999 resultados para Qualidade de Produtos para o Consumidor


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Quality Management has become an essential requirement for all companies intending to compete and ensure its place in the labor market. Several tools have been created as a way of ensuring the effectiveness of quality management, in order to control and manage the quality of services and products to ensure a final product with a high degree of competition and quality, besides satisfaction and exceeding customer expectations. Due to the great importance it has at the presente time on the world stage and internationally, civil construction felt the need to eliminate the defects and the lack of quality that have become so common over time to ensure a quality product and it´s customers satisfaction. It was then that this industry began to implement and develop more modern techniques and tools for quality control in construction. Quality achieved position in global market, defining which companies would continue and which companies would leave it, not to mention it became insistently required by the customer. Some tools such as ISO 9000 guided companies seeking a quality management. This presentation will present some of these management tools and their applicability in the civil construction industry. Thus, it will be evident that despite the current resources it is necessary that civil construction professionals abandon the idea that considers quality management a problem and begin thinking about it as a solution to prevent future errors and ensure the quality of their services


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This academic work has as its objective to demonstrate the fundamental role of communication as a tool towards implantating an environmental management project in organizations, aswell as familiarizing with the complex relashionship be-tween green businesses and its publics. The concern involving environmental prob-lems are increasing and it directly affects the consumer’s choice and their requests on organizations’ behavior. The integration with all sectors of economy is necessary as a part of a developing process that has as its main objective the environmental conservation and therefore the quality of human life on planet. There is also the question of how in the process of communication there is not an only way of interven-tion, but a continuous reciprocal action. The work is accomplished with an analyses of the green management communication of the business Grupo Abril


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This work is to control the quality of the structures, procedures for addressing the assembly of the formwork, scaffolding and the frame of pillars, beams and slabs. He had also intended to show that the vibration of launch and concrete items are also important, if poorly implemented can undermine the structure. This work also shows that the mapping becomes essential if there is some problem in the concrete, where concrete was launched, could be identified. And finally check the product where the structure will be evaluated for how much their quality


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Muitos fatores são responsáveis pelo consumo excessivo de medicamentos e pelo descumprimento a Política Nacional de Medicamentos, mas um que se mostra muito significativo nesse cenário é a promoção de medicamentos. Dessa forma o presente estudo propôs caracterizar a qualidade das promoções publicitárias de medicamentos. Realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica sistemática, em que foi realizada uma coleta de dados, no período de agosto a setembro de 2012, nas bases Lilacs, e Pubmed/Bireme, disponíveis no portal: http://www.bireme.br. Os descritores escolhidos utilizados foram controle da publicidade de produtos OR publicidade de medicamentos OR propaganda AND Legislação de Medicamentos. Foram identificados 11 artigos que contemplavam os critérios de inclusão. Analisou-se as informações relacionadas à qualidade (informações mais frequentes, informações menos frequentes, princípios éticos de fidedignidade e veracidade da informação), irregularidades e as estratégias para melhoria das propagandas de medicamentos. Os estudos mostraram que as maiores deficiências na propaganda de medicamentos dizem respeito às informações sobre contra indicações, cuidados, advertências e reações adversas, agrupados como precauções gerais, e às referências bibliográficas, infringindo a legislação em diversos aspectos. Além disso, observou-se que o problema da qualidade da informação em propagandas de medicamentos é verificado em muitos países, mas principalmente em países em desenvolvimento. Assim torna-se necessário maior rigor da legislação na fiscalização dessas propagandas de medicamentos e maior atenção dos profissionais da saúde quanto a essa prática, tendo maior visão crítica sobre os materiais distribuídos á classe médica


