefacts one. Electrochemical measurements were conducted in natural electrolytes, such as solutions extracted from natural soil (sampled at the archaeological sites) and seawater. Cyclic potentiodynamic experiments allowed appreciating the mechanism of corrosion in both cases. Soil extract’s electrolyte has been evaluated being a non aggressive medium, while artificial solution prepared by increasing the concentration of anions caused the pitting corrosion of the alloy, which is demonstrated by optical observations. In particular, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy allows assessing qualitatively the nature of corroded structures formed in soil and seawater. A double-structured layer is proposed, which differ, in the two cases, for the nature of the internal passive layer, which result defectiveness and porous in case of seawater.


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The aim of this project was to achieve a deep understanding of the mechanisms by which Baltic amber degrades, in order to develop techniques for preventive conservation of archaeological amber objects belonging to the National Museum of Denmark’s collections. To examine deterioration of Baltic amber, a starting point was to identify and monitor surface and bulk properties which are affected during degradation. The way to operate consisted of the use of accelerated ageing to initiate degradation of raw Baltic amber samples in different conditions of relative humidity, oxygen exposure or pH and, successively, of the use of non/micro-destructive techniques to identify and quantify changes in visual, chemical and structural properties. A large piece of raw Baltic amber was used to prepare several test samples for two different kinds of accelerated ageing: thermal-ageing and photo-ageing. During the ageing, amber samples were regularly examined through several analytical techniques related to different information: appearance/colour change by visual examination, photography and colorimetry; chemical change by infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and elemental analysis; rate of oxidation by oxygen measurement; qualitative analysis of released volatiles by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry. The obtained results were analysed through both critical evaluation and statistical study. After the interpretation of the achieved data, the main relations between amber and environmental factors during the degradation process became clearer and it was possible to identify the major pathways by which amber degrades, such as hydrolysis of esters into alcohols and carboxylic acids, thermal-oxidation and photo-oxidation of terpenoid components, depolymerisation and decomposition of the chemical structure. At the end it was possible to suggest a preventive conservation strategy based on the control of climatic, atmospheric and lighting parameters in the environment where Baltic amber objects are stored and displayed.


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Die Ziele der vorliegenden Arbeit waren 1) die Entwicklung und Validierung von sensitiven und substanz-spezifischen Methoden für die quantitative Bestimmung von anionischen, nichtionischen und amphoteren Tensiden und deren Metaboliten in wässrigen Umweltproben unter Einsatz leistungsfähiger, massenspektrometrischer Analysengeräte,2) die Gewinnung von aeroben, polaren Abbauprodukten aus Tensiden in einem die realen Umweltbedingungen simulierenden Labor-Festbettbioreaktor (FBBR), dessen Biozönose oberflächenwasserbürtig war,3) zur Aufklärung des Abbaumechanismus von Tensiden neue, in 2) gewonnene Metabolite zu identifizieren und massenspektrometrisch zu charakterisieren ebenso wie den Primärabbau und den weiteren Abbau zu verfolgen,4) durch quantitative Untersuchungen von Tensiden und deren Abbauprodukten in Abwasser und Oberflächenwasser Informationen zu ihrem Eintrag und Verhalten bei unterschiedlichen hydrologischen und klimatischen Bedingungen zu erhalten,5) das Verhalten von persistenten Tensidmetaboliten in Wasserwerken, die belastetes Oberflächenwasser aufbereiten, zu untersuchen und deren Vorkommen im Trinkwasser zu bestimmen,6) mögliche Schadwirkungen von neu entdeckten Metabolite mittels ökotoxikologischer Biotests abzuschätzen,7) durch Vergleich der Felddaten mit den Ergebnissen der Laborversuche die Umweltrelevanz der Abbaustudien zu belegen. Die Auswahl der untersuchten Verbindungen erfolgte unter Berücksichtigung ihres Produktionsvolumens und der Neuheit auf dem Tensidmarkt. Sie umfasste die Waschmittelinhaltsstoffe lineare Alkylbenzol-sulfonate (LAS), welches das Tensid mit der höchsten Produktionsmenge darstellte, die beiden nichtionischen Tenside Alkylglucamide (AG) und Alkylpolyglucoside (APG), ebenso wie das amphotere Tensid Cocamidopropylbetain (CAPB). Außerdem wurde der polymere Farbübertragungsinhibitor Polyvinylpyrrolidon (PVP) untersucht.


