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This study investigated the occurrence of equine arteritis virus antibodies using neutralization test in 1,400 horses from Campinas and macro metropolitan paulista mesoregions located at São Paulo State, between 2007 and 2008. Eighty (5.7%) samples showed antibodies to virus (titers from 4 to 4,096). Among the 42 cities, 15 (35.7%) presented at least one seropositive animal to equine arteritis virus. of the 238 farms analyzed 41 showed at least one seropositive animal. The occurrence was higher in sport horses like jumping horses, Quarter horses and was similar for female and male. The rate of seropositive was higher in animals older than 24 months of age. These results suggest the virus circulation among horse population in studied farms, and the need for continuing epidemiological surveillance studies.
Neste trabalho, é descrito um caso de estenose hipertrófica de piloro diagnosticado por gastroscopia em um eqüino Quarto de Milha, de quatro anos de idade, que apresentava inapetência, emagrecimento progressivo, cólica, bruxismo e sialorréia. A gastroduodenite ulcerativa crônica e os espasmos prolongados foram as supostas causas da hipertrofia da musculatura circular do piloro, causando a estenose. O tratamento com substâncias antiulcerativas é paliativo e o acesso cirúrgico ao piloro no animal adulto é complexo, sendo o prognóstico duvidoso.
Sarcoidosis is a rare equine skin disease characterized primarily by an exfoliative and granulomatous dermatitis but also presenting granulomatous inflammation of multiple systems. The current report presents the clinical and histopathological findings of sarcoidosis in a 16-year-old American Quarter Horse gelding with nested polymerase chain reaction Mycobacterium spp. DNA detection within hepatic and skin samples. Mycobacterium spp. may play a role in the pathogenesis of equine sarcoidosis as has been proposed for human sarcoidosis.
The aims of the present study were to relate intramammary infection (IMI) occurrence and somatic cell count (SCC) with teat-end condition (TEC) and udder cleanliness (UC). Milk samples from 1931 teats were evaluated according to the presence of IMI and SCC. Scores were applied to teats according to the TEC and to UC. Teats ends with a very rough ring had the largest number of IMI when compared to the other three categories, as well as animals with dirtier udders. The change in a TEC score increased by around 30% the chance of IMI. Also, the chance of the animal developing IMI increased by approximately 47% when the UC score increased. No significant association between both scores and quarter SCC was found. It can be concluded that animals with very rough teat end rings and very dirty udders have a greater predisposition to IMI. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Durante 150 dias, 12 potras Quarto-de-Milha de 1 ano de idade permaneceram exclusivamente em pastagem de Brachiaria humidicola, num experimento inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos, nível 0 (recomendação do NRC, 1989); nível 50 (50% a mais do NRC); nível 100 (100% a mais do NRC), e quatro repetições. Como palatabilizante foram empregadas 270 g de açúcar. Realizaram-se biópsias na asa do osso do ílio de cada potra, no início e final do experimento, para avaliar a mobilização de Ca e a relação Ca:P. As amostras da gramínea, foram coletadas mensalmente para verificação do teor de oxalato e composição químico-bromatológica. Houve efeito de tempo na mobilização de Ca, P e da relação Ca:P (p<0,05), independentemente dos tratamentos. As médias dos três tratamentos, no início e final do período experimental foram, quanto aos teores de Ca, P e da relação Ca:P, respectivamente: 10,05, 5,22, 1,93:1 e 6,24, 4,06, 1,54:1. O teor do oxalato na gramínea variou de 1,18 a 2,00%. A utilização do nível de cálcio suplementar duas vezes superior ao recomendado pelo National Research Council não foi suficiente para impedir a mobilização deste mineral nos ossos de eqüinos pastejando Brachiaria humidicola por longos períodos.