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Medicamentos manipulados são preparados nas farmácias ou nos serviços farmacêuticos hospitalares pelo profissional farmacêutico ou sob sua direta responsabilidade, a partir de prescrições médicas ou de fórmulas inscritas no Formulário Nacional ou Formulários Internacionais reconhecidos pela Anvisa. No Brasil, o consumo desses produtos mostra um crescimento importante no cenário da Saúde Pública. A finasterida é um fármaco representativo de uma grande parcela desse mercado por seu fácil acesso e alta eficácia. Contudo, a manipulação deste produto deve ser realizada com bastante cautela, por ser um medicamento de baixa dose. Nesse meio, a Farmácia-Escola “Prof. Dr. Antonio Alonso Martinez” conquista a confiança da população de Araraquara e região há muitos anos. A fim de se fundamentar essa confiança, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar cápsulas de finasterida manipuladas na Farmácia Escola supracitada por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE), utilizando metodologia devidamente validada. Foram analisados parâmetros como teor e uniformidade de conteúdo das cápsulas, bem como teor da matéria-prima e da mistura de pós destinados ao preenchimento de cápsulas. Os resultados encontrados apresentam-se dentro dos critérios adotados pelas Farmacopeias Americana e Europeia, uma vez que a Farmacopeia Brasileira ainda não tem monografia inscrita da finasterida e dos respectivos medicamentos


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The conservation of raw milk for long periods of time under refrigeration can result in the lost of its quality. This happens because bacterias, capable of developing in low temperatures, as psichrotrophics, in milk, associates with its enzymatic activities, are capable to degradate it. Although the pasteurization of milk sufficiently diminishes the transmission of the illnesses, that generally eliminates such microorganisms, is not a total efficient process because many enzymes produced for such bacterias are termostable, being able to resist the treatment and to remain active, leading to the loss of the quality of milk and its derivatives. The Normative Instruction 51 of 2002 established that milk must be cooled and stored in the production property, what resulted increasing the incidence of such bacteria in population destined milk. In some parts of the world contaminated milk is causing serious risks to the health of the population, assuming great importance in Public Health, mainly in relation to the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the product. ANVISA establishes, thus, maximum bacteriological concentration that must be evidenced before commercializing the product, guaranteeing the quality of milk as proper for consumption. Based on these aspects, the objective of this work is the microbiological analysis of 30 milk samples type C, collected in bakeries of the city Botucatu, in the state of São Paulo. Analysis were made to determinate the most likely number of termotolerants coliforms, as well the number of colony units of psichrotrophics bacterias, the presence of Salmonella and the enumeration of positive Staphylococcus aureus, at the moment of purchase and validity of the products


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Sabe-se que na atualidade, é grande a preocupação da comunidade científica mundial, em relação à resistência microbiana frente às substâncias convencionais, utilizadas indiscriminadamente, por isso, é crescente a motivação da pesquisa básica na bioprospecção de novas substâncias, que apresentem atividade antimicrobiana e antifúngica e que possam ser uma alternativa segura e eficaz contra esses microorganismos no tratamento das doenças causadas por eles. As dermatofitoses, por exemplo, são processos infecciosos de pele, pêlo e unhas que acometem muitas pessoas, de todas as faixas etárias, no mundo todo, provocando as chamadas tinhas ou tineas, denominadas corporis, pedis, cruris, capitis, unguium(onicomicose) e outras (dependendo o local do corpo onde estão), causadas pelo dermatófito filamentoso, Trichophyton rubrum. Estudos envolvendo este patógeno são cada vez mais importantes, devido ao aparecimento de linhagens resistentes aos medicamentos antifúngicos disponíveis no mercado, e ao comportamento invasivo deste agente em pacientes com o sistema imune comprometido. Porém, somente a descoberta de novas drogas não é suficiente, é preciso desenvolver produtos eficazes e seguros, que possam veicular essas substâncias sem causar prejuízo ao paciente. Sendo assim, a proposta desse trabalho é desenvolver uma emulsão A/O, contendo óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia (TTO), verificar sua estabilidade preliminar e caracterizá-la realizando o estudo reológico da formulação, determinar a concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) e a concentração fungicida mínima (CFM) do TTO e averiguar a atividade antifúngica in vitro da emulsão frente ao T. rubrum, agente patogênico ao qual se destina o uso do produto