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Zusammenfassung Ein 3-dimensionales globales Modell der unterenAtmosphäre wurde für die Untersuchung derOzonchemie, sowie der Chemie des Hydroxylradikals (OH) undwichtiger Vorläufersubstanzen, wie reaktiverStickstoffverbindungen und Kohlenwasserstoffe, verwendet.Hierfür wurde die Behandlung vonNicht-Methan-Kohlenwasserstoffen (NMKW) hinzugefügt,was auch die Entwicklung einer vereinfachten Beschreibungihrer Chemie, sowie die Erfassung von Depositionsprozessenund Emissionen erforderte. Zur Lösung der steifengewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen der Chemie wurdeeine schnelles Rosenbrock-Verfahren eingesetzt, das soimplementiert wurde, dass die Modell-Chemie fürzukünftige Studien leicht abgeändert werden kann. Zur Evaluierung des Modells wurde ein umfangreicherVergleich der Modellergebnisse mit Bodenmessungen, sowieFlugzeug-, Sonden- und Satelliten-Daten durchgeführt.Das Modell kann viele Aspekte der Beobachtungen derverschieden Substanzen realistisch wiedergeben. Es wurdenjedoch auch einige Diskrepanzen festgestellt, die Hinweiseauf fehlerhafte Emissionsfelder oder auf die Modell-Dynamikund auch auf fehlende Modell-Chemie liefern. Zur weiteren Untersuchung des Einflusses verschiedenerStoffgruppen wurden drei Läufe mit unterschiedlichkomplexer Chemie analysiert. Durch das Berücksichtigender NMKW wird die Verteilung mehrerer wichtiger Substanzensignifikant beeinflusst, darunter z.B. ein Anstieg desglobalen Ozons. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die biogene SubstanzIsopren etwa die Hälfte des Gesamteffekts der NMKWausmachte (mehr in den Tropen, weniger anderswo). In einer Sensitivitätsstudie wurden die Unsicherheitenbei der Modellierung von Isopren weitergehend untersucht.Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Unsicherheit beiphysikalischen Aspekten (Deposition und heterogene Prozesse)ebenso groß sein kann, wie die aus dem chemischenGasphasen-Mechanismus stammende, welche zu globalbedeutsamen Abweichungen führte. Lokal können sichnoch größere Abweichungen ergeben. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass die numerischenStudien dieser Arbeit neue Einblicke in wichtige Aspekte derPhotochemieder Troposphäre ergaben und in Vorschläge fürweiter Studien mündeten, die die wichtigsten gefundenenUnsicherheiten weiter verringern könnten.


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The work is devoted to synthesis of new triazolinyl stable radical derivatives with different substituents at the 5-position of the triazolinyl ring. Obtained results showed great influence of these substituents on the stability of the radical. Electron-rich aromatic substituents at this position stabilize the radical while electron-poor aromatics decrease the stability of the triazolinyl. The triazolinyl radicals synthesized were used as additives for kinetic investigations of controlled radical polymerization of styrene and methylmethacrylate (MMA). The studies performed showed that the more stable radicals provide better control for the polymerization of styrene. In the same time certain instability of the radical is required for realization of controlled polymerization of methylmethacrylate. Based on the kinetic investigations controlled radical polymerization of a variety of monomers including 4-vinylpyridine (4-VP), ethylmethacrylate (EMA), 2,2,2-trifluoroethylmethacrylate (FEMA) and n-butylmethacrylate (BMA)was successfully carried out. Polystyrene and polymethylmethacrylate macroinitiators prepared by triazolinyl mediated controlled radical polymerization were efficiently reinitiated in the presence of a variety of monomers leading to the formation of block copolymers. Using this method PS-b-P-4-VP, PMMA-b-PS, PMMA-b-PBMA, PMMA-b-PFEMA, and PMMA-b-Poly-tert-butylacrylate were successfully synthesized. The results obtained during this work showed the efficiency and flexibility of the method allowing preparation of a range of advanced macromolecular structures.


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The aim of the present thesis, carried out at the Analytical Group of the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry in Bologna, is to develop a new electrochemical method for the determination of the Antioxidant Capacity (AOC). The approach is based on the deposition of a non-conducting polymeric film on the working electrode surface and the following exposition to the radicals OH· produced by H2O2 photolysis. The strongly oxidant action of hydroxyl radicals degrades, causing an increase of the Faradic current, relevant to the redox couple [Ru(NH3)6]2+/3+ monitored by cyclic voltammetry(CV); the presence of an antioxidant compound in solution slows down the radical action, thus protecting the polymeric film and blocking the charge transfer. The parameter adopted for the quantification of the AOC, was the induction time, called also lag phase, which is the time when the degradation of the film starts. Five pure compounds, among most commonly antioxidant, were investigated : Trolox®(an analogue water-soluble of vitamin E), (L)-ascorbic acid, gallic acid, pyrogallol and (-)- epicatechin. The AOC of each antioxidant was expressed by TEAC index (Trolox® Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity), calculated from the ratio between the slope of the calibration curve of the target compound and the slope of the calibration curve of Trolox®. The results from the electrochemical method, have been compared with those obtained from some other standardized methods, widely employed. The assays used for the comparison, have been: ORAC, a spectrofluorimetric method based on the decrease of fluorescein emission after the attack of alkylperoxide radicals, ABTS and DPPH that exploit the decoloration of stable nitrogen radicals when they are reduced in presence of an antioxidant compound and, finally, a potentiometric method based on the response of the redox couple [Fe(CN)6]3-/ [Fe(CN)6]4-. From the results obtained from pure compounds, it has been found that ORAC is the methodology showing the best correlation with the developed electrochemical method, maybe since similar radical species are involved. The comparison between the considered assays, was also extended to the analysis of a real sample of fruit juice. In such a case the TEAC value resulting from the electrochemical method is higher than those from standardized assays.