O trabalho foi realizado objetivando-se avaliar o efeito da densidade populacional e da linhagem sobre as características de desempenho, o rendimento de carcaça e a qualidade da carne de peito (perda de peso por cozimento, força de cizalhamento e pH) em frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 2.925 pintos de um dia, sexados, distribuídos em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em fatorial 3x3x2, sendo três linhagens (Ross 308, Cobb 500 e Hybro PG), três densidades (10, 13 e 16 aves/m²) e dois sexos, com duas repetições com número variável de aves em função da densidade. A densidade afetou o ganho de peso nas fases inicial e final e no período total, sendo que a densidade de 10 aves/m² apresentou o melhor ganho de peso, porém, as densidades de 13 e 16 aves/m² não diferiram entre si. O aumento da densidade promoveu maior produção de peso vivo/m² de galpão, além de incrementar a renda bruta. No entanto, não afetou o rendimento de carcaça e das partes, bem como as características de qualidade da carne. As linhagens diferiram para ganho de peso em todas as fases e para o consumo de ração na fase final e no período total de criação, porém não diferiram para o rendimento de carcaça, apesar de diferirem para o rendimento de peito, pernas, asas, dorso e gordura abdominal, sendo que para o rendimento de pernas houve diferenças apenas entre os machos e para gordura abdominal apenas entre as fêmeas. As linhagens diferiram para perda de peso da carne de peito por cozimento, mas não para maciez e pH. O sexo das aves influenciou as características de desempenho e rendimento de carcaça, mas não a qualidade da carne do peito.
A seven-year-old Quarter Horse had a serious external genitalia trauma with severe swelling of ventrum, penis, prepuce and scrotum after falling over a fence. Appropriated treatment was rapidly started after clinical examination. During recovery period, the spermatogenesis assess by semen evaluation was not possible due to stallion's inability to ejaculate. Therefore, for testicular evaluation fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) was performed. The first FNAC showed a deviation of germ cell line towards immature cells, mainly by primary spermatocytes (59.5%) with very few late spermatids and spermatozoa (2.5% each), and an increased Sertoli cells/germ cells ratio (478/100), which characterized testicular degeneration. One month after the first FNAC, the second exam presented a drastic decrease of Sertoli cells/germ cells ratio (7/100) and marked increase of mature cell number, specially by early and late spermatids (50% and 24.5%, respectively). In this case, the results of both FNAC could demonstrate a partial recovery of spermatogenesis activity. Two months later, the stallion had mated two mares successfully and they became pregnant. In conclusion, the adequate treatment allowed a complete recovery of the stallion's reproductive function, and since semen collection was impossible during treatment, testicular FNAC showed to be an efficient diagnostic method for evaluating acute damage in the spermatogenesis.
Eqüinos da raça Quarto de Milha, 30 machos e 30 fêmeas com idade entre 42 e 48 meses, apresentando a epífise distal do rádio fechada, em plena atividade esportiva, foram analisados quanto à densidade mineral óssea (DMO) do acessório do carpo, tendo os valores expressos em milímetros de alumínio (mmAl). As radiografias da estrutura óssea, juntamente com uma escala de alumínio (penetrômetro) foram analisadas por meio de um programa computacional, especialmente desenvolvido para medida da densidade óptica em imagem radiográfica. O valor médio encontrado para as fêmeas foi de 4,49±0,69mmAl, com idade média de 43±2 meses e, para os machos, de 4,43 ± 0,81mmAl, com idade média de 45±2 meses, não havendo diferença significativa na DMO entre os sexos.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações do aparato podotroclear de 22 cavalos da raça Quarto de Milha acometidos pela síndrome do navicular utilizando o acesso transcuneal. Esses equinos foram submetidos ao exame radiográfico e ultrassonográfico. No exame radiográfico foi observado a presença de invaginação sinovial de diferentes tipos, além de calcificação da bursa podotroclear e tendão flexor digital profundo, entesiófitos, osteófitos e alteração do limite córtico-medular. No exame ultrassonográfico observou-se alterações da bursa podotroclear, aderência e irregularidades nos bordos do tendão flexor digital profundo, diminuição do coxim digital, calcificação do ligamento sesamóide distal ímpar e irregularidade da superfície flexora do osso sesamóide distal. Todos os equinos que apresentavam alterações radiográficas também apresentaram alterações no exame ultrassonográfico compatíveis com a síndrome do navicular. O exame ultrassonográfico utilizando o acesso transcuneal foi um método prático e eficiente para avaliação das lesões do aparato podotroclear dos eqüinos, sendo um método complementar ao exame radiográfico.