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Este trabalho objetivou analisar a qualidade da água de três córregos tributários do rio Bauru, levando em conta a poluição causada por produtos orgânicos e industriais que vinham sendo descartados nos mesmos e as eventuais melhorias conseqüentes das medidas paliativas assumidas pelo DAE-Bauru, mediante a instalação de interceptores-coletores de águas residuárias ao longo Daqueles corpos de água, até que a Estação de Tratamento de Esgotos do município seja construída e se dê início ao seu funcionamento. O monitoramento destes corpos de água durante o período de estiagem e de cheias proposto nesta pesquisa, incluiu investigações sobre as variáveis químicas e físicas de amostras das águas, obtidas mensalmente em 7 pontos de coleta, localizados a montante e a jusante dos pontos de instalação dos emissários, ao longo dos córregos. As amostras de água foram posteriormente analisadas para fossem obtidas informações sobre a eficácia da instalação dos interceptores com relação ao processo de recuperação da saúde dos corpos aquáticos em questão. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, de um modo geral, as águas de todos os sistemas estudados ainda sofrem impactos, até porque ainda há aquelas que recebem o esgoto descartado “in natura”. No entanto, como ja era esperado, nos pontos de coleta localizados em segmentos dos córregos nos quais os emissários já foram instalados, o impacto ambiental é menor. Mediante a comparação dos resultados obtidos das análises das características físicas e químicas das águas dos sistemas estudados realizadas durante esta investigação com aqueles obtidos nos mesmos corpos de água, em 2007, pudemos observar melhorias da água em alguns dos pontos de coleta


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In a globalized world, organizations face an increasingly dynamic, innovative and competitive environment, so that this condition requires continuous adaptation to market developments. Intense competition requires organizations to further improve their performance, making productive efficiency a key factor for survival. A methodology that has added value to the product through a reconfiguration of the production method is the implementation of a management philosophy called Lean Six Sigma. The main objective of this work is, in the light of the Lean Six Sigma philosophy, intervene in a critical-collaborative way to develop procedures for analyzing the profitability of products in a company specializing in steel processing. To achieve this goal, were applied the method of action-research to intervene in a group of professionals for the study of the profitability of products in a auto parts industry. The interaction of practical and theoretical knowledge provided by the action-research allowed the business program was enhanced. The procedures proposed in this study were able to identify the current profitability of the product, the main causes of inefficiency and productive for solutions to reduce production inefficiencies, when the productive systems planned and actual production system were compared. The results indicate that current profitability of -3%, while the parameter provided during budget was 10%. Thus, it is concluded that the low profitability of the products may compromise the company's financial results and affect their competitiveness in the market. To address this problem, the Lean Six Sigma presents itself as a versatile and high applicability philosophy, providing relevant results for characterization and troubleshooting. It was also observed that the evidence presented in this paper can be adapted to other companies in the metal auto parts segment to identify and recover the profitability of products


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In a supplier of building products were identified difficulties in communication between the Product Development area and other areas of the company that could spoil projects and processes. The process of product development is important in placing the company in the market, and through research and planning, design new products and seek to comply with the costumer in relation to deadlines, quality and cost-effective. The development of a product involves many areas in the company and communication is essential in this process. The goal of this study was to identify possible communication problems permeated by organizational culture and structure of project management working in the company. A survey was applied using a Likert scale in three different areas of the company, with questions including the topics: communication, culture and organizational structure of project management and subsequently conducted the median test and the Spearman test to analysis of responses. With the understanding and analysis of the survey it was confirmed the difficulties of communication between people and the areas of the company, besides there is an influence of the type of culture acting in the company and the current management structure of the project in a good performance of internal communication


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Brazil is one of the largest producers of animal protein. In 2010, the production of meat (beef, pork and poultry) was estimated at 24.5 million tons and 75% was consumed in the country. The meat is a primary source of water and fat and contains between 20% and 35% protein, providing all essential amino acids and several micronutrients and vitamins. Due to the large consumption of this food, its quality is extremely important and the research of some indicators microorganism become essential in order to ensure the hygienic and sanitary quality, indicating contamination of fecal origin, with the possible presence of pathogens or to identify food spoilage. Thus, the aim of study was to determine the microbiological quality of 90 samples handled meat products and pre- prepared marketed in Botucatu city, according to the parameters required by ANVISA (RDC  12, 2001). Among the samples analyzed, all of them were negative for Staphylococcus coagulase positive and were within the limit allowed by ANVISA for the Clostridium sulfite reducer (up to 3 x 103 CFU/ g). The presence of Salmonella was confirmed in only one sample (1.1%), against to the legal parameters. About thermotolerant coliforms, 54.4% of the samples were outside the acceptable limit by law (up to 5 x 103 MPN/g). Therefore, the presence of these microorganisms indicates inadequate hygiene conditions of foodhandlers and equipment used in the, which are considered inadequate for consumption


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The market has forced companies to maintain high levels of control over their processes , ensuring a product or service quality to its customers . This study comes in the issuance and registration carried out in a company of e-commerce , which is showing problems with the values of weights and dimensions used in the cases cited . The need to eliminate wasteful spending freight caused by shipment of products weighing more than the reality, and to increase the reliability of the information used in the management of processes led to the planning of this project . This work focuses on the development of a PDCA cycle to work in the identification and correction of the causes of the problem , in order to neutralize the current complications and ensure that the problem does not appear again. To aid the mapping of the processes involved , identifying the causes of the problem and implementation of the proposed improvements were used quality tools such as flowcharts , Ishikawa diagrams , Pareto diagrams , and applied statistics


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The consumption of fat related to the incidence of diseases has motivated the development of food with less or even no fat. However, fat is important for the full functioning of the human body and sensory characteristics of food. Therefore, making food with little or no fat and at the same time maintaining the desired quality is a challenge for the industry. Fat substitutes were created to achieve this objective. Fat substitutes can be more effective in their applications when mixtures of different types of them are used. The number and variety of these ingredients are still growing, expanding options of choice when a fat substitute is required in a certain type of food. Considering the importance of fat substitutes nowadays, this paper presents an overview of functions and implications of fats in the human body and food, the terminology used to refer to fat substitutes, the categories of different types of fat substitutes available in the market and their applications in dairy products.


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Frying is a widely used method of preparing food, because it is a very fast and convenient process, and because it provides specific characteristics of color, flavor, odor, and texture, besides having great consumer acceptance. Therefore, the interest in the physiological effects that oils heated at high temperatures can cause to the human body arises. The aim of this work was to analyze the levels of frying used oil alteration in different kinds of foods served at the university restaurant at “Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas” (IBILCE), in São José do Rio Preto-SP. In addition, it aims to make the restaurant aware of the good ways to fry and the commitment of providing good quality food to students and professionals of the Institute. With this purpose, determination of total polar compounds, conjugated dienoic acids, peroxide value, and fatty acid profile were analyzed. Two rapid tests were also used: 3M Fat Monitor and Oil Test kit. The results were compared with limits recommended for the disposal of oils and fats used in frying by the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), by other countries, and by other researches. Thus, it was concluded that the university restaurant provides the consumers with fried food of good quality, since none of the analyses showed results above recommended, although there is a need of improvement in the quality control of the oil used, in order to avoid unnecessary costs to the university restaurant.


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The deficiency in the product inventory management is common in small businesses, affecting several areas, especially the purchasing department that has difficulty in performing their tasks, acquiring the supplier's products at the time and in the most appropriate amount. Especially in the retail sector, the loss of quality of services is visible, because the availability of the product when there is demand is essential for the occurrence of sales and customer satisfaction. In this study, looking to improve inventory management in a retail company of cleaning products and personal hygiene, apply the classification method ABC (or Pareto Rule) to segment the available products. Thus are adopted buying criteria of new products based on the concepts of economic order quantity, safety stock and resupply point. The results show the feasibility of this procedure adopted because it was possible to propose an improved inventory management in a simple and effective way, contributing to company's competitive advantage