Barrel racing is one of the most popular uses of the American Quarter horse in North and South America. Although injury to the metacarpophalangeal joint frequently occurs in this sport, there is limited information describing the nature of these injuries. The aim of this study was to determine the most common radiographic abnormalities in barrel racing horses with lameness referable to the metacarpophalangeal joint. lameness examinations were performed on 63 barrel racing horses. Those found to be lame were subjected to radiographic examination. Lameness at trot was scored on a scale of 0-5 (0 = sound; 5 = inability to move). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. of horses examined, 30 (47.6%) were lame with scores ranging from 1 to 4. Half of the lame horses (15 of 30) had grade 2 lameness of the right forelimb. Abnormal radiographic findings were more often present on the left forelimb and included signs of sesamoiditis (70%), villonodular synovitis (56.6%), osteoarthritis (36.6%), osteochondritis dissecans (13.3%), capsulitis (13.3%), and soft-tissue swelling (6.6%). Radiographic abnormalities indicated that sesamoiditis, villonodular synovitis, and osteoarthritis may be associated to mild-to-moderate lameness in barrel racing horses. Complementary sonographic evaluation is recommended to better characterize soft-tissue abnormalities. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An 18-year-old Quarter Horse mare presented with an 18 week history of dermatological lesions characterised by recurrent urticaria and recent signs of enlarged mammary glands, pyrexia, alopecia and intense pruritus. Haematological and serum biochemical analyses revealed anaemia, leucocytosis, thrombocytopenia and hyperfibrinogenaemia. Mammary discharge was evaluated and revealed neutrophilia. Cytological examinations of fine needle aspirates from the parotid lymph nodes were normal. Common causes of anaemia were ruled out by specific tests. The initial diagnosis was mastitis and 2 weeks later the animal returned to the hospital with worsening of clinical signs, intermittent fever, intense pruritus and generalised alopecia. Blood samples were collected for haematological and serum biochemical analyses, and the mammary gland and parotid lymph nodes were biopsied. Rectal palpation revealed a large irregular mass near the left kidney with adhesions of surrounding structures. The animal died before the laboratory results were ready. This report details the clinical, histological and immunophenotypic findings of a case of large lymphoma in a mare.
Objectives: The aim of this in vitro study was to assess the effects of saliva substitutes (modified with respect to calcium, phosphates, and fluorides) in combination with a high-concentrated fluoride toothpaste on demineralised dentin.Methods: Before and after demineralisation of bovine dentin specimens (subsurface lesions; 37 degrees C, pH 5.0, 5 d), one-quarter of each specimen's surface was covered with nail varnish (control of sound/demineralised tissue). Subsequently, specimens were exposed to original Saliva natura (saturation with respect to octacalciumphosphate [S(OCP)]: 0.03; SN 0), or to three lab-produced Saliva natura modifications (S(OCP): 1, 2, and 3; SN 1-3) for 2 and 5 weeks (37 degrees C). An aqueous solution (S(OCP): 2.5) served as positive control (PC). Two times daily (2 min each), Duraphat toothpaste (5000 ppm F(-); Colgate)/saliva substitute slurry (ratio 1:3) was applied gently. Differences in mineral losses (Delta Delta Z) and lesion depths (Delta LD) between values before and after exposure were microradiographically evaluated.Results: After both treatment periods specimens immersed in SN 0 revealed significantly higher mineral losses (lower Delta Delta Z values) and lesion depths (lower Delta LD) compared to PC (p < 0.05; ANOVA). After 5 weeks, specimens stored in SN 1 and 2 showed significantly higher mineral losses compared to PC (p < 0.05), while those stored in SN 3 showed similar results (p > 0.05). No differences in mineral loss could be observed between SN 2 and 3 (p > 0.05).Conclusions: Under the conditions of this limited protocol, the combination of Saliva natura solutions slightly saturated with respect to OCP in combination with a high-concentrated fluoride toothpaste enabled remineralisation of dentin in vitro. Crown Copyright (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)